Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 389 The best of times, the worst of times

Chapter 389 The best of times, the worst of times
"Mom, I'm really fine." Luo Quan emphasized again on the phone, with a helpless expression on his face.

"It's okay!" Luo Ni sounded a little angry: "If it weren't for your dad and I seeing the news on Twitter, we wouldn't know that such a big thing happened, and we didn't tell you. Mom and Dad said!"

Luo Quan explained weakly: "This trouble has already been resolved."

Luo Ni refused to let go: "You can't hide it from us!
Also, I have already discussed with your father, we will arrange two bodyguards for you..."

"No!" Luo Quan refused immediately before his mother finished speaking, "Let's not talk about whether I need a bodyguard or not, even if you arrange it, I live in the school dormitory, where will the bodyguard live?"

Luo Ni persuaded: "We are thinking of your safety."

"It's really not necessary. Since you and Dad have watched the news, you should know how capable your daughter is. You arrange bodyguards to come over. If something happens, you may not know who will protect whom."

Luo Quan's words made the other end of the phone fall into silence, and then there was a conversation between Luo Ni and Eric, but maybe because they were far away, Luo Quan didn't hear clearly.

Half a minute later, Luo Ni continued: "Since you don't want a bodyguard, then don't, but you still have to pay attention to safety when you encounter something, don't just push yourself up foolishly, girls are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they won't be caught by others." joke."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "Got it, Mom, your daughter is not a fool."

"Well, in short, you should pay more attention to yourself. The phone number between me and your dad is always on. Next time you encounter any trouble, you must contact us."

After speaking, Luo Ni hung up the phone.

"It can be regarded as having dealt with this level." Luo Quan finally let out a long breath.

As soon as the attack was exposed at night, she knew that sooner or later there would be trouble.

Sure enough, after finishing the transcript at the police station, there were already overwhelming discussions on Weibo, and the next day it was listed on foreign Twitter hot searches.

Now the whole world knows the glorious deed of "international superstar" Luo Quan who was attacked by a dozen wanted criminals armed with murder weapons while shopping, and then calmly fought back.

Although the final result was good, it was only based on Luo Quan's own extraordinary skills. If it were any other actress, it would be more or less ominous in such a situation.

So while foreign fans were amazed by Luo Quan's combat effectiveness, they also raised some doubts about China's security.

Then I didn't know what was going on, and in the end, the British embassy in China asked the Chinese officials what they thought of this matter and how to deal with it in the future.

How else to look at it, we can only strengthen public security management to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The main reason this time was that there were some flaws in Luoquan's protection measures, but who would have thought that Huang Songtao would leave for Shanghai immediately after Luoquan took the jade seal, with so many thugs by his side.

Fortunately, after this time, in the environment where guns are completely banned in China, it is estimated that no one will trouble Luo Quan again.

But after all, it caused a bad influence, and because Luoquan is so famous, there are many doubts at home and abroad.

Originally, Huaxia's reputation in the West was not very good, but this time, some people found a reason to attack, and started a big black and special black.

But Luo Quan reacted very quickly, and immediately sent a tweet after seeing the relevant news:
"This attack has nothing to do with law and order. It was a deliberate revenge by a group of H forces. The Huaxia police responded immediately, and the support came very timely.

Here I also appeal to my fans to remain calm, I am fine now, that gang has been wiped out now, and similar things should not happen in the future.

In addition, the law and order in China is really good. Here, you can even go to the street to eat supper in the middle of the night. "

A tweet came out, at least to appease the fans who were more emotional.

After dealing with the parents, this matter is completely over.

When taking notes at the police station, Luo Quan found out that the police in Beijing had arrested all the people involved in the Huang family at the same time.

Although many people are ready to run away, and some have even left their residences, under the tracking of Huaxia's ubiquitous Sky Eye, no one can escape the sanction of the law.

A once-prominent big family was completely destroyed in this way. At the same time, many tigers and flies were dealt with. The entertainment industry was also washed from the inside out. Many big stars were imprisoned, and even those who were forced to retire It is countless.

Miraculously, after a large number of celebrities quit the Internet, the environment on the Internet turned out to be much better.

In the past, when celebrities and fans were tearing each other apart, the language they used could be described as extremely vicious, and they wished they could cool off the boss of the family immediately, so as to give their idols a chance to rise to the top.

But when all this really happened, these fans didn't feel the pleasure of fulfilling their wish at all, instead they felt a bit sad.

When all the darkness was buried deep, no one would have thought that the glamorous entertainment circle would be so filthy. How many pious gentlemen, how many pure and innocent girls, the black material that finally came out was more and more unsightly.

Just one thing to mention, that is the "Tianhai Banquet" hosted by the Huang family on the island a few years ago. On the surface, it was a social elite social event, but after these celebrities explained it, they realized that it was a large-scale chaotic party.

Among them, there are as many as [-] peripheral models, first-, second- and third-tier stars, and business elites participating in the meeting!
It’s hard to imagine what the scene of the party was like at that time. It is said that it is just the testimonies given by those who witnessed it after being interrogated, and the content is as exciting as the H novel.

This is just one more thing, the police didn't disclose it at all.

But just this revelation is enough to cause an unprecedented earthquake in the entire entertainment circle.

Stars who have been confirmed to have participated in the party, no matter men, women, young or old, big or small, have basically announced the end of their careers, and may even face jail time.

It was not confirmed, but celebrities who had been to this "Tianhai Banquet" at the beginning, or whose whereabouts were unknown during that time, rushed to post Weibo to clarify.

Obviously it happened a few years ago, but these celebrities can still clearly show their own itinerary records at that time as an alibi, which seems to be well-founded and convincing.

But whether it is true or not, and how many people believe it is unknown.

For Huaxia, the destruction of the Huang family just removed a pustule that should have been squeezed out a long time ago. It didn't hurt much, but it was a good thing after all.

But for the Huaxia entertainment circle, this is an out-and-out catastrophe.

In this catastrophe, [-]% of the stars have been unable to continue to engage in the entertainment industry, and they are close to social death.

And regardless of status, no matter whether it is a popular star or a small and transparent [-]th line, as long as there is a stain, none of them escaped this time.

At present, [-]% of the stars in China's entertainment industry have evaporated, but this does not mean that there are only [-]% of the stars with problems. Before the truth is found out, no one knows who the next star will be to retire.

However, although the Chinese entertainment industry has encountered a large-scale celebrity retirement, the losses caused are immeasurable, and countless movies and TV series have been forced to stop shooting.

However, for young people, it is a huge opportunity.

This means that a new era of Chinese-language entertainment has arrived. The big stars who dominate the top traffic resources have suffered heavy losses this time. The market cake that was originally divided is almost back to its original point.

A large number of vacancies are waiting for newcomers to occupy and fill them. Fans who have been injured and lose their fans also need new idols to heal at this time. All the patterns are facing overturning and starting over.

There is an ancient poem: Thousands of sails pass by the side of a sinking boat, and ten thousand trees spring in front of a sick tree.

The old class was overthrown, and a new era came suddenly in a way that no one expected.

The same voice appeared on different platforms of Weibo, Zhihu, and Station B, that is, the big reshuffle of the entertainment industry has begun, and countless opportunities are waiting for those who are destined!
The most obvious reaction is that the number of applicants for the college entrance examination art class has increased several times.

In the past, if a newcomer wanted to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry, it was harder than reaching the sky. Every year, only a few could make it big.

But this time, with so many positions vacated, the difficulty is much lower than before. If you are lucky, you may be able to succeed.

Even if it's just a third-tier star, the money earned is enough for a family to live comfortably.

If it was in the early part of the century, when social concepts were not as enlightened as they are now, it is estimated that most parents would not agree that their children should be some kind of star.

But now, after experiencing the information explosion and unlimited access to the Internet, parents' ideas have already changed.

Reading is not the only way out.

Don't you see, those Internet celebrities and anchors can earn a lot of money just by relying on hundreds of thousands of real fans and enjoying the dividends of the new media era.

What's more, now that there are so many vacancies?
Because the market is so good that many parents have their own star dreams.

It is hard to find tickets for flights and trains to Jiangnan during this period, and the number of people applying for actor certificates in Hengdian has more than ten times that of the past!
Weibo, which had been silent for many days, finally began to recover at this time, and the celebrities who were not affected increased their marketing efforts and began to attack the city in the traffic market.

Having lost a large number of capital brands endorsed by top celebrities, they have also begun to look for new candidates at this time. Films and TV series that have been forced to stop filming will also be recast on the agenda.

In this era, capital never sleeps and entertains until death.

No one is indispensable, and no pattern is eternal. When one group of people leave, another group of people will soon take their place.

The current state of the entertainment industry is a good thing for most people.

The newcomer got the chance to be in the top position, and would not be dismissed lightly just because he offended someone.

The audience can also relieve visual fatigue by changing a batch of stars.

In order to be able to become the giant ship leading the times in this tide, many economic companies have begun to recruit troops, inviting handsome men and women with dreams of becoming stars.

On the bustling streets, scouts also stared wide-eyed, discovering those buried potential stars.

And when everyone was trying to climb up, Luo Quan was broadcasting live at home.

After the attack, the school gave her a week off to calm down.

Although she didn't get any fright this time, since the school gave her a vacation, it's useless not to play.

The change in the structure of the entertainment industry has caused quite a stir these days, but she didn't care too much about it, but got angry about another matter.

On the pedestrian street that day, she was touched by an old woman, but she had no choice but to let her take away her shoes to get away.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, this pair of shoes actually appeared in the online auction of the "Xiancai" APP, and noted:

"The shoes worn by Luo Quan were vacuum-sealed less than half an hour after they were taken off, the original taste!"

When Luo Quan saw the news, the auction had long since ended, and the shoes had already been sent out, and they couldn't even be tracked back.

She had heard before that on pickles, many people would sell so-called girls' dicks, shoes and other things, and they often sold them at high prices.

Originally, she thought that these perverts were only a few after all, but she did not expect that as many as a thousand people participated in the bidding in this auction.

If the starting price hadn't been set at [-], which was too high, otherwise there would probably be more people participating in the bidding.

In the end, the shoes were bought by an anonymous user at a price of 320 million. Luo Quan didn't know what he would do with this thing, but it would definitely not be a good thing.

This matter was later on the hot search on station B. The old gentlemen here always have a special enthusiasm for communicating about similar matters.

There are even a lot of people shouting in the comment area, asking if there are any shoes, socks, etc. that have not been worn, and if they are sealed, he will ask for them all, no matter how high the price is.

Seeing these comments, Luo Quan was speechless.

But I can't blame these people, the cause of the incident is still because of the old woman who touches porcelain.

When she took away her shoes, there were probably people around who recognized her. The old woman bought the shoes not long after she got them, and then sold them again......

Luo Quan didn't have a good way to get angry.

LSP is the first productive force. On the bright side, the value she can create is quite high. After all, a pair of worn shoes can sell for more than 300 million.

Of course, she herself certainly would not need to use this method to create so-called value.

The entertainment industry is now waiting for people to reap the wealth, and she is too lazy to reap it because of laziness.

After the holiday, Luo Quan broadcasted live broadcasts to fans at home every day, as compensation for the neglect during this period of time.

Today's live broadcast is the long-suspended dinner series. Luo Quan is wearing an apron and cooking lunch in the kitchen.

The camera was facing her side face, and the gifts in the live broadcast room were constantly being swiped.

ps. Thank you for the book coins that book friends elegant and evil rewarded, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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