Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 390 "Let the Bullets Fly"

Chapter 390 "Let the Bullets Fly"

Luo Quan, who is serious about things, generally doesn't like to talk, but it's definitely not okay to keep silent during the live broadcast, so Luo Quan will look at the barrage every once in a while and answer a few questions.

When the live broadcast first started, everyone was talking about the hot spots of the past few days, mainly for Luo Quan to talk about his views on the Tianhai Banquet.

This incident is really like a depth bomb in China. After the real hammer was exposed, I don’t know how many people’s three views were shocked. At the same time, the glamorous mask of the entertainment industry was completely torn off.

But at the same time, the people who eat melons are extremely curious about the situation of this banquet. The most intuitive manifestation is that "Tianhai Banquet" appeared on the hot search entries on station P.

It's a pity that no one took pictures of the scene at that time and uploaded it to the P station. It seems that the confidentiality work was done very well.

As for Luo Quan, she has nothing to say, after all, she has never participated in it.

"Actually, this kind of thing happens both at home and abroad, and it's even more wild in foreign countries, but because of the existence of the wall, we know less about it.

It is also a good thing that this kind of thing broke out, just to clean up the entertainment industry. "Luo Quan said while cutting the meat.

What she said, in fact, the G Electricity Bureau is also doing it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the high-level executives also started to rectify the atmosphere in the entertainment industry.

Although it has caused considerable economic losses, it is foreseeable that the entertainment industry environment will improve in the next few years.

"Is now a good opportunity to enter the entertainment industry?"

"I want to be a star, and my family doesn't seem to be particularly opposed to it, but I don't know what to do."

"As a senior, what experience can Luo Quan share?"

Luo Quan looked down at the barrage and saw these more interesting questions.

"Many fans have asked this question before, but I haven't had time to answer it, so I'll share it with everyone here.

First of all, if you want to be a star, you have to be outstanding, the simplest thing is to have a good face.

There is no meaning of looking down on the public's face here, but this is indeed the case.

In addition, even if the image is not so outstanding, you can also enter the entertainment industry by learning related skills, such as singing, acting or directly being a director. Of course, it is even better if you have creative talent.

However, the premise of all this is that you have a certain knowledge reserve.

After all, self-taught talents are still a minority. Most of the knowledge comes from art colleges and universities.

Of course, if you have a face that is so beautiful that it is unbelievably beautiful, the above is all nonsense. If any economic company on the Internet directly sends a photo, there are absolutely countless people who want to sign you. "


"After all, you still have to look good. Sure enough, only ugly ghosts were born with injuries."

"Then I'm amazing, I'm ugly and poor."

"What if I'm ugly as hell?"

"Then your name will be honored to be the antonym of Luoquan. (狗头)"

Luo Quan laughed directly when he saw this barrage: "If you are really ugly and become my antonym, maybe you will be really popular.

After all, in addition to aesthetics, the public also has a novelty-seeking psychology of judging ugliness. If you start a live broadcast, it is estimated that many people will come to support or even give a reward.

However, I personally do not agree with such an approach, because it is exchanging dignity for money, and people cannot at least not give up the bottom line for money.

Of course, if you are really short of money, it doesn't matter.

I'm almost starving to death, I don't care about dignity, as long as I don't break the law, let alone sell ugly online, I can eat whatever I want. "

The barrage is quite supportive of Luo Quan's views:

"Three views are very positive, it's hard not to support it."

"One thing to say, indeed."

"So now there are so many weirdos on the short video and live broadcast platforms. They use sensationalism as a selling point, and passers-by make complaints about it and think you are fake and noble."

"Then what does Luo Quan think of these strange things?"

"It feels like this is digging a hole for Luo Quan."

"Don't answer this one."


Luo Quan laughed: "How do you see it? Of course I watched it while lying on the bed laughing.

Now that people are under so much pressure, there must be some groups to add some colorful colors to everyone's depressed life. heart?
To put it bluntly, we are all the protagonists in our own world, but at the same time we are also passers-by in the eyes of others, just take care of ourselves.

Speaking of the protagonist, in the second half of this year, the fantasy epic drama "The Lord of the Rings" starring me will be released. Now the movie tickets are on hot pre-sale. Interested fans can go to book one. You can't buy it for 75 yuan. Can't be fooled. "

The bullet screens are brushed up one after another:

"The ad caught me off guard."

"Do you have a kissing scene in the movie? I'll go and watch it if there is a kissing scene, and I'll swipe it three times!"

"Did you come from the palace?"

"Hey guy, there are tauren here too? Call Theseus!"

"The tauren is dead!"


There was a gag in the bullet screen, and the theme was quickly deviated. I don't know if this wave of advertisements has been published.

However, there are no blockbuster movies in Huaxia's New Year's Day schedule this time, and there will be no rivals after "Lord of the Rings" is released, so the results will definitely not be too bad.

I chatted with fans casually, and lunch was ready.

The live broadcast was temporarily interrupted for a while, followed by the private space of Luo Quan and the company's employees.

There are so many opportunities in the entertainment industry, as the boss, she must first make a plan for the future and stabilize the morale of the army.

Preparations for Ivy's album have already begun, and it won't be long before the official release.

As for Su Yu, Luo Quan originally planned to ask her to act as the third female number four in Penguin's online drama, so that she can show her face without worrying about being targeted by Hua Yi.

It's all right now, Hua Yi is finished, and the backer behind him has completely collapsed. All Luo Quan's worries have now been eliminated, and it's not impossible to start a new one!

"Let's take a look at this." Luo Quan put a thick script in front of Su Yu.

"What is this?" Su Yu was eating Luoquan's delicious fried pork, but his eyes were attracted by the big words on the script:
"The Queen Wearing Chanel"

"Is this a script!" Lan Xuan became excited first. After waiting for so long, Su Yu's job finally came!

Luo Quan nodded: "This is a script I wrote myself, and I plan to shoot it myself."

"Boss, can you still write scripts?" Su Yu looked at Luo Quan in surprise, "She knows too much now, she can punch and cook, what else can you not know?"

"That's really hard to say, after all, I learn everything very quickly." Luo Quan felt a little proud.

I previously promoted Ivy on Twitter, which gained her considerable attention. After Ivy gained popularity, the scripts in the mall also started to exchange licenses.

However, at present, only the script can be exchanged. If a movie wants to be fully presented to the audience, many, many steps are needed, and the script is only the first step.

However, with the release of Ivy's album, the popularity is getting higher and higher, and the follow-up steps will start to be exchanged one after another, so there is no rush for this moment.

The original name of the script that Luo Quan exchanged this time was "The Devil Wears Prada" or "The Devil Wears Prada", but in order to fit the actual situation, she changed it to "The Queen Wears Chanel".

At the same time, the background of the story was also moved to Huaxia Shanghai. In terms of the background of the characters, except for Miranda, all the others were replaced by Chinese people.

Su Yu played the heroine Andy, now renamed Annie.

The female supporting role is played by Luo Quan, still called Miranda.

Although it is said to be a female supporting role, but because the female supporting role in the original work is so good, it is not an exaggeration to say that this movie has two female protagonists.

However, due to age reasons, Luo Quan made some changes to Miranda's background age, from 60 to 25 years old, and the rest remained unchanged. Miranda is still the editor-in-chief of a top magazine and an internationally renowned fashion queen. .

As for why the name of the movie was changed to "Wearing Chanel", it is naturally because she is the only global full-line brand spokesperson of Chanel.

After the film was first released, it brought huge advertising commercial benefits to Prada, a luxury brand. This time the leader was replaced by her, so it is impossible for the fat water to flow to outsiders' fields.

On the other hand, this movie will use a lot of brand-name clothing, and high-end dresses are also essential, otherwise it would be impossible to create that fashionable and luxurious atmosphere.

It is natural for Chanel to bear all these expenses, after all, this is now a serious leader in the fashion industry.

However, Luo Quan has not discussed the cooperation with Chanel's top management yet, but she can also be said to be the jewel in the palm of the leader. If it is about cooperation, there is almost no possibility of Chanel's rejection.

In 06, this movie from the previous life took in a box office of 3500 million US dollars at a cost of 3.3 million US dollars, which can be called a tenfold rebate.

At the same time, it was also nominated for the Academy Awards the following year, which can be described as a double gain of fame and fortune.

Although the background and actors have changed now, Luo Quan is confident that this movie will be able to achieve good and popular results again.

But the current problem is that although the script is available, the filming funds and actors are still a bit short.

Now the actors only have two heroines, herself and Su Yu, and there are no other supporting roles at all, and they need to be found slowly.

Another big problem is shooting funding.

Luo Quan never thought that one day he would be troubled by money.

The main reason is that it cost [-] million U.S. dollars to buy Chuan Guo Yuxi, and almost all of the record revenue for this year was used.

If she really paid for it, it wouldn't be impossible to get it out. She still has a lot of shares in Tesla, and if she reduces her holdings and cashes out, she can get [-] million.

However, Tesla's current growth rate is stable, and Luo Quan is really reluctant to use it to cash out.

Asking his father for money is a feasible way, but asking for [-] million U.S. dollars per mouth seems like a prodigal son, and Luo Quan will not ask his father for it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Therefore, in the case of insufficient money and no actors for the time being, Luo Quan can only plan slowly. Anyway, let's draw a big cake for Su Yu first.

On the other hand, I still have to take on a few plays for Su Yu. Now many production crews in Hengdian are short of lead and female supporting roles. With Su Yu's image, I don't have to worry about not having a big production crew to want her.

In short, this is the future plan of the two artists of the company.

As for herself, she doesn't have any plans. It's nothing more than three albums in Chinese, Japanese and English. Her main business is still a singer, and the bulk of her income comes from record sales and song copyright fees.

After planning, the company's first team building was also organized by the boss Luo Quan.

But instead of going directly to the Maldives for vacation like Girls’ Generation, it’s just an ordinary movie.

In the early hours of the morning, director Jiang Wen's masterpiece "Let the Bullets Fly" will premiere in theaters across the country.

Even he himself didn't know what kind of classic this movie would become.

But Luo Quan knows very well that this is a milestone work and one of the best Chinese-language films after 10 years.

Moreover, there has never been a work in the history of Chinese film that has been mentioned by the public over and over again like "Let the Bullets Fly".

In Luo Quan's mind, it is a great work, which contains real dragon-slaying skills, which is worth savoring repeatedly and has great reference significance.

Therefore, Luo Quan wants to take his employees to the theater to enjoy this masterpiece this time.

Of course, she didn't want her employees to learn dragon slaying skills to deal with her boss, but she simply didn't want them to miss the premiere of the movie.

Lin Yizhu and the others were also called together. Although it was not the weekend, college students came out after taking a leave of absence. Close one eye.

So a group of people went to the Japanese grocery store to have a meal together in the evening, enjoyed a delicious sashimi dish, and then went shopping until the early morning, and went to the cinema to queue up to buy movie tickets.

The publicity of "Let the Bullets Fly" was done very well, although GQT did not go off the stage in person like "Wolf Warrior 2", and the country named it for praise.

However, due to sufficient funds and the gimmick of Luo Quan's composition, it still has a very high popularity.

There are quite a lot of audiences watching the premiere of the film tonight. Fortunately, Luo Quan and the others came earlier, otherwise they would have to wait in line until one or two o'clock in the morning!

A group of seven people bought tickets together. Luo Quan was alone wearing a scarf, sunglasses and a mask, with his blond hair trapped in the hood of his clothes. Those who came to watch the movie seemed to come to rob.

But there is no way, when "Wolf Warrior 2" was released, she could enter the cinema with only a pair of sunglasses.

Now that she is more popular and more people know her, if you don't wrap yourself up, there will be more people watching her than watching movies later!
If you just go to the street, you don't have to wear so much.

The main reason is that there are many young people in the movie theater, especially young boys, and it is very easy to meet her fans, so Luo Quan just took precautions in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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