Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 391 Genre Movies That Never Appeared

Chapter 391 Genre Movies That Never Appeared
"It's a good movie, it's well done."

"It feels like the best movie in recent years!"

"Director Jiang's director skills and acting skills go hand in hand. It's so enjoyable for three film stars to share the same stage!"


After the premiere, the audience who watched the movie came out one after another, and almost everyone was full of praise for "Let the Bullets Fly".

Outside the cinema, a large group of reporters also waited for a long time, wanting to interview the audience about their impressions of "Let the Bullets Fly" as soon as possible.

The evaluations received are basically positive. There is nothing to criticize in the plot, acting skills, music, and pictures. It is an excellent movie that can make people feel addicted after watching it!
In less than four hours, there was also a heated discussion about it on Zhihu. After watching the movie, many masters directly swiped some details of the movie and analyzed it.

As a result, this is not an ordinary Republic of China drama, and there are quite a lot of metaphors hidden behind it.

Without the analysis by these masters, many audiences would not even be able to understand what director Jiang Wen really wanted to tell in the movie.

And the next morning, with GQT's name-calling and praise, "Let the Bullets Fly" completely started its hurricane road in theaters across the country.

It is foreseeable that such a well-received and connotative film will inevitably leave its indelible mark in the history of Chinese film.

However, it is estimated that it will be more difficult to break the 2 billion box office record of "Wolf Warrior [-]".

And just as "Let the Bullets Fly" became famous, Luo Quan also got good news here.

After returning from the theater, a prompt appeared in the system early the next morning:

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the hidden achievement, participating in two classic movies and impressing the audience.

Achievement reward: an unopened time-limited mission.

Task reward: a mysterious gift package, which contains at least three advanced draw cards. "

It is the nesting doll style that the system is used to.

When he first saw the conditions for achieving the achievement, Luo Quan thought that the task he took last year had already been completed, but after a closer look, he realized that it was not. If he wanted to complete it, he had to obediently wait for "Lord of the Rings" to be released.

But completing a hidden achievement is always a good thing, and you can take on a mission, and the rewards for completing the mission are quite generous...

"Show mission requirements." But Luo Quan didn't relax at all, she knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch, and the missions assigned by the system were usually very difficult for her...

"Task Requirements:
It takes no more than three months to shoot a movie starring yourself and earn more than one billion yuan at the box office. You have one week to consider whether to accept the task. After one week, any unaccepted tasks will automatically disappear, and the task will be ignored if the task fails. punish.

Note: This task is a rare serial task. If it is successfully completed, the next task will be opened, and the rewards will be even richer! "

After reading the description, Luo Quan just wanted to say that it was indeed a reward for the task. It was indeed very rich, but at the same time it was also very difficult. After three months of self-writing, directing and acting, the box office would exceed one billion yuan.

Time is really a little too tight.

Although there are many scripts in the mall that can be exchanged for small costs and high returns, Ivy has not yet caught fire, and she cannot get many shooting details.

So there is no script, and she can't make it by herself.

The director's skills can be exchanged, but a good movie must also include the director's thoughts and lens art, which cannot be done quickly.

However, not all movies need ideas or artistic sense.

Popcorn flicks like most B-movies don't need so much content, just enough to keep the audience entertained.

The movie that Luo Quan has watched the most is the popcorn movie. The plot is simple, and the explosive and refreshing points are also very easy to remember.

Even if she didn't exchange scripts in the mall, she was still [-]% to [-]% sure to reproduce them.

And the most important thing is that B-level films are low-cost, fast-produced, and high-return. As a commercial film, there is almost no difference except that it has no connotation.

But then again, what connotation do commercial films need?It's okay to be brainless!

However, considering that this is a serial mission, the best B-grade movie to choose is the kind that can be made into a sequel.

The name of a movie quickly appeared in Luo Quan's mind, and it basically met all his requirements:
The leading heroine, cool, can make money, has a sequel, and the cost is not particularly high!
By the way, has this type of movie ever appeared in this world?Luo Quan suddenly had a question in his mind.

Quickly searched on the phone, it seems that there is really nothing!

Luo Quan smiled, this is God helping her.

If there is no such type of movie in this world, it is hard to imagine what kind of shock or horror it will bring to the audience after it appears on the big screen.

And with the continuous opening of the brain hole, a bigger plan slowly rose in Luo Quan's heart...

In Principal Shangyi's office, Principal Li was surprised after hearing what Luo Quan said: "You want to suspend school?!"

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded, "Suddenly I want to go out for a walk, looking for creative inspiration."

Principal Li fell into a deep thought.

He knows very well how important inspiration is to a creator.

This is a gift from the God of Art to all creators and is the key to their success.

And for a genius like Luo Quan, inspiration is more important than anything else. When she said she wanted to find inspiration, it must be that the current environment has prevented her from writing new works.

If he forces him to stay in Luoquan to finish his studies, who knows what earth-shattering music will be missed by the world.

He cannot afford this responsibility.

"You can leave school at any time to find inspiration, but there is no need to suspend school, just let it go with time, and you don't have to worry about the final exam, I will greet your subject teacher."

Luo Quan nodded: "Then thank you principal."

Principal Li smiled: "The school can't help you much, and you can only rely on yourself to create.

Looking forward to the near future, you can come up with good works that make the world look up! "

"Definitely!" Luo Quan replied without hesitation.

"Are you leaving?" In the dormitory, when the girls saw Luo Quan packing his luggage, their eyes were first surprised, then filled with reluctance.

"Why so suddenly?" Lu Yao has always been emotional, and her eyes turned red as she spoke.

She had dinner and watched a movie together yesterday, but she left suddenly today, which was really unexpected for her.

Luo Quan's reaction to Lu Yao was both helpless and moved: "Oh, it's not like I'm not coming back, I just went to the United States for three months, and I'm going to come back after school starts next year, so I'll just take a few changes of clothes and leave. "

"It's equivalent to having the winter vacation in advance." Lin Yizhu comforted Lu Yao, "Our school has always dismissed early, and in previous years it was around NO.20 in December."

"Play for one more month, I'm sore." Zhang Yun's words made the big guy laugh.

After the luggage was packed, Luo Quan hugged and bid farewell to his roommates one by one, and wiped away Lu Yao's tears by the way.

During the few days at home waiting for the visa, Luo Quan was very busy.

While helping Ai Wei to produce an album, he was also looking for a high-quality crew for Su Yu.

In short, before going abroad, make proper arrangements for the careers of your own artists.

Speaking of which, fortunately, the talent in the entertainment industry is dying now.

Ever since the release of the Banquet of the Sky Sea, untainted beauties have directly become a scarce resource.

When Luo Quan took Su Yu's photo to apply for the female lead, he hardly encountered any resistance and passed it very smoothly.

It turned out that the artist's boss was more beautiful when the contract was signed.

After everything was arranged, Luo Quan also got on the plane to New York.

Of course, the first choice for filming is Universal Studios Hollywood, which controls the production and production of more than half of the world's film and television content.

But right now she is empty-handed, without any preparations, and it's not the time to start filming right away.

It is said that if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. She still needs to prepare a lot.

The first is funds. After arriving in the United States, she checked the balance of her bank card and found that she had less than 600 million US dollars in deposits, which was really pitiful.

Fortunately, the white wolf with empty gloves is her forte. The United States lacks everything, except money!
"Borrow money?" Leon gnawed on the chicken leg on the sofa, not caring about the daily calorie intake that Seifert set for him.

Luo Quan said helplessly: "Yes, I have run out of money recently, so I can only borrow it from you."

Leon seemed to have heard a joke: "Are you kidding me? Your album has sold tens of millions of copies, will you be short of money?"

Luo Quan explained: "Isn't this a jade seal that I bought at an auction a while ago? I spent [-] million in one go, and then I ran out of money."

"Is that the Jade Seal of the Kingdom?" Leon put down the chicken leg and wiped his mouth with a paper towel: "But this should be your property after the auction, even if you can't own it, you can get an equivalent compensation. .”

Luo Quan blushed: "Because I donated it for free."

Leon was speechless for a moment: "The cost of your patriotism is really high..."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, whether to borrow or not." Luo Quan was anxious, "Don't blame me for not telling you, I borrowed this money not to waste it, but to make a movie!"

"Make a movie?" Leon was stunned, "Then you might as well spend the money recklessly, whether it's buying a car, a house or luxury goods, even if you throw it into the water, it will make a sound.

Making a movie, IMHO, has a high probability of losing everything. "

"You look down on me so much?" Luo Quan was a little unconvinced, "With my intelligence, is there anything in this world that I can't do?"

"Pay your own money to make a movie." Leon said faintly.


At this moment, Luo Quan really wanted to give this glib guy a punch, to let him understand what the majesty of a sister is.

At this time, Seifert also came.

Before he could open his mouth to praise Luoquan, Leon waved and shouted: "Hey, you came just in time, come and analyze it for her."

"Analyze what?" Seifert sat down on the sofa and asked.

Leon smiled and said: "My sister is going to make a movie, and she is short of start-up funds. You know a little bit about this, so give her a risk assessment."

"What does it mean to understand more?" Seifert expressed great dissatisfaction with being questioned about his professional level, "I'm just in this line of work, an expert, you know!"

He said and looked at Luo Quan: "You said you want to make a movie, director, photography, script, what do you do all these?"

"I've taken the time to learn it." Luo Quan crossed his arms, the old god was there.

"Okay, I know you are a genius. These things will not trouble you." Seifert gave a thumbs up, and then continued: "Then tell me about the type of movie you want to make, the rating, and the general plot. I'll see if there are any Didn't mess around."

"It's a B-level thriller." Luo Quan took out a stack of scripts from his school bag, and there was a line of black English on the cover:

"Resident Evil" (Resident Evil)
Luo Quan saw Seifert flipping through the script, and explained: "This is a brand new monster image, I checked the information, and the only similar monsters are the living dead.

That is a corpse crawling out of a cemetery, which is not the same thing as mine, and it has not been on the big screen for decades, so the audience will not have aesthetic fatigue. "

"If you are bitten to death, you will become a zombie...It sounds quite novel." Seifert glanced at it briefly, and put down the script.

"How?" Luo Quan asked nervously, "Actually, I have set up a lot of foreshadowing in the script. In addition to movies, there are also related TV series shooting plans. What I want to create is a zombie universe!"

"It's a lot of thinking." Leon complained, picked up the script and started to read it.

"It's not that I didn't get my head around it." Seifert finished thinking and gave a reply:
"Thriller and horror movies generally fall into two categories.

One is to use plasma and residual limbs to create physical nausea and fear for the audience, and the other is to create psychological fear by heightening the tense atmosphere.

But no matter what genre it is, as long as it can scare the audience, it is a good horror movie.

This is very demanding for the director's skills. Are you really sure that you can make a scary movie? "

Luo Quan said confidently: "Of course I'm sure, I never make a decision that I'm not sure about."

In fact, the charm of Resident Evil is far more than scary. Fighting zombies is actually its real coolness.

But Seifert and Leon would definitely not be able to understand it now.

However, even if it is only about creating horror, Resident Evil has also contributed a lot of famous horror scenes in film and television, and it is definitely not difficult to scare the audience.

Seifert finally nodded in agreement: "There is nothing wrong with the creativity and direction of efforts. At present, this kind of thriller in the United States is still selling well. Everyone is under a lot of pressure and needs to scream loudly to release the pressure. As long as the filming is good, it is not a problem." Worry about not making money."

"So how much do you want to borrow?" Leon asked this, intending to transfer the money.

In fact, he never thought about not borrowing, mainly because he was afraid that his sister would be blindly confident and lose money in the end.

"3000 million US dollars, but it may not be enough, it may be more." Luo Quan gave a rough quotation.

"In this way, Leon and I will pay 2000 million each. If you earn it, it will be yours, and if you lose it, it will be ours." Seifert said generously.

Luo Quan looked confident: "Don't worry, I can't pay!"

(End of this chapter)

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