Chapter 392
In the end, Luo Quan only took 1000 million each from Seifert and Lyon, and then pooled the balances in his various accounts into one account.

In the end, $500 million was saved for filming.

For ordinary B-level movies, this amount of money is quite enough.

But for Luo Quan, it can only be said to be reluctant, after all, what she expects is to make "Resident Evil" a big IP and create a Resident Evil universe.

To achieve this, in addition to the excellent quality of the film, the announcement is also very important.

There are no shortcuts in this regard, basically you can only spend money hard, so this will be a big part of the film's expenses.

Of course, these are all things after the filming is over, what needs to be done now is to set up the crew's shelves first.

Unlike China, the film industry in the United States is already highly industrialized.

From the establishment of a film project to the establishment of the crew to filming and then to the announcement and release, there is a set of almost fixed procedures, and various contracts must be signed.

Especially dealing with various trade unions.

If the labor union was angered somewhere during filming, all the employees would go on strike as soon as they spoke out, and the entire crew would be paralyzed.

So Luo Quan did a lot of homework before coming here, and wrote down all the minefields that should be avoided in the memo, and took it out to read from time to time.

After all, the United States is not as good as China. There are too many sensitive groups here. Minorities, feminists, and homosexuals are not easy to mess with.

Especially racial discrimination, or specifically referring to discrimination against black people, this is the biggest taboo in the United States, the kind that kills whoever touches it.

It is reflected in movies, that is, there must be black characters in every movie, and they cannot all be villains.

This is actually an unwritten rule, and there was no similar requirement in the early 21st century.

But as zzzq has intensified in recent years, almost all of American society is flooded with these.

As long as black people feel a little bit wrong, they are likely to protest and attack.

Fortunately, "Resident Evil 1" is just a simple secret room thriller. The whole process is basically fighting zombies and exploring the truth of the incident, and has nothing to do with black people.

In short, the funding for the film is currently settled.

Next target, actor.

Needless to say, the leading role, the only highlight of the "Resident Evil" series of movies - Alice is of course played by Luo Quan himself.

Alice has a lot of fighting scenes in the movie, and she has to do a lot of difficult moves. Fortunately, she has a foundation in martial arts, and the effect will only be better than the original version.

However, some details of the original work need to be slightly changed. For example, at the beginning of each movie, Alice must be covered with a piece of white cloth to give benefits to the audience.

Especially in the first two films, there are even dew point scenes, which is definitely unacceptable to Luo Quan.

Speaking of which, the director of the original work is actually the husband of the protagonist in this world, and this movie is actually the director's work to show off his wife.

However, the director only arranged nude scenes for his wife in the movie, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Probably this director is well aware of the truth that it is better to be alone than to be happy together. In Seifert's words, it is to maximize human happiness.

Of course, there will certainly be no shortage of benefits.

One of the biggest highlights of this movie is that the heroine Alice wears a revealing red dress and performs various flips and legs.

Without benefits, the audience will have much less pleasure in watching movies.

Luo Quan had already realized this point before deciding to shoot "Resident Evil", but since she operated it herself, the way of distributing benefits must be a little more subtle than the original work.

Once the heroine is settled, most of the problem of the role of the movie will be solved.

All that's left is to pick great supporting actors.

According to Luo Quan's idea, the upcoming Resident Evil film will refer to the plot of some games, so the supporting role will not be as in the original movie, only one will die.

Therefore, supporting roles need to be carefully selected, not perfunctory, and those who have acting skills and are recognizable as supporting roles must be selected.

For a movie to be successful, the main character is of course important, but the excellent performances of supporting roles and extras are also essential.

She will not hire some people who are not skilled in the business to join the film crew in order to save money.

If you want to screen out good actors, you must cast a wide net.

So Luo Quan posted a recruiting tweet on his twitter with 2000 million followers:
"Sincerely looking for some supporting roles.

Requirements: More than five years of experience in film and television shooting, good acting skills, and excellent image and temperament.

Remuneration: Starting at US$50, the specific price is negotiable.

The interview location will be three days later in Hollywood, USA. For the specific location, please follow my Twitter tomorrow. "

When this recruitment tweet came out, it can be said that it caused an uproar.

Both fans and the media were surprised to ask questions in the comments:
"Are you going to make a movie?!"

Luo Quan also responded in the comment area:

"It is indeed to make a movie. For details, please pay attention to the press conference later."

Although Luoquan hasn't prepared anything here, there is a script and a starring role, but there is still room for it.

Besides, as one of the hottest stars in the world, her every move is traffic, as long as she sends a message, most of the media reporters will come to interview her.

Stayed at home in New York for one night, and Luo Quan arrived in Los Angeles the next day with his luggage on the plane.

Los Angeles is located in a basin surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on one side. It is sunny all year round, dry and rainless, and has a mild and pleasant climate, so it is also called the City of Angels.

Star-studded Hollywood is located on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

There are famous attractions such as the Avenue of Stars, High and Low Plaza, the Wax Museum, Dolby Cinema, Sunset Boulevard, etc., and tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world are accepted every day.

Here, at the same time, it is also a city of miracles that carries the dreams of filmmakers and actors. Every ordinary person has the opportunity to become famous overnight, because this place focuses the attention of the media from all over the world!

The arrival of Luo Quan did not bring any sensation to Hollywood, she was just one of the many world superstars who have been to Hollywood.

And today she didn't come here as a producer or director. In the morning, she was a tourist, and in the afternoon she had to go to the film and television rental company to negotiate a rental contract for shooting equipment.

When you come to Hollywood, you don’t have to go to other attractions, but you must definitely go to the Avenue of Stars.

This is a road full of honor, and only the most popular stars or stars who have made great contributions to entertainment are eligible to engrave themselves on it.

It is worth mentioning that in May this year, Lyon submitted an application to engrave his name on the Avenue of Stars, but there has been no reply yet.

Although he has become very popular this year, he is an idol singer after all. Unless he can achieve great results in record sales, he is not qualified to be engraved on it.

It is estimated that Lyon has little chance this year, but it is hard to say next year or the year after.

"Titanic" is expected to be released next year, and if the movie is a huge success, Leon will be eligible to be engraved on the Walk of Fame.

As for Luo Quan, it was actually a little more difficult than Leon.

Mainly because of nationality.

So far, only six Chinese people have been on the Avenue of Stars, and three of them are Chinese and three are XG people.

There is none in the Mainland!

However, based on Luo Quan's current achievements, if an application is made, there is actually a high probability that it will be approved by the board of directors of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

After all, although she is young now, she has been listed by "Big Rock" magazine as one of the greatest singers of the 21st century, and many of her works have also been included in the list of the greatest music works of the 21st century.

The general comment on Luo Quan from the outside world is that next year's Grammy is already a vacancy for her, and even if she wants to, she can get almost all the music awards in the world.

You must know that "Oriental Mozart" is not a nickname given to her by some third-rate unscrupulous tabloids to gain attention, but an honor unanimously recognized by major mainstream media in the world, and related articles appeared in "Time" magazine .

No one will question Luo Quan's outstanding talent and achievements in music, just like no man will refuse to praise Luo Quan's peerless appearance.

It's just that Luo Quan's own desire for the Avenue of Stars is not particularly strong.

It's nothing to apply actively, let the Avenue of Stars send an invitation to her, that's called a card face!

Of course, when she arrived in Hollywood for the first time today, she was still very interested in this famous attraction, so it was essential to check in and take pictures.

Avenue of Stars is actually a general term.

The pentagonal terrazzo engraved with the star's name representing "starlight" is inlaid on the sidewalks of fifteen blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Teng Street.

And this area is the Avenue of Stars.

It is definitely unrealistic for her to walk through these eighteen blocks. Even if she does not have a job, she will not have such leisurely shopping.

The main purpose of coming here is to feel the atmosphere of Hollywood and see what is different about this world-famous star-making factory.

Wandering around the street wearing sunglasses for a while, Luo Quan didn't see the so-called celebrities everywhere, but saw a lot of puppets playing cosplay.

These puppets include Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. They stand on the sidewalk and wave to tourists, and many tourists stop to take pictures with them.

It looks like something out of a superhero theme park.

When he first came here, Luo Quan felt a little surprised when he saw a red five-pointed star walking on the street with the name of a star.

But after watching it for a long time, it feels the same.

Even thinking that if I was engraved on it one day, and then stepped on every day, it seemed that there was nothing attractive about it.

The more he walked around, the more boring he felt, so Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and planned to take a selfie, and was about to leave after punching out the card.

As soon as the photo was taken here, people surrounded me.

"Luo Quan, you are Luo Quan, right!" A white man wearing a cap came over, holding a camera in his hand, dressed like a tabloid reporter.

Although she is wearing sunglasses, if you look closely, you can definitely recognize her recognizable facial contours.

And the reporter in front of him also came prepared, since Luo Quan appeared on the Avenue of Stars just now, he has already noticed her.

"It's me." Luo Quan didn't hide anything, he's already in Hollywood, and it's not uncommon to bump into a few celebrities.

"I'm so lucky today. I met you not long after I went out." The reporter took the camera off his neck excitedly and said, "Are you free for an interview? I'm a reporter from the Los Angeles Film Times. You can call I'm Kerry."

It's not a big or a small media, but except for Playboy, Luo Quan is open to most media.

"Of course, but I'm going to the film equipment rental company right away. If you have anything to interview, we can talk while walking." Luo Quan turned on the mobile phone navigation and found that the nearest equipment rental company is not far from here.

"No problem." Kerry was very happy. This is Luoquan's exclusive interview. Except for "Time" and TCC this year, no media can enjoy this treatment!
"I saw you posted an actor recruitment on Twitter yesterday. Are you an investor or a director?" Kerry raised the camera and started recording.

"It's all, I'm the producer, director, screenwriter, and lead actor at the same time." Luo Quan said as he walked.

"It's amazing. At your age, it's rare for someone to wear multiple hats like this."

Luo Quan smiled lightly and said, "It's really nothing, just like my songs, the lyrics, music, arrangement and singing are all my own, I just try to develop everything according to the direction I imagined."

"Then what kind of movie are you going to make this time? Can you tell me the outline of the plot?"

"Because of the limited budget and script constraints, my directorial debut was actually a B-grade thriller with sci-fi action elements.

I can't reveal too much about the plot yet, but it will definitely be thrilling and exciting. "

"B grade movie, or horror genre?" Carrie thought of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a typical American plasma movie full of violence and killing.

How could such a delicate beauty come up with such a script, and she is still the heroine, is she going to play a perverted murderer?
If Luo Quan knew Kerry's thoughts, he would definitely give him a thumbs up.

In the movie, she is indeed a "killer", but in the strict sense of killing, she is no longer a human being, but there must be violence and plasma scenes in the picture.

"I just heard that there are action elements in it, so you will still show your talents in the movie?"

"That's right." Luo Quan nodded excitedly, "Actually, many people don't know that I have considerable martial arts skills. I can do the moves that many action superstars can do!"

"I'm very curious about what a beautiful girl's action thriller movie will look like, and I look forward to your directorial debut."

While chatting, the two had already walked outside the equipment rental company.

Kerry got the first information about the movie, and he has gained a lot.

After bidding farewell to the reporter, Luo Quan stepped into the company, intending to rent a batch of equipment.

With limited funds, she had to plan carefully for these expenses. In order to avoid being ripped off, she asked Seifert to compile a list of rental market prices for her before coming here.

With this form, she can save a lot of losses.

(End of this chapter)

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