Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 393 Female Director

Chapter 393 Female Director

At the gate of the Hollywood Starlight Hotel, Cecilia held a mobile phone in her hand, with a hesitant expression.

Just now she saw a supporting role recruitment advertisement for a new movie on the actor recruitment market, and the advertisement had just been sent out less than an hour ago.

Cecilia saw that the movie was well received, so she wanted to try her luck.

In fact, it has only been less than three years since she officially became an actor, and she has only made a few low-cost movies so far.

Because of her excellent image, it's not that she hasn't been invited to star in big productions.

But these invitations usually have additional conditions, either to accompany the director to a hotel for a detailed discussion or to accompany the producer to travel abroad and talk.

Similar things happen frequently in Hollywood. The Screen Actors Union says it will protect the interests of all actors, but how can the more than 20 employees take care of it.

In front of capital, even those big-name celebrities can only keep silent when they are violated, let alone her little transparent?

Today can be said to be her only chance. Her bank card balance is running out. If she spends any time in Hollywood, she will have to go to the rescue station to get canned food.

But when she saw the hotel in front of her, she felt a little uneasy, afraid that she would run into some directors or producers with bad intentions as before.

According to the knowledge in the job advertisement, Cecilia came to the conference room on the second floor of the hotel.

There were already a dozen colleagues standing outside the meeting room. Cecilia asked, and they all came for the interview.

Only now did she know that the movie was called Resident Evil.

It sounds like a B-grade plasma film, with violence and vulgarity as its selling point.

Cecilia used to be a young man with ideals. Like all graduates from professional colleges, she wanted to show off her acting skills in a literary film and become an instant hit.

But the reality is often cruel. After graduation, she couldn't get a role for a long time, and the only B-movies she could look down on were the ones she was able to act in later.


Cecilia was in a trance when a voice came from the conference room.

It's a female voice!Cecilia was overjoyed, if she was a female director, she wouldn't have to worry about being unspoken!

Just as he was having fun, an actor who was filming in front of Cecilia walked in.

In the meeting room, Luo Quan was sitting at the table, conducting the interview alone, and the table was full of various documents.

Luo Quan raised his head and glanced at the actor who walked in, his eyes lit up.

He is tall and tall, with a square face and well-defined contours. His body seems to be in good shape, and his upper body muscles are quite dimensional.

"Hello producer, my name is Frank, and here is my Screen Actors Guild membership card and resume." Frank presented a certificate and a resume of acting works.

The work resume is Luo Quan's requirement, and her requirement for interviewing actors is to have more than five years of work experience.

As for the actor's certificate, it is the usual practice.

Movies released in the United States must use actors from the Screen Actors Guild of America as long as they have an investment of more than 300 million yuan.

Insurance companies will refuse to insure a crew if there are no actors from the Screen Actors Guild.

The first article of the actors' union code is to prohibit actors from working in uninsured crews.

Through such nesting dolls, the trade union firmly controls the right to speak in its own hands, and even a giant like Universal Corporation cannot confront the actor's union.

Seifert had explained these details to Luo Quan before he came to Hollywood, and the corresponding procedures have been prepared, so Luo Quan has not encountered any trouble so far.

"Put on your sunglasses and try to make your expression a bit more ruthless. Besides, this ruthlessness cannot be superficial. You are a conspirator with a deep palace and great schemes." Luo Quan talked about the character analysis a little bit, and then Pass the prop sunglasses to Frank.

The latter first lowered his head to contemplate for a while, then put on his sunglasses and entered the scene instantly.

That daunting aura rose immediately, and at the same time, his expression was as silent as a Wang Shentan, making it hard to tell the depth.

A sinister and powerful villain image suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Worthy of being professional!Luo Quan secretly praised in her heart, this is what Wesker looks like in her mind!
"Let's talk about the salary." Luo Quan smiled, obviously quite satisfied with the actor.

After taking off his sunglasses, Frank's momentum softened a lot: "I believe you have seen my resume and acting skills. You set a starting price of 50 US dollars, and I think I can get 70 US dollars."

The price is not too high. With such good looks and image, at least tens of millions of yuan are paid in China. If you are a small fresh meat, you may have to go for half a billion yuan.

After personally participating in the production of the film, Luo Quan finally understood the reason why the domestic film industry has been so clumsy in recent years.

For a young freshman with decent acting skills, the salary accounts for one-third or more of the total investment of a film. What kind of good actors can we hire with the rest of the money?

How much investment can I get for serving Huadao's special effects?

There are ghosts in this bad movie!
"No problem, the price is very reasonable." Luo Quan dug out a performance contract in his backpack, filled in the blank space with information such as salary, actor's name, membership number, and finally signed his name.

"If there is no problem, just sign the contract, and give me your contact information, and the crew will start work within ten days." Luo Quan said, and even gave Frank the contract and the script.

While Frank was taking the contract to the other side for inspection, Luo Quan shouted to the door: "Next!"

"It's my time!" Cecilia, who was waiting outside the door, took a deep breath and walked in.

"Hello director, my name is Cecilia, and this is my extra certificate." Cecilia handed the certificate to Luo Quan, looking a little embarrassed.

To become an official member, she has to pay thousands of dollars in membership fees every year. Her financial situation is already tight, so how can she afford this money.

Anyway, extras and regular actors can act, so she has been procrastinating.

As for the resume, let's not mention those small movies that can't be put on the stage.

However, Cecilia still took out her diploma from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, proving her professional level.

"By the way, you haven't signed a contract yet, right?" Luo Quan asked without thinking.

"Not...not yet." Cecilia didn't know why the director asked this, but she wasn't very worried.

The director sitting in front of her is very familiar to her, she is the most beautiful in the world, no one can beat her.

Besides, even if she's not Les, if she can have a super-friendship relationship with Luo Quan, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing, it's better than cheaping those fat people!

"It's fine if you don't have one." Luo Quan felt relieved.

The reason for asking this is because the system made another sound just now, telling her that this is a high-quality target that can be captured.

So she just asked.

Judging from her critical eyes, Cecilia is definitely a great beauty, and she is a relatively rare iceberg beauty, with an indelible arrogance between her eyebrows and eyes.

Whether Resident Evil is a game or a movie, why can it attract so many fans?
The tense and terrifying atmosphere, the hearty slaughter of zombies, and the fascinating and wonderful plot are of course the reasons for its success.

But what Luo Quan thinks is the most brilliant is the shaping of a character, especially the female character in the series, who is a great beauty.

Therefore, Luo Quan's requirements for choosing a female role are not high, and acting skills almost don't matter, but the appearance must be high.

After all, she is the most beautiful heroine in the world, and if the other supporting roles are low in appearance, the light will be covered up too much.

This was not Luo Quan's original intention.

At the beginning, she wanted to make a movie with a leading heroine, and the other supporting roles should just be tool people.

However, considering the reasons for the stretching of the hips in the last few films of the series, she still gave up the idea of ​​making herself stand out.

A beautiful woman showing off her figure and hair like a zombie sounds really interesting, but sooner or later the audience will get fatigued after watching six movies.

The previous life has proved that this way does not work, so this time Luo Quan wants to make some changes, try to follow the original game, let more characters become the protagonists.

Of course, the Alice played by her is still the absolute protagonist, but the roles of other people must also be increased appropriately. It cannot be used once and thrown away like the original movie, which would be too wasteful.

What's more, what Luoquan wants to shape is the Resident Evil universe, and only one protagonist is definitely not enough.

"Director Luo Quan, can I start the audition?" Cecilia called Luo Quan's name, trying to get close.

"No need." Luo Quan came back to his senses and shook his head, "Your image fits well with the role, so it's decided to be you."

"Really!" Cecilia's face beamed with joy. She didn't expect the interview to go so smoothly!
"The salary is 50 US dollars. If the box office is a hit, there will be rewards, and three meals will be included during the filming." Luo Quan said and handed over the contract and the script.

"Jill Valentine, is this the role I want to play?" Cecilia excitedly picked up the script, as if everything was going well.

"That's right, you should study the character at home these few days. This character is the image of a big sister who is cold on the outside and tropical on the inside. It is not difficult to analyze."

As Luo Quan said, he glanced at Cecilia's long red-brown hair:

"By the way, later on you cut your hair so that it just touches your cheeks, don't keep it so long."

"Ah..." Cecilia sighed. She has kept this long hair for several years, and usually pays great attention to maintenance.

But in order to film, some sacrifices are very necessary.The teacher told her this on her first day of class.

"I understand." Cecilia nodded, then glanced at the contract briefly, and signed it.

At the same time, Frank also brought over the signed contract.

Now the two more important roles, Wesker and Jill, have already been scouted.

All that's left is Chris and Matt, the movie's original character.

In Luo Quan's plan, the latter will actually only appear in the first part, and there will be basically no role in the latter part, so there is no need for special selection.

As for Chris, it will take some effort, but there aren't too many burly actors with an upright face in Hollywood, so it won't be too difficult to find.

It took Luo Quan a whole day to find the main actors. Fortunately, at noon, Seifert sent her two assistants.

After all, movies are not like singing. The manpower and material resources required are too great. It is really difficult for one person to coordinate the overall situation.

With assistants sharing the work, Luo Quan's pressure is undoubtedly much less.

She interviewed actors in the hotel, and one of the two assistants was looking for a location outside to set up a set, and the other was looking for lighting engineers, sound effects engineers, photographers and other studio employees.

After working hard all day, Luo Quan sorted out the list of actors working on hand and the contracts handed in by his two assistants.

I feel quite satisfied in my heart, the shelf of a crew is now set up, of course, there is still some time before the official start of filming.

The main scene is still being built, Fu Huadao is not yet ready, and the actors are also getting familiar with the script.

The only thing she can do now is probably to promote the movie.

Speaking of which, she hasn't been online much this day, and she doesn't know what the outside world thinks of her now.

Her name is still on Twitter hot search:

"Luo Quan shoots a B-grade movie!"

This headline party......

Luo Quan's face darkened, why does the media always like to talk half a sentence now, at least they finish talking about B-level thrillers.

I clicked in to read the comments, and sure enough, no matter what the content of the news was, a bunch of LSPs in the comment area thought it wrong.

"Has Luo Quan finally figured it out?"

"This is the only way for a Hollywood actress. It's a pity that she doesn't make a large-scale movie with her good looks and figure."

"This is a devotion to the art of film. At that time, I will appreciate Luo Quan's performance with pious and clear eyes."

"Don't you all watch the news? This is a thriller!"

"I don't care, let's have some passionate scenes!"

I always feel a little unscrupulous, how great it is to release an album. "

"Luo Quan is already invincible in terms of music platforms, and now she is going to advance in film and television."

"Be careful. Movies are not for everyone."


Overall, fans are quite supportive of Luo Quan's actions, and they are also very much looking forward to the movies she wrote, directed and acted in.

Of course, it would be great if there is a large-scale lens.

People are always not easy to be satisfied. Although Luo Quan has uploaded hundreds of G swimsuit photos before, but seeing too much will also cause fatigue, and urgently needs some new visual stimulation.

Although Luo Quan did prepare visual stimuli for fans, it is not known if it is not what fans want to see.

As for the media, Luo Quan's filming behavior has also been reported in many ways.

Most of the remarks are still based on slight doubts, and I have seen few critics of her.

After all, this girl has slapped too many people in the face since her debut, and no one can guarantee that she will fall down this time.

Therefore, even though they knew that this was Luo Quan's first foray into the field of directing, no one commented immediately.

This is a great thing for Luo Quan.

At least the public opinion environment in the movie theater is not bad, and the popularity of the audience is somewhat guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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