Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 394 Step by step

Chapter 394 Step by step
In the bathroom, hot water gushed out from the shower head and sprinkled on Luo Quan's smooth waist.

In the bathtub, Luo Quan's jade body lay horizontally, with a bath towel draped over his body, except for the vital parts, the rest was exposed to the air.

Soon, Luo Quan woke up from the coma, rubbed his head in pain, and then looked around.

The camera gradually zoomed out, and Luo Quan also stood up from the bathtub, holding the towel tightly in front of him with both hands.


The assistant director yelled, and the quiet set immediately became noisy.

The camera crew adjusted the camera position to prepare for the next shot. The makeup artist and assistant rushed up, one to touch up Luo Quan's makeup, and the other to put a jacket on Luo Quan's body.

At this moment, Luo Quan let go of one hand, and opened a corner of the bath towel on his body, revealing the white tube top and leggings inside.

Thinking about it, I know how it is possible for a person who does not shoot a kiss scene to be naked in full view.

Although the heroine of the original work filmed this episode in a vacuum, it really feasted the audience's eyes.

However, Luo Quan couldn't be so unrestrained, so he played a trick.

It means that the bath towel covers the chest and buttocks, exposing the waist and two long legs, giving people the illusion that they are not wearing clothes.

It was a bit of a trick, but the effect is actually very good. In short, several male employees on the set watched intently and swallowed hard.

Today is the first day of shooting for "Resident Evil", and this is also the first scene.

Mainly because the interior of the laboratory is still under construction, Luo Quan can only find a ready-made bungalow to shoot the opening and ending scenes of the movie.

The assistant director... or the cameraman, stepped forward and asked about the next camera movement requirements.

Luo Quan is the sole director of this film, and all camera movements and angles are done according to her requirements. Although the assistant director has a name, he is actually only in charge of photography and has no right to make changes.

The opening scene is not too difficult, basically Luo Quan wakes up in the bathroom, walks around the house full of doubts, and then puts on the red slit suspender dress.

After Luo Quan put on the skirt, the photographer took a close-up of her whole body as required. He didn't know that he had captured a classic heroine image that was enough to leave a name in film history.

Every time a shot is shot, the assistant director will call cut and ask the studio staff to make adjustments.

A coherent movie is edited from hundreds of shots, and the long shot of one shot to the end is a huge test for actors and directors.

Although the long shot is used to highlight the skill of the film creator, it is not needed in this film.

After filming step by step all morning, Luo Quan has a personal experience of the difference between Eastern and Western film shooting.

When Huaxia makes a movie, if there is any request for a certain place, the director yells, and half of the studio will surround him, and work together to solve the problem.

On the Hollywood side, the director put forward requirements for the corresponding employees, who then designed the project based on the venue, and then only let the departments involved cooperate to shoot in strict accordance with the design.

Although it is a little slow, but each is organized, and it will not cause so much waste of manpower, and there is no need to worry about making mistakes in the middle of the busy schedule.

It's not clear which one is better in China and Hollywood's filming methods, but the latter's industrialization and proceduralization are obviously higher than China's.

Filming continued until noon, and it was lunch time.

For the sake of convenience, the general studios provide fast food such as hamburger and fried chicken, and occasionally a whole steak if the funds are sufficient.

However, it is obviously impossible for Luo Quan to allow his employees to eat such unnutritious junk food.

For this shoot, she contacted a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown in Los Angeles, and asked them to prepare boxed lunches and hot soup for the crew in the restaurant.

Of course, the menu of this Chinese restaurant has been completely localized, and the so-called well-known Chinese food Luoquan on the menu has never been heard of, such as the signature dish of this restaurant-Tso Zongtang Chicken.

It is said that this is the most famous Chinese food in the United States, second only to Mapo Tofu, but Luo Quan tasted it once, and it has nothing to do with China's Hunan cuisine General Tso's Chicken, basically just a name.

However, the employees liked this dish quite a lot, and they all ate it with rice spoons with great relish.

Fortunately, the taste of Mapo Tofu is quite authentic, Luo Quan is a little happier.

After half an hour of meal time, the crew did not start work immediately. According to regulations, American employees have the right to enjoy leisure time after meals.

Therefore, no matter how tight the tasks on the set are, there will be no delay when it is time to rest.

Speaking of this time, Luoquan planned to shoot the whole movie within a month, and rented the Rrri movie camera from the rental company for a month at a price of 550 US dollars per day.

Adding other props, tens of thousands of money are passing away every day.

If the employees in Huaxia were so lazy, everyone from the director to the producer would probably be angry.

But here is the United States, all employees work strictly according to the eight-hour work system, and they have the right to directly refuse to work overtime if they exceed the working hours.

Even if they are forced to work overtime, they will ask for high overtime pay.

This is almost unimaginable in China or East Asia as a whole.

Of course, not all Americans are so lazy, Asian Americans are quite industrious.

A group of make-up artists in Luo Quan's production crew are Asian, and they called Luo Quan to ask about work just after dinner.

"Director, how about the effect of this makeup?" In the simple dressing room, the Asian makeup artist turned the silicone doll model's head around.

The doll's face was ferocious and terrifying, its pale face was covered with red and black wounds, and there was still a mouth full of rusty yellow teeth, as if it hadn't been rinsed for decades.

It's also fortunate that Luo Quan often watches zombie movies. If an ordinary person saw this head, he would probably have to spit out his dinner overnight.

"It's very good. It's ok if the skin can be made grayer." Luo Quan recognized the makeup artist's skills very much.

The image of zombies in this world has not yet evolved. They used to be made like vampires, walking like ordinary people, completely different from the zombies in Luo Quan's impression.

But this is also giving her a chance to show her talents. When she reproduces one of the most classic monsters in film history on the big screen, I don't know how many people will be frightened.

Luo Quan thought badly in his heart.

The makeup artist brother saw Luo Quan's satisfied smile, and asked curiously: "Speaking of the director, how did you come up with this image? I also worked in the detective crew before, and turned into a lot of actors who played corpses." With makeup on, many of them are murders, but I don’t think the death situation with your makeup is as tragic as yours.”

Speaking of this, the makeup artist brother pretended to be afraid and hugged his shoulders tightly: "If I encounter this thing at night, I'm afraid I will be scared to death on the spot."

Luo Quan explained: "Actually, this is an image I dreamed of in a dream. A resurrected dead person must be more terrifying than a simple dead person."

The cosmetic boy's eyelids twitched: "Then what you have must have been a nightmare."

Luo Quan laughed: "This is just makeup, when the real one appears, I swear, you will all be scared and scream by it."

Several makeup artists also laughed awkwardly, and they were muttering in their hearts: How could such a beautiful director like this kind of thing?
No one can answer this question.

After the break, the crew continued to work.

The plot also reached its first small climax.

Putting on a skirt, Luo Quan came to a traumatic room, thinking about what kind of appearance he was in.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from a helicopter outside, and then several special effects actors hanging on ropes broke through the window.

The camera stops.

Frank and others put on blue costumes with STARS printed on them, and took over the position of stuntmen.

Here, Luo Quan made the first modification to the film.

In the original film, it was Umbrella's own team of agents who burst into the room.

And Luoquan is the Alpha agent team replaced by STARS in the game.

Although this STARS is also funded by the Umbrella Corporation, it was established by the U.S. Federal Special Security Department, which is affiliated with the police, but the activity funds are provided by the Umbrella Corporation.

And Luo Quan, a member of the team, also made huge changes.

In the original movie, the ending of the entire secret service team was completely wiped out, but this time Luo Quan added characters from the game, namely Wesker, Chris, and Jill.

The original black captain was downgraded to vice-captain, and Wesker became the captain of the entire team.

Jill, played by Cecilia, replaced the temperamental and sassy actress in the original movie, but Chris did not replace anyone, Luo Quan directly added it.

Everyone's appearance is also consistent with the game. Wesker wears sunglasses, has a cold temperament, and his voice is full of magnetism.

Jill is wearing a blue T-shirt and black trousers.

Wearing a body armor, Chris looked burly and full of strength.

After the STARS team broke through the window, the assistant director gave the three people a close-up.

Now, except for the protagonist, the three important characters have all officially appeared...

In two days, all the plays in the mansion have been completed.

It went very smoothly, but it was beyond Luo Quan's expectation.

After all, the entire film process is in Luo Quan's mind, and she has directly emphasized to the relevant staff how to use the camera and how to use the lights.

Compared with those crews who started from scratch, the crew of "Resident Evil" took too many detours.

In the past two days, the scene of the underground laboratory has been set up in sevens and eighties, and it can be accepted for shooting in two days at most.

It happened to be the weekend, in order to pursue the progress, Luo Quan could only pay overtime pay to the employees who built the scene, so that they could continue to work.

It can only be said that the working people at the bottom of any country are similar. When they see that the overtime pay is so generous, the employees don't even mention the eight-hour work system, and they work hard.

The middle class in the United States has no worries about food and clothing, earns high wages, and of course has the right to refuse to work overtime.

But these workers who can only do hard work have several children to support at home, and they are all rushing to do the work, so there is really no room for rest.

Of course, although Luo Quan attaches great importance to the progress of the project, he will not exploit them day and night like Zhou Papi.

After watching the set for a while, I went back to the hotel.

But going back to the hotel is not to play, but to continue to promote the movie.

At present, it seems that no film and television company is willing to provide "Resident Evil" with publicity and theater shares.

If Luo Quan asked Seifert this request, he would probably agree, and the company's top management would definitely not refuse.

But these are all based on the exchange of favors. This time the movie has troubled people, and next time they can also let you write a few songs and make an album as a matter of course.

Luo Quan is very confident in his films, and doesn't feel that he needs to rely on favors to make "Resident Evil" gain attention.

So at present, she has not contacted any company yet, from investment, filming to publicity, she handles it all by herself.

When expanding into a new field, you will definitely encounter many difficulties at the beginning, and Luoquan is mentally prepared for these.

Hollywood is the largest Vanity Fair in the world, and the capitalists here are all masters who don't see rabbits and don't spread eagles. Her name is very famous in the music circle, but it may not be so good in the film industry.

""Resident Evil Character Concept Map""

Luo Quan uploaded photos including the main character on Twitter, these are stills from the filming, and will take another photo after the movie is released.

For a movie without IP blessing, the actors must be the first to attract attention.

The vast majority of people are face control, and Luo Quan himself has been enjoying the benefits of good looks.

The casting of Resident Evil obviously follows this path. The main characters are all handsome men and beautiful women, and none of them are good looking.

After the stills were released, they immediately attracted a lot of attention on Twitter, which was even more popular than the news released by many media using their official accounts. This is also the advantage of a big star.

For Luo Quan, who is wearing a red dress in the movie, fans obviously like this look:
"Luo Quan is finally willing to show off her perfect figure in the movie!"

"Mom, these long legs are so tempting, they feel more than one meter long!"

"This red skirt unexpectedly matches her appearance very well. It would be nice if it was a little higher."

"It feels nothing compared to swimsuit photos."

"Upstairs, you entered the sage mode so quickly?"

"You don't understand. Swimsuits only bring intuitive impact, while this kind of skirt brings temptation, but I like both of them, that's right."

"Did no one mention other characters? That Wesker looks so stylish to me, cool guy in black sunglasses!"

"Chris is very masculine, you can tell by his face that he is a decent tough guy!"

"Jill looks good too, where did Luo Quan find so many good-looking actors?"

"Luoquan is old-fashioned. The artists in the agency are all beauties, and they are all good-looking actors when making a movie."

"Ugly 13 shed tears..."


The first wave of marketing for the movie looks very good.

The tweet received tens of thousands of likes and replies within an hour. As more and more highlights are revealed, "Resident Evil" will attract mainstream attention sooner or later.

Luo Quan thought so in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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