Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 395 "The Lord of the Rings"

Chapter 395 "The Lord of the Rings"


After another shot was taken, Luo Quan paused the shooting.

"The group performers are in place, let me explain the essentials of the movements." Luo Quan waved to the group performers and said with a serious expression.

The next thing to shoot is the first appearance of the zombies. This is the second explosive point after the laser corridor in the movie. It must be scary.

Although Luo Quan explained it to the group performers once in the morning, because this shot is too important, Luo Quan still has to take the trouble to emphasize it again.

"Everyone pay attention, later the camera will show more close-ups, try to expose your gums, and your body should be more rigid.

Come on, your performance is the essence of this movie. "

After the explanation, Luo Quan did not forget to encourage him.

Although the group performers were invited, Luo Quan did not invite them casually. They were all selected by the actor union and had a certain age.

This type of group performer has certain acting skills and is dedicated enough to listen to Luo Quan's explanation very seriously even though his mouth is covered with various potions.

The price is definitely a bit more expensive, but it is also safe to use.

After the explanation, the filming continued.

The plot here is that the STARS team finally passed through the laser corridor after paying the heavy casualties of the black vice-captain and several team members, and forcibly shut down the artificial intelligence Red Queen inside the research institute.

At the same time, the power supply of the research institute was also affected, and everyone was plunged into darkness.

Here, Luo Quan made some changes to the plot. Captain Wesker finally waited for the opportunity to leave the team after the darkness fell, and began to implement the real purpose of entering the research institute this time.

And not long after, there was a scream in the darkness.

Ten seconds later, the electric light lit up.

Chris, Jill and others who stayed in place found that not only the captain Wesker was missing, but also another team member.

Then it was Jill who heard the faint sound behind the generator, and walked over with a gun.

Then, the ensemble began to perform.

Five or six group performers who had put on zombie makeup squatted around the members of the STARS team who had screamed just now, feasting.

Jill was shocked when he saw this scene.

The camera also immediately zoomed in on the zombies, and one of the zombies with his back to the camera slowly turned his head, showing a weird smile at the camera with his bloody face.

This is actually not in the original movie. Luo Quan reproduced the classic scenes in the game into the movie, and the effect is obviously even more outstanding!

Luo Quan paused the filming in satisfaction, thinking that it would be different if he had an actor certificate, the ensemble performers performed so well.

This is basically the scene in Luo Quan's conception, and the group performers are also quite spiritual, and they got her idea.

Afterwards, Luo Quan explained while filming, and the plot of the film gradually advanced.

There is a complete plot in mind, and all the actors have to do is to perform as Luo Quan asked.

Moreover, horror movies are not as picky as literary movies. They have extremely high requirements on the acting skills of the actors, so most scenes are shot in one shot.

At the same time, Luo Quan did not meet Yin Qianchou (the name of the protagonist of the king of movie comedy), who likes to change plays and add plays without permission.

Throughout the set, Luo Quan was the producer, director, screenwriter, and leading actor, and what he said was basically a rule of heaven, and no one could violate it.

However, the actors and other staff present were not newcomers either. After getting along with Luo Quan for the past few days, I also felt her skill in directing.

Especially in terms of camera movement and lighting, he is so proficient that he is not like a rookie who is directing a movie for the first time, but his skills are comparable to a senior director.

From the first day, everyone was full of confidence in the youngest girl in the whole crew.

The whole team worked together, and the shooting of the film also proceeded very quickly.

The filming was originally scheduled to be completed in a little over a month, but it actually took 23 days to complete the filming. There are still a few special effects scenes left to be performed on the green screen.

Then there is a scene in the easter egg. Originally, Luo Quan conceived to shoot it in real location, but considering that the special effects can already be faked, he simply planned to use special effects instead.

However, this does not mean that Luo Quan's work as a director is over. After the film is finished, editing, soundtracking, integration of audio and video, adding filters to the screen, etc. are required.

These are usually produced by a number of post-professional personnel, but Luo Quan has always been used to doing everything, except for the special effects, which is really unconditional, and the rest of the post-production is basically her work alone.

Fortunately, with digital photography now, most operations can be done on a computer.

A lot of things happened this month, first of all, Ivy's mini-album "Girl's Rock" (Girl's Rock) finally completed the warm-up and was officially released.

In addition to the three songs written by Ivy herself, there are also four songs produced by Luo Quan for her.

They are:

"Here's to never growing up"

"My happy ending"


(ps. All are Avril Lavigne's classic songs, and the author's English songs are also enlightened.)
Before the release of the song, Luo Quan and Universal Company gave Ivy quite a lot of publicity.

Produced by Luo Quan, rebellious girl, punk rock, coupled with Ivy's unique smoky makeup and her own excellent appearance, she has already gained a large number of fans before her debut.

After the song was released, it also rushed to the top of the B chart in one fell swoop, and the sales volume of the album exceeded [-] million on the first day.

Compared with her boss, Ivy's grades are not that good, but compared with other newcomers, this is already a pretty scary statistic.

Major music media also made a relatively high evaluation of Ivy's debut album, saying that it is a rare album representing female rock.The whole album is well-produced, taking into account the depth and the singing. For a newcomer, Ivy handed over the answer sheet enough to satisfy everyone.

Of course, Luo Quan, who was not mentioned in these evaluations, is actually one of the biggest contributors.

Ivy's own songs bring depth, while Luo Quan gives the album popularity.

As she said to Ivy back then:

Just put your favorite works in it, I have plenty of ways to make your songs popular!
Luo Quan has fulfilled this promise.

And Ivy herself is really up to date, the album is recorded quite well, the guitar is completely played by herself, and her singing skills also crush all the newcomers in the same period.

The right time, place and people are all on her side, so it's no surprise that the fire started.

Ivy became very popular, and all the script malls here in Luoquan were unlocked, and the door of famous directors was completely opened to her.

Of course, at present she is still a singer, a not well-known well-known actor with a box office of tens of billions.

On the evening of December 24th, Luo Quan appeared in Hollywood's Dolby Theater in a luxurious pale gold dress.

Tonight, the release ceremony of "The Lord of the Rings" will be held here, and all the main creators and Hollywood star directors will be present.

As the most successful commercial director in Hollywood, Director Ford has a wide network of contacts and is also very popular. Many big names are willing to take time to support him in this field.

Although it is only a premiere ceremony, the starlight is comparable to an Oscar ceremony.

Interestingly, the annual Oscar ceremony is also held in Dolby Cinema.

Here, it can be said that it is a temple in the eyes of global stars.

Every year when the Oscars are awarded, there will always be people who pay a lot of money to get a ticket to watch the ceremony.

Not for anything else, because it is a symbol of coffee status and a proof of status. Once you come in, you think it is a big news worth spreading.

Of course, the stars who came to the Dolby Theater today are not as utilitarian as they were at the Oscar ceremony, and most of them came because of the friendship of Director Ford.

Luo Quan lived in a hotel not far from here, and walked all the way here wearing a thick coat.

The temperature in Hollywood at the end of December is about 8 degrees, which is not particularly cold, but before going on the red carpet, you still have to take measures to keep warm.

Outside the Dolby Theater is a long staircase, which is often called the road to stardom by the media, and has witnessed the birth of countless superstars, famous directors and excellent films.

And tonight, it will also usher in the masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings", which director Ford has prepared for many years to shoot.

When Luo Quan arrived, reporters were already standing on both sides of the red carpet on the stairs, and the sound of shutters clicking could be heard endlessly.

"Luo Quan is here!"

I don't know who shouted, all the reporters looked over and saw Luo Quan walking towards them.

Seeing that he was found, Luo Quan smiled and walked up to him.

The overcoat she was wearing when she went out had already been deposited in a store on the corner of the street, and she would come back after the ceremony.

What she has to do now is to show her most beautiful side in front of the cameras of the whole world.

In other words, just keep smiling.

Originally, there was no interview session on the red carpet, and only a few posses were required for the reporter to take a few photos before entering the theater.

But there will always be reporters who are unwilling to be lonely and ask Luo Quan:
"Luo Quan, can you tell me about the process of the movie you made?"

"Luo Quan, is "Resident Evil" really a so-called fan-harvesting work?"

"Luo Quan, what do you think of Director Hood's criticism?"


As expected of an entertainment reporter, he opened his mouth like a cannonball and was aggressive.

But Luo Quan still kept smiling:

"This is the scene of the premiere of "The Lord of the Rings". Tonight I am only the leading actress and singer of the theme song of "The Lord of the Rings". Please don't ask questions that have nothing to do with the movie."

The answer can be said to be quite decent, and she didn't have the heart to get angry with these reporters who were obviously here to find fault. After explaining, she turned around and entered the Dolby Theater...

"Ah, Luo Quan, you're here." Backstage at the theater, a group of creators were putting on makeup. Director Ford and the host were chatting about something. After seeing Luo Quan, they greeted enthusiastically.

"Director Ford, you are really energetic tonight." Luo Quan boasted with a smile.

When he was on the set before, Director Ford didn't pay much attention to his own image. From the start of filming to the completion of the film, he had never shaved his beard and wore the same old three sets of clothes in rotation.

He himself has his own explanation for this: I am a director, and I don't go on camera, so why spend so much energy on dressing up?
But tonight, Director Ford spent a lot of effort to dress up. The beard that he had grown for several months was completely shaved. He was wearing a decent black suit and combed his hair back. He looked handsome Not a lot.

"On important days, you must make yourself look more radiant." Director Ford straightened his tie and smiled.

Since "The Lord of the Rings" was promoted online, it can be said that it has received overwhelming praise.

The main reason is that the announced trailer is really amazing.

Strange buildings hidden in the mountains, primitive forests, dwarves with long brown beards, upright human rangers, wizards with staffs, Luo Quan's singing voice like heaven and the beautiful image of elves.

It can be said that it satisfies all people's imagination of orthodox Western fantasy.

Almost everyone is complimenting.

And Director Ford is not worried about being praised at all, because he knows very well that this movie is so good!

And this is just the first part, just the beginning, the second and third parts will only be more exciting, and the scenes will become more and more grand.

When the film started shooting, director Ford already knew he was going to make a great work.

This is an intuitive cognition as a top director, after getting a top script, having the largest investment ever, and directing a group of top actors.

With so many resources, let alone him, even a second-rate Hollywood director can win an Oscar!

How can Director Ford not smile when he thinks that he is about to leave a strong mark on the history of the film?
"By the way, I have to wear this when I go on stage." Director Ford asked his assistant to bring over a pair of props.

When Luo Quan saw it, it turned out to be a pair of pointed elf ears.

She is worn by actors who play elves in movies.

In Luo Quan's opinion, this is probably the simplest cosplay.

However, although there are only two small props, wearing them can really improve people's temperament, probably because people have a special liking for fantasy creatures like elves.

For the promotion of the film, Luo Quan's choice of cosplay at the screening ceremony is also very suitable for the theme. Without further ado, Luo Quan put it directly on his ear.

After posting it, Luo Quan also took a selfie and sent it to the personal news of station B.

It should be Christmas morning in Huaxia now, and there are probably many people waiting outside the cinema to watch "The Lord of the Rings".

After waiting in the background for about [-] minutes, the host informed everyone to prepare to go on stage.

Luo Quan is also cheering up at this time, because before the main creators take the stage, she will go up to sing the theme song "May it be" of "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring".

As the front of the stage fell into darkness, Luo Quan stepped out of the backstage curtain, like a fluttering butterfly, and came to the bright place in the center of the stage where the only light gathered.

At this moment, she is the focus of all eyes.

Her appearance tonight also surprised everyone.

With a golden fairy dress, small pointed ears, and a beautiful and delicate face, she looks like a real elf princess!

Amid the sighs of the guests, Luo Quan raised the microphone and uttered a holy and ethereal voice.

(End of this chapter)

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