Chapter 396 Epic
"Thank you Luo Quan for singing, it's really a very, very beautiful singing voice."

After the song was sung, the host came on stage and began to control the scene, and at the same time let the main creators of No. [-] Middle School in the background come on stage one after another.

After that, Luo Quan basically had nothing to do. Although she is the heroine, she doesn't actually have a lot of roles in the movie. When the main creators talk about their creative virtues, she can only listen in with a smile on her face. When you mention her, pick up the microphone and say a few words.

If the celebrity is big enough, she can get more shots. Unfortunately, she has no reputation in the film industry. Most people's eyes are still on the director. After all, he and the film are the protagonists tonight.

But Luo Quan was also happy, after all, she didn't really like to deal with such situations, and it would be great if someone helped her attract attention.

A premiere ceremony lasted for nearly two hours, and a lot of tidbits from filming were played during the ceremony.

Among them, the most talked about is the photo of Luo Quan's skirt being lifted by the breeze, and she is smiling and pressing down with her hands.

After this photo was released before, it caused a wave of imitation craze around the world. Many people called it the most youthful and shy look of a girl.

However, although there are many imitators, none of them can surpass the original.

This time the photo was released again. Although the audience had already seen it, they still showed amazing expressions after the goodbye.

Such a beauty, such a good-looking shape, no matter how many times you look at it, you won't get tired of it.

Luo Quan's beautiful crew is not limited to this one, and many of them have been released in the follow-up, all of which can be directly used as screensavers and desktops.

Although there are not many roles, Luo Quan does perfectly fit the characters of the two heroines in the movie. It is definitely worth paying for her beautiful appearance in the movie.

Of course, professionals will definitely not make such a simple evaluation of the quality of a movie.

The premiere ceremony is over, and the time has come to the turn of Christmas Eve and Christmas, which is the early morning of December 12.

All the stars who were free went to watch "Lord of the Rings" in the theater next door, while Luo Quan and the others stayed in the background to discuss matters.

The first "The Fellowship of the Ring" has now been officially released, and most of the crew are still staying in New Zealand, ready to start shooting "The Two Towers".

Of course, no matter how anxious Director Ford is, he still has to give the protagonists some time to rest.

This is a trilogy. If he wants to finish filming in one go, even if he has a strong creative desire, others may not be able to withstand it.

Besides, if you are impatient, you can't eat hot tofu. It's time for the actors to relax their nerves that have been tense for a long time.

But Luo Quan is not included in this list. She doesn't have as many roles in the trilogy as the leading actors, especially the second one. Even if there are two roles, it is estimated that the filming can be completed within a week.

So Director Ford asked her to study the script at home by herself, and just wait for the news.

"I heard that you are also making a movie recently?" Director Ford asked Luo Quan curiously after finishing all the arrangements, "Or a B-level thriller?"

Luo Quan nodded embarrassingly: "Yeah, I just wanted to make such a movie on a whim. The investment is low, so I can't make it to the stage."

In front of such a great director, she dared not pretend at all.

Director Ford waved his hand: "There is no saying that a movie can't be on the stage, as long as it is shot with heart and promotes correct values, it is a good movie.

There are big and small investments, but there is no distinction between high and low spending. "

"Speaking of which, my movie really didn't promote any values, it was purely commercial..." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly, if he really wanted to give Resident Evil a bright and righteous theme, he could focus on protecting the environment pull.

The original movie was like this, but Luo Quan felt that it was completely nonsense, so he didn't plan to add these elements in his own version at all.

Director Ford smiled: "If it's a commercial film, it would be easier, if it can make money, then it's a good commercial film.

But I think you can try a literary film. There are many in-depth scripts. Your image is so good and your acting skills are also very spiritual. If you are willing to try it, not to mention winning awards, there will definitely be nominations. "

It can be seen that Director Ford is quite optimistic about Luo Quan.

As a director, he knows how to judge whether an actor has a future.

In his opinion, Luoquan belongs to the kind with a bright future.

"I guess it's because I don't have anything to do with this kind of movie." Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "You know, I don't want to do kissing scenes.

And the most basic way of expressing emotions in this kind of movie is kissing, and there are many more intense ways, which I can't shoot. "

Director Ford was taken aback for a moment, but he also sighed after realizing it.

Luo Quan didn't say that he almost forgot how conservative the girl in front of him was.

"It's a pity." Thousands of words came to his mouth, and finally only this sentence remained.

Luo Quan, who could not completely liberate himself, is really a huge loss to the film industry.

If she was born in the United States, I don't know how many classic images she can contribute, but it is a pity that she was born in conservative China.

After chatting for a while, Luo Quan greeted everyone, took a step first, and went back to the hotel to rest.

When I woke up the next day, the headlines of various news media were dominated by "Lord of the Rings".

"The half-day box office in North America broke $[-] million!"

"Great director, great epic!"

"Incomparable fantasy world!"


From the audience to the film critics to the media, it can be said that there are endless praises, and everyone is praising the film.

Although Luo Quan had expected it, he was still shocked by such a battle.

This overwhelming report is even more sensational than after she wrote "Canon" and "To Alice".

It can only be said that classical music does not have that much influence in modern times, and it is not as good as the "first modern art" of movies, not to mention the level of "Lord of the Rings", which can be called the level of President Mountain in movies.

But in any case, "The Lord of the Rings" is also a work she participated in.

The hotter the movie, the more money she gets.

Right now her main task is to deal with her own movie well.

"Resident Evil" is an important work for her to make her name in Hollywood, and there is still a lot of publicity work to be done before it is released.

At present, there is still no theater to contact her, and the hot traffic on Twitter does not seem to be as effective as she imagined.

But she is not in a hurry, she has enough confidence in this film, even if no one is looking for her now, after the film is finished, she will "submit" the film one by one, she will not believe that she will not be appreciated!
After tweeting a few more stills of the movie, Luo Quan was about to start work when his cell phone rang suddenly.

It's Lyon calling.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Luo Quan asked while operating on the computer with the hands-free on.

"Sister, are you free these days?"

Luo Quan smiled and said, "You're really asking about the right time. I'm almost terrified of the movie, and now it's in the post-production stage."

"So you're free?"

"I'm in charge of the later work alone, and I can stop at any time." Luo Quan stopped what he was doing and asked, "So what's the matter?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's our aunt's birthday in a few days. Many people were invited, including our family."

"Auntie, which auntie?" Luo Quan really didn't know. On his grandfather's birthday, he hadn't seen him introduce relatives who were a generation older than him.

"It's the queen. It will be her [-]th birthday in a few days. Although the relationship between our two families is not as close as it used to be, the crown prince of Sars also came to congratulate grandpa's birthday, so my father wants us to attend together." .”

Reciprocity is the same in any country, Luo Quan still understands this.

Besides, it's only a few days, so it's time to go to relax, visit Buckingham Palace by the way, check in and take pictures.

In this way, she has the vlog material at station B again.

"Okay, I'll buy a ticket to London right now." Luo Quan hung up the phone and started preparing for the trip to London.

The queen's birthday party will be held on the night of the 28th. She will leave tomorrow and arrive in the early morning of the 27th.

On the whole, she will go out for four or five days this time, and this time will not have much impact on the production of the film.

Speaking of which, station B also contacted her to film the New Year's greetings ceremony. The original plan was to record the performance a week before and then broadcast it on the night of the 31st.

However, because of the downfall of the Huang family, many celebrities were forced to withdraw from the circle, and many of them participated in the New Year's greeting ceremony at station B.

With so many stars absent all of a sudden, the New Year Festival had to be re-planned, and the recording time was pushed to after the New Year.

However, it is estimated that it will be around the third or fourth of January, and she is estimated to be notified soon.

Station B's request must not be shirked. It is the largest gathering place for her fans in China, almost all of them are die-hard fans. She can't miss this New Year's greeting festival due to the reason.

So she doesn't have time to make movies for the rest of the year.

Fortunately, Ivy's popularity has helped her a lot, allowing her to exchange the remaining production steps of "Resident Evil", otherwise the time may not be enough.

The task time limit given by the system is three months, and now nearly one and a half months have passed, and it seems that the time left for her is not particularly plentiful.

After thinking twice, Luo Quan still took his laptop away.

Time is like water in a sponge, as long as you want to squeeze it, you can always squeeze it out.

That night, the news of the Queen's 90th birthday party was finally announced to the world.

It is a real announcement to the world, from the Internet media to TV to newspapers have mottled this matter.

Although Britain has long since declined.The empire on which the sun never sets has also become a thing of the past, but the queen's influence is still considerable.

So far, she is still the legal head of more than a dozen sovereign countries. Apart from her, the leaders of these countries can only be prime ministers or governors, and there are many geographical powers among them.

Of course, this influence is limited to the Queen of England itself, and has nothing to do with the British royal family.

In the past few years, the British royal family has made a lot of jokes, and its image among the people has gradually declined. The British government often blames several princes, and the two sides can be said to be quite at odds.

But this time the queen's birthday is still the [-]th birthday. Both the royal family and the British government have reached a short-term consensus this time, that is, to do something special!
Except for the London Olympics that just ended last year, this is probably the most important event in Britain that has attracted the attention of the world in recent years.

Last year's Olympic Games were held in a special way, and the British government lost everything and made a lot of jokes.

For the Queen's birthday party, it is not yet known whether the money will be lost or not, but any mistakes will definitely not be made again.

To put it seriously, the queen can be said to be the face of Britain, and whoever makes a mistake, her birthday party can't go wrong.

So this time the British government attaches great importance to the Queen's birthday banquet. Not only must it be large and well-organized, but also must invite many people and have high status.

This is to use the face of the Queen of England to highlight Britain's status in the world, and to tell the world that the British Isles are still the empire on which the sun never sets.

Facts have proved that the face of the Queen of England is quite easy to use.

This time, with the help of the government, the British royal family sent invitations to all the royal families and nobles all over the world, asking them to come to this birthday banquet.

In addition, invitations were also sent to the rich, famous, and social elites on the Forbes list, and most of them readily expressed their willingness to participate.

If it weren't for the fact that the Queen of England has no real power now, it is estimated that the British royal family and government can really create a big scene for her that all nations come to court.

Of course, the current specifications are not bad.

Most of the famous figures in the Western world were invited, and most people were willing to give Lafayette this face. The major mainstream media also rushed to report, and the melon-eaters also showed great enthusiasm for this grand event.

Even in China, where the feudal system has been wiped out for a hundred years, Lafayette's birthday party has aroused considerable discussion.

This birthday party has two themes, one is to celebrate the Queen's birthday, and the other is waltz.

It is said that this was proposed by the Queen of England herself.

When the Queen was young, she liked to dance waltz very much. She and Prince Ferret were often the most dazzling pair at the noble balls.

But both of them are old now, and they can't dance the waltz for a long time.

So this time the Queen wanted the young people who came to her banquet to have a grand waltz instead of her.

Let her relive the days when she was beautiful on the dance floor.

Back then, she was the main character.

But this time, she became a witness.

Such a romantic decision has caused a lot of discussion in China. Many girls on Weibo were moved to tears, saying that their biggest dream is to dance a love dance with princes and stars in the palace.

The boys, on the other hand, were more concerned about who the girls who came to the prom were, whether they were pretty or not, and whether they were in good shape.

In addition, everyone also wants to ask:
"By the way, can Luo Quan dance the waltz?"

(End of this chapter)

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