Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 397 Meeting the Queen

Chapter 397 Meeting the Queen
"Luoquan's old steel straight girl, it's impossible to dance."

"Waltz may not be able to, but military boxing can do a few sets."

"Do you want to show off the prestige of our country by playing military boxing on the birthday of Lafayette Daiying?"

"If this happens, I'll call her Master Quan from now on!"


Obviously, male fans don't think Luo Quan can waltz.

This thing is too classy, ​​and it doesn't fit Luo Quan's temperament very well.

Facing these ridicules, Luo Quan did not explain.

If she wants to learn something like waltz, it's just a matter of thinking, but it's not necessary.

One person can't dance a waltz, and it's a joint dance. Does she have to find a male partner to accompany her at the ball?

Luo Quan felt that he did not have such a need.

Although I read the news just now, quite a few handsome men and beautiful women were invited to the ball, many of them were on the TCC World's Top [-] Most Beautiful Faces list.

If you can stand out at such a ball, you can definitely gain a lot of attention.

Luo Quan also likes to be in the limelight, but forget about the limelight that can only be obtained by dancing with boys.

After all, since she was born, it seems that she has never been held by a boy of the same age, let alone danced.

Instead of entangled with these, it is better to spend time to complete the post-production of the film.

From getting on the plane to getting off the plane, Luo Quan is not only sleeping, but also working.Occasionally leave your seat for exercise.

After resting in the hotel all night, at ten o'clock in the morning on the 27th, Luo Quan was woken up by a call from Leon.

"Hello?" Luo Quan rubbed his eyes and connected the phone.

"Sister, have you arrived in London?" Lyon's voice was a bit noisy, as if it was on the street.

"It's early, I'm catching up on sleep at the hotel." Luo Quan stretched himself on the bed like a cat, and then said, "I've almost made up for it now."

"That's good, you wash up and have breakfast, grandpa will take us to Buckingham Palace later."

"Buckingham Palace? To see the queen?" Luo Quan's drowsiness disappeared immediately after hearing this.


"Then should I change into some more important clothes?" Luo Quan lifted the quilt and stood up, rummaging through his suitcase.

"No, just wear your daily clean clothes. Tomorrow is the banquet."

"That's fine. I can prepare one of these dresses. I'll have to look for them tomorrow after I wear them today." Luo Quan felt relieved and took out a set of clean clothes from the suitcase.

Half an hour later, Leon, who was waiting outside the hotel, saw his sister rushing out.

"So fast?" Leon blushed in surprise. He thought he would have to wait at least an hour. After all, it takes a long time for girls to take a bath and put on makeup.

"How long will it take to take a shower?" Luo Quan chuckled, opened the door of the extended Rolls-Royce, and sat in.

There were three people sitting in the car, with Butler Barry and Grandpa sitting in the front, and Leon sitting in the back.

Butler Barry and grandpa were dressed quite formally, with a suit and a tall hat.

Leon was wearing a brown leather jacket and light blue jeans.

Like his older sister, Leon isn't usually very good at dressing up.

Probably this is the self-willedness of the beauty, no matter how ugly the clothes are, it will not have any effect on the appearance.

After the car started, Luo Quan asked his grandfather:
"Grandpa, what should I call the Queen of England later?"

"We are all the same, we all have to be called Her Majesty the Queen," Charles said.

"Shouldn't you need to kneel down?" Luo Quan turned his head and glanced at Leon.

Leon waved his hand: "You don't need to kneel, you don't need to kneel a long time ago."

"That's good."

The car stopped and went all the way, and the closer to Westminster, the more and more policemen could be seen.

In recent years, Britain has received a lot of refugees from the Middle East. These refugees are mixed, and it is hard to tell how many terrorists there are.

Although there are no terrorist attacks in London like Paris at present, we are not afraid of [-], just in case.

During this period of the Queen's birthday, one cannot be too careful.

Therefore, the intensity of interrogation in London has increased a lot, especially for vehicles and pedestrians heading for Buckingham Palace.

Although Charles is considered a big man in London, his car was stopped many times along the way, and he was checked with instruments and police dogs.

After driving to the street outside Buckingham Palace, the vehicle was completely stopped.

According to regulations, for the Queen's birthday banquet these days, no vehicle can enter Buckingham Palace, and all the people in the car can only get out of the car and go on foot.

As they walked up the stairs, Leon complained:

"That's why I don't want to come here. I'm obviously a relative, but it's just like guarding against thieves. I have to search my body with instruments when I go in and out. It's really uncomfortable."

Luo Quan could understand: "After all, it is the queen's bedroom, and there are probably many high-ranking officials in it now, so it's normal to be cautious."

As he spoke, a group of soldiers in red uniforms walked by.

The military uniforms of these soldiers are different from those of the modern army. They are a bit retro. They are probably the famous British lobster soldiers.

"Are these soldiers really capable of fighting, or are they just a guard of honor?" Luo Quan suddenly became curious.

"I don't know." Leon shook his head, "When I was playing here when I was young, I teased a few soldiers on guard, but none of them reacted like stone statues.

But they look pretty good when they're juggling guns. "

While talking, a group of people came to the gate of Buckingham Palace.

Statues, fountains, squares, stone pillars, reliefs, the historical atmosphere blowing against the face made Luoquan feel emotional.

But for some reason, in this luxurious and majestic building, Luoquan felt a hint of decay, far less prosperous than the Forbidden City.

Although she has never visited the Forbidden City in person, she can feel the atmosphere just by watching the video.

Probably this is the aura of these representative buildings brought by the fortune of the country. If it was more than 100 years ago, when the empire on which the sun never sets was still ruling the world, it would have been a different scene.

"Duke Charles, Your Majesty has been waiting for you and your family for a long time." A man who looked like a butler came over and saluted Charles.

Butler Barry was left outside while Charles led the grandchildren into Buckingham Palace.

Going around all the way, everyone came to the study on the third floor.

The butler knocked on the door and got a sound to come in.

There are quite a few people in the study room, men, women, old and young, queen, crown prince, prince, princess, little prince, princess, there are seven or eight people in total.

"Charles, long time no see." The white-haired old lady sitting on the innermost chair saw Charles at a glance and greeted him aloud.

Charles stepped forward, touched his chest with his right hand, bent down and saluted:
"Your Majesty, your spirit is still so good."

This is not a compliment, but the truth.

Tomorrow is the queen's 90th birthday, but her appearance and spirit look as if she has just turned 60, especially her eyes, which are clear and energetic.

On the contrary, it was her son, the Crown Prince of Sars, who was standing aside, looked a little tired, and I don't know if it was because of working hard for his mother's birthday party these days, the 66-year-old him looked worse than his parents.

"Leon, quickly come to grandma." The Queen raised her hand and waved to Leon with a joyful expression on her face.

Probably because his appearance is too pleasing, although Leon has a naughty personality, he has been loved by the Queen since he was a child. Every time he returns to England, the Queen will let him come to Buckingham Palace for a few days.

However, the queen's own great-grandsons often pushed out Lyon because of jealousy and competition, which was the biggest reason why Lyon didn't like going to Buckingham Palace later.

Time has passed, the queen's deep love for Leon has not changed, and the little princes' jealousy for Leon has not changed either.

After they entered the study, they greeted their great-grandmother. The latter just smiled and nodded, not talking about cold or hot.

As soon as Leon came in, he was called to his great-grandmother before he even said a word of greeting. The great-grandmother was still smiling so happily, and she didn't know who was the real child between them and Leon.

The little princes looked at Leon with a little more unkindness.

But such rebellious words, even the little princes dared not say it out loud.

"Grandmother, this is my sister, Luo Quan." Leon walked up to the queen, not forgetting to introduce his sister.

The Queen looked at Luo Quan with amazement in her eyes. After a long time, she sighed, "What a beautiful girl, even when I was young, I couldn't compare to her."

Luo Quan had seen photos of the queen when she was young, and she was also a great beauty with a great temperament.

Luo Quan was the only one who could make her sigh like this.

"Thank you, aunt, for your compliment." Luo Quan imitated the example and saluted the queen.

"Come closer." The Queen beckoned to Luo Quan, wanting to take a closer look at Luo Quan.

Luo Quan walked up to the queen generously, who raised her wrinkled hands and gently held Luo Quan's delicate face.

The queen looked at Luo Quan's face, which was full of her own appearance decades ago.

Her eyes were full of remembrance, regret, and amazement.

Marvel at the flawlessness of Luoquan, as if it has gathered all the beautiful faces in the world.

"Even the most beautiful painting in the British Museum is far inferior to you." The queen let go of her hand and praised again.

"Your vision is comparable to the North Star in the sky at night." Leon flattered him with a smile.

The queen laughed heartily: "You boy, you are still as glib as before."

Having said that, it is quite rewarding to see the queen so happy.

However, the little princes next to him were even more resentful.

Fortunately, although they are not as popular as Leon's aunt and grandma, they are still more than enough.

"Queen, Prince Maurice and Princess Fox are here." The butler walked over, "The two of them are outside the door now."

When the queen heard these two names, her smiling face suddenly collapsed.

Originally, according to her temper, she should have let this unfilial great-grandson leave immediately with that damned American woman, but Prince Ferret yanked her covertly with his hands several times, and then suppressed her temper .

"Let them come in." The Queen let out a sigh of relief and said coldly.

Leon hurriedly motioned for his sister to step aside, obviously afraid of being implicated.

A man and a woman walked in from the door. The man was not handsome, but he was tall and had a masculine beard.

The woman is quite beautiful and has a good figure, but she is a little darker.

"What's the situation?" Luo Quan asked Leon in a low voice.

Lyon replied in a low voice: "This is Uncle William's second son Maurice, who is of the same generation as us, and the one over there is his wife Fox, an American."

"Great-grandmother, Maurice would like to offer you my most sincere greetings and blessings." Maurice did not salute, but just greeted the elders like the juniors in ordinary families.

"Me too." Fox smiled.

In front of so many people, the queen couldn't embarrass them too much.

Although Morris has declared to leave the royal family, this bloodline cannot be separated anyway.

No matter how deviant, this is also her great-grandson.

But this American woman, if not for her, Morris would not have made such a decision that shamed the royal family.

The queen nodded lightly: "When you come, stay here for a few days, your parents miss you very much."

Prince Maurice was also very tactful, knowing that he and his wife were not welcome, so he went to the corner of the study after greeting, away from the queen.

However, the originally harmonious atmosphere became tense after all because of the arrival of the two of them.

As an outsider, Charles bid farewell to the Queen after a few words with Crown Prince Sars, and Leon and Luo Quan also prepared to leave together.

Of course, just leaving the study, they will live in Buckingham Palace tonight, which is regarded as the Queen's special treatment.

In the UK, apart from the royal family, only members of the Albert family can receive this treatment.

After the three of them left the study, Crown Prince Salshi also came out.

"Is there anything else Her Majesty wants?" Charles asked.

"It's me." Sal Shi smiled, "I want to have a request, and I want your granddaughter Luo Quan to help."

Charles glanced at Luo Quan.

The latter hurriedly said: "You tell me." However, he already had a faint guess in his heart.

"My mother has been looking forward to the ball tomorrow night for a long time. If possible, I want Luo Quan to compose a song for you." Crown Prince Sars looked at Luo Quan, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Like the one I made at my grandfather's birthday party before, right?" Luo Quan had expected it.

The high society seems to have this need. Money and power are no longer what they are after. Fame, a reputation that can last forever.

Since Charles became famous in London with his granddaughter's music, many people asked him to ask Luo Quan to compose the music.

But they were all rejected by Charles.

But today, when she bumped into Luo Quan himself, she really couldn't refuse.

On the other hand, she has a good impression of the queen. It is understandable for the old man to make a song for her [-]th birthday.

Luo Quan said to Crown Prince Sars: "No problem, I will write the song later, but it may be too late to rehearse now, so I can only play the recording at that time."

"Thank you." Crown Prince Sars smiled and said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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