Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 398 Waltz 2

Chapter 398 The Second Waltz

Before Charles and Crown Prince Sars even had a few words, Luo Quan walked out of the room with the music score.

"It's finished." Luo Quan handed the score to Prince Sars.

The latter has long heard that Luo Quan's composition is so fast, which is rare in the world, so he was not particularly surprised.

"The London Philharmonic Orchestra is now in the hall on the first floor. If it goes well, there is no need to play the recording." Prince Sars said happily.

Luo Quan nodded: "This piece is not difficult, professionals can learn it in a day."

"Thank you very much, the royal family will remember your generosity." After saying a word of thanks, Prince Sars went downstairs with the music score.

The butler came over and led the three of them to the guest room where they lived tonight.

In the queen's palace, even if it's just a guest room, the furnishings inside are extremely gorgeous, with beautiful carvings on the walls and furniture, and a few crystal lamps hanging from the ceiling. Together with the bright red carpet, the room is beautifully decorated. magnificent.

Luo Quan opened the curtains, and the window was facing the square at the entrance of Buckingham Palace.

With her back against the window, she took a selfie and sent it to Station B:
"Guess where I am now?"

Fans immediately launched a strong crowd:

"Good guy, it's not easy to look at the styles of curtains."

"Could it be in your grandfather's castle again?"

"The golden statue behind Luo Quan should be the Queen Victoria Monument, right? If I'm not mistaken, this should be shot inside Buckingham Palace."

"It's amazing, it actually entered the palace of the Queen of England!"

"It's not just for the royal family... Forget it, pretend I didn't ask."

"Haha, don't look at Luo Quan's temperament, he is a serious nobleman."


When there was a disagreement, the fans picked up the black history of their idol.

Although Luo Quan is no longer as rustic as when he first debuted, but that image has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he can't get around it no matter what.

Fortunately, these jokes are harmless, as long as no one mentions the mouth of the abyss, everything is easy to say.

After learning that Luo Quan was in Buckingham Palace, a group of fans not only lamented and envied Luo Quan to go to such a place, but also encouraged her to see if she could lend the British crown inlaid with countless jewels to open the eyes of everyone .

This crown is a symbol of the power of the British royal family. There are many precious gemstones on it that are extremely precious in human history.

Although she can live in Buckingham Palace, it does not mean that she has the face to lend the British crown.

Don't talk about borrowing, it's hard to take a look.

However, if Leon was the one to act, he might be able to obtain the queen's consent, just take a few glances.

If she made this request in order to satisfy the fans' curiosity, it would seem that she is a little ignorant.

Therefore, Luo Quan pretended not to see these requests in the comment area.

This morning, Luo Quan was in his room doing film post-production.

During the period, Leon just came in and said that Uncle William's sons had a party in the back garden, and there were quite a lot of people, so he asked her if she wanted to go.

But at that time Luo Quan was working hard and had no intention of stopping, so he refused.

Lunch was also Western food delivered to the door by the maid, red wine, steak, truffles, foie gras, bread, quite rich, Luo Quan ate some of everything except the red wine.

The taste is really good.

After eating, Luo Quan left to continue working, and kept busy until after three o'clock in the afternoon before finally stopping.

Although work is important, sitting for a long time can easily flatten your buttocks.

Besides, I have worked for more than five hours today, so it is time to take a break.

After calling Leon, I found out that my parents had also arrived, and now everything is done in the back garden.

Luo Quan asked the maid for the location of the back garden, and the maid took her there directly.

When I arrived, I found that there were more people than in the study just now.

The study room is basically full of direct heirs and family members such as the eldest son and grandson of the Queen of England. In addition to these, there are many princes and dukes whose heirs are relatively late in the back garden.

Although it sounds like they are all very old, most of them are under 40 years old.

Luo Quan appeared in the back garden and quickly attracted the attention of adults.

"Daughter, come here quickly and introduce you to some uncles." Eric waved to his daughter, and Luo Quan also walked over quickly.

"This is the eldest son of Crown Prince Salz, Prince William." Eric said to a middle-aged man with a long face and an amiable look beside him.

Prince William smiled brightly: "Just call me Uncle William, your father and I have been good brothers since childhood."

"This is Prince Henry, the second son of Crown Prince Salz. You can call him Uncle Henry." Eric said to another man who looked younger.

At this moment, Luo Quan remembered that last time she came to London, she held an engagement banquet for the prince, and it seemed to be this Prince Henry.

"Hello, Uncle Henry." Luo Quan nodded obediently.

"The eldest niece is really beautiful."

Prince William laughed, which was almost the first reaction of all the elders when they saw Luo Quan.

"By the way, is my eldest niece in love?"

This is the second reaction of the elders.

"Not yet, I don't think about it for the time being." Luo Quan seemed to be frightened, and quickly waved his hands, afraid that Uncle William would introduce her to some princes or something.

Eric explained: "Luo Quan is obsessed with music and art, and doesn't pay much attention to feelings."

Prince William said with a smile: "Oh, it's a good thing to engage in art. Of course, if you are talented, you have to concentrate on it. If you don't think about us, learning everything is half a barrel. Now that you are old, you don't have much success."

It sounds self-deprecating, but it's actually true.

These princes of the new generation are constantly scandalized, but they have not made many serious achievements.

However, the princes in most countries are actually similar. Compared with the princes in Arabia who have no inheritance rights, these British princes are already relatively decent.

After successfully resolving a blind date crisis, Luo Quan sneaked away while his father was chatting with several uncles.

Looking around, Leon was surrounded by several beautiful princesses, smiling happily.

Seeing this posture, Luo Quan didn't want to disturb his good business.

Finding an empty corner, Luo Quan raised Erlang's legs and played with his mobile phone. After playing for a while, he wandered around the back garden by himself.

On the one hand, it's a breath of fresh air, and on the other hand, it's also to avoid being entangled by those princes with excess energy.

After staying in the back garden until more than six o'clock, everyone was called to the restaurant for dinner.

Tonight's dinner is a private dinner hosted by the Queen of England, and all the attendees are relatives.

Everyone was arranged to sit at a long table, and the queen and the prince also took turns to give a toast before the banquet began.

It is nothing more than thanking God for bringing everyone together, and hoping that God will bless the royal family to continue to prosper.

In the end, everyone raised their glasses to the Queen's health.

Luoquan is like a child here, the cup is filled with fruit juice.

This dinner was not grand, but everyone was relatives and had close relationships, so it seemed very lively and harmonious.

During the banquet, many grandpa's peers and father's peers came to toast, and Luo Quan had more than a dozen uncles during his meal.

While remembering people, Luo Quan also sighed in his heart, it is good to have money.

Although Grandpa's lineage has long been separated from the royal family, but with his world-leading wealth, he can still appear at the royal private party, and there are so many princes and nobles to toast.

Regardless of the "British royal family" brand, it is valued at as high as 800 billion US dollars by the outside world, but most of the wealth that the royal family can freely dispose of comes from the government.

The government, in turn, is obtained by collecting relevant taxes and fees from civilians.

Although it is also a huge sum of money, compared to a rich man like Grandpa Luo Quan, it seems a bit insignificant.

That's why these princes and nobles are so willing to come to get close to grandpa and father.

If it were a poor relative, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to enter Buckingham Palace.

This way of getting along, in Luo Quan's view, seemed too utilitarian. When it came to a difficult moment, it was unknown how many people he could rely on.

It's no wonder that Leon doesn't like coming here, apart from being jealous of Wang Zimen, there must be some reasons for this.

But whether it's for money or not, at least the royal family's etiquette is quite thoughtful.

After the dinner, several maids sent Luo Quan into the room, and two of them walked into the bathroom on their own, and filled the two-meter-square pool with water.

After asking, I found out that these pretty maids were going to wait for her to bathe and change clothes.

Good guy, living so long is finally experiencing the essence of the dross of feudalism.

However, as a good socialist young man in the new era under the red flag, Luo Quan still can't enjoy this level of treatment.

On the other hand, I am also embarrassed to strip naked in front of so many people, even if they are also girls.

So after draining the water and adding the essence, Luo Quan still let them go out.

After closing the door, Luo Quan took off his clothes and stepped into the bathtub.

It was the first time for her to take a bath in such a big bathtub.

It feels a little more comfortable than those jacuzzis at home, probably because the legs can be stretched out.

Although the jacuzzi has fancy functions, the space is a little smaller, which makes people very restrained.

The circular bath I'm sitting on now is much better, with enough space for people to swim in it.

Moreover, this bath seems to have heat preservation and self-cleaning functions. She soaked in it for half an hour, but the water temperature did not drop much, and the bubbles on the water surface gradually disappeared.

I don't know what kind of black technology is used, and she will have to make one at home in the future, soaking it every day!
Seeing that his skin was flushed, Luo Quan also stood up from the bath.

The moment I left the water, my whole body felt a lot lighter, and my bones were soft.

After wiping off the water, Luo Quan wrapped the bath towel around his body.

When I lowered my head and fixed it, I realized that I seemed to have grown up again.

It stands to reason that girls basically stop growing after the age of 19. The last time I used body enhancement, it didn't have any effect here. Why has there been a change now?

Puzzled, Luo Quan questioned the system, wanting to know if the body improvement was at work.

The answer I got was:
"The figure is fixed at one time, and it is still developing now, which means that there is a lack of exercise."

I have been sitting in front of the computer for the past few days to do post-processing, and I really lack some exercise.

Although a good figure is pretty good, but too much is not enough, and it will still affect the overall aesthetic feeling.

In order to avoid becoming a cow, starting tomorrow, I have to work hard to lose weight again...

On the night of December 12, the eyes of mainstream Western media gathered at Buckingham Palace.

A large number of dignitaries, dignitaries and royal families from European and American countries attended the event.

In the past, celebrities were generally not invited to such banquets.

But this time is an exception, because there is going to be a dance party, so many celebrities are invited, just to catch the attention.

The banquet started at seven o'clock, and it didn't take long for the nine-tier cake specially made for the Queen's birthday to be rolled out.

The queen is in a good mood today, so she couldn't wait to roll out the birthday cake ahead of time to share the joy with the guests.

However, although the three-meter-high cake is big, there are so many people present, not everyone can get it, and most people can only take pictures outside to watch the excitement.

Divided into cakes, the banquet officially began, and the dance was also held at the same time.

The young people danced to the music of the London Philharmonic Orchestra in the center of the dance floor, and the elders surrounded the wall, applauding for them with smiles on their faces.

The reporters faithfully held up their cameras and broadcast the lively and wonderful scenes in front of them to the whole world.

After the three pieces were danced, the atmosphere of the whole ball was brought to a climax. At this time, Prince Salz also stepped onto the bandstand where the Philharmonic Orchestra was located, picked up the microphone and said impassionedly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following "Second Waltz" is specially composed by Luo Quan for this moment worth remembering. I hope that all young people will walk into the dance floor and use your youth, enthusiasm and beautiful dance postures to come to the dance floor. Best wishes to Her Majesty the Queen."

After speaking, he handed over the stage to Luo Quan.

Tonight's Luoquan wears a sea blue dress, which is not considered a fancy dress, but it is still beautiful and moving.

She held the violin and came to the microphone, and the musicians behind her also got ready under the command of the conductor.

Dozens of handsome boys in suits walked onto the dance floor and extended their invitations to the ladies not far away.

Before that, most of them had never known each other.

And when the boys sent invitations, the girls still walked towards them generously, not letting every invitation fail.

All the reporters focused their cameras on the dance floor. At the same time, the ratings of the major TV stations broadcasting the banquet reached their peak in the past month.

The number of viewers of the live broadcast on Twitter and Youtube has also reached a terrifying 300 million!

Even in Huaxia, which was blocked by a wall, there was a live broadcast on Weibo, and its popularity reached a million levels.

If the British royal family wanted to throw a big dinner, there's no question they succeeded.

But the real climax has yet to come.

With the sound of the finale drum on the bandstand, people on the dance floor began to waltz one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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