Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 399 Sensation

Chapter 399 Sensation
PS. This piece is Shostakovich's famous piece "Second Waltz", a very nice piece.


The soothing trumpet contains lingering affection, gentle and intoxicating.

The warm atmosphere of the banquet was cooled down a lot, but it made the guests seem more immersed.

The power of music is always so magical. It is not any language, but it has a more outstanding appeal than any language. Every note and every melody seems to tell a story.

At this time, the story told on the bandstand was extravagant and majestic to the extreme.

Buckingham Palace tonight seems to have returned to the heyday of the empire when the sun never sets.

Bright lights replaced the bright moon and stars, people's laughter hovered in the air, and beautiful and happy faces rotated under each other's affectionate gaze.

Dozens of couples of men and women used different postures to match the beat of the music, trying to show their best side.

The affectionate and gorgeous movement makes everyone feel a little bit drunk, like drinking a glass of the best Scotch whiskey, everything in the eyes becomes slow, as if even time is reluctant to let this beautiful moment go too fast fade away.

Time is sometimes forgotten, but it never stops flowing by itself.

As the performance progressed, the whole piece came to a climax.

Luo Quan stopped playing the violin and handed over all the stage to the trombonist behind him.

The dull sound of the trumpet is like weeping and complaining, and it seems to be accumulating strength, and the trumpet and violin are paving the way for it.

When the conductor raised his hands and raised them suddenly, the magnificent harmony suddenly exploded.

The music at this moment is so romantic and extravagant that it is difficult to describe it in words. I don't know how many people's noses are sour, and they even have the urge to cry.

The dancing postures of the boys and girls on the dance floor gradually became unified. The queen watched this scene with crystal eyes.

She seemed to echo the appearance of her first prom when she was young, and the past emerged in front of her one by one.

Out of reach, but as if close at hand!
The song ended abruptly in this hopeless romance, and the female dancers reclined in the arms of their male partners, which is the most classic movement at the end of the waltz.

Applause, shutter sound, and cheers came like a wave.

Luo Quan put down the violin, bent down to thank everyone, and then returned to the audience.

Tonight she just played a guest role as a violinist, and she can only play this piece of music, and the Philharmonic Orchestra has to handle the rest of the program.

However, even though the people from Luoquan went down, the cameras of the media also followed.

During the banquet, no reporter asked Luo Quan any questions, but it was understandable to focus on the most shining person tonight except the queen.

Under the focus of the camera, Luo Quan sat back beside his family.

Thanks to my sister, Leon, who didn't have much footage, also appeared in the live broadcast of Twitter and Youtube.

The two siblings appeared on the scene at the same time, which immediately made the audience's barrage frantically move.

At the same time, the term "Second Waltz" has become the top trending search in many countries and regions.

Such a feast that attracts the attention of the whole world can cause a sensation no matter what happens, let alone such an amazing piece of music......

It was already twelve o'clock when the banquet ended, and Luo Quan left early after eating his fill.

The main reason is that after the dance, friends of grandpa and father came here one after another.

Some came to reminisce about the old days, some came to make friends, and some came to ask her if she would marry.

To put it bluntly, Luo Quan's performance just now was too eye-catching, and many powerful people have moved the idea of ​​finding a marriage for their son.

Fortunately, Luo Quan slipped away quickly so that he was not entangled by these people.

After taking a bath, Luo Quan turned on her mobile phone and began to enjoy people's praise for her.

The hot searches about her on Weibo have become "boiling", with tens of thousands of comments.

This is probably the community most yearned for by the upper class. Most people envy Luo Quan's ability to shine at such a banquet, while those who praise Luo Quan's clothes are rare, and those who praise music are in the minority.

As for Zhihu, people here are more contradictory.

While looking down on the incompetence of the old nobles, the young bourgeois feel that they are a bunch of moths that should be eliminated by the times.

On the other hand, I really want to live such a life without worrying about food and clothing. To put it bluntly, I want to become an aristocrat in the new era.

Zhihu is said to be the community with the best academic qualifications and economic conditions in China, but the real annual salary is actually not much.

If you really have this level of being a dragon and phoenix among people, you probably don't have this leisurely attitude to pretend to be aggressive on Zhihu.

However, for this song, there are far more people who can appreciate it than Weibo, and many people can say one, two, three very carefully.

But on the other hand, he also had some complaints about Luo Quan, thinking that such a song should be handed over to the country, what's the matter with the Queen of England.

That's where the hat of adoring foreigners and xenophobia is put on.

Luo Quan just laughed off such a comment.

She also wrote Guofeng's songs, but some people don't know whether they are blind or blind, and they just can't see them.

Finally, it came to her favorite sand sculpture netizen interaction session at station B.

The friends here are good-looking and nice-sounding, all of them are talents, and the feeling of staying here is much better than staying in other places~~.

The talent here is not a joke, it is definitely the real situation.

For example, in the hot search on station B, the top comment on the live video of "The Second Waltz" is: "

Rich Soviet style, concise and full of power.

You all only see the luxury and extravagance in the music, but I hear it sing the joy of ordinary people! "

To be honest, Luo Quan was shocked when he saw this comment.

This piece of music was indeed composed by the former Soviet musician Shostakovich, and the song was indeed made for the working people.

It's just because in the public's impression, waltz has more connections with the nobility, so it is misunderstood by people.

But in fact, this is a piece of music sung for ordinary people.

It can only be said that station B is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, and this has been analyzed.

Luo Quan is also kind, and agrees with this comment.

Then in less than a minute, the "Luoquan Capture Brigade" appeared in the comment area, leaving messages one after another, as if they had guessed that Luo Quan would appear in the comment area.

The next day, the name of "Oriental Mozart" hit the headlines of major news.

After all, the birth of "Canon" and "Fur Alice" lacked some gimmicks.

The gimmick this time is quite enough, the Queen of England's [-]th birthday, there are countless powerful stars, and the whole process is broadcast live, and millions of people around the world watch it.

Before the banquet was over, Luo Quan was already on the trending searches, and it had been on it for a whole day now, suppressing the news that "The Lord of the Rings" broke [-] million at the global box office.

Originally, today was a good day to be interviewed by reporters, but Luo Quan had already booked his plane ticket, and after eating a special royal breakfast, he boarded the plane back home.

In about ten days, the New Year's Eve Festival at Station B will start broadcasting.

Originally, the New Year's celebrations in the past were recorded and broadcasted, but this year China's first-tier stars suffered heavy losses. Station B has a lot of money and wealth, and it happened to invite first-tier stars, so more than half of the already organized program list disappeared.

Time is so tight, it is too late to find another star.

Besides, the two-dimensional concentration of the other stars is also a problem.

Bilibili started from the ACG culture. Although due to the surge in users, the taste of ACG has faded a lot, but the content of the New Year Festival cannot be without anime songs.

Now Japanese stars are not easy to invite, and the OP and ED audience of domestic animation is still a little smaller.

So the planning of this evening party decided after much thought to divide this New Year's greeting ceremony into two parts.

In the first half, the previously scheduled stars and UP hosts will perform in turn. The duration of the program is about one and a half hours, mainly singing and dancing performances.

Then, the second half will be handed over to Luo Quan for arrangement!
This plan was only discussed with Luo Quan last night. After all, she is the singer who owns the most copyrights of popular Japanese manga OPs in China.

Although Luo Quan turned down many celebrities' invitations to write songs after becoming famous, most of the animation crews asked her for the opening and ending songs of the album, and most of them readily agreed.

These include dramas, movies and short films.

She couldn't remember exactly how many there were, but there were about a dozen of them. In addition to the songs from her previous Japanese albums, it was enough for three concerts.

Speaking of which, she recently received invitations to write songs from two drama production teams.

One is for the new show "Demon Slayer: Blade", which will be broadcast in late January this year, and the other is "Naruto", one of the most popular Japanese manga in the world.

They are all Japanese comics that Luo Quan is familiar with, and Luo Quan can sing the opening and ending songs that belong to them without exchanging lyrics and music!
In short, the second half of this New Year's greeting festival will definitely be a feast for all animation fans at Station B.

And here, after Luoquan agreed to the planning plan of station B, Uncle Cheng was overjoyed and immediately put it on the top of the hot search list:
"2018 New Year's greetings festival schedule."

The content of the first half of the program was not much different from what had been scheduled before, which did not attract much attention.

But the program arrangement in the second half directly made everyone dumbfounded.

"In the remaining time, Luo Quan will sing new and old classic ACG songs, so stay tuned!"

What is burst?This TM is called bursting!

The New Year's Eve Festival starts at six o'clock, and the first half can be performed at eight o'clock at most, and the four hours before twelve o'clock are completely occupied by Luo Quan!

Excluding the part that can be regarded as the hot spot, what is it if this is not her solo concert? !

Luo Quan debuted for a year and a half, and she often went to other people's concerts as a guest, but basically she just sang two or three songs for fun, and her fans didn't enjoy it at all.

But this time she had to sing a song for four hours, and it was still at the New Year's greeting ceremony at station B. How could this not excite her fans.

What is even more exciting is that the tickets for the on-site audience of this New Year's greeting festival have also begun to be sold.

In the past, most of these tickets could not be sold, and basically station B had to find those UP owners by themselves to fill them up.

But this time, there are tens of thousands of comments in the comment area, and all of them are bought by me!

Everyone knows that this is Luo Quan's first real solo concert. Although it is not publicized like this, there is actually not much difference.

If you miss this time, you will have to wait for the next foreign affairs office. Any old fan of Luoquan can't miss it.

Tickets are a bit more expensive than last year, with one ticket costing more than 150, but compared to the concert tickets of other stars, it is already an extremely conscientious price.

Although my uncle likes money, he doesn't want to use New Year's greetings to trick everyone.

However, because there are too many people who want to buy tickets, station B has restricted the users who buy tickets this time-the level cannot be lower than LV4.

This requirement basically stopped Mengxin from wanting to watch it live. Those who can reach LV4 at Station B, not to mention old users, have at least one year of B age, and the purity is definitely not low.

With this arrangement at station B, on the other hand, we try our best to make the audience present are old Two-dimensional, so that when Luo Quan sings, the audience can also support and give feedback.

It would be too embarrassing if, like when some celebrities hold a concert, the stage is full of shouts and the audience is like a pool of stagnant water.

Therefore, if it is not the old Two-dimensional, it may not be able to take on this important task.

Although the number of places is limited, it is still hard to find a ticket for users who meet the purchase requirements. Tickets are sold out within one minute after they go on sale, which is staggeringly fast.

Fans who didn’t get the tickets shouted in the news feed, scolding the server of station B for being stuck. They clicked to buy, but in the blink of an eye, it showed that the network connection was not smooth, and after refreshing it, it showed that they had sold out.

As for those fans whose level is not enough, although they are regretful, they feel a little more balanced after seeing this scene.

Although I still want to go.

But fortunately, if you can't go, you can watch the live broadcast.

It didn't take long for the news to reach Japan as well.

As the birthplace of ACG culture, there are countless otaku here who like both Luoquan and Two-dimensional.

Although Luo Quan has never dubbed a drama, she has sung the OP or ED for many popular dramas, and the first songs are all high-quality goods, so her popularity has always been quite overwhelming.

This time the Japanese nerds were surprised to hear that Luo Quan was going to hold a Japanese song concert in China. They were shocked at first, and then completely impatient.

Why hold a Japanese concert and sing anime songs in China?

Countless people are asking questions on Twitter.

Someone soon explained the reason to them. This concert is actually a New Year's celebration program at Station B, and Station B is also the largest gathering place for ACG culture in China.Luo Quan is also the star with the most fans at station B, and is deeply loved by nerds and nerds.

Although the explanation was very clear, fans still couldn't accept it.

This is Luo Quan's first solo concert. If he can't see the live broadcast, he might as well just die.

When Luo Quan saw so many excited comments on his Twitter, he was really not sure how many of them were serious.

I can only tweet to stabilize them first, and then find Mr. Cheng to coordinate, and watch Japan, which cannot rebroadcast the content of the New Year's greetings festival.

(End of this chapter)

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