Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 400 Out of the Circle

Chapter 400 Out of the Circle
The right to broadcast Luo Quan's solo concert was taken down by NicoNico as soon as the news was released.

This website can be regarded as the originator of the domestic AB two stations, and it is also the earliest barrage website in the world.

It's a pity that the business has been poor in recent years and has been going downhill, while station B is thriving.

Although the two stations usually do not have much intersection, but this time a bridge of communication was built through Luoquan.

Speaking of which, Station N broadcast CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala every year before, and quite a few people watched it.

The rebroadcast of the New Year's Eve at station B this time is entirely due to Luo Quan's relationship.

Station B is also very generous and gave station N a friendly price.

The two soon reached a broadcasting agreement, and this time Luo Quan's solo concert will be broadcast exclusively on Station N.

After the news came out, there were 10,000+ more paying members of station N in an instant.

It’s not that there is a charge for watching videos on N Station, but the main reason is that the live streaming speed and video quality of this website are too low. The experience of not being a member is almost the same as that of dial-up Internet access and a few friends using 100k speed.

Most of the videos I watch are 540p and 720p. One can imagine how bad this experience is.

After solving the problem of broadcasting, Station B reselected the venue for the New Year's greetings festival.

In the past, a thousand people could be seated in a small studio.

This time, we chose a large indoor gymnasium with a capacity of [-], and it will definitely be full of seats, so how to maintain the order of the scene is a relatively severe test.

As for how to arrange the New Year's greetings, there is no need to worry too much, because Luo Quan's strength is completely trustworthy.

When "I'm a Singer" was still on the air, several tuners in the program group once posted blogs to complain that when Luo Quan came on stage, they had to stand as a punishment and couldn't do anything.

It is not a secret in China that there is no difference between the live scene in Luoquan and the recording studio. It seems that there has never been a car accident scene.

This is quite rare for a singer who likes high notes very much and whose songs are extremely difficult.

And such a singer with equal strength and popularity held a solo concert, which naturally attracted considerable attention.

So much so that from the time the news was released to the eve of the New Year's Eve, the hot searches on station B were filled with relevant news every day.

As for Luo Quan, because her school had been on vacation since she returned to China, she had always lived at Tan Gong's house.

Except for talking about concert-related matters with the planner of the Bilibili New Year's Festival, most of the time was spent in the later stages of filming.

The first part of "Resident Evil" has now been filmed, and the sound effects have basically been produced, and the special effects have only been completed in these two days.

Luo Quan estimated that a complete movie could be completely completed in a week at most.

Of course, it may take some time to wait for the release.

These days "The Lord of the Rings" is in the limelight, even though Luo Quan has full confidence in his film, he doesn't have the confidence to compete with "The Lord of the Rings".

Now she is waiting for the film to be finished and sent to the Motion Picture Association of America for grading.

At the same time, Luo Quan was still looking for a distributor for the movie.

The reservation is Universal, but Seifert is not in charge of this work, and it may not be easy to say what he says.

Luo Quan is also quite arrogant, what she wants is to wait for the publisher to find her.

Regardless of how well-capitalized and influential these big Hollywood companies are.

But they are actually very realistic.

No matter how angry you are, these companies are willing to be licking dogs.

If you are not popular, even if you try to show your favor to these companies, they probably won't look at you straight.

In the final analysis, whether a star has a face or not depends on his ability to make money.

If you can make money, capital is willing to use the best resources to support you.

As a singer, Luo Quan is a cash cow in the music field, so Universal is willing to promote and be a publisher for the unknown Ivy.

But movies are another story.

Ai Wei's debut album has Luo Quan's golden signature here, and she can't lose money no matter what.

But movies are different.

First of all, the production level of Luoquan movies is unknown, and secondly, the cost of promoting a movie is much more than that of promoting an album.

If the quality of the movie is not good, it is a bad movie, and it will easily lose tens of millions of dollars.

If Seifert were the manager in charge of film distribution at Universal, it would be willing to take this risk for Luoquan out of the friendship of a good friend.

It's a pity that he hasn't been in charge of this yet.

Although his father is the president of the company, with so many shareholders in Universal, he, the son of the president, will definitely not succeed if he wants to do whatever he wants.

Moreover, Universal's music division and film division belong to two departments with different levels of power, and there is competition between them, so it's normal not to bet lightly.

Therefore, the current situation is a little embarrassing for Luo Quan.

However, she believes that this situation will not last long, because it is gold, and it will shine sooner or later.

In Shanghai these days, Luoquan completed the post-production, and station B also completed the layout of the New Year's greeting festival.

Because there are two parts, Luo Quan did not go to the rehearsal for the first half of the rehearsal, but just gave the planner a playlist and accompaniment, and then arrived at the indoor gymnasium on the morning of the live broadcast of the New Year Festival, and went through the process several times.

There is basically no problem, but if you want to achieve the best results in the concert, it still depends on how you interact with the audience at night.

A concert is not a one-man show for a singer, especially for a song full of two-dimensional attributes, support is essential.

Japan has done a very good job in this regard and has its own unique support culture. The atmosphere at many concerts can be described as bursting.

Netizens at station B have watched this kind of video a lot, but they just don't know what kind of effect it will be when it's their turn this time.

The night came soon, and Luo Quan, who was sitting in the background, could already hear the singing from the front desk.

She changed the first clothes she was going to wear for this concert by herself, and looked at the New Year's greetings in the background of the New Year's greetings.

The quality of netizens at station B this year is still relatively high. They respect the barrage culture and respect the guests who performed in the first half of the show.

Except for a small number of newcomers who were asking when Luo Quan would come out, most of them were applauding and making nice barrages.

Of course, everyone knows what they really want to see.

The first half of the New Year's Eve passed quickly, and I checked the time, and it was almost 08:30.

It was a bit slower than expected, but because it was a live broadcast without editing, it was still within an acceptable range.

As the stage fell into darkness, both the audience and those watching the live broadcast held their breath.

They knew that a hot woman was about to come out.

"Hey, do you miss me?" The crisp female voice rang out, and the two-dimensional concentration exploded as soon as she spoke, and at the same time ignited the atmosphere of the entire scene.

Cheers rang out, and the pink light sticks in the audience's hands shook violently.

Luo Quan stepped out from the shadow of the stage, wearing a white princess dress.

"The first song, I believe everyone knows what it is, right? Please tell me aloud!" Luo Quan smiled, put his hand sideways to his ear, and made a gesture of listening.

"Only my railgun!"

The audience shouted in unison.

The screen in the live broadcast room was also covered by dense barrages of various colors:

The electric light dancing at your fingertips is my unchanging belief in this life, only my super electromagnetic gun will last forever!
Chinese and Japanese appear alternately, except for this sentence, there is no second barrage!
This song is Luoquan's inbound work. It is the first song specially composed for netizens at station B. It is also an official fan song certified by "Super Cannon". It will also be used in the upcoming third season of "Super Cannon". This song is OP.

For the elderly at station B, the drama "Super Cannon" has extraordinary significance. The heroine Misaka Mikoto is recognized as the number one heroine at station B. Is firmly the first.

There is no special reason, even the name of station B comes from the sound of Misaka Mikoto when she discharges.

And Luoquan's song touched the G-spot of netizens at station B very well. It is not only a station song at station B, but it can also be said to be the theme song of Misaka Mikoto's character!

The three can be said to be completely bound together.

Therefore, Luo Quan is very sure that everyone will not guess the name of this song wrong.

And after the audience shouted out the name of the song, the passionate prelude exploded instantly.

(PS.B station search Nanjo Aino, the one with more than 300 million views, it is better to eat with the video.)
"Follow my rhythm!"

Luo Quan's right hand began to be raised and lowered in accordance with the rhythm of the music.

The audience all stood up and responded to Luo Quan's request for interaction.

At this time, the gymnasium seemed to be a whole. Although there were less than 1 people, it created an aura that even 10 people could not reach.

This is the power that support can achieve. Fortunately, all the old fans of station B came here, and the concentration of Two-dimensional is very high.

Although there are few conditions like Japanese otaku who often participate in this kind of concert, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?There are basically no numbers at what node to shout in unison.

Besides, isn't Luo Quan guiding on stage, so it's completely manly.

With just a few words, the atmosphere at the scene and in the live broadcast room of the New Year's Festival was completely ignited. It can only be said that she is worthy of being the goddess of station B, and only Luoquan can achieve this level.

Not only the staff responsible for the lighting and sound on site, even the stars who had just finished their work backstage showed expressions of surprise.

During the performance just now, I didn't talk about silence, but it was just a courtesy cheer, and the light stick in my hand didn't move much.

Huaxia people are introverted, so there is nothing wrong with such a situation.

As a result, when Luo Quan came on stage, the audience felt as if they had been pumped out, and they were so excited that it was unbelievable.

Could it be that the legendary scene where she would get pregnant if she fell off?

All the stars in the background were lost in thought.

Luo Quan didn't know if she would get pregnant if she fell.

But she felt that she had finally experienced the joy of a solo concert.

What is an all-in-one response?What is an international superstar?
This is it!

She seems to be transformed into a two-dimensional god, and every movement can get enthusiastic feedback, which makes her feel extremely satisfied, even more comfortable than earning [-] million yuan.

This made her understand why those singers in Japan can perform so passionately on stage. With such a group of fans, can they not be passionate?

The heat wave was rolling in the gymnasium, Luo Quan was already sweating profusely after singing a song.

It's a good thing he didn't wear makeup, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sing a few songs and he would have turned into a colorful cat.

Taking advantage of the gap between the singing of the song, Luo Quan composed the song and returned to the backstage to change his clothes.

There are a lot of songs to sing tonight, and a lot of clothes to change.

About 3 minutes later, the stage fell into darkness again.

Afterwards, colorful light beams concentrated on the stage, and there were ten more people on the stage at some point!
The audience took a closer look and found that besides Luo Quan, there were everyone from Girls' Generation!

Station B didn't disclose any news at all before, and didn't even mention words such as having a mysterious guest.

Now that Girls' Generation and Luo Quan appear on the same stage, one can imagine how shocked and delighted the scene and the live broadcast room were.

Cheers lifted the ceiling of the stadium again.

The dynamic electronic organ synthesizer sounded, and after hearing only a few notes, everyone guessed which song was going to be sung this time.

It is "The Pure Land of Bliss", known as one of the Divine Comedies of Station B, and it is also the most famous song of Station B in the past year. It can be seen from the station to the campus to various comic exhibitions, and even in Japan.

Luo Quan also gained another nickname because of this song, that is, the No. [-] drug lord at station B, because once he heard this song and saw this dance, he would become obsessed and couldn't stop at all.

Seeing the ten people on the stage gradually turning their hands up, the bullet screens of the New Year's greetings were brushed up one after another: the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who is spared in the pure land, the failure of quitting D, gathering crowds to XX scene, unable to extricate themselves every day...

The popularity of the New Year Festival also exceeded [-] million at this time!
The number of viewers on Station N also exceeded 50.

With two famous songs in a row, the Two-dimensional feast is already worthy of the name.

On the stage, Luo Quan stood at position C, wearing a purple kimono, dancing in a smart and beautiful butterfly step, and presented a song and dance to all the audience with almost the same dancing posture as the girls' generation around him.

This is a feast of hearing and vision, and this is the pure land of bliss!
In order to tidy up the fans and make the show more effective, Luo Quan can be said to have painstakingly contacted Wen Xia many days ago and asked her and the team members to come to the New Year's Festival to make a guest appearance.

After it was settled, Luoquan also prevented station B from leaking any news, in order to give everyone a big surprise.

Now that ten people are suddenly on the same stage, the effect can be said to be quite explosive.

In addition to the extremely exciting atmosphere at the scene, the popularity of both station B and station N is rising exponentially.

Zhihu, Weibo, Twitter, and related news also rushed to the forefront of hot searches.

Tonight, the New Year's greeting ceremony at station B can be said to be out of the circle in the true sense.

ps. Thanks to the book friends Xiaoxiao Menggui, Condensation, and the book coins rewarded, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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