Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 401 The production is complete

Chapter 401 The production is complete
After the dance of "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss", Girls' Generation, the backup dancer, didn't stay much longer and quickly stepped off the stage.

This time they just finished recording the show in Shanghai, and they are already on vacation, just in time for the New Year's Eve, for Luo Quan's sake, they came over to make a guest appearance, and even confiscated the money from station B.

Of course, the effect of performing on stage is quite good, and it helped Station B's New Year's greetings rush to the hot searches of multiple apps.

The next third song still continues to be high-energy, and it is the song "Unravel" that made Luoquan completely popular at station B.

At the beginning, her god-level performance at the East University Music Competition shocked many people. Although the accompaniment this time did not have the Love music band, Luo Quan's singing skills have improved a lot compared to before. It appears to be easier to deal with.

After one song is sung, the next song will be the masterpiece "Lemon", continuing to maintain high energy.

This song is the title of the most popular Japanese song in China in 2016. It took half a year to get one billion clicks on major apps, and it also brought the film and television drama "Unusual Death" into the air.

Although this TV series itself is also very good, and the two can be said to complement each other, "Lemon" is still more powerful in terms of popularity.

It is worth mentioning that this song is also the song with the most cover versions on station B, and it is also considered by domestic Japanese song lovers as the pinnacle of JPOP at the same level as "First love".

But compared to "First love", "Lemon" is more liked by nerds and nerds.

The main reason is that the lyrics are full of a unique Japanese style, with a little sadness in the small freshness, but the cheerful and melodious melody brings hope to people.

Just like many Japanese anime movies in recent years, it always makes people feel pain and happiness coexist.

The famous songs one after another kept the atmosphere of the concert in a state of enthusiasm and excitement, and the audience, both on the scene and in front of the screen, couldn't stop being so excited.

Every song brings resonance, and every song is the love of everyone's heart.

There is no way, these Japanese songs of Luoquan are too hard, any one of them can be called the level of mass killing in station B.

The only time when there was a little bit of silence was when Luo Quan sang "Red Lotus".

Because it is a new song, and "Ghost Slayer: Blade" has not been broadcast yet, even though the song is explosive and explosive, the audience's reaction is not as crazy as before.

But it's also understandable, after all, everyone has been screaming for hours, and the whole concert was full of energy, and there was no urine point, so we can only take this time to slow down.

As a result, not long after, the next OP "Blue Bird" for "Naruto" made everyone boil again.

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire is also alive!"

The barrage swiped the screen again.

In the previous preview, it was said that Luo Quan would bring a new song. Now after singing this song, it can only be said that Luo Quan is as good as ever.

After singing "Blue Bird", Luo Quan did not step off the stage to change into his eighth piece of clothing.

After more than three hours of singing, there was only a break of less than 10 minutes. This is definitely the most intense scene since Luo Quan's debut.

The audience was very excited, and she was also very excited.

But no matter how hi, there will be a time when the song ends.

It's almost twelve o'clock. In the past, Happy New Year would be posted on the barrage at this time, but this year's New Year's greetings festival has been postponed, so I can only change to other posts.

Luo Quan gasped for breath on stage for a while, and the audience applauded and cheered her non-stop.

At the same time, such as:
"Luo Quan, I love you!"

"Luo Quan, I want to have a baby with you!"

"Luo Quan, I want to marry you!"

Confessions like this are endless.

This is the only time when she confesses her love to Luo Quan, she will not be rejected.

Listening to these loving words, Luo Quan smiled, and waved to the camera and the fans in the audience: "Thank you everyone, I love you too."


The audience in the audience was so excited by this sentence that they were atavistic, and they cried like apes.

As the saying goes, the apes in the audience can't stop crying, and the time has reached twelve o'clock. According to the progress, the next song will be the last one.

Because of sweat, Luo Quan took off his overcoat and only wore a white T-shirt on his upper body.

The blond hair was moistly attached to her temples, cheeks, and forehead, and she actually gave everyone a unique sense of beauty.

"Today's last song." After a long rest, Luo Quan finally spoke.

Even with her Iron Lung expertise and the physical strength after the transformation of "Extreme Karate", even after singing for three hours, she seemed a little tired and her voice became hoarse.

When I wake up tomorrow morning, a sore throat is almost a certainty.

But what happens tomorrow is tomorrow's business. She still has the last song to play and sing.

Looking at the fans, Luo Quan tried his best to show everyone his most beautiful smile: "It's not easy along the way, and I don't know how to say anything provocative.

In short, without you, I would not be everything to me now, and you are everything to me. This song "My all" is dedicated to all fans who love me, whether it is everyone at station B, or everyone in Japan, Europe and the United States.

You love me, so I love you too! "

The accompaniment of "My all" resounded amid the roaring roars of the fans. Luo Quan held the microphone in one hand, raised it high in the other hand, swayed from side to side, and sang in a slightly hoarse voice at the same time:
"How much time have we been together
How many roads have we walked together

The trail we've left so far

Although not perfect, but also brilliant

Those crystals are still there
shining with pride

Frankly, it hasn't been all fun along the way.

But I'm never alone

…………………… "

At the end of the song, Luo Quan really didn't have the strength to make his enunciation clearer, so he could only use the onomatopoeia of "la la la la".

However, this appearance of doing everything made everyone cry. With tears in their eyes, countless audiences followed Luo Quan and started the chorus.

But it doesn't matter if you can speak Japanese or not, even if you "la la la" with Luo Quan.

The atmosphere of the whole New Year's greeting festival reached its climax at the last moment when it was about to end!

The popularity of the live broadcast room of station B has also reached an unprecedented 1.5 million. Millions of people and even more users have gathered in the live broadcast room to witness this memorable New Year's greeting with bullet screens and gifts.

When the prompt at twelve o'clock appeared on the screen, the barrage of "Bilibili Cheers" flooded everything, and everyone was using the barrage to express their inner excitement and joy.

This is a carnival for young people. Luo Quan used this concert to completely adore him at Station B.


At home in New York, Luo Quan was sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of hot Pang Hai Foam Golden Throat Granules in his hand.

After the concert, she rested in the hotel for one night, and when she woke up the next day, her throat was unsurprisingly hoarse.

Fortunately, her physique is relatively good, and she is not particularly serious. She is not painful or itchy, but she can't make a sound.

It's okay to insist on talking, but it's as small as a cat and very hoarse.

As a singer, Luo Quan took his throat condition very seriously, and immediately went to see a doctor with an expert number.

The doctor said that there is nothing serious, but that the vocal cords are overused, and it will be fine after a few days of recuperation.

Then I gave her some medicine to moisten her throat and asked her to take it on time every day.

After prescribing the medicine, Luo Quan flew back to the United States with his luggage.

The special effects of "Resident Evil" have been produced, and Luo Quan took advantage of the time on the plane to edit all the clips, and finally added things like the cast and crew list and the producer.

After getting off the plane, she sent it to the American Film Association for grading, and at the same time contacted Seifert and Leon to come and accept the results.

Luo Quan just took a sip of throat medicine on the sofa when Seifert and Leon walked in.

"The action is very fast, it was finished in one and a half months." Seifert and Leon walked in, and the two usually hang out together.

"Going to London and Shangshanghai took some time, otherwise it could be faster." Luo Quan quickly typed on the mobile phone, and then showed it to the two of them.

Seifert and Leon were taken aback: "Why are you typing, are you dumb?"

"Vocal cord fatigue, the doctor said not to speak." Luo Quan continued typing.

Seifert joked: "If you are not allowed to speak, it will be really difficult for you."

Leon laughed too.

Luo Quan glared at the two of them. Finally, he turned on the big screen of the home theater in the living room and stole the movies on the computer.

"Check and accept the results, a friendly reminder, don't be scared like a bitch by me later!"

After typing, Luo Quan folded his hands on his chest and lay down on the sofa leisurely, looking like he was watching a show.

Seeing this sentence, Seifert smiled disdainfully: "I have watched countless horror movies since I was a child. What can scare me?"

As he spoke, he pressed the space button on the laptop and started playing.

The big sofa in the living room is in the shape of a C. Leon sits in the middle, and Luo Quan and Seifert sit on one side.

At first, Leon and Seifert were smiling.

The beginning of the movie is high-energy, there is an accident in the laboratory, and the Red Queen starts to clean up the researchers infected with the virus.

The researchers fled in all directions in the closed laboratory, but they all died inside.

The scariest thing in this paragraph should be the female researcher whose head was caught in the middle of the elevator door. The moment the elevator went up rapidly, Seifert and Leon's eyelids twitched, apparently taken aback.

"I'll go, sister, you are so ruthless, you can think of this kind of death." Leon couldn't help complaining.

In the news, he has seen a few deaths due to elevator failures. Those deaths can make people feel scalp numb just by reading the text descriptions. Thinking about it, they feel horrible.

So much so that for a while, Leon had a fear of elevators, fearing that if he stepped in with one foot, the elevator would suddenly fall, and then tear himself into two steps.

Although it turned out afterwards that it was just my own unfounded worry, but when I was afraid at the time, it was really afraid.

"Take your time, the fun will come later." Luo Quan typed.

As soon as I finished typing, the scene turned to the protagonist.

Luo Quan was lying in the bathroom with a towel covering his body, his white arms and thighs were all exposed.

Seifert whistled loudly: "It's really a good show. For this, I think it's worth the price of admission."

Luo Quan snorted coldly, without changing his face.

As the plot progressed, Seifert gradually stopped laughing.

After passing through the smooth transition period of the plot, the atmosphere of terror is gradually created, and then one after another, explosive points hit.

And the first thing that terrified Seifert wasn't even a picture, it was just a soundtrack, a weird sound he had never heard before.

"What kind of electronic synthesis sound is this?" Seifert frowned, listening to this extremely metallic voice, and asked.

"I made a musical instrument myself. I call it a water piano." Luo Quan typed on his mobile phone with a smile.

Before the filming started, she found that the rental company did not have the Waterphone when preparing various equipment.

This instrument called a water piano was a frequent visitor in most horror movies in the previous life, and it can make all kinds of strange but creepy sounds.

Luo Quan saw that since she didn't have one, she simply went to the factory to order one herself.

To be honest, when she was making the soundtrack in a hotel alone, she didn't dare to use this instrument at night. She kept the curtains apart in broad daylight and didn't dare to wear headphones.

It is indeed too scary.

And now, Seifert and Leon have also seen the power of the water piano. When the nervous BGM thought about it, the hairs on their bodies couldn't stop standing up.

And when they saw the body in the water, they finally let out their first scream of the day.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Luo Quan shook his head in disdain, his expression seemed to say: Is this a little courage?
Just as Seifert was about to explain something, the corpse in the water suddenly opened its eyes, and the screaming sounded again.

Now, the two big men didn't dare to speak harshly anymore. After looking at each other, Seifert and Leon sat on the sofa in the middle, with their buttocks next to their buttocks.

"Any creature, when in fear, will use the method of reporting to get rid of the sense of security."

Luo Quan typed on the phone.

"I'm just a little cold, sister, didn't you turn on the heating?" Leon was still talking stiffly.

Luo Quan didn't delay them from watching movies, and continued to lie down on the sofa, watching two good plays.

"Resident Evil" was filmed by her. When editing, she watched various clips countless times. She has already developed immunity, so now she can act so relaxed.

In fact, when she watched some movies for the first time, she was also very frightened. She had nightmares about this for several nights in a row.

However, compared to Seifert and Leon, who were not immune to zombies, Luo Quan's performance was much better.

When the two saw the classic scene of the "smiling zombie" turning its head, the two big men were finally frightened, jumped up in fright, and clasped their hands together in fright.

And Luo Quan had expected it a long time ago, and recorded this scene completely, with a disdainful smile on his mouth.

"Holy shit!" Seifert couldn't help cursing, "Your movie is really scary enough, I guess I'm going to lose sleep tonight."

Halfway through the plot, Seifert pressed pause, and the two quickly drank a glass of hot water to calm down.

"I told you, you have to be prepared." Luo Quan typed on the phone with a proud face.

(End of this chapter)

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