Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 415 Narcissism

Chapter 415 Narcissism
While other people were still asking for interaction on Weibo and Twitter @罗泉, Director Shicun, Mr. Zhou, and Seifert called her immediately from Accord.

If Luo Quan wanted to release an album in the past, the three of them would not be in such a hurry. The main thing is that this time it is a trilingual album, which can be taken care of by China, Japan, and the United States.

There is no suspense in the final result. Penguin acts as an agent in China, Sony acts as an agent in Japan, and Universal acts as an agent in the United States.

It took two days for Luo Quan to finalize the title of the album and record the first song at the same time.

"The album "Beauty|美人", the first title song in English, will be launched globally at [-] o'clock tonight."

This is the first post, and Luo Quan immediately posted the second post to tell about his mental journey:

"A few days ago, the list of the most beautiful faces in the world was released. My good sisters, me, and several artists in my company have all made quite good achievements, and many people are applauding their beauty.

There are singers at home and abroad who specially compose songs and write lyrics for them, praising their beauty.

To my surprise, my No.1 was not sung by anyone, which made me very unbalanced.

Since no one praised me, I simply wrote my own songs to praise myself. The title songs in the three languages ​​of this album all have the same theme. "

When the second post came out, it immediately attracted onlookers and ridicule from relatives and friends, and Wen Xia was the first to reply:

"Isn't that right, Luo Luo, are you starting to be jealous of me?"

Leon: "Sister, if you want others to praise you for being beautiful, tell me directly, I will use rap to sing about your beauty."

Seifert: "East Coast Thinker's rap... Are you trying to rap your sister?"

Yun Jingxiao: "I'd better write a lot of lyrics recently, how about I give you one?"

Amuro Yuu: "Is it really a man to sing to Luo Quan a song that even your girlfriend can't bear?"


Luo Quan didn't expect that his group of friends could also do such a show effect, turning a dynamic comment section into a sketch scene.

The fans also laughed and booed when they arrived.

But it's really strange to say that in the past, when the most beautiful in the world was famous, there would always be a prodigal son in the music world who would compose songs for her to express her love.

On the one hand, the Western atmosphere is open, and it has always been bold in this regard.

On the other hand, who doesn't like beautiful women?It is a good story to write a song for the most beautiful song in the world.

However, Luo Quan has been famous so far, and has received countless compliments, but he has not written a song for her.

I don't know if it's because she never cooperates with others. To be reasonable, she feels that she should be quite popular.

It may also be that she is so beautiful that others are too embarrassed to write songs to praise her.

Well, that should be the only explanation.

But it doesn't matter, no one praises her, she can praise herself.

She wanted these three songs to bear her brand, and as soon as they were sung in the future, everyone would know that the song was sung for her.

When the time came to 08:30 in the evening, the first title song of the new album "You are beautiful (Beautiful You)" was released.

A song title that feels very gentle just by looking at the name, and the soft guitar sound at the beginning makes people want to smile when they hear it.

This smile doesn't have any special meaning, it's simply for enjoying, for feeling the beauty, it's an expression of true feelings.

The title of the song is beautiful, the lyrics and Luo Quan's singing voice are even more beautiful.

From the perspective of a boy, Luo Quan described a beautiful girl and a slightly sad story to the audience:

i have a good life

I have a deep love

For I have faced that angel

I have no doubts about it


(You are beautiful) You are beautiful

(You are beautiful) You are beautiful

you are so beautiful

make me irresistible
I've seen your face in the crowd

i will be overwhelmed

cause i will never be able to be with you


The song is not long, only more than three minutes, and the accompaniment layout is simple, but the song sung is so beautiful, it can be said that it is extraordinary in the ordinary.

Compared with Luo Quan's gorgeous arrangements in the past, the arrangement of "You ate beautiful" is really simple, but the fans who heard it were deeply fascinated by it immediately, and then began an infinite loop.

Half an hour after the song was launched, the number of domestic and foreign broadcasts exceeded 2000 million, and the sales of singles also reached an astonishing figure of 400 million.

The fans in the community are already boiling, and immediately left comments on the Internet:

"This song is so good that it's a foul, how can it be so good?"

"Those two lines You are beautiful are the essence of this song. Luo Quan's transliteration makes my heart melt."

"The song is beautiful and touching, and what moved me even more was that it reminded me of a girl I passed by on the street a year ago.

Before that, I never believed in the so-called love at first sight, but the appearance of that girl made me believe in love.

It's a pity that I didn't pay attention to the courage to go up and ask for her contact information. This is the one thing I regret the most. If I miss it this time, I may never have the opportunity to meet again in the future. "

"Everyone will have regrets to some extent, just like the song sings, after a beautiful fantasy, it will eventually return to reality."


Undoubtedly, this song resonated greatly in the hearts of the fans. The comment section was as exciting as Yi Yun at twelve o'clock, and one hundred sad love stories could be found in it.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, at least this song has created an atmosphere, an atmosphere that allows fans to open their hearts and establish emotional communication with the song and other fans.

To put it simply, it is empathy, and this is a necessary condition for a song to become a classic.

The first song of the new album got off to a good start, but sales on major music apps were gratifying, and record orders from major offline companies also increased several times overnight.

It has achieved great commercial and word-of-mouth success, and now Luo Quan's name and "You are beautiful" are once again spreading on the Internet.

Not long after the song was released, Luo Quan tweeted:

"The album's second title song "Princess" will be released at the same time tomorrow, and there will be exclusive photos online at that time, so stay tuned."

This exclusive photo is very spiritual, and generally this term is used in conjunction with private photos.

Needless to say, how amazing the private room photos are.

Of course, Luo Quan will definitely not take pictures of side balls, but the side balls are not the only ones who can give benefits. With Luo Quan's appearance, any photo taken casually is enough for everyone to have unlimited reverie.

And in imagination, is there anything that cannot be done?
Although everyone was mentally prepared, when Luo Quan's exclusive photos went online the next day, it was beyond everyone's expectations.

The photo was released before the song. In the photo, Luo Quan was wearing an ancient Chinese costume with thick and charming makeup.

As a Chinese, Luo Quan has the title of the most beautiful face in the world, but he has a white face. This has always been a pity for Chinese fans.

Two completely different races will have relatively strong repulsion in the characteristic costumes of their respective cultures.

It's not that Luo Quan hasn't worn ancient costumes before. The clothes are more plain and more fairy-like. Although fans say they are beautiful, the effect is indeed very good.

But when she looked at it by herself, it was okay for a second or two, but after a long time, she still felt that there was a sense of disobedience.

There is no conflict between beauty and inconsistency. Some people will become unattractive when they wear clothes because they have a sense of incongruity.

Luo Quan's good looks are enough to suppress these defects, but this does not mean that the Hanfu she wore before really suits her.

But this time, the sense of disobedience that had troubled her for a long time finally disappeared.

The Hanfu she chose this time is a set of dark red imperial concubine costumes, which are characterized by grandeur and beauty.

In order to weaken the characteristics of the face, Luo Quan specially put on very bright makeup this time, but this makeup fits well with the characteristics of the imperial concubine's fancy dress, and it can be said to complement each other.

After seeing the final renderings, Luo Quan finally felt relieved. The feeling of disobedience she was most worried about was completely gone this time.

The pictures are released first, and foreign countries are still appreciating this beauty from the East, while domestic ones have already exploded.

Because there is no obstacle from the cultural park, domestic fans instantly got the beauty of Luoquan Hanfu.

And the launch of the song "Princess" makes this beauty more three-dimensional.

The Princess Luo sang here is not the fierce rock version of the original version, but a more tender and ancient style version, and the voice is quite charming.

(For the specific version, you can go to Station B to search for Princess Jay Chou, the first one is)
When I first started recording songs, due to lack of experience in this field, Luo Quan tried a few times and felt that it was not that good.

The kind of sound she wants is the kind of snorting sound, the kind of moaning and seductive singing.

Even though she is extremely talented and has invincible singing skills, she has almost never uttered a similar voice. The moaning when she sang "Gee" did not have any technical content, and it does not particularly match the voice to be used here.

In short, Luo Quan tried many times in the recording studio and called it many times in various ways, but the recordings were not satisfactory.

There is no other way, Luo Quan can only search for the binding cards of various singers in the mall, planning to hold a buddhism temporarily.

In the end, she finally found the voice that satisfied her among domestic singers.

The female singer's name is Huang Ling. When Luo Quan heard this voice for the first time, she was shocked. Can someone really sing so charmingly?
But no matter what, this voice was what she was looking for, it couldn't be more perfect.

After redeeming the star binding card, Luo Quan immediately recorded the song and released it.

Because it is a Chinese song, after it was released, it did not attract as much attention abroad as it did yesterday, and the number of people who listened to the song at the first time was much less.

This is definitely a great loss for foreign fans.

But in China, the sensation caused by this song is far greater than yesterday's one.

On the one hand, it is a Chinese song, and there is still a piece of cultural confidence.

On the other hand, the singing method used by Luo Quan in this song "Princess" can be said to be the first time a big girl gets on a sedan chair.

The song and the photos released by Luo Quan before really make the whole look too graphic.


The shaking red wine glass lips seem to be stained with blood
the unpardonable sin of uncommon beauty

Whoever faithfully follows is at best a bodyguard

Stepping on roses under my feet, return a kiss as comfort


Like swaying music teaching people how to fall asleep
ghost suffocated by unknown perfume

How many hearts have been broken by the sharp high heels

Scimitar-like eyebrows defend your secret garden"

Just this chorus has already reminded the listeners of an ancient romance novel with several million words.

Moreover, there are very few novels with strong female protagonists and more male protagonists, and the heroine is still a character like the empress.

Not to mention the singing voice that Luo Quan specially changed for this song. Domestic fans climaxed immediately after listening to it. Both men and women expressed their emotions after the fall in the comment area:

"This voice is too good. I know it's shameful, but I still want to say it to me."

"Poor old man, I have a record of [-] days of painstaking abstinence from pornography, and today I finally relapsed."

"Jimei, those who form a group to marry Empress Luo will deduct 1!"

"Luo Quan's voice is too good, it fascinates me like a girl."

"Pure passer-by, this is the first time I hear such a nice and charming voice, I regret not discovering it earlier."

"Luoquan's ten-year-old fan just wants to say that it's actually the first time we've heard the sound of this song. She didn't sing like this before. (laughs and cries)"

"This shows that Luo Quan has improved, and I like this kind of voice. (Funny)"

"Who doesn't like Luo Quan singing with this voice? Now I'm wearing earphones with pure human voice, and it feels like she's singing next to my ear. (狗头)"

"The experience is comparable to Asmr, right?"

"Good guy, I'm just a good guy."

"I'll report, a lot of people are driving here!"


It can be seen from the comment section how excited the fans are about Luo Quan's new style of singing.

And this time, not only the male fans were excited, even Luo Quan's Weibo, which was the least expected to be seen, was full of praise this time.

Probably this song "Princess" really got to the G-spot of the majority of girls, making them feel a sense of substitution from the world depicted in the lyrics.

In fact, many ancient romance novels that were popular in the early years are of this type, and they are also YY novels that girls like to read most.

In fact, boys are almost the same in this respect, except for cash charging, who doesn't like YY?
After all YY is the source of all art and happiness.

Luo Quan's song fulfilled the wishes of these girls, the only fly in the ointment was that the song was too short, in other words, the story was too short, and they still didn't have enough YY.

But in any case, this song has gained considerable popularity in China, which is inseparable from the change of Luo Quan's singing style and the amazing appearance of ancient costumes.

At the same time, foreign listeners also began to pay more attention to this Chinese song amidst the huge Amway sound, and bought it back one after another, wanting to hear what the so-called Luoquan's subversive interpretation is like.

(End of this chapter)

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