Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 416 Retro and Music Festival

Chapter 416 Retro and Music Festival

After listening to the song "Princess", audiences abroad were stunned. Could Luo Quan have such a charming voice?

Fans couldn't wait to comment:

"Oh... my God, Luo Quan's singing is really hard to describe in words."

"It's really rare to see singers with this kind of voice in Europe and America. I was born in the open West and I think this kind of singing should be labeled as 18+."

"This also reflects Luo Quan's superb singing skills. In the past, her voice was not like this, but for the effect of the song, she can be replaced with a corresponding style, which is too powerful."

Although I can't understand the lyrics, everyone can make up a million-word novel just because of the singing.

The style of the song is also a type that a group of European and American listeners have never seen before. This kind of Chinese style song is full of tenderness and charm unique to China, and even Luo Quan's singing sounds full of exotic customs.

Not to mention the group of gorgeous Hanfu photos taken by Luo Quan.

Everyone in Luoquan in a swimsuit has seen it before, and this is the first time for Luoquan's European and American fans in this kind of clothes.

That night, the pinyin of "HanFU" appeared on the trending list of Twitter. This time, Luo Quan used his influence to give a good boost to his traditional culture.

It's a pity that there are not many Chinese people on the Internet, and even fewer are willing to spend energy to show Hanfu to foreigners.

However, although there are few photos, these few photos of Luo Quan are enough to arouse everyone's interest in Hanfu. Fans leave messages excitedly in the Twitter comment area while listening to the song:

"This dress is gorgeous and fits the temperament of Luo Quan's makeup. It looks like a haute couture tailor-made for her by Chanel."

"In fact, this dress should not be as complicated as high-end craftsmanship, but it contains quite a lot of cultural connotations. In ancient China, this dress was only worn by the most distinguished women."

"If Luo Quan was born in ancient times, he should be the most honorable woman no matter in the East or the West, right?"

"If I am the emperor, I must make her my queen."

"Hurry up and go to sleep brother, you can let Leon be your queen in your dream."

"Not a bad choice for fencing."

"Lyon looks so nice in women's clothing."

"The appearance of a boy and a girl is either an ugly ghost or the best."

"There is a mistake here. Luo Quan's clothes are actually our Daehan ancient costume Smecta."

"Yes, the whole universe belongs to Korea. (Luo Quan is not)"

"It's not that I haven't seen Korean ancient costumes before. They are completely different from suits. Could it be that you see one and accept another?"

"It's good to get used to it. The Huaxia people said that they don't bother arguing with them anymore."


Although there were sticks in the comment area, but because the words were too outrageous, they were quickly ridiculed by the big guys and the comments were deleted.

Fortunately, Luo Quan often revealed his identity as a Chinese in interviews with foreign media.

Otherwise, according to Bangzi's virtue, it's hard to say what kind of status she is now.

With the song "Princess" and a brand-new look, Luo Quan has successfully gone out of circles both at home and abroad.

The sales volume of digital albums has once again hit a new high, and this time it is a true global bloom. Fans in the three largest markets are all willing to pay for Luoquan.

After seeing the achievements he has made, Luo Quan is considering whether his future albums should be all three-voiced.

After all, if it is a single language, it can only be sold in one market, but if it is three languages, it will be rain and dew!

The imagination is very good, but right now we still need two new albums.

On the third night, Luoquan released the title song in Japanese - "First Love" (Murashita Takazo)
This is a song for Japanese music fans, because it is full of the style of the 80s of the last century.

However, although the style is retro, it does not mean that everyone is dissatisfied with this song. The song is as pleasant as ever, retro and at the same time somewhat futuristic electronic music.

It can be seen that Luo Quan has put a lot of effort into the arrangement, not just simply choosing retro, there is a certain experimental nature in it.

But unlike most experimental songs, this song is too good to listen to.

Moreover, Luo Quan also did a very good job in terms of the lyrics of Japanese songs, which are always relatively weak, such as the opening paragraph:
rain in may is green
An afternoon alone makes me sad

more lonely after falling in love

Take the undeliverable thoughts as your own
can't say i love you first love

It's a heart as delicate as a pendulum
after school campus
you are running
I've been looking for you in the distance

because it's a dream
so i'll keep it in my heart

The lyrics are like a little poem with a fresh style, in the eyes, it seems that a clear spring flows into the heart, it is really a rare masterpiece.

In fact, the Japanese music scene has been trending retro lately.

Because Japanese music developed relatively early, around the 90s of the last century, relatively trendy pop music has become the mainstream.

At the beginning of the new century, this kind of music reached its peak, and even led the music trend of the whole Asia.

However, as the queen singers retired one after another, suddenly there was no one to resist the mainstay of pop music, and various boy and girl groups took their place.

Although Japan has a huge market to support such songs, for music, this market trend is undoubtedly a step backward.

New songs are getting more and more crotch, causing fans to like listening to those high-quality old songs more and more.

Although the style of the old songs can no longer keep up with the trend, but after being suddenly picked up now, it also has a special flavor.

Although Luo Quan turned out to be born later and brought several masterpieces that can be called the pinnacle of Japanese pop music, she was only good at it, and no one else could imitate it.

In addition, she also has a lot of songs in a relatively retro style, which also makes the retro style of Japanese pop music gradually become the mainstream.

There is no doubt that the song "First Love" fits the market very well. If she releases "Blue Bird" or "Red Lotus" that she sang at the New Year's Festival at station B here.

Perhaps young people will love it to death, but it may not have such a good effect on older fans, and it is estimated that "First Love" will not have such a high evaluation now.

Seeing that the effect of retro songs is so good, Luo Quan naturally follow the good and carry out the retro to the end.

The next night, Luo Quan released the second Japanese song on the album - "Lemon".

That's right, it's "Lemon", but it's not the original version, but a remake, commonly known as fried rice.

Japanese fans who didn't know where it was, were stunned when they saw this song, thinking that Luo Quan was joking.

After looking at the days, I found that it was still early for April Fool's Day, so I asked angrily:

"Izumi-chan is so naughty, and she's making a fuss like Capcom."

"Did I time travel? Back to the summer of 2016?"

"The retro you are talking about, do you mean releasing songs from more than a year ago?"

"Just finished listening to it, everyone, don't worry, go and listen to it, it's completely different from the original style!"

"As expected of you, Izumi Sauce, you really didn't disappoint me. This song is really good."

Seeing the fans speak for Luo Quan later, the other fans realized that Luo Quan had prepared a surprise.

The song is indeed "Lemon", but the way of singing has completely changed.

When I said retro before, I basically meant the style full of the Heisei era.

The style of this song "Lemon" reminiscent of the ancient times of the Showa period.

Luo Quan's opening was full of Showa flavor.

(PS. For specific songs, please search for Japan Fei Yuqing at station B, the first one is.)
The singing method Luoquan used this time is completely different from the ordinary popular singing method, and it is a unique Japanese singing method.

The so-called singing, compared to Huaxia, is actually equivalent to the national singing method, which belongs to the relatively high-end and atmospheric singing method in Japan. This kind of song will appear in grand choruses and important evening parties.

And the status of an enka singer is basically equivalent to the Huaxia national team, belonging to the big boss among the big bosses.

Luo Quan was able to kill all directions on "I Am a Singer" with his folk singing, and won the praise of Kong Yue from all over the world.

Naturally, the singing method can win over a large number of Japanese fans, and the performance of "Lemon", one of the most popular Japanese pop music recently, can be said to take care of fans of almost all ages.

Immediately after the release of the song, the enka version "Lemon" appeared on TV TOKYO's midnight music broadcast, which made a group of middle-aged people who stayed up late watching TV suddenly refreshed, wondering when did Japanese enka suddenly sound so good?

Japanese fans on Twitter are also full of praise for this song:
"I apologize to Luo Quan for my previous doubts. This cold meal is too delicious."

"It's really an ingenious reset, perfectly integrating enka and pop, it can be said that it is suitable for all ages."

"As expected of a music angel, there are only four songs in this album, how many singing styles are there already?"

"If this song was sung at the Hongbai Song Concert not long ago, would No.1 still have suspense?"

"Speaking of this, I feel a pity that Luo Quan was not invited to the Red and White Song Festival last year!"

"No way, she was attending the Queen's birthday in England at the time, but then the concert at the Bilibili New Year's Festival made me really happy."

"I don't know what eye-catching works she will come up with next, I'm really looking forward to it!"


In the past few days, the Twitter comment area has almost become a large-scale confession and touting scene.

Numerous praises and praises surround Luo Quan, album sales are setting new records every day, and she has been hanging on the front pages of domestic and foreign online media for several days in a row.

Even many singers were impressed by her performance in the past few days, and began to blow her up.

If someone else had received so much positive feedback and faced praise from countless people every day, I'm afraid I would have been a little smug.

This has nothing to do with being modest or not, it’s just that there are too many positive comments, and people who watch it are always in a strong psychological hint, and there will always be a voice telling themselves: she is the most powerful, she is invincible, and the whole world likes her.

But even Money can’t be liked by the whole world, can Luo Quan do it?

She had never felt that way.

Perhaps she is very popular now, her popularity and reputation have reached the peak, and everyone is pursuing her in a way that is almost flattering, praising Luo Quan seems to have become ZZ correct.

But she herself can see very clearly that if she pulls her hips one day, those people who praised her desperately will probably be the ones who scolded her desperately.

The media has always been like this, they like to praise a person to the sky, and finally throw him to hell.

I don't know how many celebrities have suffered such treatment, in past and present lives.

He is as great as the king of pop, MJ. When he was popular in his previous life, he was at his heyday. There was a huge response, and the crowds were empty. A concert stunned dozens of spectators. A poss in the Super Bowl, fans were willing to scream for him all the time.

But as a result, once the media smeared word of mouth, it plummeted, and I even became a heinous sinner.

Female representatives also include Britney Spears, who was known as America's sweetheart when she was popular, and the dream lover of all American men.

In the end, he was also made mentally ill by the American paparazzi and the media.

So Luo Quan has always understood in his heart that the brilliance he has experienced in his life will eventually be repaid by loneliness.

The harder you brag now, the worse you will be scolded when you are unlucky in the future.

So she will never show any image of being arrogant and arrogant in front of the public, and will not leave any excuses for anyone.

In addition, she will try her best to maintain this brilliance and prevent loneliness as much as possible.

Therefore, no matter how hard these fans and the media are blowing up now, if anyone floats, she will not float.

Only by keeping the original intention can we always succeed.

Of course, in front of good friends, Luo Quan's tail almost hit the sky this time.

In Wen Xia's mansion in the capital, Luo Quan smiled and held up his mobile phone, showing off to Wen Xia the impressive achievements he had made in the four days since his new song was released:
"Haha Wen Xia, it looks like I'm going to win the best-selling album in China this time."

Prior to this, Huaxia's best-selling album was Girls' Generation's debut album, which sold more than 300 million copies, and the second place was "Chopin in November", which sold more than 800 million copies.

The release date of the two albums is about three months apart. Girls’ Generation actually took advantage of it, but it has not been broken until this year. This also proves that Girls’ Generation is really popular in China, not even Luoquan. opponent.

Therefore, Wen Xia often used this matter to show off in front of Luo Quan. .

And this time, Luo Quan's new album has sold 500 million copies, and it seems that the stamina is not bad, and it is not impossible to break the record set by Girls' Generation in China.

On the one hand, I came to the capital to participate in the music festival, and on the other hand, I also wanted to refresh Wen Xia's spirit.

But Wen Xia didn't like this at all, just smiled and said: "It's not too late to wait until you sell it!"

"We'll see!" Luo Quan snorted, but didn't set a flag.

ps. Thanks to the book friend Song Renzong Mingxiao Emperor Zhao Zhen for the book coin, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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