Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 417 The music rang, Luo Quan won the award

Chapter 417 When the music rang, Luo Quan won the prize
After resting in the capital for one night, Luo Quan and the Girls' Generation girls came to the No. [-] studio of the CCTV building the next day.

Tonight, the CCTV Music Festival will be held here to present awards to outstanding Chinese music and musicians in the past year.

This grand ceremony is currently the most prestigious pop music award in China. It is awarded every two years, and any shortlisted works have been fully tested by time and the market.

Tonight's CCTV music festival scene can be described as star-studded.

Although many celebrities were forced to retire some time ago, the Chinese music scene has not been greatly affected by this turmoil. Those who suffer are some traffic singers.

After all, if you want to become popular in the music world, you still have to rely on your own works in most cases, and there are still relatively few people who like to specialize in research.

This time the singers went to the ceremony to witness the honor on the one hand, and on the other hand, the selection of the singing program of the Spring Festival Gala has already begun.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was a great success, and the ratings hit a new high in recent years.

In order to continue the success of the Spring Festival Gala, the director team has also made many reforms this time. More popular elements have been added to the song selection, and they have also clearly stated to the newcomers that they will give more opportunities.

Among the candidates this time, Luo Quan and Girls' Generation were basically determined to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

As the most popular solo female singer last year, Luo Quan is proficient in all aspects of appearance, talent, and singing skills, and she has made a great contribution. It is unreasonable not to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

The same goes for Girls' Generation, the hottest girl group that stood out from last year's hottest variety shows, has a certain popularity in Asia and even the world, and the members also include outstanding girl idols from Japan and South Korea, which reflects China's tolerance.

If it weren't for the prejudice of the feudal female management, last year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala should have been held.

But now the female management has gone down, so Girls' Generation didn't encounter any obstacles this time, and went directly to the Spring Festival Gala.

Today, Luo Quan and Girls' Generation sat in the first row with a group of bigwigs. In addition to CCTV's recognition of their strength, it also means that they will win awards this year.

In fact, these things can be thought of with your toes. The Huaxia Orchestra is a bit out of date now, and it points to these girls to expand their popularity internationally.

The award ceremony was broadcast live on all platforms. For environmental considerations, most people chose to watch the live broadcast at Station B. Bullet chats can be posted here. There are so many people, and everyone speaks nicely.

The most important thing is that Luoquan and Girls' Generation at station B have very, very many fans.

"Great changes have taken place in the Chinese music scene in the past two years. Countless talented and thoughtful musicians have emerged. From various music variety shows, too many musicians have been discovered..."

The two hosts of CCTV made the opening remarks on the stage.

As they said, the Chinese music scene has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, independent musicians published songs on the Internet, and after they became famous, they were called Internet singers.

But now most of them are released on Douyin, and they are also called Internet celebrity singers after they become famous.

The level of the two is different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, the works are very popular with the public.

Excluding those online celebrity singers who are controversial about plagiarism, the people who came to the CCTV Music Festival this time are relatively powerful online celebrity singers.

After the opening remarks and greetings, soon came the announcement of the first award.

"Music is always improving. The predecessors pioneered the road, and the younger generations forged ahead. Tradition and change go hand in hand. There is never a shortage of outstanding newcomers in the Chinese music scene.

The next thing to be announced is the Best Newcomer of the Year Award at the CCTV Music Festival! "

As soon as the name of the award came out, the guests near Luoquan started to congratulate her.

"Hey, it's a pity that the best newcomer can only be a solo singer, otherwise we can still have a candidate." Wen Xia congratulated and regretted.

It's really a pity, after all, it is the music award with the highest gold content in China, even if it's just a nomination, it's worth a lot.

"The winner of this year's Best Newcomer is---Luo Quan!"

The atmosphere team went to work immediately, fireworks and steam seemed to rise in front of the stage, and Luo Quan walked up to the stage amidst applause.

She didn't wear an evening gown today, so she didn't need to compete with anyone on an occasion like CCTV. She just wore an ordinary black woolen coat with a blue sky scarf around her neck.

The overall style looks very mature, and it is much better than last summer's T-shirt, shorts and flip flops.

"Thanks to CCTV, to the CCTV Music Festival for recognizing me, to my family and friends for their support, and finally to all the fans who love me. Without you, I would not have these honors." Luo Quan took the trophy and expressed himself Prepare your first acceptance speech.

For this grand ceremony, she specially prepared several acceptance speeches, in order to avoid repetitions in the future.

In the past, when the CCTV music festival awards were presented, because the nominees were all talented people, no matter who won the award, it usually caused controversy.

Often when the award-winning singer is announced on the stage, the names of the singer and the competitor will immediately be on the trending searches on Weibo, and the two fans will immediately tear up.

But this time, it can be said that Luo Quan, who won the award, was well-received. When she came to participate in the grand ceremony this time, no one would think that she was here to run with her.

As long as there is an award nominated by her, [-]% will win it.

As soon as Luo Quan returned to the auditorium and sat down, Girls' Generation next to him was about to take the stage again.

Because the next thing to be awarded is the best rookie group award of the year.

The hostess looked at the camera and said with a smile: "They come from all corners of the country, even from foreign countries. They were selected from [-] contestants. After months of learning and competition, nine people finally formed a group.

This year's best rookie group is our Girls' Generation! "

Girls' Generation's masterpiece "GEE" sounded, and nine beautiful and lovely girls came to the front of the stage together, and all kinds of support slogans were overwhelmingly brushed up on the barrage:
"One day Girls' Generation, forever Girls' Generation!"

"Wen Xia is king, Yuner is beautiful, Junzi is cute!"

"Nine little ones rush!"


As the captain, the words of thanks were naturally delivered by Wen Xia.

In fact, since she debuted in Korea and returned to China for more than a year, she has attended countless awards ceremonies.

But it is the first time to attend the CCTV Music Festival, so although I have rich experience, I still seem a little excited.

Not only because of myself, but also because the girls in the whole group and the women's group industry have been recognized by CCTV.

From the moment Girls' Generation debuted, Huaxia finally had a girl group that could compete with Japan and South Korea.

Now in China, they have reached the peak, the next step is South Korea, and the next step is the whole world!

Of course, this ambition cannot be made public right now. Although Wen Xia is excited, she has not lost her mind. She has read her acceptance speech for countless times, so she will not make mistakes.

After the two hors d'oeuvres, it's time for the more important awards, first of all, the best Chinese pop song of the year.

This is an award where you can tell who will win by hearing the name.

But there must be some links, all the nominated songs were scrolled on the big screen one by one.

Interestingly, Luo Quan is the only singer with two nominations. Both "Nocturne" and "In the Name of the Father" were nominated for the best pop song of the year.

According to the rules, each singer can only be nominated for one song at a time, but Luo Quan's two songs are so outstanding that each can win an award, so the judges made an exception and allowed two nominations.

"The award-winning work this year is..." The host deliberately prolonged his voice when he said this, tormenting the guests and audience.

"The winning work is Luo Quan's "Nocturne"!"

As the hostess shouted, the signature ear-catching guitar accompaniment of Nocturne sounded, and Luo Quan's singing made the barrage in the live broadcast room almost climax.

"Singing Chopin's Nocturne for you, commemorating my dead love..."

Stepping on his own singing, Luo Quan trotted onto the stage.

If it was on the night of Weibo, she might come and say: "I give full affirmation to the judges for awarding this award to me".

However, Luo Quan, the head of CCTV, didn't dare to be skinny, and could only thank all the people who helped her with the prepared acceptance speech very obediently.

With warm applause, Luo Quan Shi suddenly stepped off the stage.

But tonight, her run has just begun.

The next award is the best new single of the year.

This award is created to encourage those singers who are brave enough to explore new genres. In the past, the award-winning works were more experimental, such as Cao Mufeng, and Liu Yang who had appeared on "I Am a Singer" once before.

Both of these are candidates who are more likely to win the award before the award ceremony begins.

However, after seeing Luo Quan's "In the Name of the Father" appearing in the nominations, there was no suspense about the ownership of this award again.

"This song pioneered a dark genre, with a thick tune that tells a story of redemption.

Then I announce that the winner of this year's best new work award is... Luo Quan's "In the Name of the Father"! "

"Merciful Father, I have fallen into the kingdom of sin that cannot see..."

As soon as the song rang, Luo Quan won the award.

Luo Quan, who was in the audience, had just returned to his seat, his butt was not even warm, and he ran up to the stage again.

Seeing Luo Quan's face flushed and panting lightly, the barrage immediately went up:

"Lose weight and lose weight!"

"It's good to run. I don't move in the room these days. I don't know how much meat I have on my stomach."

"No meat, I just touched it last night."

"Who has yellow urine? Come on!"

"Good guy, you're probably living in a dream!"

After winning the trophy, Luo Quan just sat down after stepping down from the stage, and the third award began again.

The next thing to be awarded is the Best Lyricist Award of the Year.

There is no big suspense either.

The works for this award have always been monopolized by Chinese style songs, and Luo Quan wrote "Blue and White Porcelain", which has become the pinnacle of Chinese style lyrics in the industry!
"Azure is waiting for Misty Rain, and I'm waiting for you..."

The award-winning song sounded soon, and Luo Quan handed the trophy that he couldn't let go to Wen Xia beside him, and ran onto the stage.

All the celebrities and guests in the auditorium applauded numbly at this moment.

I thought that Luoquan would have a big harvest this time, but I didn't expect to monopolize it directly.

How long has it been since a second star came to the stage to accept the award?Counting the advertising time, half an hour has it!

Still full of modest thanks, she was already worried about whether tonight's acceptance speech was enough or not while holding the trophy.

However, the host would not give her time to search for her acceptance speech, and the award ceremony continued.

The next thing to be awarded is the best arranger of the year.

A very important award. In the composition industry, technology is more important than talent.

A good arrangement can turn decay into magic!

There is no suspense for the award-winning work, it must be Luo Quan's "In the Name of the Father".

The arrangement of this song has reached the point of perfection. There are too many elements, samples, and richness in it, which cannot be compared with any popular music in the current Chinese music scene.

Even if it is placed in the European and American music scene, which has always been known for its arrangement, the excellence of "In the Name of the Father" is also obvious!
The singing sounded again, and "In the Name of the Father" had a double kill.

Wen Xia couldn't put down the trophy here, so Luo Quan could only ask Junzi to help him hold it.

The camera lens just moved over at this moment to capture this scene, and the barrage was immediately overwhelmed by joyful ridicule:

"Wen Xia is holding three trophies in her hands like cubs, I'm dying of laughter."

"Amazing, this is the fifth trophy."

"Come on, let's go home with a trophy from Girls' Generation tonight."

"What is dominance, this is dominance!"

"Don't panic, there are still many awards to come."

"Luo Bao don't win the prize, mom is afraid."


The barrage at the end was obviously teasing, but naturally the list of winners that had already been decided could not be changed.

The next award is the best national song of the year.

The winning work is "Little River Flowing Water" adapted by Luo Quan.

Although she is not really original, the adapted version is actually very different from the original version, and it is obviously more popular with audiences in the new era. Now it has become an unshakable must-sing song at major evening shows. It can be seen how much the adaptation is. success.

Therefore, Luo Quan deserves the award!
At this time, in the barrage, besides Luo Quan's awesomeness, he didn't know what to praise.

In addition to being awesome, it is still awesome!
Next, is the best pure music of the year.

Luoquan's "Nightingale" won the award. In the Shangyi Music Competition, a one-man symphony orchestra can be said to amaze the world. "Nightingale" has now become popular overseas, and it is beyond reproach to win the award.

The best rap of the year, "Compendium of Materia Medica" won the award.

Best composition of the year, "Canon".

Best single of the year, "In the Name of the Father" won.

Album of the Year, "Chopin in November".

The best singer of the year, Luo Quan.


Just like what was said in the barrage, this time Luo Quan let all members of Girls' Generation get a trophy!
Countless newcomers who have just entered the industry in the audience looked at the shining Luo Quan on the stage, showing envy and admiration in their eyes.

What kind of talent is it to be like Luo Quan?

(End of this chapter)

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