Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 447 Prepare for the coming of summer

Chapter 447 Prepare for the coming of summer

It was already a day later that Luo Quan knew about it.

After receiving the awards at the Grammys, she didn't stay too long. She took fifteen trophies and boarded the plane. There are still many things to deal with in China. She will definitely not be able to return home as soon as possible. Will stay out more.

It was noon when we returned to the Shanghai Palace of Darkness, and it was already mid-March. On the Internet about the Grammy Awards, Mr. Xi started a fierce quarrel with Caitlin about what he did.

After the fans of Luo Quan and Xi Ye's wife Lynn Cassandra both went off the stage and started to complain, the most trafficked online scolding war in the first year kicked off.

The cause of the incident, right or wrong, is actually very simple, that is, Mr. Xi grabbed Caitlin's microphone and said that her trophy should go to Paris.

Luo Quan couldn't see it, and when he was on stage, he spoke up for Caitlin, and Mr. Xi's wife naturally defended her husband.

Although it is very clear which is right and which is wrong, if everyone can tell right from wrong, then the Internet will not be so smoky. In this general environment, most people only talk about positions without logic, and people will choose the side they support. , And then try every means to prove the right of one side and the wrong of the other side.

At this time, being right or wrong is meaningless, whoever has more fans is right.

Without Luo Quan's help, Caitlin's own fans, even if she was the victim, would probably be blacked out in this scolding battle.

However, Luo Quan's platform completely overwhelmed Xi Ye's side in terms of public opinion. Even with the help of his wife's fans, he was still at a disadvantage.

Although America's No. [-] Internet celebrity has hundreds of millions of fans on Twitter, INS, and Youtube, it is more than Luo Quan and Caitlin combined.

However, only the software background can know how hot these fans are. There must be some brainless fans who are willing to speak for her without a bottom line, but the number is not as exaggerated as imagined.

In this matter, after all, the two couples are not on the right side. When the melon-eaters were watching, they saw some really outrageous remarks, and occasionally condemned them, which made the outcome of the whole battle even less suspenseful.

So, after 36 hours of stubborn resistance, Lynn Cassandra deleted her twitter that defended her husband, and then sent a twitter with Mrs. Xi to apologize to Caitlin.

West said the comments made at the Grammys at the time were truly mindless and stupid, and he apologized for what happened, especially to Caitlyn.

It still seems quite sincere, and has mentioned apologies to Caitlin many times.

What's interesting is that he didn't mention Luo Quan in this statement of apology, probably because he didn't want to and didn't dare to provoke her anymore.

It is said that the Luoquan Buddhist family, the fans usually do not have a sense of presence, but this time something really happened, Luoquan fans showed their terrifying fighting power to the fan circles all over the world.

In all the news comment areas related to this incident, the first ten or twenty highly praised comments were all posted by Luoquan fans, and the high ground of public opinion was firmly grasped. You can't even grab it. If you don't apologize and confess your cowardice, it will be troublesome if it affects the brands created by the two of them.

In addition to working on the Internet and having a lot of traffic, the couple have their own real estate in reality.

Xi Ye has a very famous trendy shoe brand with a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars, while Lynn Cassandra has several beauty brands with an annual sales volume of hundreds of millions.

This is the lifeline of the couple. It doesn't matter how they are scolded on the Internet. If someone scolds, there will be traffic, and if there is traffic, they can make money, but if it affects their own brand, it will be unbearable.

In comparison, Luo Quan is someone who is not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet. Apart from a not-so-famous Spring Entertainment Company, she doesn't have any real estate.

Her elders did have a real estate company, but they were not in the same dimension as Xi Ye's and his wife's companies, so they were not afraid of being affected at all.

She herself is a creator who relies on her works, and talent is her brand. As long as the songs are good, she will be popular and fans no matter what.

Faced with such a hard pimple, Xi Ye and his wife felt that there was no chance of winning if they continued to fight after they calculated it together. After all, this is a "perfect person" who can't even find a black spot in the American court.

Therefore, they simply apologized. Although it is uncomfortable to admit defeat, the popularity is almost harvested. Although they have received a lot of scolding this time, the traffic has been just full. In a few days, the company's performance to rise again.

This is a typical red-black marketing case. It has to be said that the couple have grasped the code to get rich in the Internet celebrity economy in the new era.

Both Luo Quan and Caitlin have inadvertently increased their wealth.

The ins and outs of the whole incident, Luo Quan himself only figured it out after seeing the couple's apology statement.

Originally, she thought that this scolding battle would last longer, but the statement of apology came much sooner than expected.

Although she understood it, she did not regret making such a choice.

In this society where everything is about money, there are always some people who need some people to show their blood once in a while, and boldly criticize what is wrong.

Justice might become a luxury if everyone played wisely and kept silent.

After the apology statement of Xi Ye and his wife came out, @ Caitlin, the only victim of this incident.

Caitlin herself responded quickly, saying that the misunderstanding has been resolved, and she forgave Xi Ye for what he did at the beginning, and hoped that the two parties can respect each other in the future, and at the same time expressed her gratitude to Luo Quan and his fans.

It seems that Caitlin said forgiveness on her lips, but she still has a grudge in her heart.

This time, the two sides have settled the knot. In the entertainment industry, it is always a rare fairy tale to meet and smile, and it is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years. The theme is constant.

Now Caitlin is relying on Luo Quan's strength to barely hold back Xi Ye and his wife, but 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, who can say for sure about the entertainment industry?
Maybe in a few days she will soar into the sky and attract countless fans, maybe something happened to Mr. Xi and his wife, and they would immediately cool off.

As long as this happens, she will definitely not let go of the opportunity to add insult to injury.

In the same way, it is the same with Xi Ye and his wife.

But Luo Quan himself never likes to make too many plans for things that haven't happened yet, no matter if it's her or someone else's bad luck in the future, it won't affect the current code of conduct.

The foreign scolding war is finally over, and the domestic glory that belongs to her has also been completely fermented on the Internet.

The trending search for "Luoquan won [-] Grammys" has been on Weibo, Zhihu and Bilibili for two full days, and the popularity has already exceeded [-] million.

Although this is a foreign award, its gold content is beyond doubt. Many people in China are looking forward to winning a Grammy to prove their cultural soft power.

In the end, Luo Quan was lucky, and took fifteen seats in one go, which was an overfulfillment of the task.

And after the nationals experienced the joy of sweeping the Grammys, because of the excellent results they achieved, they actually developed some fatigue.

In the past, it was said that the Grammy is so powerful, it is the Oscar of music, now Luo Quan has won fifteen trophies by himself, which seems to be too easy, so it seems that this award is not very good.

Fortunately, similar remarks are just because Luo Quan's feat is too outrageous, which makes the public feel a little unreal.

Just like Phelps won eight gold medals in the Olympics alone, people didn't feel how powerful they were because of the large number.

But after thinking about it, I realized what level of dominance this represented.

Putting it on Luo Quan, it shows that she occupies an overwhelming advantage among the musicians of this era, and it is not just a kind of music. As long as it is the music she is involved in, she has won the Grammy.

This is true genius and all-rounder.

Even if she announces her retirement now and stops writing songs for the rest of her life, her current works are enough to become one of the greatest musicians of the new century!Even, one of these can be removed.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to retire. Luo Quan is only 20 years old this year, and she still has a long time to compose. In the future, there will definitely be more and better songs.

And in China, with her grand slam in both the CCTV Music Festival and the Grammy Trophy, her status as the queen of the pop music circle has basically been completely stabilized.

In China, Heavenly King and Queen is a rank, and it is also a respectful title for singers. Not everyone is qualified to be called Heavenly King and Queen.

If someone obviously does not have this level but is called a queen, this is obviously a black name.

To become a veritable queen, you need to consider various factors such as album sales, singing skills, creative talent, concert performances, ticket sales, and nationality.

This is a comprehensive title, not just because you are particularly good at something.

And Luoquan happened to be involved in every aspect.

Needless to say, sales of talented singing albums are all top-notch.

Although the concert has only been held for half a time with the help of Station B, everyone has seen the effect. The atmosphere at the concert scene is so high that no one will question whether her tickets will be sold.

After combining so many factors, Luo Quan's title of Queen of Heaven has already been well deserved.

And after winning fifteen Grammys, no one has any objection to this title.

Luo Quan has also become the youngest and most beautiful queen in the Chinese music scene.

Interestingly, this diva has yet to hold a solo concert of her own.

After Luo Quan, who likes to mention the nickname of "Queen of Heaven", started broadcasting for the first time after returning to China, fans congratulated her on the Grammy award this time, and at the same time urged her to hold a concert.

Let me ask, would she agree to such an outrageously tiring thing?

If it was a long rest, Luo Quan, who was bored, might agree.

But now, for a month in a row, she has to take a cross-border flight every once in a while to attend various award ceremonies and programs, and she is already too busy to strike and protest.

Now let her hold a concert, isn't it that which pot is not opened and which pot is to be carried?

"Let's talk about the concert later." Luo Quan looked bitter, "Didn't you notice that I've been haggard for a while?"

Luo Quan raised his finger and pointed at his flawless face: "Seeing this pale face, do you not care about your idol at all?"


"But isn't your skin always so white?"

"But let me tell you, during the half-month winter vacation, you only ate and lay on the bed with your dead body. The donkeys in the production team would not dare to rest like you."

"To be fair, you're the laziest star I've ever seen among the lazy dogs. Others hold concerts to make money when they're famous, but you're fine. Fans won't do it even if they begged for it."

"That's why this is called a high-quality idol. It will save us fans money, everyone is right."

"I'm an old hermaphrodite, but I'm not short of this little money."


Seeing the fans' complaints in the barrage, although Luo Quan knew that he was wrong, he didn't intend to correct it. He just lay down on the bed and made a cute "big" character with his hands and feet: "I People have lazy cancer, and there is no cure, so you can scold me if you want?"

For boys, girls playing rogue is an unsolvable trick of the same level as crying, making trouble and hanging three times. Once it is used, there is almost no way to break it.

Unless it's the kind of tough guy who is not used to girls, Fen Qinzhuo slaps him twice on the ground, and the problem will be solved easily.

But if the target is Luo Quan, then such a macho theoretically does not exist.

And with her ability and image, playing a rogue is more difficult than ordinary girls to deal with, or there is no way to deal with it at all.

In the past, Luo Quan liked to be straightforward and advocated violence, but later I realized that many things cannot be solved by violence. By making full use of my own advantages, many problems can be solved more easily.

It now appears that this is indeed the case.

When a girl who has never acted like a baby before suddenly starts acting like a baby, one can imagine the damage to fans.

The tone of the barrage immediately reversed:

"Acting like a spoiled child, woman, I admit that you succeeded in this trick!"

"Okay, okay, if you don't do it, don't do it."

"Honey, let's go home and don't worry about any concerts."

"I've been too tired for the past few days, so I should take a good rest and talk about it after the concert."

"Holding a fart concert, how can my wife get tired!"

"Good guy, the face-changing in Sichuan opera is not as fast as you."

"Just ask, who has the heart to let such Luo Quan continue to work hard?"


Luo Quan didn't read the barrage, but she had already guessed the ending.

The matter of the concert has just been muddled through, but after returning to China for a few days of rest, work has to continue.

The design of Chanel's spring and summer series is completed. After last year's performance soared, Chanel will naturally increase its efforts this year. Luo Quan, as the brand spokesperson of the whole line, the first wear of the spring and summer series and the promotional photos are taken anyway. also want to participate.

(End of this chapter)

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