Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 448 Unexpected X-Fetish

Chapter 448 Unexpected X-Fetish

The weather in mid-March is just when the cold spring is expected. Most pedestrians on the street wear two-piece suits, and those who are more afraid of the cold even wear three-piece suits.

In this time period, it is still too early to release summer clothes.

However, in the fashion industry, everything is based on advances, and leading this year's trend is the top priority, so it is very normal to release outfits a season in advance.

However, spring and summer haute couture cannot be compared with autumn and winter in terms of the complexity of the materials. Although the haute couture pursues the atmosphere, the atmosphere must also consider comfort. If you wear as thick as winter in hot summer, then But it's too much to suffer.

Therefore, most of Chanel's spring and summer high-end clothing materials are made of light gauze, and the design is mainly patterned and hollowed out.

This time, the main designer of the couture has obviously changed, and some religious elements are gone, and the overall style is obviously not made by the same person.

Compared with last year's dark and sexy haute couture, this year's spring and summer haute couture is more youthful and fairy-like. This design idea may be to catch the popularity of the "Lord of the Rings" elves.

Although "The Lord of the Rings" failed to win an Oscar this year, the popularity of the movie is absolutely unprecedented.

Although Luo Quan's "Resident Evil" claims to have set off a zombie craze around the world, the popularity of "Lord of the Rings" in Middle-earth magic is not lower than it.

The main reason is that the elements of this masterpiece are too rich, epic, sword and magic, elves, dwarves, orcs...

Almost all human impressions of the Western fantasy system can be found in "Lord of the Rings", or how to say this is the originator of modern Western fantasy novels, everything is so authentic.

After the movie was broadcast, the most popular ones were undoubtedly the elves.

This race with good looks and immortality is doomed to be extremely popular in terms of human design.

In order to restore the good-looking setting of the elves as much as possible, the director invited all the extras to play the elves this time are world-class male and female models. They don't have to be good at acting, but they must be good looking.

Not to mention the players who played the role of the elf queen and princess. They have been the most beautiful in the world for two consecutive times. Even if there is such a race as elves, it is estimated that they are at Luoquan's level.

As visual animals, human beings naturally prefer beautiful elves to ugly zombies.

Since the release of "The Lord of the Rings", the cosplay of elves has sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and the popularity is quite high.

Chanel's new designer also grasped the signal of this suspected trend well, and launched a set of spring and summer haute couture that is full of fairy spirit.

The shooting location was also found in the primeval forest, surrounded by tall trees, wearing these high-end clothes, Luo Quan looked no different from a real elf.

The effect shown on the photo is naturally extremely beautiful. In the words of the majority of netizens, the picture is so beautiful that no one can bear to look at it.

However, the photos belong to the photos, and the actual situation is still slightly different.

In order to capture the effect of elves, the photographer only wore the haute couture given by Chanel, which meant that he ran barefoot in the virgin forest for a whole day.

Fortunately, the ground was covered with mud, so it was a bit dirty, but it was not a big problem.

However, the clothes on his body must not be taken after the photo is taken. There are a few skirts with relatively long skirts, which were caught by branches and leaves during the dragging process, and were easily pulled out.

High-end clothes are always more expensive than ordinary clothes. Any damage will affect the overall beauty. When worn on the body, it is a seamless garment worth millions. Once it is taken off, it is worthless.

Seeing that after taking a group of photos, I will be reimbursed for a haute couture, it is naturally distressing.

In fact, couture is originally a one-time consumable, that is, Luo Quan, who is used to being petty, will feel distressed, and only she can do a thing that is worn twice, which is why she was often used by the fashion industry in the early days. The reason for complaining.

Although now she has become the darling of the fashion circle, Chanel can wear the best clothes whenever she wants, and the latest designs can be obtained immediately, and no one else can wear them before she wears them.

But her mentality is still the same as before, and she still feels quite a pity for this wasteful behavior.

The key point is that she can't directly express this kind of mentality now, otherwise she will have to say that she is petty after returning with the reporter who took the photo.

After a day of tossing, the haute couture shoot was finally finished. Although there are more pieces of daily clothing, the workload is much easier.

Compared with high-end clothes, Luo Quan also prefers this kind of daily clothing, because it can be worn whether it is live broadcast or on the street.

Although there are no clear rules for high-end wearing occasions, Luo Quan always feels that wearing such gaudy clothes on the street will look too ostentatious.

However, there are definitely no similar troubles abroad, because most foreigners pursue individuality, how to look good and how to dress, and don't particularly care about other people's opinions.

But Huaxia still doesn't have such an environment. If you dress too individually, you will become a spectator animal after going out on the street.

In any case, Chanel’s aesthetics have always been online. The clothes designed, except for some clothes that are particularly advanced and pursue artistic pursuits, are very in line with the public’s aesthetics. Even if you don’t have much understanding of fashion, you can still Appreciate its beauty.

This is also the reason why Chanel can become the leader in the women's clothing brand industry. Although couture can reflect a brand's handmade level, daily clothing is the bulk of a brand's income.

The only pity is that the prices of such brands are not particularly close to the people, and the working class may be able to buy two or three pieces with a monthly salary.

The mystery of this has to involve a series of factors such as brand value, materials, design, etc. In short, thousands of words can be combined into one sentence-evil capitalism.

As a good socialist young man who grew up under the red flag, Luo Quan condemned such pricing from the bottom of his heart.

But doctrine is doctrine, and business is business. Now that she is Chanel's full-line brand spokesperson, she must do her best when she has a job.

The design theme of this spring and summer daily clothing is called "Cool Summer". Just by listening to the name, you can know where the key point is, it is cool.

Luo Quan took it for granted that the clothes this time would be similar to swimsuits, but the clothes were far less revealing than expected.

The first set of images, the upper body is a small blue vest and a white shirt that reaches the thigh, and the bottom is a pair of hot pants that are not particularly short.

Cool indeed, but definitely not exposed.

Even with Luo Quan's conservative dressing style, he would definitely choose such a suit when going out.

The style of this outfit is really nice and fashionable, but Luo Quan didn't know why the photographer didn't let her wear shoes, and asked her to raise her legs high as if she was walking forward when taking pictures.

At first, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After all, there was a saying in the LSP world - whether you are beautiful or not, you should first look at your legs.

When the old lsp met a girl, he never paid attention to the face first, and the figure often occupied a higher priority.

Studies have shown that when men look at a girl, the first attention is often from the thighs.

As for Luo Quan's being the most beautiful in the world, it's not entirely due to his peerless face, other hardware is still full marks.

Now when I shoot spring and summer dresses, there is nothing strange about taking pictures with my thighs in my hands.

But after taking several sets of clothes, Luo Quan found that the photographer always seemed to like to greet him in three ways.

In traditional martial arts, this kind of behavior is pure non-martial arts, but if it is put in photography, then different people have different opinions.

The main reason is that the angle the photographer aimed at is at the lower position of Xiasan Road, which is almost lower to the ground. Luo Quan didn't think there was any offense, but it was strange because of the subject of this shooting. Are the photos taken like this really good-looking?
But after all the costumes were shot, Luo Quan understood what was in the Chanel gourd this time.

The main product that Chanel pushes this time is not tops, but sandals.

In the subsequent shooting, Luo Quan will wear a different style of sandals every time he changes clothes, and the photographer's focus is also on the sandals.

"So that's what cool shoes mean." Luo Quan suddenly realized.

Thinking about it carefully, the design themes of spring and summer have already been shot badly, no matter how old they are, it is not easy to come up with new ideas, youthful, sports, furniture, sexy, even if they are really designed as swimsuits, there are not none. .

But it seems that there are not many brands that work hard on shoes. Although Chanel is not the first person to eat crabs, it must be the one who has made the most preparations. Cute and sexy, it can be said that it is aimed at most people.

And this can also explain that the photographer will greet the next three ways, the main focus is sandals, where can I shoot if I don’t shoot jio?
Originally, after the photos were taken, and after they were released, she received a click of praise from the public, and her work was over.

But she didn't expect that these photos opened up a new world for LSPs.

Naturally, the first place to react was station B, the place with the most gentlemen in China, and the hot search was directly "Luoquan spring and summer new style".

Luo Quan saw it and clicked in. Originally, she wanted to see everyone's praise, but this time the painting style in the comment area was different from what she imagined:
"Brother Meng, I said that you can add a chicken leg to the photographer, do you have any objections?"

"It's not just adding a chicken leg, I'm going to make it for the whole family!"

"This shot of Luoquan's jio is so beautiful, it made my mouth water."

"If other jios are pickled pepper chicken feet, then Luoquan's is undoubtedly pickled pepper chicken feet!"

"It's a metaphor for me being stupid."

"The words are not rough."

"I feel like the kinks in my DNA are moving."

"Is there such a good-looking Jio? Modo Modo!"


It's amazing that a group of old men would be so interested in looking at a pair of feet. When she posted the swimsuit photo, her reaction was nothing more than that.

But if it's in China, it doesn't seem so difficult to understand.

In ancient times, a woman's feet were the most precious part of her body. Even if it was a couple sharing the same bed, the husband might not be able to see or touch his wife's feet.

In the most prosperous period of feudal ethics, women's feet and chastity were basically synonymous.

But it is also because of such mystery that ancient men also developed a special plot and aesthetics for women's feet.

The three-inch golden lotus is an aesthetic concept produced in such an environment.

Although the anti-human behavior of foot binding has basically disappeared with the demise of the old society, the special aesthetic plot about feet has been passed down.

I said before that if you are beautiful or not, you first look at the legs, and the feet also grow on the legs, so naturally they should also be included in the judging criteria.

There may be nothing special about the feet of girls abroad, but in China or East Asia, they have quite special meanings.

This is the result of cultural inheritance and belongs to the problem left over from history.

Therefore, it is actually very appropriate to describe it as a sexual fetish hidden in DNA.

The photo of Luo Quan in Chanel's new spring and summer clothes undoubtedly satisfies all the fantasies of a pair of beautiful feet, especially a photo of her sitting on the ground.

In the photo, she holds a pair of sandals in her left hand and crosses her feet towards the camera.

The focus should have been on the sandals in her hands, but the indescribably white insteps and red and tender soles stole all eyes.

People's sexual fetishes are both popular and minority.

In the West, the freckled girl is the most popular image.

In the East, the more popular sexual addiction is probably foot control.

Of course, to sum it up, it’s about face control, you have to look good, but the good looks here are not good-looking appearance, but good-looking feet.

Seeing how excited the LSPs were, Luo Quan couldn't help but think of an anime called "The Garden of Words" that he had watched.

If she adapts it into a live-action movie and releases it in China, will it be a big hit at the box office?

Luo Quan thinks this is a question of metaphysics, and this kind of subject matter is not so easy to pass the review in China.

After thinking wildly, Luo Quan posted a post, responding to this little B hot search:

"I often look out of place with you because I am not perverted enough. (狗头)"

Fans responded immediately in the comment area:
"Listen to me, it's not like this."

"In the future, we will take more photos of this kind, and the brothers will greatly like it."

"This is human's yearning and pursuit of beauty, how can it be called abnormal?"

"To use a sentence you often like to say, this is for the maximization of human happiness."

"I will go in and like similar photos when I see them, mainly because I am afraid that the system will think that I am not interested in them, so I will not push them anymore."

"Today's station B is here."


This is why Luo Quan is so popular. She understands the G-spot of fans and can really communicate with them. This makes fans feel that what they like is not a superstar. Too strong.

Although this way of getting along is very difficult to establish, and there are many restrictions, but Luo Quan has been walking like this since his debut, so there are no such difficulties above.

(End of this chapter)

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