Chapter 460
The so-called travel is to see from the place where you are bored to the place where others are bored.

Luo Quan, who finished her studies at Shangyi ahead of schedule, went to England alone after receiving the degree certificate issued to her by the principal, and saying goodbye to her classmates and roommates.

The new semester of Dongda University will not start for nearly half a year. If she stays at home during this period, she is afraid that she will be useless if she lies down.

In order to adjust her mental laziness caused by salted fish for a long time, Luo Quan planned to go out for a walk to relax, and also went to London to see the birthday present her grandfather gave her.

For this itinerary, Luo Quan only gave a note to her grandfather in London and asked him to send a car to take her to the location of the castle.

As for Mom and Dad, they are still floating in the sea, and they don't know where they have traveled around the world.

As for the others, they all have their own jobs or studies, so there is no need to talk about them now.

Among a group of relatives and friends, Luo Quan is considered the most leisurely one. In her music career, she is famous for fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, and she only studied the eight classics in the first month of school. Now she just returned to school and got her graduation certificate, and she left school in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, once a person becomes lazy, it is really terrible. Luo Quan does not want to be a lazy dog ​​or a moth of society for the rest of his life, so this time he also took the initiative to leave his comfortable and familiar home and go abroad to collect folk songs.

After more than ten hours of flying, Luo Quan got into Butler Barry's car immediately after leaving the airport. After driving for more than an hour, they came to a small town called Puget.

This small town is far away from the hustle and bustle of big cities. Many families in the town have their own orchards, mainly apples, strawberries and pineapples. From time to time, large companies come to the town for collective purchases, and the business is booming.

In addition to fruits, the town also has a very famous barbecue festival, which is held in the middle of April every year, when everyone will gather in the town's memorial square to hold a grand barbecue party.

At the beginning, it was only held by the town itself, but after being reported by some media in New York, the reputation of the barbecue festival gradually increased, and tourists came here every year, and the number of people was also increasing.

Becoming a tourist attraction is definitely very helpful for local development, so the mayor of the town is increasing the promotion and holding of the barbecue festival every year. After years of hard work, the barbecue festival in Puget Town It has a certain reputation in Europe.

Because the main business here is to grow fruits, the protection of the environment is quite good, and there are almost no signs of industrialization, so the scenery is quite good.

After the fame came out, even if it didn't go to the barbecue festival, tourists still came to see the scenery.

Of course, the orchards of farmers are not very attractive, and the main place for tourists to see the scenery is the back mountain of the town.

There is a 200-acre manor there. In front of the manor is a sea of ​​lavender flowers stretching hundreds of meters. In the center of the manor is a castle with a history of more than [-] years.

This is only the main body area of ​​the manor. Behind the manor, there is a forest of over a thousand acres, and there is a quiet and pure lake in the center of the forest. The surrounding environment can be said to be full of greenery and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

For urbanites who are used to seeing steel forests and cars neighing, coming to this manor is simply to purify their souls, as if all the disputes in the world have nothing to do with them.

In addition to these natural scenery, the castle in the manor is also open to the public, and accommodation will be open to up to five tourists every day.

Except for a few houses of the owner's house and a room for storing valuables, most of the houses in the castle can be visited and photographed.

And this castle is also a must-see for many Internet celebrities in the UK to visit Putik Town.

Under normal circumstances, this castle is open to the public every day, but today, on the notice board at the entrance of the manor, there is a message that the castle refuses to visit.

Other scenery in the manor can continue to be viewed, but the castle in the core area cannot be entered, which disappoints many tourists who come here.

Puzzled tourists asked the staff of the champion, only to find out that the owner of the castle is coming to stay for a few days today, and when the owner comes back, outsiders must not be allowed to enter or leave her home casually.

At the same time, a Rolls-Royce Phantom drove past the crowd. Several Internet celebrities saw the luxury car leave and raised their cameras to shoot, and guessed that the person sitting in the car was probably the so-called owner of the castle...

"The master has completed all the formalities of the manor for you, Miss. The manor and the forest behind it are your private property. Usually, there are special personnel here to be responsible for cleaning and maintenance.

In addition, the mayor discussed with the master about opening the manor for tourists to visit. He said that it could stimulate the local tourism economy in the town. Destroy the scenery in the manor and visit casually.

Of course, the manor is now your property, Miss. If you don't want outsiders to come in, you can call the mayor later. Butler Barry sat next to the driver and said to Luo Quan behind him.

Luo Quan shook his head: "No need, since it's good for the development of the town, it's good to open it up, and besides, I won't be able to live for long."

While speaking, everyone has already driven to the entrance of the lavender flower sea. There is a passage in the middle of the flower sea for cars and passers-by to walk.

Across the sea of ​​flowers is the castle.

"Stop here, I want to walk over." Luo Quan has always liked this kind of flower sea, and she stayed in the violet flower sea in her grandfather's manor for a long time before.

Now there is a sea of ​​lavender flowers in front of me. I definitely can't just let it go. Besides enjoying it for myself, I have to show it to fans.

After getting out of the car, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast function of her mobile phone. It was a little stuck at first, but soon her big head appeared in the camera.

"Guess where I am now?" Luo Quan stared at his face with the camera, almost filling the entire screen.

Generally speaking, it is easy to be photographed with a face like this, but it has no effect on Luo Quan's appearance. It should be beautiful or beautiful.

"It's such a big face, it scares me!"

"Just after waking up from a nap, I saw Luo Quan. It was another day of joy."

"It's all your face, how do you know where you are?"

"Isn't it going to England?"

"How is it possible, Luo Quan is so lazy, why would he take a plane to go abroad when he has nothing to do?"


"That's right, I'm in the UK now." Luo Quan said with a smile, although some fans guessed it, but the subsequent answer made her a little embarrassed.

What makes me so lazy?

"I'm in the town of Putwick in the UK now, do you know this place?"

The barrage immediately replied:

"Are you really going to England?"

"Is it the queen's birthday again?"

"I've heard of this small town. The barbecue festival there is quite famous, and it will start in a few days."

"Why are you here all of a sudden?"


Seeing Fen Rong's doubts, Luo Quan immediately explained: "Isn't this my birthday a few days ago? Grandpa gave me a birthday present. Everyone kept asking me what I gave, but I didn't tell you. Now I It's a showdown, he gave me a castle, with the manor and forest around the castle, probably more than 1000 acres, converted to four square kilometers."

When the barrage heard this, it immediately exploded:
"Damn it, it's old money (old nobleman), it's like a castle."

"It's just over 1000 acres. Listen, do people say it?"

"What is the concept of four square kilometers, can someone explain it?"

"The area of ​​Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, is 0.44 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​ten Vatican City."

"This example is not vivid enough. Everyone knows the Forbidden City. The area of ​​the Forbidden City is 0.72 square kilometers. Let's calculate the rest by ourselves."

"I'm a fucking good guy! This is more luxurious than the Emperor of China!"

"After all, the world's number one real estate old man, most of the real estate in Europe has participated, and there are many in the United States!"

"Can a person really have so much money? Such a big manor is just a gift?"

"This is Luoquan, would you give it to me instead?"

"If she is willing to be my wife, I am willing to give her my world~~"

"It's a good love story, but unfortunately it's a little unrealistic."

"Be bold and take some out."


In the barrage, when fans were still talking about this birthday gift, Luo Quan suddenly turned the camera to the sea of ​​lavender flowers hundreds of meters in front of him:
"Actually, castles and forests are fine. My favorite birthday gift is this sea of ​​flowers. Look, how beautiful it is."

Following Luo Quan's words, the camera pans slowly from left to right.

This sea of ​​lavender flowers has obviously been carefully cared for, and even though it has not yet reached the flowering period in May and June, it still blooms with purple colors.

From a horizontal perspective, there is a certain distance between each lavender plant, with the castle as the central axis stretching side by side in the distance.

"It's really beautiful. I have planted a lavender before. It is fragrant and beautiful when it blooms."

"This is simply the residence of my dreams. I never thought that one day I would see it with my own eyes."

"In such a beautiful place, there must be a beautiful princess living there?"

"There is no princess, but the goddess has one, but the goddess is holding the camera for us now. (Funny)"


This is indeed the case, Luo Quan is now holding the camera in one hand, and watching the barrage in the live broadcast room with the other mobile phone in the other.

After holding it for a while, she said, "Come on, let's walk to the castle and show everyone the decoration of my new home."

While walking, she also explained to the fans who have been shouting about the inhumanity: "Everyone, don't think that the castle is very luxurious and expensive. In fact, what is really valuable is the forest behind, the thousands of acres of trees!

How much is a castle?The market price is only a million pounds or tens of millions of RMB, not to mention the top mansions in Beijing or Shanghai, and the houses a little closer to the city center are incomparable.

Many of the things that human beings can create are actually worthless. Those dozens of hundred-year-old trees in the forest, clear lakes, flowing streams, and cute animals are the real precious wealth. "

The barrage quickly asked:

"If you have a choice, do you want a castle or a forest?"

"Of course it's a castle." Luo Quan said without thinking, "No matter how beautiful the forest is, you can't live in it. The castle can keep out the wind and rain, and it's also magnificent. Who doesn't like it?
Of course, if the castle is built at the cost of destroying the forest, then I will definitely not agree, the anchor's three views are very positive, okay? "

Hearing Luo Quan's answer, the barrage directly started the complaint mode:

"What a mouthful and upright..."

"The most valuable thing here is the forest, which is a gift from nature!

But I still want the castle. (dog head)"

"It fully illustrates the gap between ideal and reality."

"One thing to say, if I were to choose, I would also choose the castle. Who wouldn't want to have such a grand and luxurious house?"

"If I had such a house, my girlfriend wouldn't have to keep urging me to buy a house and get married."


While talking, the topic suddenly became serious.

There are always such risks when showing off wealth, but when the huge gap is so clearly displayed in front of ordinary people, few people can remain calm.

Money is a good thing, if it can be obtained in a proper way, then of course everyone will be happy.

But if it is based on the deprivation of the working people, then it should be severely criticized.

Fortunately, although Luo Quan sometimes likes to show off his wealth, he never shows his sense of superiority like some rich second generations.

In addition, she has never felt that she is a rich and unkind person. Since her debut, she has done a lot of charity, so she spends the money with peace of mind.

Because she had to stop to show the fans the scenery, she walked hundreds of meters straight away from Luoquan for more than ten minutes. During this period, the camera also showed Butler Barry who had been following her several times.

Fans were very interested in this handsome old man with white hair but meticulous clothes, Luo Quan also asked the housekeeper to say hello to everyone in front of the camera.

Originally, she thought the butler was a rather reserved person, but she didn't expect him to be quite cheerful and smiling when he appeared on the scene.

It's a pity that the butler doesn't understand Chinese, so he can only say hello in English.

"It's amazing. The butler's English sounds really good."

"True old Cockney."

"Hey, the grandpa in London is just the grandpa, he only eats and sleeps... Sorry, I went to the wrong set."

"The butler must have been a handsome guy when he was young, with three-dimensional and upright facial features."


Stopping and stopping along the way, Luo Quan finally came to her new home in front of the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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