Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 461 Castle Master

Chapter 461 Castle Master
When you open the gate, the first thing you see is the spacious hall inside the castle, where exquisite crystal chandeliers are hung.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that this would be an old-fashioned castle, but he did not expect that the exterior looks so simple, but the interior decoration is so modern and magnificent.

The only fly in the ointment is that after she walked in, no maid came to her and called Guoxi Jisama (Japanese: Master).

If there were a few beautiful girls in black and white maid outfits in the castle, it would definitely be pleasing to the eye, but what Luo Quan saw were middle-aged women with an average age of over 40.

Their smiles are as bright as sunflowers blooming in the field, and their faces are also as big.

This reminded her of the hostess who often appears in Tom and Jerry, and the two have a surprisingly consistent body shape.

The maids smiled and nodded to her when they saw her, and Luo Quan also nodded back in a very approachable way.

"There are a total of 79 rooms in the castle, two floors above ground and one floor below ground. They are all open. Miss, you can go in and check them at any time." Butler Barry said as he walked.

Luo Quan was puzzled: "Check what?"

"In fact, the master had the idea of ​​giving this castle to you a long time ago. Since last year, he has sent people to redesign the decoration of the castle. In addition, he also bought some things that young people like and put them in the castle. Storage Room."

"How much is some?" Luo Quan's heart became hot. Grandpa is an old man with a huge wealth. Since it is a gift prepared by him, he must not stretch his hips.

Butler Barry smiled slightly: "To be precise, there should be a lot.

The master himself is not very interested in collecting art. He bought some before, but it was just arty. He always thought that these extraneous things should not be taken away with him, but for you, young lady, or other young masters and young ladies , he is very willing to spend money.

I remember that when the young master Leon celebrated his birthday, the young master Leon said that he likes Gundam, and then the master asked a factory to make a Gundam.

However, it is only ten meters high, and it operates more like a large excavator with two long arms. It is now placed in a farm warehouse of Master Eric in California. "

"What else? Leon, he never said that!" Luo Quan was stunned, she didn't expect her younger brother's birthday present to be so powerful, she wanted to own such a Gundam more than a castle!

Luo Quan was surprised, and the fans in the live broadcast room were even more surprised than her:

"Enough is enough, but I can take life as hard as it gets, but whenever I hear these things I feel like crying."

"I used to think that rich people must eat Michelin every day, dress in Hermes, and drive Lamborghinis.

Now it seems that this is as funny as peasants discussing whether the emperor digs with a gold hoe or a silver hoe. "

"Probably, this is the difference in the world."


Looking at the complaints in the barrage, Luo Quan laughed: "So students, you have to study hard, and don't consider buying lottery tickets to win billions of dollars, reading is the only way for us to change our lives against the sky!"

The topic suddenly came to reading, Luo Quan looked at the butler: "Butler Barry, did Grandpa prepare some books for me?"

Barry nodded: "Yes, the master specially bought a library for you, do you want to go and have a look now?"

"Let's go then."

Luo Quan held up his mobile phone and followed the housekeeper.

The two walked through the hall, behind which there was a spiral stone staircase.

It was quite spacious at the beginning, but the more you walked, the narrower it became. In the end, the stairs were directly sandwiched between two walls. Most of the stairs in the castle basically look like this.

After reaching the second floor, three passages appeared in front of Luo Quan, one on the left and one on the left, which seemed to be very long.

"Go straight to the bedroom of the master and relatives. The utility room was on the right. However, in order to receive tourists, some of them have been transformed into bedrooms. On the left are various storage rooms." Barry stood at the intersection and gave Luo Quan explaining.

Luo Quan smiled: "There are also various storage rooms, so Grandpa prepared a lot of things for me."

"It's quite a lot." Butler Barry smiled, and then walked to the end of the passage on the left: "This is the library that the master prepared for you, Miss."

With that said, Butler Barry opened the door, revealing the true face inside.

Even Luo Quan has been exposed to a lot of high-end house decorations over the years, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Looking inside the small door, after opening it turned out to be a spacious room of more than 50 square meters. There are three rows of large bookshelves as tall as a person on the left, middle and right sides, densely packed with books.

Luo Quan took a light breath, and his chest would be filled with a strong smell of books.

In the center of the room, there is a circular sofa with a radius of two meters. There are several chairs beside it, and there is a desk further inside. A high-end three-screen desktop computer that looks like yours is placed on the desk. Although it is not turned on, But the colorful lights and eye-catching eyes of the host all reflect its sense of technology.

Luo Quan did not speak, and she left all the opportunities for fans to express themselves freely:
"How is this a study room? What's the difference between this library?"

"Oh, the damned mesmerizing prodigal eye!"

"Needless to say, with such a big host, with rows of logos, the graphics card configuration must be a four-way crossfire 2080ti!"

"With such an awesome computer in such an awesome study room, these books are really just decorations."

"Give me food and drink, with a wifi, I can stay here for a year!"

"The old man understands what young people like very well. This host is too sympathetic to me."

"Wake up, this is from Luoquan."

"Isn't my wife's mine... Hahaha, let me go, I'm not crazy."

"It's hopeless, what about the doctor, take this man away quickly."


Although the library and the host are awesome, but as the fans said, with a computer here, who is in the mood to read?

Luo Quan walked to the bookshelf, and took out a copy, titled "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", the classic work of the philosopher Nietzsche, all in English, quite new, probably newly printed.

With the old man's inhumane style, the books on these bookshelves should be brand-new editions that he directly asked the printing house to print.

Touching the smooth pages of this book, although she can understand all the English on it, it seems very obscure when connected together.

With her English proficiency, she has already reached the level of simultaneous interpretation, but philosophy has always been a difficult and complicated subject, especially the original English version without translation, a philosophy novice like her wants to understand it at first sight , the difficulty is not ordinary.

However, in order to pretend to be in-depth, she still read the book pretending to be interested in philosophy.

"Do you understand?"

"Don't pretend, this stuff is no less difficult than mathematics."

"In this world, relatives and lovers may deceive you, but only mathematics can't, because if you don't know mathematics, you won't."

"I just glanced at it. It's Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". It's a very good book. Since I put it on the table legs of my house, the table has never been crooked again."

"If Nietzsche knew about this, would he stare at you from the abyss?"


There was a burst of ridicule in the bullet screen, which also made Luo Quan, who was pretending to be deep, directly defeat his merits: "Oh, okay, isn't it just pretending to be knowledgeable? They all say that getting rich and making products, now that I have money, I can't make me look like a learned person ?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Quan closed the book, returned it to his original position, and sighed: "Sure enough, ordinary people like me don't have much interest in the ladder of human progress. The wisdom of the sages is not something my elm head can understand. ………”

Looking at the butler: "Butler Barry, are there any collections in other storage rooms that are more suitable for a vulgar person like me?"

"Of course." Butler Barry was amused by Luo Quan's statement, "But Miss, you are not an ordinary person. Your taste has always been quite high, whether it is fashion or art."

When Butler Barry praised her fashion taste, the fans in the barrage almost laughed out loud:

"The urban-rural fringe area is also fashionable?"

"One thing to say, although Luo Quan's appearance is unparalleled in the world, but the early clothes are not better than the country girls."

"Since you win the world by your appearance, why bother to wear your youthful appearance?"

"Temperament is temperament, clothing is clothing, okay, Luo Quan is like a princess when he was young."

"In terms of scoring, Princess Ayi Tubie is also a princess."


For complaining about Luoquan, the fans in the barrage have never been merciless.

When they praise her, they will make hype, but when they demote, they will also seek truth from facts without any fan filters, just like their idols, highlighting a truth and real.

Although he was utterly complained about by fans, every sentence has something to say, and Luo Quan's early dressing style is indeed no different from that of a poor guy.

Unkempt and reckless, this is how the fashion circle evaluated her when she first became famous.

Although after signing with Chanel, her dressing style took a 180-degree turn, from a fashion insulator to a fashion darling.

On the one hand, it is inseparable from her appearance, on the other hand, it is also the credit of the cooperation of Chanel's stylist and photographer.

And she was just copying homework.

Having said that, with her appearance, if she dresses normally, it will make people feel very fashionable and high-end. Now she just doesn't let herself go as much as she did back then.

However, although the facts are like this, whether Luo Quan is willing to accept it is another matter. After all, this is her live broadcast room:

"If any of you complain about me again, you will be banned from speaking for 30 days and serve the package!"

She who wields the power of life and death is so willful. As soon as the threat comes out, the live broadcast room immediately sings and dances, but under the overwhelming flattery, there are countless daring anger hidden.

After declaring their sovereignty, Luo Quan and Butler Barry moved their positions, from the elegant library to the tacky storage room Grandpa had prepared for her.

The second room is larger than the previous one, covering more than 80 square meters. In this rectangular room, one piece of high-end clothing fills the 40-meter-long wall.

Note that these clothes are not hung horizontally on the hangers, which takes up too much space.

Like most ordinary families, these clothes are stacked vertically on the wall, densely packed and row upon row.

This room contains almost all the classic models of all European high-end brands!

In addition to high definition, there are many subversive works that have set off a huge wave of reform in the fashion circle, all of which are the best of the best.

And these exquisite clothes just surround the wall of the storage room, far from filling such a large space.

In the center of the room, there are huge glass cabinets one after another, in which there are pairs of exquisite shoes, shining jewelry, and handsome watches.

Those that can be named, those that cannot be named, those that are popular in the market, and those that are not on the market.

In this storage room, almost everything can be seen.

At this moment, Luo Quan was at a loss for what to do, just like Grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden.

With her superficial knowledge of luxury goods, she doesn't know much about the brands of most of the gadgets in this room. She just thinks these things are beautiful and look luxurious.

But if you want her to say one, two, three, it's too difficult.

"Everyone just watch it quietly. I don't have any special understanding of these things, and I can't explain them." Luo Quan stood in front of the watch glass cabinet. There are so many famous watches, she knows a Rolex.

As for other Patek Philippe, Blancpain, and Vacheron Constantin, it was only after watching the barrage that they knew there was such a brand.

"Is this the king's treasury?"

"Are these things worth a hundred million dollars together?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that. Just those watches just now, the models worth more than one million dollars are placed there row by row. It's scary to look at."

"A lot of things here can't be bought with money, and some of them are out of print. There is no way to buy them for a long time, but there are so many things here, which shows how strong Grandpa Luo Quan's relationship is!"

"Old money is still the best, and the Albert family is not just old money. The family heritage born from the combination of old and new capital is really ridiculously thick."


"Okay, that's the end of today's castle exploration session." Luo Quan chose to end the trip to show off his wealth when the atmosphere was at its most enthusiastic.

In fact, she didn't even think that her grandfather prepared so many "vulgar things" for her. She didn't know how to describe the sky-high priced luxuries that filled the room, except extravagance.

She was afraid that if she continued to show off, she would be criticized.

After finishing speaking, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast room, but the discussions caused by the live broadcast of showing off his wealth still caused quite a stir.

Fortunately, no one criticized Luo Quan for this.

(End of this chapter)

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