Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 462 White Deer

Chapter 462 White Deer
"How do you evaluate Luoquan's castle and its collections?"

The next day, this question was still on Zhihu's hot search and sparked a relatively large discussion.

In fact, after the Luoquan live broadcast ended last night, there were already related hot searches on Weibo, and the key word was "Luoquan's Castle".

The comment section is basically full of envy and surprise, and many are analyzing how amazing the clothes, watches, and jewelry in the storage room are.

However, after Zhihu became a hot search, many "rational" voices appeared, thinking that Luo Quan's behavior of showing off his wealth was a bit unfavorable to passers-by and did not conform to China's national conditions.

In foreign countries, there are indeed many wealthy second generations who like to make videos showing off their wealth and upload them online, and foreign fans also like to watch these, and even become their fans because of this.

But in China, this kind of video is obviously not positive enough. Some people have made similar videos before, but the most questioned ones are from the proletariat.

Luo Quan has not been criticized until now, mainly because the image she established in the hearts of the public is too good, and people have a relatively high tolerance for her.

But if it's too much, it's hard to say.

In fact, it's not that Huaxia can't show off its wealth. Those up owners who posted millions of dollars in sports cars and tens of thousands of dollars in luxury bags are doing well, with a lot of video views and fans.

The reason for this is that ordinary people have a chance to afford these things if they work hard.

It may not be possible to spend millions on a sports car, but it is not impossible to even think about it.

But look at what Luo Quan is showing off?

The house is the top mansion in the palace, and the car is a Lamborghini poison that is limited to nine units in the world, and the tariff alone has charged [-] million!
And now the birthday gift is given directly to the castle. There is so much wealth hidden in the castle, it is simply incredible.

Many ordinary people are actually very curious about Dinghao's world, but when they really understand it, they will have various negative emotions because of the huge gap.

There were also some up masters who made videos about Dinghao's life before, but they were banned not long after, and that's the reason.

However, Luo Quan's situation is slightly different, because the assets in her video are all abroad, and the live broadcast is also abroad, so the audit in this aspect is turned a blind eye.

If anyone in Huaxia dares to flaunt their wealth like this and is also on the hot search, then they really feel that life is too comfortable, not only themselves, but also their family will suffer.

Therefore, after the topic of Luoquan's flaunting wealth became popular, there were some "quite critical" voices at first, but soon someone came out to defend her:

"As successors of socialism, we should of course be vigilant against the corruption of capital and money. These sugar-coated shells are our greatest enemies. The more I see this, the more I must establish an attitude that I cannot join forces with these class enemies.

However, specific things still need to be analyzed in detail. First of all, Luoquan's castle and the treasures in the castle are all birthday presents from her grandfather.

Most of Albert's income comes from Europe, and a small part comes from the United States. To criticize, it is also foreigners in these regions who criticize, which has little to do with us.

As for Luo Quan's assets in China, with her performance, I can only say that she deserves such a blessing.

I'm tired of talking about how much money she donated, but I still have to talk about it.

If there must be someone who lives a fairy life, then I hope it is someone like Luo Quan, not the domineering second-generation people on the Internet who are full of superiority. "

After this answer was published, it quickly received thousands of likes and became a popular answer under the question.

His last sentence was very good. If there must be a top rich man, he would rather be someone like Luo Quan.

In fact, there are really a lot of rich people in China now. Among other things, in the entertainment industry alone, a third-rate star is paid millions of dollars for a film, and the top traffic is even counting in the hundreds of millions.

But how good are these people themselves?How much money is there to earn sky-high salary, but even unwilling to pay the worker's salary owed by his parents?

These are the biggest enemies.

In comparison, Luo Quan is simply a model among the rich.

What is showing off your wealth?There is nothing to say about eating with a golden spoon and a golden rice bowl.

Of course, although Luo Quan's aesthetics are relatively rustic, she is not a local turtle. She is definitely unable to do this kind of behavior that is even more rich than the old society.

And she saw the discussion about this issue, and she didn't have any idea of ​​what to explain.

It is better not to mention some things. Sometimes it is a wise philosophy of life to pretend to be stupid.

On the night when he came to the castle, Luo Quan took a flower petal bath under the service of four young maids.

These maids are the daughters of residents in the small town, and they are all students. Because of their good looks and temperament, they come to the castle to do cosplay in their spare time, and serve as the atmosphere group and tour guide when tourists visit the castle.

Entering Luoquan's bedroom tonight was just a temporary cameo, and it was said to be a waiter, but in fact it was just helping to bring the petals and a change of clothes, even the water was put by Luoquan himself.

After thinking about it, how could she let other people be present when she was taking a bath?Not even girls.

I slept on the big 3×3 bed in the bedroom for one night. When I woke up the next day, I was much more energetic than usual, but my back was slightly sore.

Of course, no peas were placed under her mattress to test whether her skin was really as delicate as a princess.

Her body has always been very healthy, and she ate and drank a lot during the summer vacation, and she never had diarrhea.

I ran around in winter and never caught a cold.

Only this sore back was one of the few problems she had, and it was an old one.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, she often sits and plays computer or makes music. If she sits for a long time and her posture is wrong, it is easy to cause strain on her back muscles.

Another reason is related to her figure. Anyone who has two catties more on her chest than ordinary people will have back pain after a long time.

The point is that her weight is still increasing, and it seems to have stopped recently. If it continues to grow, her life may become more difficult.

Facing the morning sun, Luo Quan stretched his waist and looked out of the window at the forest behind the castle. Today's plan is to take a stroll in this forest.

In fact, she has always liked this kind of secluded place, being close to nature, far away from the hustle and bustle, and having a network signal, it is simply the best living place for her.

When she was in her grandfather's manor before, she really wanted to go to the forest where all her ancestors were buried, but she didn't go because of lack of time.

The forest in front of him is much younger than the virgin forest behind the grandfather's manor, and the trees are far less tall and sturdy.

However, due to proper protection, there are many small animals in it.

Before going there, Luo Quan also asked, there are no large wild carnivores in this forest, and there are quite a few things like mice and insects that ordinary girls hate and fear, but it will not cause too much trouble to her. Impact.

After breakfast, Luo Quan entered the forest under the leadership of Butler Barry and the forest ranger Raul.

In the forest, you can see a guide sign every other way, and there is a box next to the sign, in which you can get bread and mineral water.

"These are prepared for those tourists who enter the forest. Generally, before entering, we will remind them to prepare food, water and compass in advance.

This forest is neither big nor small. If you get lost, it is not impossible to be trapped for a day or two. If this happens, these foods are life-saving straws. "

Raul said while checking the supplies in the box: "It's much less than three days. It seems that many tourists have taken it from here."

After the inspection, he also took out a small notebook and wrote on it that supply point No. 13 needs to replenish supplies.

Luo Quan held up his mobile phone, communicating with Raul while translating the fan meeting in the barrage.

"By the way, do you work exclusively for these tourists, or do you take care of the forest and drive out wood robbers?" Luo Quan asked about Raul's work.

"Being a tour guide is actually just necessary. These woods are not precious species, and there is nothing to protect." Lauer said with a smile: "My real job is actually to record a special animal in the forest and protect it when necessary. For their safety, there are dozens of Albert family rangers like me doing this job, and they are responsible for guarding other parts of this forest."

"Special animal? What animal?" Luo Quan became curious.

"Yes..." Raul was about to speak, when his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he swallowed all the flowers, and put his finger near his mouth, signaling Luo Quan and the housekeeper to keep quiet.

"Now, turn down the volume of your phone to the lowest level." Raul said while doing it, but his eyes were fixed on a snow-white deer not far away.

Luo Quan and Butler Barry quickly followed suit. At the same time, she also pointed the camera at the white elf, which was different from the deer. This should be the special animal Raul mentioned.

"Damn it, the white deer is so cute!"

"This kind of albino animal is getting rarer and rarer. In the UK, white deer are as rare as our pandas."

"Such a baby actually lives in this forest? Shouldn't every habitat be strictly protected by the government?"

"It's broken, this live broadcast is going out, isn't it going to be remembered by those who care?"


The barrage chattered about the white deer that suddenly appeared in the camera, while the three of Luo Quan slowly crawled down, not wanting to overwhelm the timid white deer because of their tall, upright body. scare away.

"The White Deer is said to be in this forest, why would it let tourists in?" Luo Quan asked with a suppressed voice.

Although she didn't know how precious the white deer was in the UK, she knew it was not an ordinary animal from the barrage that said it was comparable to a panda in China.

These white deer should have lived in the most central area of ​​the forest, where no one was allowed to enter, and the white deer themselves never came out from there, so I don't know how they came out today.

Luo Quan continued to ask: "The tourists can abide by the discipline, but what about the poachers?"

"Impossible." Before Raul could answer, Butler Barry categorically denied it first: "In England, no one dares to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Albert family!
This White Deer Forest is the same as the primeval forest in the back of the Albert Manor. It is the territory of the Albert family. If outsiders dare to enter without permission, they are enemies of the Albert family.

Strictly speaking, these white deer are the property of the Albert family, even the government has no right to take them away from here. "

"Then if it's me, can you take it away?" Luo Quan asked on a whim.

"Yes." Butler Barry nodded with a smile, and his tone was flat as if he was answering how to dispose of an ordinary piece of furniture.

Raul's expression seemed rather embarrassed: "Miss, I really don't recommend you to do this. These white deer are naturally timid and usually live together as a family. The one in front of you is obviously a little white deer. Deer, if you take it away from its parents, there will be serious consequences."

"Raul, you're getting worse." Butler Barry gave him a cold look. In front of Luo Quan, he was always a patient and kind old gentleman, but the tone he spoke to Raul at the moment was full of disappointment. Luo Quan also had a trembling majesty.

Is this the aura cultivated by following the superior?Luo Quan said this in his heart.

"Raul, don't be nervous, I'm just asking, how can I take them away for sure, I just want to take a few photos..." Luo Quan put the live broadcast phone aside while taking out another mobile phone.

Turn off the flash and get ready to take pictures.

But at this moment, the cowardly white deer in Raul's mouth walked towards the three of them in a daze.

To be precise, it was Zhao Luoquan who came over.

Its big round eyes are full of aura and clear streamer. It usually praises other people's eyes for their good-looking, and sometimes it uses deer-like eyes to describe it.

Luo Quan didn't know what the deer-like eyes meant before, but after observing them closely, he found that they were very beautiful.

Not only its eyes, but its whole body looks so elegant and beautiful.

The little white deer walked up to Luo Quan step by step, and looked curiously at this strange creature just like it, with its four corners on the ground.

Luo Quan also looked at it, his big eyes were full of doubts, the distance between the two was already close at hand without knowing it.

The live broadcast next to it also captured the scene of Luo Quan and Bai Lu facing each other in the center of the screen at the same close-up angle.

"What are you doing with the screenshots, I'm dumbfounded!!!"

In the barrage at this moment, frantic screen swiping began.

(End of this chapter)

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