Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 471 New York Love Story

Chapter 471 New York Love Story
In the blink of an eye, I have lived in the castle for more than half a month, during which time I went to Paris for nearly ten days.

When Luo Quan looked at the calendar again, the time had come to April 25th.

Although it's still early to leave school, but with so many things on hand, it's time to be urgent. Besides, she doesn't only have these few movies to shoot this year, but also other schedules.

However, after the trip to London, Luo Quan did not return to China, but crossed the Atlantic to New York.

Not for anything else, but a big ship that is about to shock the whole world is about to set sail.

Although the big ship was destined to collide with the iceberg, its sinking also gave birth to a love affair that made countless people shed tears.

It's a pity that, as the most beautiful woman in the world, she didn't get to participate in this movie, and she didn't get a ride on this masterpiece destined to shake the history of film.

But she chose another way to bind with it, that is to sing the theme song for it.

As the hottest pop singer in the world, director Carnathan found Luo Quan as soon as the film was finished. There is nothing wrong with his reputation. Besides, Luo Quan's younger brother Leon played the male lead in the film. This favor No need for nothing.

There is nothing to say, there is no second choice for the theme song of "Titanic", directly arrange "My Heart Will Go On".

Although she has released this song before, it is not as popular as the recently released "Eternal Love". Director Carnathan also hoped that Luo Quan could make a brand new song at the beginning.

However, after listening to Luo Quan's affectionate singing again, Director Carnathan withdrew his idea.

As a director, his musical accomplishments are definitely not as good as Luo Quan's, but as an audience, "My Heart Will Go On" really moved him. After listening to the song, there was always a voice in his heart saying: This is the best 's theme song.

Under such circumstances, Director Carnathan didn't bother with new or old songs anymore. After all, this song is one of the masterpieces among Luo Quan's many works.

Although the popularity is low now, as long as a few news releases are made, it is not difficult to become popular, and only such works can stand the test of time.

After successfully selling the song, Luo Quan also received tens of millions of dollars in copyright fees, as well as countless film music awards in the future.

If she didn't have much confidence in this year's Oscar before she got it, then next year's second Oscar is almost a certainty. If she doesn't have this confidence, she will be sorry for the name of "Titanic".

The big ship, which is expected to be released in the summer, has now completed all post-editing and dubbing work.

Although Luo Quan has not watched the work yet, but through some of the clips that have been leaked now, he can still see some differences in it.

In terms of production, it is more refined than the version in memory, and the special effects are more realistic.

After all, it is a large-scale production jointly produced by two top film companies, so there is absolutely no need to worry about the budget, and the configuration of all aspects must be at the highest level in recent years. It is estimated that only "Lord of the Rings" can match it.

After the later stage is completed, the corresponding publicity work will also start.

In addition to singing the theme song of "Titanic", Luo Quan actually also played a female role in it. Although she only appeared on the scene for a few seconds and only had half her face, she could still appear at the end of the movie. Credits to the cast and crew.

And it is precisely because of this appearance in just a few seconds that director Carnathan invited Luo Quan to New York in the spirit of not being overdue and invalid, and wanted her to show her face at the press conference and create a unique image for the film. Potential.

Although the reputation of the director and the two leading actors is already very high, it is not a bad thing to add another top international player.

And Luo Quan happened to be free, and thought that he had already shown his face, and it was his brother's first movie, so he happily went there.

To be honest, she hasn't told her fans about her participation in "Titanic". After all, she only has a few seconds to appear on the screen. If fans who go to the movie because of her see that their idols only If you don't play a role, that's too bad.

In addition, the media did not know about it.

She starred in "Titanic" when she was in Hollywood filming "Resident Evil". It took only one hour in total, and the crew and the paparazzi had no way of knowing unless they said anything.

Therefore, when the big boat official announced that Luo Quan would participate in the press conference, people were surprised.

It is well known that Luo Quan sang for "Titanic", but generally speaking, the director and supporting actors are invited to the press conference, and the premiere is the right way to come out.

Soon, the official tweet of the ship also answered this doubt, explaining that Luo Quan not only sang the theme song, but also participated in "Titanic".

As for who played the role, the official tweet did not say.

It's not a deliberate show off, the main reason is that her role is a noble girl who flashes by on the dance floor, not even the female number three, and her role is not as much as that of the noble lady who chats with the male lead about life philosophy.

Can such a dragon set tell everyone the name?
If you insist on making it up, you can definitely make it up, but it doesn't make much sense.

If fans of Luoquan think she still has a lot of roles in it, but after watching the movie, they find out that this is not the case, then it may bring unnecessary infamy to the movie.

Therefore, let's stir up the heat for now, and then explain the fact that Luo Quan doesn't have many roles in the movie tactfully later. If there is no accident, this is the safest way to deal with it.

At Kennedy International Airport, Lyon, wearing sunglasses and a mask, came to pick up Luo Quan by himself.

"Why are you alone? Where's Seifert?" Luo Quan's dress was similar to that of his younger brother. As a celebrity, he always had to be fully armed like this when getting in and out of the plane, so as not to be recognized and cause riots.

"He's in love." Leon took the suitcase in Luo Quan's hand, and then threw out an answer that she didn't expect: "For that girl, he even handed over the work of the company to the vice president now." , how can you take care of me."

"Dating?" Luo Quan laughed, "Which family's eldest lady has been harmed by this?"

"It would be great if this is the eldest lady, then I don't think it needs to care about the right family." Leon curled his lips, "He is just an ordinary college student. According to him, he is still in a single family. He has never seen his father since he was born, and his mother lives in a room. She works as a waiter in a restaurant, and the girl occasionally goes to do odd jobs herself."

"So inspirational, how did they meet?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Like all third-rate urban love novels, their encounter seems to be destined." Lyon described how this fate happened in a joking tone.

To sum up, the poor heroine is beautiful and kind, with a pure temperament different from those actresses in the entertainment circle who have been corrupted by capital and fame.

During a company food delivery, Seifert, who happened to be sending documents in the company, accidentally saw a girl passing by outside his office.

Just looking at it, I can no longer extricate myself.

Since that day, the restaurant's take-out orders have increased several times.

Seifert is also smart. He basically arranges his employees to place orders, and he sticks to the window every time to observe the girl.

If he wasn't a rich and handsome handsome guy, but a middle-aged fat uncle with salty wetness, then this kind of behavior would simply be a perverted and wretched idiot peeping.

However, since it is called a third-rate urban love story by Lyon, it means that although the story is old-fashioned, the male protagonist must be handsome and rich. Simply put, he is a domineering president.

Seifert, on the other hand, clearly fits that bill.

Don't think he looks like a joke in front of Leon and Luo Quan, but in the company, especially in his own department, his prestige is quite high.

In addition to his father being the president of Universal, one of the reasons is his outstanding ability and vision. After all, just discovering such a big money-absorbing project as Lyon is enough for him to spend a lifetime in the credit book.

And such a domineering president, after becoming good friends with Luo Quan and getting along with him for a long time, naturally he can't look down on these rouge vulgar fans in the entertainment circle.

After all, no matter how beautiful these actresses are in the entertainment industry, who can compare to Luo Quan?

But this does not mean that he has lost interest in the opposite sex, but that his taste has become better, or that some changes have taken place.

Seeing Seifert, who is used to heavy makeup, has a different emotion for unadorned innocence. This girl has undoubtedly captured his heart and made his love hopeless.

After spying on the girl several times by placing an order, Seifert finally made his move.

Holding a cup of coffee, he deliberately walked up to the girl who was looking down at her mobile phone to confirm which employee ordered the food.

The girl knocked over the hot coffee and spilled it all over him.

For this moment, Seifert deliberately changed into his most expensive outfit, and he also wore a million-dollar Richard Mille in the hand holding the coffee.

Although this watch is not as high-grade as those old watches, it is quite famous and the price is quite high.

However, this high-end watch is waterproof, so Seifert had removed the waterproof gasket in advance.

So this collision directly wet the suit and broke the watch.

If Lyon hit him like this, Seifert must have the quality of fxxk, shit, and idiot (fool) three times in a row, and then asked him to buy a better one to accompany him, and started the blackmail mode.

But in the face of the girl he loves, he definitely can’t do that. Seifert just acted like a domineering boss and didn’t say anything. The sensible employees stood by and shouted how big the suit and the watch are, worth millions of dollars. .

It can be foreseen that such employees will inevitably get promoted and raise their salary tomorrow because they will step into the company with their left foot first.

As for the girl, when she learned that Seifert's whole body cost more money than she had ever seen in her life, she almost collapsed on the spot.

But even so, after adjusting her emotions, she still proposed with tears in her eyes that she would make up for it as much as possible, but the premise was that she had to be given time, and now as a student, she absolutely couldn't afford it.

Seeing the girl like this, Seifert regretted calculating her like this.

But at this point, I can't care about other things, so I can only go according to the plan.

He didn't ask the girl to pay back the money immediately, but he didn't write it off directly either.

As a finance student at Cornell University, giving her some time after graduation doesn't necessarily mean she won't make millions of dollars to pay off the debt.

As a top student in an Ivy League school, it is relatively easy for Zhenger to get a high salary after graduation.

However, she is still in her sophomore year, and her family has already borrowed quite a lot of bank loans for her studies. She is already struggling, so how can she afford it.

So, the girl became a full-time secretary beside Seifert on the grounds of working part-time to pay off her debts.

Of course, this was what Seifert himself requested, and the girl was a little surprised when she heard it.

However, seeing Seifert's cold and cold appearance, she didn't look like those rotten bosses in the news who would secretly rule female secretaries, so she agreed without thinking too much.

Little did she know that the boss in front of her was more hateful than those in the news, and Seifert had made up her mind to eat her up from the very beginning.

And the girl who has not walked out of the ivory tower has encountered the dangers of society in advance, but she has not discovered it yet.

This third-rate urban love story is currently serialized here, and it is unknown how it will develop next, but Leon heard from Seifert that this girl seems to have a relatively large prejudice against the rich, especially capitalists.

The translation means that the two have class conflicts, they are not well reconciled, and they have temporarily reached an impasse.

However, Seifert is very confident in himself. He believes in long-term love, and he also has a high level of confidence in his ability to create romance. As the two get to know each other better, everything will be fine.

Of course, this is just his own idea, and the specific situation is unknown.

However, Luo Quan didn't know whether to praise Seifert for being smart or scold him for being shameless after knowing Seifert's 36 love tricks.

She feels that in the world of relationships, it is better for both sides to be more frank. If you like it, just confess it directly. It is a bit uncomfortable to use so many outside tricks to chase girls.

But if you think about it carefully, this girl has some hatred of the rich, which Seifert only knew after the fact.

If he really went up and confessed directly, it is estimated that the possibility of success is very small.

If you look at it this way, there is nothing wrong with using this tactic of bitter meat tricks. At least it makes the relationship between the two of them develop further, so that they won't be rejected immediately after opening their mouths.

"Speaking of which, will you treat the girl you like like Seifert in the future?" Luo Quan looked at his younger brother.

"There's no need to be so troublesome." Leon said disdainfully, "If I like someone, I can just confess it directly, and there is no possibility of missing it!"

(End of this chapter)

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