Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 472 Meeting

Chapter 472 Meeting
When the appearance reaches a certain level, love skills are actually not important anymore.

Just like what Leon said, just speak out which girl you like, as long as you are not the same as XL, there is almost no possibility of being rejected.

In the same way, this approach is also applicable to Luo Quan, and the effect is even more exaggerated.

After reaching the level of "!", Luo Quan couldn't think of any normal opposite sex who could refuse her charm.

Of course, it's good to think about such a slightly dissolute idea, and there is no need to say it like Leon.

But even if she doesn't say it herself, as long as she's active on screen, she's still going to captivate men with her stunning looks, and that's out of her control.

Besides, since they choose to become a big star, who wouldn't want to be popular and loved by fans?
So this situation does not contradict her inner thoughts.

Back home in New York, Luo Quan, who didn't sleep much on the plane, went straight to the bedroom, ready to beat the jet lag.

When she woke up, it was already the next day.

Leon was still sitting on the sofa, with a laptop in front of him. He was staring at the screen very intently, and his hands were constantly operating.

At first Luo Quan thought he was playing games, but he stepped forward to see that he was speculating in stocks.

"Are you still in the financial circle?" Luo Quan never thought that his younger brother would be able to do this. Judging by his skillful and neat movements, he should have been in the stock market for a long time.

"I learned from my father." Leon said, picked up the water glass next to him, took a sip and said, "He spends money lavishly all day long, and the dividends from the US branch alone are not enough, but he is quite high in finance. You can make money eight times out of ten.

As far as I remember, he rarely touched the company's money, but whenever he was short of money, he would slip into the stock market for a while, and then his pockets bulged again. "

"So you have learned it under your influence, so how is your level?" Looking at the colorful numbers and wavy lines on the screen, Luo Quan suddenly felt a headache.

Sure enough, her digital anxiety didn't get better.

Mathematics was the most troublesome subject for her in school, and her head hurt when she saw those dense numbers and symbols with unclear meanings.

Leon smiled: "I'm a senior leek who is better than ordinary leeks. When I enter the stock market, I just want to be happy. Most of the money is handed over to the wealth management company. I usually only use part of my spare money to try my luck in the stock market. "

Luo Quan asked curiously: "Have you ever thought about using the money to start a company? I think that after becoming famous, celebrities in the United States will use their fame to create their own brands, selling clothes, shoes or beauty products. .”

Not only in the United States, but also in China, it's just that these domestic stars rarely develop their own brands, and usually open hot pot restaurants or chain restaurants.

This is the kind of franchise that uses one's own fame to join the country, and makes money lying down with the franchise fee, without any technical content.

After Luoquan participated in the God of Cooking Competition, many big catering companies contacted her, wanting to open a national chain store like "Luoquan's Kitchen".

Based on her fame at the time, it was not a big problem to easily earn one or two hundred million yuan.

However, it was rejected by Luo Quan. What is the difference between this kind of restaurant that opens with its own fame, and those mobile games that change skins in the mobile game market now?
Just change the package, and the kernel is the same as others on the market. Isn't this a fan?
Besides, it's okay if there is no accident, but if there is an accident, no matter if it is a fan or an ordinary diner, the first thing to look for is the restaurant, and the second thing to look for is the spokesperson.

She will never do such a risky and not small thing, even if the money is earned faster than her writing songs, she has no interest at all.

"It's not interesting." Lyon shook his head, expressing no interest in Luo Quan's proposal, "The stars who are the best in their own brands now have a brand value of less than one billion US dollars, and it's been nearly ten years of hard work results.

It's a waste of such a lot of energy to earn such a little money, and I don't think I will be short of money in my life. Wouldn't it be better to use this time to do more meaningful things? "

Listening to Lyon's analysis, it seems that this is really the case.

Although the father has clearly told the second uncle that he will not compete with him for the control of the Albert company, but such a large family business that grandpa and great-grandpa have worked hard all their lives may not be left to the second uncle.

The control of the company will be given to the second uncle, but most of the other assets will definitely be shared by the father more than the second uncle, or even a lot more.

The market value of Albert's company is nearly 2000 billion U.S. dollars, and the old man's net worth is as high as more than 400 billion U.S. dollars.

This is just the data on the Forbes rich list. A family with a long history like Albert has many other industries behind the scenes. Counting these, the assets will only be higher.

Compared with these industries, the rewards you get after ten years of hard work and working hard to manage your own brand are insignificant.

"Then you plan to be a star all your life?" Luo Quan sat on the sofa next to him and saw Leon turn off the stock trading interface, open the Youtube, and click on a mixed-cut video of a beautiful girl.

Luo Quan was dumbfounded when he saw this set of operations.

"Don't get me wrong, I watched this purely for my own physical and mental pleasure, and I don't have any other thoughts." Leon explained the question Luo Quan just asked while collecting it, "To be precise, it is not to be a star, but to be an actor. The profession I have identified, if possible, I want to be the best actor.

After financial freedom, I lost a considerable amount of fun and going to school was not important to me anymore.

And I also know that I am not suitable for studying, and I will not have the opportunity to become a scientist or mathematician in the future.

But the desire to realize self-worth still drives me to work towards a goal.

But for me with such a face, being an actor is obviously the best choice. "

"That's true." Luo Quan nodded.

The younger brother's thinking is more mature than she imagined. As Leon, who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, his living conditions are much better than hers.

Once people have such economic conditions, it is easy to suddenly lose their life goals, and feel that no matter what they do, they will feel boring.

Many super rich second generations will fall into a period of confusion after knowing the real conditions of their families.

Some directly let go of themselves and became cynical.

And some are more clear about what they want to do in the future, and start working hard for it without any worries.

Lyon is undoubtedly the latter, and most of the rich second generations are actually the latter.

In China more than ten years earlier, when the rich first appeared in batches, they might raise some unlearned and incompetent playboys, but with the improvement of people's wisdom and the expansion of the vision of the rich, they will consciously cultivate their own offspring .

The saying that the so-called wealth is not more than three generations is more of a kind of comfort in the heart.

In the era of class solidification, as long as capitalists do not encounter particularly huge changes, they will only become richer and richer.

"Speaking of you, sister, what is your ideal, to become a musician like Mozart?" Leon joked.

Although the mainstream media are now using titles like Oriental Mozart to describe Luoquan, there is still a lot of exaggeration in it. Even though she has achieved such a great achievement now, if she is really compared with Mozart, the gap is not ordinary big.

"Musician or legendary queen, if you can achieve one, you will be considered a success. My ideal seems to be not as great as yours. You will be the No.1 actor."

Hearing his sister's ideal that was too simple, Leon laughed: "What kind of ideal are you, haven't you already realized it?"

"Then I really don't know what to do next, does salted fish count?" Compared with Lyon, Luo Quan is actually quite confused about the future.

Up to now, she has been driven forward systematically, whether it is singing, acting or filming.

Apart from being a star, she really doesn't know what she wants to do in the future.

Some of them are in the same state as in the previous life, living a mediocre life.

But it was too poor before, so I didn't have any idea of ​​tossing around.

But now he is too rich and doesn't know what to do.

At this point in the topic, it suddenly came to an end.

As for her sister's future, Leon didn't know and didn't dare to plan for her, while Luo Quan had no other ideas except to complete the tasks step by step.

"Maybe you should start a relationship like Seifert, which may make life more fulfilling." Leon gave a routinely useful suggestion.

But for Luo Quan, this is a point that she would not consider at all. She just smiled when she heard her brother's words, and did not respond.

The only good news is probably that she is still young, even if she is still at a loss, she has enough time to find and finally make a choice.

And what she has to care about now is how to do the things at hand well.

After all, the future is still too long, we only seize the day and night.

In the evening, Luo Quan came to the scene of the press conference wearing the dress he designed which was called "The Virgin of Dawn" by many netizens.

It's called a press conference, but it's actually more like a big-name catwalk show.

This time, director Carnathan invited many friends and co-stars to join him, in order to make the first shot of "Titanic" loud and clear. To put it bluntly, the more people pay attention, the better.

In view of this, Luo Quan must be dressed up to attend.

Among so many dresses in her closet, although there are many classic styles, but if it is amazing in terms of Taoism, there is really no one that can compare with this one.

There is no other special reason, that is, the colors of the clothes are bright and the makeup is more gorgeous, so the visual effect brought by this is naturally very impactful.

Of course, under normal circumstances, she would not dress so brightly, but this time the situation was slightly different.

After all, apart from her this time, there is also a predecessor who is the most beautiful in the world and will attend the press conference, that is, the heroine of "Titanic", Carreline Mannsu.

I was born the year before last and snatched the title of the most beautiful woman in the world who was known as the "American's Best Companion". Suppressed in all respects.

I still remember that Seifert laughed at her at the time, saying that she was at most the most beautiful in half the world.

However, time has changed, and as I lived a life of salted fish, my weight continued to increase, and the increased meat finally miraculously returned to where I should go.

Comparing them now, the difference in stature between the two seems to have been completely made up.

However, in the face of this peerless beauty, Luo Quan still did not dare to be careless, and decided to take out his most dazzling clothes to gain the upper hand in the first meeting between the two.

For most of the fame and fortune, Luo Quan actually doesn't care much, but when it comes to appearance, he can't be too vain.

It may sound superficial, but the fact is that she pays more attention to her appearance than her talent.

Maybe she didn't need to dress up much in the past, but what she is facing today is not an ordinary opponent. This is the most beautiful person in the world before her. If she doesn't pay attention to it, there may be a possibility of overturning.

After all, the lens is no better than the human eye, and the face that appears on the screen and in the photo is not the same as the face that you see with your own eyes.

Being on camera has always been a metaphysics, and Luo Quan feels that her sense of camera has never been very good.

In order to make up for this, she can only work hard on clothing and makeup.

To be honest, it was the first time since her debut that she took her makeup so seriously, and it was even more important than when she was on the Spring Festival Gala.

At this time, Luo Quan didn't look like a half-salted fish, he couldn't concentrate.

It has to be said that if a woman wants to be active and tense, only another woman who threatens her can do it, which is the so-called catfish effect.

If Luo Quan was still a little confused about the future before, then now she can be said to have found a direction that is not particularly ambitious.

That is to keep your reputation as the most beautiful in the world, the longer the better!
For this ideal, Luo Quan put on makeup for more than half an hour for the first time.

Leon changed his clothes early and waited downstairs to set off. In the past, his speed was basically synchronized with that of his sister, but this time he waited four to ten minutes longer.

During this period, he frequently urged his sister to hurry up, and he also complained about how she became so morose like other girls.

However, when Luo Quan appeared in front of it, Leon suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable to wait four or ten minutes longer for such beauty.

"Why are you standing still, go to the press conference!" Luo Quan woke up Lyon who was in a daze, and walked out the door impatiently.

"You're so beautifully dressed, you don't intend to compete with Carreline?" Leon complained from behind, and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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