Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 477 I will return like lightning

Chapter 477 I will return like lightning
For Junko, she is now a standard homecoming.

When she left Tokyo, she was just an unknown junior chasing the dream of a girl group. After more than a year, she transformed into a member of the most popular girl group in Asia, and she has quite a reputation in Japan.

However, Penguin's foreign development strategy focuses on South Korea, and the energy invested in Japan is not particularly large.

After all, although there are girl group idols in Japan, they are still a little different from Hallyu idols. Japan likes to cultivate, and such established girl groups may not be particularly popular among the public.

But no matter what, Girls' Generation is still popular in Japan, especially Junko, whose popularity is much higher than that of members other than the captain.

Of course, compared with Luo Quan's reputation in Japan, it seems a bit insignificant.

Although she hasn't returned to Japan for any activities for a long time, as long as there is news about her name, there will always be a huge number of netizens with Japanese nicknames in the comment area.

Throughout the first half of the year, Japanese netizens were looking forward to the end of Luoquan's one-year exchange study and returning to Japan as soon as possible.

Everyone was excited for a long time after she graduated from Shangyi, thinking that she was finally coming back, but in the blink of an eye, she went to England for vacation again, and stayed for more than a month.

And just when netizens thought that Luo Quan would stay outside until the new semester started before returning to Japan, surprising news suddenly appeared.

"The luggage is packed, the destination—Tokyo!"

This is the accompanying text of a newly released photo in Luoquan Station B News. In the photo, she and Junko are sitting on chairs in the airport waiting room. It seems that they are ready to board the plane.

After the photos came out, the fans at station B didn't have a big reaction. They all knew that Luo Quan would return to Japan sooner or later after graduation, and it was just a matter of time.

And for fans in Japan, this is simply great news!
After the news was forwarded to the Internet, Twitter in Japan immediately boiled over.

"Luo Quan will take the ten o'clock flight back to Japan!"

This piece of news is directly parachuted into the number one search trend on Twitter. Every time the page is refreshed, there will be hundreds of more tweets.

Before Luo Quan went abroad, this news had already accumulated tens of thousands of comments.

And for Japanese fans who always like to do their best, expressing their joy online is far from enough.

After domestic fans get the itinerary of the star, they will organize a large number of people to pick them up at the airport. The bigger the team, the more they can reflect the celebrity of their fans.

Japanese fans will only be more fanatical than those in China.

Generally speaking, for the sake of public order, Luoquan never announces the itinerary of his plane, but the reason why he made an exception this time is mainly because he wants to see how popular he is in Japan. How many.

She has quite high confidence in the stickiness of fans, but she is not particularly clear about other passers-by, and this test is mainly passers-by.

After all, when she left, at least she also had the title of a national goddess, and everyone from passers-by to fans loved her to death.

But in this impetuous era, this kind of love that everyone loves is the cheapest.

People's herd mentality, because people around them like a star, they will naturally like her, but this kind of liking is irrational in most cases, and they don't know why they like this star.

And this kind of liking, when it meets the rhythm, will immediately follow the trend and start to blacken.

The only good news is that at present, Luo Quan can be said to cherish feathers quite a lot. He does not do anything that will attract gangsters, does not say a word that is easy to make a fuss about, and does not accept programs or film and television dramas that will be complained about.

So, so far her image is still perfect.

And this leak of the itinerary is a little willful. It is conceivable that many fans will come to pick her up this time, and what she really wants to see is what passers-by think of her.

Facts have proved that Luo Quan really underestimated his influence in Japan.

After the news that she was going back to Japan came out, it first set off a huge wave on Twitter. More than 90.00% of the Japanese young people who used Twitter gathered here, expressing the ecstasy from the heart with words and pictures.

Soon, the Japanese media also got involved.

For a long time, any news and traffic wealth codes related to Luoquan are synonymous.

But what is interesting is that the first Japanese media to get involved turned out to be TV Tokyo.

Today is Sunday, that is, the weekend. Whether it is a student or most of the migrant workers, they all stay at home and enjoy a happy weekend.

TV Tokyo, which was broadcasting "Naruto", suddenly cut to the studio, and the host in a suit and leather shoes was sitting upright, with a serious expression on his face.

The middle school students who were watching the anime thought that there was another earthquake somewhere. After watching this battle, they should at least start at level [-], otherwise TV Tokyo would not have stopped the news of the anime episode.

The only thing that puzzled them was that if it was a major earthquake, Japan would be so big, no matter where it was, there should be strong shocks.

Before they could figure it out, the host said:

"Now let's break in a piece of news. According to the latest news on Twitter, Izumi (Spring Water) will return to Tokyo, Japan today, and at the moment this news is broadcast, she should have already boarded the plane!"

"I thought it was something." The middle school student scratched his head, and was about to complain that he stopped the animation at the highlight part because of such a trivial matter, but suddenly, his eyes widened: "Wait! The spring water is back? Yada Then (great)!"

The middle school student jumped up from the tatami on the second floor in an instant, and landed with a loud bang.

"What are you doing, Taro?" The father and mother downstairs ran up, and when they saw the excitedly dancing son, they showed expressions of bewilderment.

"Father, mother Quanshui is finally back!" Taro said joyfully, pointing to the news that was rebroadcasted on TV.

"Hey, the spring water is coming back." Taro's father also smiled. This is his favorite female singer, and he has bought every physical album of hers!

"I should have come back a long time ago. I probably won't leave this time." Taro's mother, like her husband and son, also smiled happily.

There is no doubt that the three members of this family are fans of Luo Quan.

"I can't wait, I'll go to Narita Airport to pick up the plane!" Taro didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he ran to the entrance on the first floor, put on his slippers and ran out to the street.

Similar scenes also happened in families in Tokyo and even all over Japan.

Of course, the people in Tokyo mainly know the news of Luo Quan's return through TV Tokyo, but only TV Tokyo broadcasts it in the form of an interlude in Japan, and other TV stations broadcast the rolling news under the screen.

Although the latter is not as eye-catching as TV Tokyo, this kind of nationwide announcement is definitely a unique treatment, and few artists have enjoyed it so far.

At this time, Luo Quan on the plane hadn't landed yet, and he was already a little bit battered.

The time when she posted the news was not long after entering the waiting room, about 10 minutes before boarding the ticket, and this time is enough for most foreign tourists who are playing with their mobile phones to know her itinerary.

On this flight to Tokyo, most of them were Japanese. Among the black-haired Asians, Luo Quan, with his beige-blonde hair, was more conspicuous than the streetlights in the dark.

Among these Japanese tourists, there are almost none who do not know the name of Luoquan.

Soon someone saw the news that Luo Quan was about to return to Japan, contacted the ten o'clock flight, and after a little thought, they basically guessed where she was most likely to appear.

So, no matter whether it was a boy or a girl in the waiting room, they all raised their heads and started looking around.

In addition to young people from Japan, many Chinese boys who traveled to Japan also joined most of the searches.

For Japan, Luoquan is a symbol of the new era, the new queen of the Japanese music scene, and the goddess who inspires the society to revive the stock market. His status is unmatched in the current Japanese entertainment industry.

As for Huaxia, how could her reputation and status be lower than that?
What's more, for more than a year, she has spent most of her time in China. The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and Station B Spring Festival Gala are almost all in the most important positions. ten.

This kind of enthusiasm is completely top-notch among the top-notch, and it is the focus of the crowd no matter where it goes.

And the focus is on my side now, how can this keep the young people calm?
And after so many searches, Luo Quan, who didn't pretend to be disguised, was quickly picked up. After all, what she sent was a photo plus text, and it was hard to find her according to the outfit in the photo!

"Spring water, is it really your spring water?" Several Japanese young people had gathered around, both boys and girls, and the youthful buckets on their faces were shining with excitement.

"Does this recognize me?" Luo Quan looked confused, obviously wearing sunglasses and a mask.

She was still thinking about what kind of reception treatment she would encounter at the airport after getting off the plane, but she never thought that she would be recognized before getting on the plane.

"You're the only one with blond hair in the whole waiting room, who are you?" The boy shook his phone, and the selfie of Luo Quan and Junko on the screen smiled brightly.

Luo Quan admitted that she was stupid this time and also underestimated her nationality.

But being recognized doesn't matter, it's just that the scene of picking up the airport has been brought forward a little bit.

"Since I've been found out, I won't pretend anymore." Luo Quan chose a showdown, taking off his mask and sunglasses.

"Can... can you sign me? I've heard every song you've ever released." The boy was so excited that he was a little incoherent, and took out a notebook from his schoolbag with trembling hands.

"No problem." Luo Quan took out a marker pen from his bag, and wrote his name on the notebook in block letters like a computer.

Celebrities usually design their signatures with flamboyant fonts, but after reading it, Luo Quan feels that many of them are the same as the orders issued by the hospital doctors.

For things like names, it's better to write clearly and clearly, so Luo Quan's signatures have been so rigid until now.

However, it was precisely because she was so serious that she probably hadn't finished writing any of the three signatures.

It is precisely because of this trouble that she rarely releases such things as signed albums.

Of course she won't admit that it's because of lazy cancer, at least now that fans have approached her, she certainly won't refuse.

At first, she thought that these fans were the whole of this flight, but she didn't expect that more and more people would gather around her as her identity was exposed.

Some just want to see their idols, while others just come here to have fun and take photos.

Luo Quan saw so many people, they all lined up here, and her place seemed to be a boarding gate.

She felt that this was not a problem, and after signing a few, she asked the fans to wait a while to come back on the grounds that her hands were sore, which was regarded as temporarily dismissing them.

Originally, she thought that after boarding the plane, no one would come to sign in front of her on the plane, but after she took her seat, one notebook after another poured in from all directions around her seat.

The fans sitting around her also volunteered to be a transfer station, not afraid of hardships, not afraid of tiredness, they are simply model fans.

Luo Quan never dreamed that she would meet 160 and three fans in one flight, and she couldn't remember the last time she signed so many letters.

After signing, Luo Quan shook his hands on the seat, and Junko beside him couldn't help but snickered: "Just now I was quite envious of Quan Jiang having so many fans, but now I don't envy her at all. Sometimes with so many fans, just signing can cause a lot of trouble."

Luo Quan, who was shaking his hands, laughed when he heard this: "Are you sure you don't envy? Don't say something too early."

Although it is a bit tiring to sign so many words, it can be regarded as announcing the answer that Luo Quan wanted to test in advance.

Most of the Japanese people who asked her to sign just now are from all age groups. There are three or four people in their 70s and [-]s!
This shows what?This shows that her fame in Japan is still popular regardless of age!The year-long flight did not affect her popularity in Japan too much.

Although the sample of one flight number is too small, it can basically be determined with a glimpse of the leopard.

Junko nodded without hesitation: "Of course, it would be too uncomfortable to be recognized every time I go out and sign so many signatures."

After Luo Quan listened, he smiled and did not speak.

As for Junko, she soon understood why Luo Quan laughed.

After taking a nap, the plane had already arrived at Narita Airport in Japan. Amidst the rumbling sound of the plane landing like thunder, Luo Quan once again set foot on the land of Tokyo.

The plane moved forward slowly, and gradually came out of the passage.

On the top of the passage, there is a huge banner with a length of 20 meters:

"Welcome Izumi back to Japan!"

(End of this chapter)

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