Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 478 The stars hold the moon

Chapter 478 The stars hold the moon
"Si Guoyi!" Junko put her hands on the window, looking in surprise at the huge banner not far away.

Also surprised was Luo Quan, who said that Japan's work efficiency is extremely low, and a small matter can take a long time to go around.

It turns out that such a large welcome banner can be made in a plane. It seems that everything is not slow.

Having given her such a surprise right after landing, Luo Quan became even more excited about what would happen next.

After the plane stopped, everyone packed their luggage and left the plane one by one.

After walking through the long connecting passage, there are two rows of flight attendants from the airport, one row is a tall and handsome male flight attendant, and the other row is a row of slim and beautiful female flight attendants.

"Quan Shui, welcome back to Japan." Two rows of handsome men and women bowed down to welcome Luo Quan who was coming.

This treatment is more dignified than when she returned to her grandfather's manor.

Before Luo Quan could thank you, a team of police officers ran over, and the leading police officer wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Luo Quan-sang, there are quite a lot of people gathered outside the airport now, we are sent by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to protect you It's safe, we will escort you back to the hotel throughout the rest of the trip.

By the way, you can call me Officer Sada. "

"How many?" Luo Quan asked a question that Police Officer Sada didn't expect.

Officer Sada scratched his head and said, "I don't know exactly how many there are. Anyway, the nearby traffic is blocked by express delivery. Other tourists at the airport can only leave through the back door. The front door is all empty waiting for you!"

"Ah? There's no need for this." At this moment, Luo Quan felt that he was the same as those celebrities who blocked roads and disrupted traffic.

"It is very necessary." Officer Sada replied firmly, "This is for the convenience of the public to welcome you, and on the other hand, it is to avoid collisions between tourists and the public as much as possible.

Besides, these tourists who left through the back door also expressed their understanding after knowing that they wanted to greet you. "

"That's good, but I still thank you for doing this for me." She couldn't continue to ask if the tourists could understand, after all, she was the beneficiary, so she shouldn't get cheap and act good.

Under the escort of the police officers, Luo Quan and Junko walked towards the airport hall.

"Let the police clear the way, Quan Jiang, you're taking too much face." Junko expressed her surprise to her friend in a low voice.

She thought that the fan pick-up they faced when they went to Korea was already a big scene, and it was almost one of the pinnacles of her life!

But this time I went back to Japan with Izumi sauce, and her treatment alone was much higher than that of the ten people in Korea.

"It's just a small scene, you will reach this level sooner or later." Luo Quan seemed relatively calm, anyway, she has also experienced countless big scenes, and it is not too exciting for her to be picked up by fans.

But he said so, but when he walked into the airport hall, Luo Quan was still frightened by the sound waves rushing towards his face.

Although the fans hadn't seen Luo Quan yet, when the police officers came out of the corner, everyone cheered fiercely, and the reporter's flashlights also frantically turned on at this moment.

Interestingly, in addition to frantically pressing the shutter, the reporters were also cheering like the public.

As Japanese, they love Luo Quan from the bottom of their hearts.

If there is a microphone in hand at this time, Luo Quan will definitely shout "Ta Da Yi Ma (I'm back)" to the fans. Unfortunately, most places in the airport have been considered, but here is a little less spiritual .

With such a big wave of voices, even if she has the reputation of a high-pitched queen, it is impossible for fans to hear what she has to say.

So she raised her hand high and waved vigorously towards the crowd.

Although it is just a simple action, it is worth a thousand words to the fans.

However, it would be better if she could really hear a few words from her, but unfortunately the conditions did not allow it.

Walking out of the airport hall that was crowded with crowds, the outside of the airport was still crowded with people, only the road in the middle was isolated by police officers maintaining order.

There were more than five times more people outside the airport than inside the airport, and the cheers after seeing Luo Quan were even more deafening.

It wasn't until this moment that Junko understood what an international superstar was. The fanaticism of these fans couldn't be seen even at their most atmospheric concert.

The last time she saw such a lively concert was at the backstage of the New Year's Eve concert at Station B.

At that time, the girl’s friends had just sung the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for Luo Quan, and Luo Quan continued to sing in front of the stage alone. With just a simple command, thousands of B station fans in the audience could make the same gesture of support, which is better than military training. The students at that time were even more tidy.

Luo Quan on the stage was like a radiant goddess. She didn't know about others, but Junzi was crazy about it anyway. She thought that this was the super idol star in her heart who responded to everyone and everyone was fascinated by it.

Originally, after returning from Korea, she thought that she had taken a big step away from being a super idol star. In fact, in a broad sense, as a member of Girls’ Generation, there is nothing wrong with her being called a super idol.

But Quan Jiang told her with facts that there is also a gap between super idols, and this gap is much, much bigger than she imagined.

The number of fans picking up the airport in front of them has exceeded the number of fans who came to pick up Girls' Generation.

Most of these fans are boys. They wear T-shirts or hats with the words "spring water" printed on them, raising their arms and shouting at Luo Quan, with sincere smiles that cannot be concealed on their sweaty faces.

For some reason, Junko was suddenly moved, followed by uncontrollable envy.

When will I have a group of fans who love her like this?
If Luo Quan knew what Junzi was thinking at the moment, he would definitely say: "Sooner or later there will be."

Of course, this kind of non-constructive opinion is the answer she will give when her friends face confusion. They don't solve the problem and focus on comfort.

What she has always believed in is that things will happen naturally, and if a star wants to succeed, three points depend on praise and seven points depend on fate.

She herself belongs to the type that God coaxes to feed and eat, so her explosion is impossible for others to copy, and she doesn't know where to start to summarize if she wants to teach something.

However, Luo Quan's explosive style cannot be taught to outsiders, but she can easily make someone popular, the difference is only in the degree of popularity.

And the lucky one this time is Junko who returned to Japan with her.

Amidst the overwhelming cheers and shouts of fans, the two got on the special car that had been waiting for a long time and went to the hotel where they were staying.

Originally, Luo Quan had a house in Shibuya. In order to gain goodwill, Sony specially allocated a house from the staff housing for her after learning that Luo Quan was looking for a house.

Although the house has not passed under her household, it is basically not much different from sending her off.

After Luo Quan left Japan, this house has been locked, no one else has lived in it, and the interior decoration has not changed much.

However, considering that she will be relatively busy these days, she did not return to this home immediately.

After the two of them settled their luggage in the hotel room, Luo Quan had time to look at his phone.

After getting off the plane, the mobile phone kept ringing, full of emails and calls, most of which were unknown numbers.

At first, Luo Quan wanted to answer the call, but because there were too many calls, she simply didn't answer any of the calls, regardless of whether they were acquaintances or not.

After returning to the hotel, I first looked at the real-time hot news in Japan, and as expected, "The news of Luo Quan's arrival in Japan ranked first.

The reporters moved very fast. As soon as she entered the hotel, her photo at the airport appeared in the news.

The comment area is basically the same as Twitter, with words like "Welcome back".

There are also many people who hope that she can release new songs, but these voices were quickly criticized: "Luo Quan just got off the plane, at least let people rest for a while before talking about it."

"You still feel sorry for me!" Luo Quan burst into tears when he saw these comments.

She was worried about what reason to use to prevaricate the fans who urged her to change, but she didn't expect some fans to help her find a good reason.

This is much better than what she said herself!

Of course, she couldn't pretend she couldn't see it in this situation. Although she might not have plans to make peace in a short time, she still had to draw it.

Soon she tweeted:
"I arrived at the hotel smoothly, and then I will start preparing for my first movie in Japan, so I won't put too much energy into the song for the time being.

But it doesn't matter at all, if there is inspiration, maybe a new song will be released at an unexpected time, after all, the ordinary life needs such surprises to adjust. "

Faced with such witty words, a group of IDs with Chinese characters first posted a bunch of "cute and cute" in the comment area to respond.

These Chinese fans are even faster than Japanese fans!Luo Quan did not expect this.

Compared with China's pile of repeaters, Japanese netizens have different performances.

Some are disappointed because they can't hear new songs;

Hearing that Luo Quan is going to make a new movie, I feel very much looking forward to it;

I am curious about the subject matter of the movie she is going to make;

There are male mothers who feel sorry for her and want her to rest more.

In short, everyone has a lot of ideas, but Luo Quan will find a way to satisfy them one by one in the next time.

First to answer questions about the subject matter, she tweeted a second:
"The movie I made this time is called "Rurouni Kenshin". It is a story about swordsmen that took place at the end of the Tokugawa period (the second half of the [-]th century). I promise that in this movie, you will see very exciting sword fighting scenes. !"

Kendo, in Japan, is basically on the same level as Chinese martial arts. It is a skill that many boys think is cool when they are young, but when they grow up, they feel that it is not such a skill.

That's right, it's skill.

In the modern society where human beings are extinct, many lethal swordsmanship has been lost, and now more are ornamental tricks.

The teaching of kendo is also based on the ideological "Tao", mainly explaining the central philosophical thought of one's own school, and it is difficult to learn the true essence.

Just like Huaxia's martial arts, most of the teachings now are not much different from radio gymnastics. They look good on the air, but it's just like that in real fights. Sometimes they might not be able to swing the eight punches.

And even if someone has learned the real skills, in a society ruled by law, they are doomed to lack opportunities for actual combat, and their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of Sanda that has been practiced for the same amount of time.

However, although these traditional skills have gradually become ostentatious, their national popularity is still quite high. Whether it is Chinese martial arts action movies or Japanese swordsman movies, as long as they are made, There must be a market.

Whether it looks good or not is another matter, anyway, the audience is quite wide, as long as the filming is not particularly hip, it is not difficult to make money.

But it is also because the subject matter is hot and it is easier to make money, so there are so many films of this type on the market now, and there are many classics. It can be said that the competition is quite fierce.

As a singer, Luo Quan has already achieved success as a director across borders, but after all, he relied on innovation and used the brand-new horror image of "zombie" as the originator.

But in the swordsman movie, she is a complete newcomer, and there is nothing new to show.

This kind of movie is well-known in Japan.There are not one thousand but eight hundred films, some crudely produced and some well-made, with various plots and brain holes, and those that can be developed have almost been developed long ago.

The sword has such a fixed appearance, and movies about swords will not change much after filming.

It can't be that when everyone is fighting with swords, the protagonist suddenly takes out Gatling to shoot, and then shouts "the times have changed" or something like that?
Then it wouldn't be a swordsman action movie, but a comedy movie.

Therefore, no one expected Luo Quan to come up with any new tricks.

What's more, the background Luo Quan chose was at the end of the Tokugawa period.

Generally, swordsman-themed movies will choose the Edo period or the Warring States period.

These eras are far enough away from modern times, there are too many legends to use, and the latter is enough to cause disasters. For swordsmen, it is a good era when they can use force to restrain them in a fair manner.

A background of the era when swordsmen were in their heyday can naturally produce more pleasing works.

And the end of the Bakumatsu can be said to be the twilight period of the swordsman.

During this period, hot weapons had appeared, and at the same time, the government also issued a ban on arms, and began to collect the sabers of the samurai to maintain social stability.

Facing new rules and new weapons, even if the warriors regard their sabers as their lives, they have no other choice but to surrender their weapons obediently.

It was also from this time that warriors and swordsmen gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and kendo also began to go downhill from this moment.

It can be said that Luo Quan made a movie with such a background, which can be said to be a choice that few people would make. The first instinct of people in the industry when they see this subject is three words: unreliable.

(End of this chapter)

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