Chapter 48
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Incredibly good song!

This is everyone's first impression. Most of the people here are not professional musicians, but they still have the most basic aesthetics. Although there is no arrangement, just singing a cappella is already extremely catchy!

"This is the title song of this album, it should be in line with market tastes, right?" Although it was a question, Luo Quan's tone was extremely determined.

Don't dare to say anything else, the song "First love" is definitely at the level of a divine comedy.

As the title song in Hikaru Utada's debut album, this song is a well-deserved masterpiece. Whether it is the quality or the performance level of the singer, it is the pinnacle of the solo female singer of that era.

On the basis of the popularity of only releasing two singles, the album achieved sales of 220 million in the first week of its release, breaking various related records in Asia in one fell swoop.

The final sales of the album was as high as 765 million copies, which no one has been able to break so far. It is called an epoch-making album by the Japanese music scene.

If you want to break the record, you must use a song that has had this honor. "First love" is the best choice, which is why Luo Quan positioned it as the title song.

"There is no problem at all!" Tachibana Yuxia looked excited, "This is a typical j-pop genre, it is the favorite of people over 25 years old, and it is also the group with the strongest spending power in the market!"

Luo Quan got up with a smile: "I can start recording songs right away. As for the publicity, I'll ask the director of Shi Village."

Director Ishicun nodded: "Don't worry about the publicity, as for the contract, pay the highest price in the market, okay?"

Luo Quan was curious: "What is the highest price in the market?"

"Global exclusive authorization, the package price... 1 million yen, record sales are not included." Director Ishimura pondered for a while, and gave a sky-high price.

In Huaxia, it is not uncommon for a top-tier singer to pay tens of millions of license fees for a new album, but the release method of albums is almost always digital. VIP on-demand, what's more, listen directly for free.

For Huaxia's music platform, spending a lot of money to buy exclusive licenses is a complete loss of money. It is almost impossible to make money by selling records. What the platform pays more attention to is the fan users and traffic brought by the star effect. is the lion's share of income.

But Japan is different. Although the record market is declining and no longer prosperous, the camel is still bigger than the horse. Japan's record market is still the second in the world and the first in Asia. The sales of physical records have reached 2000. [-] million yen, and the sales volume easily exceeded [-] million.

In such a market, the income that a blockbuster album can bring is extremely terrifying, so as long as the album sells well, there is no need to worry about not being able to return to the original.

Take Luoquan's first mini-album as an example, the current sales volume is 240 million copies, with a total sales of 31 billion yen. After deducting miscellaneous expenses such as taxes and publicity costs, the net profit is still more than 20 billion yen.

And more than half of this large sum will be taken away by the company, and then the record store will take about 15%, and the remaining [-]% will be distributed by producers, composers, lyrics, Japan Music Copyright Association, and singers.

Among them, there are the most producers, 10%, while the singers are the least, only 1%, and they are not even as good as songwriters.

This is the ecology of the Japanese record market. The producers and creators of albums can get the most money apart from the publishers and retailers, while the singers who really attract fans to pay get the least, which is almost the opposite of Huaxia.

This is also the reason why most Japanese singers are very creative. Few people will completely outsource their albums. Even if they can't write good songs, they will rack their brains to write lyrics for songs. After all, if they just sing, they will get The money is too little.

After all, not everyone is like Luo Quan. An album can be sold for hundreds of millions of licensing fees before recording begins. This is already the treatment of big female singers.

It is worth mentioning that all of Luo Quan's songs have been completed by her so far, from the sound collection, arrangement, and recording of musical instruments, which belong to the producer's work, without letting outsiders share the profits.

So in a few days, when Sony "discussing gold and silver", Luo Quan can get a very large amount of income, even more than the sky-high licensing fee.

Luo Quan walked to the door: "Then I'll go and record the song first. I'll record the title song first. I'll have to find other materials for a while, and I'll finish it in about three days."

If you have a little liver, you can get it done in a day and a half. After all, Luo Quan has long been familiar with how to make an album, and there is no technical difficulty.

But why do foreign workers work overtime?She is not a social animal...

When Luo Quan came home, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and she said that she didn't want to work overtime, but she still sat in the recording studio for more than ten hours, and lunch was simple instant noodles.

Probably every Chinese person has a hard-working gene in their bones. "Be proud of hard work, and be ashamed of indulgent work" is a life creed that every young person has recited since elementary school. Although Luo Quan was not highly educated, these truths still know.

I have been around for half my life, but now that I have something to do, I must work hard. This is a very simple value, otherwise it will really become a parasite of society.

When Luo Quan returned home, he found that the dinner for the two "parasites" at home was also very simple, spinach lean meat porridge, spinach had no leaves, and lean meat was not cut.

"Luo Luo, you're back~~~" Wen Xia and Chunzi were around the table in a daze, seeing Luo Quan who walked into the door as if he saw the savior.

Junko looked expectantly: "I'm dying of starvation, did Quanjiang bring us something to eat?"

Luo Quan was taken aback: "Didn't you buy vegetables and meat for you?"

Often eating takeout is not nutritious. Considering that he often goes to the company, Luo Quan bought a lot of food a few days ago and put it in the refrigerator, enough for Wen Xia and Junzi for a week.

"Isn't this big pot of porridge delicious?" Luo Quan looked at the steaming pot of spinach lean meat porridge, which was still in good shape, and was very puzzled.

"Have a taste yourself." Chunzi handed the spoon to Luo Quan.

Looking at the two women suspiciously, Luo Quan found that Wen Xia's little face was as red as a monkey's butt, as if he had done something shameful.

He lowered his head and scooped a spoonful of porridge, and as soon as he put it in his mouth, Luo Quan spit it out:
"Pfft! Is this pig food?!"

It was mushy and salty, with a little meaty smell. Obviously, the porridge had been cooked for too long and the meat was undercooked. It was too unpalatable to eat.

"Can you cook?" Luo Quan asked Wen Xia for proof, holding a spoon.

Wen Xia nodded embarrassedly: "I made it by looking at my phone, and it looks pretty good. Who knew it tasted so weird."

Luo Quan laughed dumbly and said, "You're more suitable to be an idol who doesn't touch the sun with your fingers. These things ruin your character too much. Let me cook for you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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