Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 49 "Coming of Age"

Chapter 49 "Coming of Age"

ps. Thanks to the book friends hahahaha for the rewarded book coins!
Because of the rush of time, the two women were so hungry that Luo Quan didn't spend too much time preparing hard dishes. Just because there was a lot of leftovers last night, he made a pot of egg fried rice for the two of them.

There are not too many bells and whistles, just simple eggs, ham and chopped green onion, but even simple ingredients can still burst out the aroma.

At the moment of loading, Wen Xia, whose saliva was dripping, seemed to see a touch of golden light.

In fact, it is just the reflection of the incandescent lamp after the egg liquid and rice grains are blended and fried, and it is not a special effect.

Wen Xia picked up the spoon and took a sip. It's not a delicacy or a delicacy in the world, but it is definitely much better than the egg fried rice fried by ordinary chefs!

Looking at Luo Quan who was washing the pot, Wen Xia let out an unwilling cry: "Wu... Luo Luo, how can you do everything? Even cooking is so delicious!"

Luo Quan shook his head proudly: "Don't worship brother, because brother is just a legend."

Junko looked forward with a look on her face: "Is this the so-called perfect girlfriend? I thought I could only see it in youth comics, but I didn't expect such a person to exist in reality."

Luo Quan smiled: "No matter how perfect it is, don't you have to eat and drink, do you think the goddess doesn't shit?"

"Pfft——" Wen Xia, who was eating egg fried rice, received [-] critical hits.

Luo Quan hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this during dinner."

Wen Xia was speechless: "You are really... such a beautiful girl, it's a pity that you have opened your mouth!"

"嘁!" Luo Quan shrugged and stopped paying attention to Wen Xia.

When everyone was full, the three sat side by side on the sofa, Wen Xia leaned on the left end of the sofa, and put a pair of big white legs on Luo Quan's legs sitting in the middle.

"Tell you the good news, my new album is out. I just went to the company to record a song today." Luo Quan broke the peace with one sentence.

Wen Xia came to the spirit: "Amazing, do you have a demo of the song, let me listen to it!"

Luo Quan hesitated: "These are the company's secrets and cannot be released in advance."

Wen Xia was a little disappointed, but still expressed understanding: "Yes, the spirit of the contract still needs to be."

"There is no need to reveal that Izumi-chan, Sony has released it by itself." Junko held up the phone, and the screen was exactly the interface of Sony's Twitter account. The latest tweet had as many as [-] comments!
"Super rookie Quan Shui is about to release his first album "Adult Ceremony"!"

The release time is [-] o'clock, which is the prime time for young people to surf the Internet for leisure, and it attracted a lot of attention and discussion in less than two hours.

In the Japanese music scene, Luo Quan is already a leader in the creation of the new generation. He has released five works of excellent quality in less than a month. If you give it to other singers alone, it is a good song enough to be called a masterpiece.

"A musical genius born out of nowhere", this is the evaluation of Luo Quan by most mainstream music magazines.

The difference between a genius and an ordinary person is that the former can achieve achievements that the latter cannot imagine or rival.

Just when everyone thought that Luo Quan, who had released five good songs in a row, would be silent for a while, she released another song, and she released ten songs in one release!
Netizens commented:

"If a singer's talent is compared to his skills, Spring Water is undoubtedly like an open-hungry player. The skills are not cooled down, and the amount of mana is endless!"

"This frequency is almost the same as some third-tier singers. Before they are completely out of breath, they frantically sing and harvest leeks."

"My family is poor and I have tears of pain. I just saved enough money to buy "Spring Water", but I didn't expect her to release a new album."

"It is foreseeable that Tiktok will soon usher in a wave of Bgm replacement."

"The album is called "Coming of Age", but isn't the spring just turned 20? (The age of adulthood in Japan is [-])"

"It's time for science popularization. Quanshui is from Huaxia, and the age of adulthood in Huaxia is oh, but the minimum age for marriage is 20 years old, which is two years older than Japan."

"It's strange, it seems to be the complete opposite of us."

"It's as if we can marry her when we turn 20."

"In the dream, she gave birth to many children to me~~~"

"Dead house wash!"


Music knows no borders, and so does diaosi.

Most of Luo Quan's fans are otaku who like YY like this, or most of the fans of young female stars are these otaku.

Although their spending power is not as crazy as female fans, they have a long traditional culture and a set of professional workflows in terms of support. The scene that can best reflect this culture is the concert.

However, at present Luo Quan does not have the strength to hold a concert for the time being, and she herself is not keen on setting up any global fan support club, so after the new album comes out, it all depends on fans to promote it.

Of course, Sony must have also done some marketing. Twitter's hot search can't buy it, but the navy can buy it, and it rushed to the top by brushing the number of clicks in half an hour.

Although even if you don't invite the navy, it will be a matter of time before the current traffic flow in Luoquan will be the hot search, but now the Internet time is money, and more people will see it sooner, anyway, everyone buys the navy, and those who don't It can't prove how pure and clean he is.

In addition, Hoshino Sakura also helped Luo Quan to forward a wave of publicity at the first time. Since the last time the two entered Longtan together, they have established a solid friendship, and there have been frequent interactions on Twitter before.

This time, the layout of Sony Records is very big. After the preliminary evaluation of Luo Quan's songs, the executives unanimously agreed that this is an album with great potential!
Not only in Japan, they hope that the achievements of this album can be elevated to the level of Asia.

Japan has produced many singers who are popular in Asia. When the Korean wave trend swept across Asia, Japan relied on these singers to forcibly defend its entertainment ecology in front of the prosperous men's and women's groups.

Huaxia just didn't hold on to it, and the entertainment industry in the new era has become like this.

In fact, Japan is not much better, it is completely relying on the wealth of the family to support it until now.

If he just guarded his own acre of land, he could barely survive, but Luo Quan's appearance gave the high-level executives the courage to show their greatness.

As long as it can be operated, this album called "Ceremony" may become a horn for Japanese arts to counterattack South Korea.

Maybe the language will be different and the culture will be different, but there is no gap between people's appreciation and love of music. Those singers who conquered Asia more than ten years ago, Luoquan may not be able to reproduce this glory more than ten years later!

Therefore, Sony Records rarely used the resources of the two branches of China and South Korea to promote this album to the greatest extent!

Ps. Sudden headache, this is the update, and I will make up for it in the third update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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