Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 483 Trivia

Chapter 483 Trivia
"How about dad, I'll just say that Quanjiang is very good." Junko leaned over to her father, as happy as a child.

Takata Liu Sheng squeezed out a smile, and said in his heart that this is not only powerful, but also extremely valuable.

Although Liu Sheng's family's unique skill - he can do it without a knife, but his proficiency is far inferior to that of his father. It is difficult to take the weapon from Luo Quan's hand under such a situation of physical exertion.

The throwing knife just now was his last move, if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose more than win.

"Director Luo, we've already filmed the fight just now. To be honest, it's definitely the most exciting fight I've ever seen in my filming career!" Excited action guidance.

"Well, wait for me to edit and dub later." Luo Quan's mood was not too turbulent, it may be that he was a little mentally and physically weak after the strenuous exercise.

After sitting for 10 minutes, Luo Quan continued to work after feeling almost recovered.

Because the actors invited this time all have a fairly good foundation in kendo, Luo Quan simply said a few words in the fighting scene, and everyone understood it, so the filming process was quite smooth.

It took a total of ten days for all the fight scenes, including the second fight scene between Luo Quan and Yagyu Kota.

This paragraph is not for the two to play freely, but is going according to the script, and all the tricks that appear in the original work are also on the stage.

In order to show the flying character of Feitian Yujianliu, Luo Quan flew back and forth a few times while hanging the wire in this part of the fight. Although it seems that the speed is not very fast, after accelerating, it will show a very fast and vigorous movement. Visual effects.

After the most difficult fight scenes were filmed one by one, the tasks of the entire crew became much easier. Luo Quan didn't have to do everything herself, and began to ask the assistant director to share the filming of literary dramas for her.

After all, the fighting scene is the essence of the movie, and it cannot be relaxed at all.

As for the literary drama, it’s enough to follow the lines anyway. Except for Junko, the soundtracks of the protagonists are all powerful, and they all have their own understanding of the characters they play, so there will be no good readings.

For a big production, as a well-funded investor, Luo Quan will never let any crooked people enter his crew. From the people to the props, they all use the best batch in Japan.

The film was filmed in an orderly manner, and Luo Quan, whose workload was reduced, also served as the film's publicity staff, sending some stills and set footage to Twitter from time to time to maintain the popularity of the film.

In order to save time, she is not going to spend more than half a month to promote the movie after the movie is finished.

Directly filming and publicizing at the same time, after the production and submission of review, the film can be scheduled for release, so that the popularity she has gained during this period can be maximized.

As the most watched star in Japan, almost every move of her can be listed on the hot searches in Japan. This kind of terrifying traffic accumulation is something that other stars are extremely envious of but can't get at all.

There is no way, the series of operations she did in Japan the year before last was too popular, and with the full cooperation of the government, her name appeared on all TV stations, radio stations, the Internet and even newspapers, so that her nationality almost swelled to the point that no one knew about it. the point.

Luo Quan only took half a year to achieve what other celebrities have worked so hard for a lifetime.

Now that the accumulation is complete, the rest will be her harvest time.

"The poster of "Rurouni Kenshin" leaked!"

Luo Quan used the title party method to post the poster of the movie inside.

The poster is a picture of her wearing a red feather, and the action in her hand is in the posture of drawing a knife.

When shooting the poster, the knife in Luo Quan's hand was a real one borrowed from Xiaota Yagyu, so the blade he pulled out was smooth and shiny, just like Luo Quan's eyes, shining with a cold light.

The composition of the entire poster is also very simple, that is, the protagonist is drawing a knife, and the focus is mainly on the shape of the protagonist.

Unlike Luo Quan's previous female roles, her makeup in this movie is obviously thicker, but the effect is not to make the face more beautiful, but just to make the chiseled face slightly rounder.

And after such a heroic stills came out, it also attracted quite a few fans to watch and comment:
"I thought something was leaking out, so I was so happy."

"The appearance of drawing the sword is too handsome, the aura is just like a real swordsman."

"The cross scar on the left face is very stylish, and this hairstyle looks like a lion."

"Am I the only one who noticed that the face of the character in the photo is a little different from my own?"

"Don't tell me I didn't notice it. It feels like a mixed race. The white features are not so obvious!"

"Indeed, the nose is not so high, and the curve of the jaw is also rounded. Is this PS?"

"It doesn't feel like PS, it's more like makeup. If you use PS all the time when shooting a movie, it's easy to get facial paralysis. Luo Quan won't make such a mistake."

"In order to make the role he plays not so disobedient, Luo Quan also took great pains."

"I can't wait to see this movie, who can tell me how long it will be released?"

"The movie has only started filming for half a month, how can it be so fast, at least we have to wait another month."

"Not necessarily. Luo Quan's production speed has always been very fast. Didn't the production of "Resident Evil" only take a month?"

"That's true."


There is one thing to say, these fans really know Luo Quan quite well, whether it is guesswork or analysis, the shooting progress of "Rurouni Kenshin" is indeed much faster than most people imagined.

The main reason is that the script was ready-made without any changes at all, and the filming of the play was so smooth that a group of Lian Jiazi performed many actions that would take half a day for an ordinary group performer.

If everything goes smoothly, it's hard not to think fast.

But if you want to finish filming in one month like "Resident Evil", it is still not so fast.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take another 20 days to complete the filming. When it is released, it is estimated that it will be at the end of June. It is expected to meet the audience friends with "Titanic".

Generally speaking, big productions and big productions will avoid each other's schedules and avoid conflicts and confrontations.

However, the types of "Rurouni Kenshin" and "Titanic" are completely different, and one is an English romance movie and the other is a Japanese action movie, so there is not much competition.

So Luo Quan wasn't worried that his movie would be taken away by the big boat too much at the box office.

Even, there may be a situation of mutual benefit between the two.

Imagine that when people enter the theater to watch the annual tear-jerking drama "Titanic", the whole person's emotions may fall into depression and sadness.

And at this moment when relief and release are needed, "Rurouni Kenshin" is right next to it. Such a passionate and refreshing action movie will definitely become everyone's first choice.

The opposite is also true, so even if it is in the same schedule as a movie like "Titanic", Luo Quan is still full of confidence.

Although the Japanese movie market is not as huge as China, it is definitely not small, and there have been no blockbusters in recent years. The most popular movie a while ago was the anime "Spirited Away", which has accumulated tens of billions of yen box office.

Speaking of which, the theme song of this movie was sung by Luo Quan. After the movie was released, the theme song "Forever Together" has been on the music charts for a while, but because it is the soundtrack of the movie, it is not a single that is specially released , so Luoquan didn't get much money.

But there is no doubt that this will become a highlight in Luo Quan's classic Japanese songs, and with the existence of "Spirited Away", it will also be mentioned non-stop.

Just like the title of the song, the two will always be together.

As a musician who wrote such a song, Luo Quan, even if he is in the busy time of filming and influencing, he will still be asked to compose and sing.

If it was an ordinary singer who asked for a song, Luo Quan would have declined without much talk.

But this time, it was Japanese government officials who visited the set directly.

"Luo Quansang, I'm Fujita, the vice president of the Japanese Olympic Committee. I'm here to trouble you with something." The short, bearded man wearing round glasses suddenly appeared on the set. Luo Quan, who was arranging the actors, was a little surprised.

Seeing that the vice-chairman's tone was so polite, Luo Quan also greeted him with a smile: "Vice-chairman Fujita, why do you want to find me in person, just send me an email."

Vice President Fujita said softly: "Actually, I sent an email three days ago, but I haven't replied until now."

"Ah?" Luo Quan's face was a little embarrassed, "Is there such a thing?"

She quickly opened the mailbox, and there were indeed a lot of unread emails in it, but they were all recent.

As for the previous ones, she basically selected them all and threw them into the trash can.

In fact, Luo Quan's mailbox has been out of use for a long time since it was leaked. Emails from fans, advertising wall cooperation, and media are sent every day, at least one or two thousand emails per day. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for her to distinguish which ones. It's what she needs to see, and what's the spam she doesn't need to see.

Simply, she simply didn't read any of them and deleted them all.

Anyway, if you really need to find her, you can always get her phone number from other sources.

And if you can call her, it means that you have a certain relationship with her acquaintances, and it doesn't matter if you answer and answer such calls.

In another situation, that is to come to her directly and call her, such as Vice President Fujita in front of you.

Of course, she would definitely not let Vice President Fujita know that she directly threw his mail into the trash can, that would be too disrespectful.

"I'm so sorry. I've been busy with movies recently, so I haven't checked my mailbox for a long time, so I didn't see it." Luo Quan quickly quit the Google Mail app, and then apologized to Vice President Fujita.

"It's okay, we can talk about things more clearly when we meet." Vice President Fujita didn't care at all, still with a smile on his face: "My intention for coming this time is actually very simple, the main reason is that I want you to contribute to the Olympic Games." some tunes.

Although your "Don't Give Up" has become the official support song for the Tokyo Olympics, one song is obviously not enough, and there is also a shortage of promotional songs. "

Although she is not the only singer in Japan who can write these songs, since she is willing to let her come, it is also trust in her, and writing a few songs will not take too much time, anyway, it is work:
"No problem, I'll prepare it when I get back, and I'll send you the song when it's finished."

"Then charge this one..."

"It's free, but if there is income after the song is released, it will be donated directly to disabled children in Japan." Luo Quan's approach is as good as ever.

"I don't even know what to say, you really deserve to be a national idol." Vice President Fujita praised very disgustingly.

After the matter was settled, Luo Quan asked the assistant director to watch the set, and she directly took out the computer and started making songs.

There are many themes that can be expressed in the Olympic Games.

For example, being taller, faster and stronger, and working hard for victory, but it is enough to carry these themes with "Don't". It was the chorus of the audience, even more orderly than the national anthem.

Even if I write it again, I can't write a better cheering song than it.

But in addition, world peace is also a major theme of the Olympic Games.

On this big stage of competition, people of different colors and races from all over the world gather together, and under fair and just rules (except South Korea), they present sports performances of the highest level to the world.

This is a great manifestation of peace.

In Japanese songs, there are too many that can reflect this theme.

After Luo Quan thought about it a little, he got the answer.

"Who was that just now?" Junzi, who was on the other side of the set, came over and asked Luo Quan.

Just now she saw an uncle talking to Quan Jiang, and he left after speaking, and Quan Jiang also handed over the director's affairs to the assistant director, so she was a little curious.

"It's Fujita, the vice president of the Japanese Olympic Committee, who asked me to write songs for the Olympics." Luo Quan typed a few times on the computer and typed out the title of the song.

Junko looked over and read out softly: ""Castle in the Sky"... What a meaningful song title, is it telling a story that happened in the sky?"

"It can be said to be true, but the core of the story is anti-war." Luo Quan emphasized the word anti-war.

Now there are quite a few works of art in Japan that claim to be anti-war, but they are actually anti-war defeat.

It's a letter difference, but it's a world of difference.

Seeing these young art creators, Luo Quan prefers those artists of the older generation. They have experienced that era, so it is more difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

"Maybe it's a song praising peace, and it actually fits well with the theme of the Olympics. If the children were to sing in a chorus with a flock of white peace doves behind them, the scene would definitely be very moving," Luo Quan said while typing Lyrics, while thinking about the best way to sing the song.

(End of this chapter)

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