Chapter 484

It took Luo Quan a day to write and record the songs. There are three songs in total, one for the Olympic Games, one for Tokyo, and one calling for peace to show the truth, goodness and beauty of human beings.

Luo Quan didn't know if he had overfulfilled the task, but the Olympics, there is nothing wrong with paying attention to it, after all, this time the Olympics will be held next to Huaxia, and he can get a little bit of glory under a strip of water.

After sending the song to Vice President Fujita, he naturally received a lot of thanks and flattery. Luo Quan also politely responded with a few words, and then chose to give the entire crew a day off.

It's about to enter June, and the weather has become hot. I've been outdoors for a while, and half of my work is filming scenes. From the staff to the actors, I'm tired.

Working high-intensity all the time can easily make people sick. She is not Zhou Baopi in "Midnight Chicken Crowing". There is no need to rush the schedule, and there is nothing wrong with relaxing occasionally.

However, the crew was on vacation, but she didn't give herself a vacation. She still sat in front of the Accord computer, played and edited the recorded fight repeatedly, and checked for any reshoots.

Junko on the bed next to her seemed much more relaxed. She lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone as soon as she was on vacation. She watched "The Actor's Self-cultivation" just now, but she put it aside after flipping through it a few times.

"Oh, why is this so?"

Luo Quan, who was busy with work, heard Junzi's complaint and looked up: "What happened?"

"Quanjiang, do you still remember Ye Kai?" Junko held the phone with a depressed expression on her face.

"I know, the prosecutor in the entertainment industry, the five eldest sons of Huaxia, the top rich second generation." Luo Quan said jokingly, "Why, you don't mean to fall in love with him, do you?"

"How is it possible!" Junko retorted immediately, and then said with an aggrieved expression: "He made this request last year, but I directly refused, and told him not to spend money on me in the future, and we will be friends.

But he has always been relentless, and every once in a while he will send me some weird words, like: only state officials are allowed to set fire, and you are not allowed to leave me..."

"Pfft!" Luo Quan burst out laughing, this son's brother is not very good at picking up girls, not even half of her father's level when he was young.

After laughing, Luo Quan said sternly again: "This rustic love talk is indeed a bit stupid, but at least it is sincere. If it's full of honey and oil, it can make you lose your mind, it will be troublesome."

"It would be fine if I just talked about this, and I can still send a smiley face, but recently he has been sending some threatening words every now and then, and he always wants to ask me to meet." Junko mentioned this, and his expression became very unnatural, "Just Just now, he asked me to go to the capital to meet him immediately, and I would be at my own risk... I said I was shooting a movie in Japan, but he hasn't responded yet."

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan, who was smiling at first, immediately became serious.

Originally, she thought it was just a lame daily routine of picking up girls who were stupider than richer, but according to Wen Xia's description before, this Ye Kai seemed to be Junzi's die-hard fan.

I thought it was a romantic drama where the rich man crazily pursued the oiran, but now it seems that it is not the case.

"Ding dong!"

"He replied!" Junzi immediately clicked on the message, and Luo Quan also sat down.

"What kind of movie are you making? I want to see you right now. If it doesn't work, let that dog director tell me!"

After reading the message, Luo Quan took the phone and scrolled through the chat history.

It's very long, but [-]% of it is Ye Kai talking to himself, Junko always responds politely, and every time she talks about making the relationship go further, she directly refuses and asks him not to mess up again money.

Taking the Spring Festival as the node, Ye Kai just avoided the topic and didn't talk about it.

But after the Spring Festival, Ye Kai's words became more intense and forceful, from licking at the beginning to fierce, like a hunter who lost his patience.

"How many times have you met in private?" Luo Quan had to figure things out before deciding to solve the problem.

Junko said cautiously: "Five or six times, when we were holding a concert, he bribed the staff to come in privately. The first few times were to send flowers, I accepted this, and the next one was to give gifts, but I didn't." want."

Luo Quan nodded: "It's not a problem to deal with it, lest this guy say that you took his things and hang him."

"Quanjiang, what should I do next, expressly refuse again?"

"You just watch from the side, let me meet him." Luo Quan said, and directly invited Ye Kaikai to a video call.

Three seconds later, the invitation was accepted, and a not too handsome face appeared on the screen.

In Luo Quan's impression, the rich second generation is like in the novel, tall and handsome, just like her cousin Stuart, cousin Augusta, or Seifert and senior Jing Gong.

But now it seems that the genes of the rich are not all so good.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Ye Kai was obviously astonished, he never thought that Luo Quan would appear in front of him:
"What about you, Junko?"

"Cunzi said that you are looking for a director, and I am the dog director you are looking for, what can I do?" Luo Quan crossed his hands, although the words he used were very polite, but the fool could also hear that it was mocking Ye Kai.

"Eh... I didn't know she was making a movie for you, I was the one who was abrupt, sorry." Ye Kai apologized with a smile, and gave himself a step up.

"Don't pester Junko in the future, she should have said many times that she doesn't want to go further with you, if you are willing to continue to be a fan, we welcome it, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to be a fan.

However, I think it’s better to delete this wechat for the time being. Junko is timid at first, and I’m afraid of the content you send on wechat. "

Luo Quan didn't talk nonsense with Ye Kai, and just asked him to delete each other, so as not to disturb Chunzi's life anymore.

When Ye Kai heard Luo Quan's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he pulled up half of his mouth and laughed: "I don't know if Chunzi is courageous or not, but you are quite courageous... Besides, who do you say she is?" Do you have the right to help her make such a decision?"

"I'm her boss, and she's an artist in my company." Luo Quan leaned back slightly, "Young Master Ye, I know your family is rich, but no matter how rich a girl you can't catch up with, you can't force it. If you let go, everyone can still leave a face for each other."

The implication is that if you keep pestering her, don't blame her for tearing her face up.

If it were an ordinary person talking to Ye Kai like this, it probably wouldn't end well.

But if it was Luo Quan who said this, even though Ye Kai's face was extremely gloomy at this time, he didn't get angry and cursed.

The youngest of the Huang family is a lesson from the past. In China, where guns are completely banned, this woman is an invincible existence.

On the Internet, she has a more terrifying influence than her own and his father, and public opinion can't do anything to her at all.

Secret and dark, I seem to have nothing to do with her. If you compare her family background, Grandpa Luo Quan's company is the largest real estate company in the world, and the size of the two is not at the same level.

Ye Kai, who has always boasted of being a master, also felt the feeling of being crushed in all directions at this time, and he felt a little bit annoyed, but he really didn't dare to scold directly.

It's not because he's afraid of offending Luo Quan, but because even if he really scolds, he probably won't be Luo Quan's opponent.

Thinking back when so many people hacked her on Weibo, she caught those black fan bosses and scolded her one by one. If such a skill really had a scolding match with her, Ye Kai would most likely bring himself to be humiliated.

But, if you lose, you don't lose. Although Luo Quan suppressed him so hard that he couldn't say a word, he wouldn't just admit it:
"Miss Luo, I hope you can understand my feelings for Junko. I really like her. I voted for one-third of the votes for her debut. You can't turn a blind eye to this affection, right?"

Luo Quan shook his head and said: "Junzi should really be grateful for these votes, but it's not at the price of herself, love can't be forced, she doesn't like you, it's useless if you try hard alone.

I still say the same thing, it's better for you to let go as soon as possible. If you really can't let go, just report the money you spent on Junko, and I will return it in full. "

"Money? Am I short of that little money? Money is nothing!" Ye Kai suddenly became excited, "What is the time I spent on her this year! How can she pay back the feelings she owes me?"

Seeing that Ye Kai seemed to be about to lose control, Luo Quan didn't show any expression.

If you haven't read Ye Kai's WeChat messages in recent months, Luo Quan may still have some sympathy for him.

But now, she can only hehe.

This guy looks like a licking dog, but in fact he just wants to satisfy his higher and higher happiness threshold.

Rich people like this have experienced ordinary happiness for countless times. What they lack is happiness that ordinary people cannot achieve, or a higher level of challenge.

Licking is just a show, and when they find that the true feelings they put on have no effect, they will immediately change back to their original appearance-the ugly face of a dude.

If this was placed in ancient times, it would be exactly the same scumbag as Gao Yanei.

Luo Quan was very clear about these people and things, so after knowing that Junzi had a connection with Ye Kai, he asked her to explicitly reject when she met a confession, without giving him any illusions.

It's just that I didn't expect that this Ye Yanei was so thick-skinned, and after being rejected so many times, he showed his true colors.

Compared with other anxious rich second generations, this is quite "affectionate". Maybe he is not just trying to find a novelty for Junko, but also really invested in affection.

But since his threatening words came out, all these ifs were meaningless.

Because she had been threatened before, that was the most dangerous moment for her. If it wasn't for the Desert Eagle, she would probably have confessed.

Now she is not what she used to be, and those villains in the past dare not provoke her anymore, but there will always be someone who will be the target of these villains.

There is nothing Luo Quan can't do if she can't see it, but as long as she can see it, she won't let these villains succeed.

What's more, the villain now has his claws on her friend.

It is said that Huaxia's female boxing is not a good adjective, so now she is going to correct the name of this noun!
"Since you don't accept it, then there's nothing we can do. In short, we Junzi can't bear your love. If you really can't vent your accumulated emotions and want to pursue excitement, you can come and chase me." Luo Quan said Clenching his fist, he made a crisp sound of fried beans.

This is the most direct threat of force. Sometimes it is useless for people to communicate with each other, and it is more effective to put it into action.

Sure enough, when Ye Kai saw Luo Quan like this, he seemed to remember the tragedy of Young Master Huang back then, and his anger immediately cooled down a lot.

"Okay, we will meet again in Shanshui!" After Ye Kai finished speaking, he hung up the video call.

"Damn, dare to hang up on me first." Luo Quan scolded, and directly reached out to delete the friend. Fortunately, at the critical moment, IQ went online and intercepted the call records between Junzi and Ye Kai, from the first sentence to the last sentence picture.

Although this Ye Yanei was taken by her identity, there should be no more troubles in the future.

But guarding against others is indispensable. If this guy has a brain twitch and really plans to tear his face and make a big fuss, then these chat records are evidence. No matter how big the fuss is, they are the ones who are right.

For Luo Quan, taking screenshots is a hard job, because her corner of the eye will catch Ye Kaifa's earthy love stories intentionally or unconsciously.

I really don't know how Junzi resisted all this and even replied with a smiley face, if she had already asked this Ye Kai to learn what is called "Emotional Intelligence".

But when I think about it carefully, Junko is Japanese, and I probably don't know the stalks in these love stories. After reading it, I probably think Ye Kai is a strange person, and it won't be too embarrassing.

"Is it solved?" Junzi asked worriedly, she didn't know that it would eventually develop into a big fight, and Wen Xia and the others said that Ye Kai's father seems to be very rich, one of the top richest people in China one.

In Japan, the chaebol don't say that they cover the sky with one hand, but they are not caused by ordinary people.

So Junko is actually very worried that Quanjiang will offend the young master of the chaebol because of herself.

"It's solved." Luo Quan made a backup after taking the screenshot. Seeing that Junzi seemed very nervous, he guessed what she was thinking, so he smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry, China's rich and Japanese Han's rich man is not a synonym, no matter how rich he is, he can't turn the sky. Ordinary friends may not be able to offend them, but if things get serious, these rich men also dare not go too far.

Besides, my grandfather is richer than his company, so his father would not dare to mess with me. "

Hearing this, Junko's hanging heart was finally relieved.

When Ye Kai, the problem that has been bothering her since her debut, was solved, she felt a lot more relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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