Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 491 Rewards

Chapter 491 Rewards
When I came out of the movie, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon. It was the peak time for watching movies. A lot of people outside lined up to buy tickets. I saw the eyes of the audience coming out of the screening hall with red circles. From time to time, I wipe my eyes or nose with a tissue, and it looks like I just cried a while ago.

"What's the situation, is "Titanic" so touching?" Some boys asked curiously while laughing, "Isn't it, just one movie can make so many people cry?"

Three hours later, the boy came out of the theater sobbing after watching the movie...

It was a tearful day for the world, with news and tweets all over the internet.

At this time, there is no need for any company to do marketing or anything. All the audience who have watched the movie are its tap water.

The only pity is that Huaxia, the world's second largest film market, did not release "Titanic" at the first time. Like all foreign works that want to enter, whether it is a movie, TV series or game, it has to be reviewed first. Then delete what should be deleted, and code what should be coded.

It takes a rather cumbersome process to complete these. Some film and television works may not pass the review for a month or two. Fortunately, "Titanic" does not contain any sensitive political positions. It is a movie about love, which is very purely.

As for the large-scale lens, although it is a pity to delete it, considering that Huaxia currently does not have a classification system, this is also a helpless move.

All in all, the review was relatively smooth, but it was only three days later than the whole world, and it was much better than the mainland release of some games and film and television dramas.

However, although the film cannot be released, the related news on the Internet has grown at the rate of atomic fission, which has also led to an upsurge of discussions in China.

Although there is no special big V or media to spoil the plot of the movie, many Chinese people abroad are the first to tweet and praise "Titanic" after watching the movie.

And it is such a movie that has not yet been released in China. After the explosion of word-of-mouth abroad, it also ranked first, second and third in China's hot searches, namely: Titanic, Jack and Ruth, and My Heart Is Eternal.

In just a few hours, the number of relevant discussions has exceeded tens of millions, and Gao Zan's answer spared no effort to praise the movie:

"This is the best romance movie I've ever seen, even taking the romance away!

After reading it, I had mixed feelings in my heart. I wanted to say a lot, but I didn’t know where to start. After thinking about it for a long time, my girlfriend finally sent a greeting. She was quite surprised, because she took the initiative before. Sent it to me.

Now that I think about it, how lucky I am to have her by my side all the time.

Thousands of words can be combined into one sentence: Everyone cherish the people in front of you......"

"It's really a touching movie. I couldn't hold back my tears after watching all the plots, but in the end, after "My Heart Will Go On" came out, I couldn't help it anymore. I cried in my seat alone, with such a big head A burst of tears like this."

"Is it really that good-looking? It's still a few days before it's released in China, so it's a bit annoying."

"This is definitely a movie worth the price of admission. The premise is to bring tissues first. In addition, those who have just broken up are advised to bring double."

"Word-of-mouth on the Internet has taken off, and Rotten Tomatoes is as high as [-]% fresh. There are currently no more than [-] movies that have achieved this data."

"The hero and heroine are really beautiful, but it's a pity that the ending is too sad."

"Don't spoil it, hey!"

"It's not a spoiler, the big ship is destined to sink, and the movie trailer can also tell that this is a tragic ending."

"I can't wait to see it!"


The rave reviews of "Titanic" was one of Luo Quan's predictions, and now it's just the tap water of the audience. After the major media start reporting, the influence will be truly terrifying.

In addition to word of mouth, another indicator of the quality of a movie is the box office.

Luo Quan looked at the data on Twitter, "Titanic" has been released for less than half a day, and the global box office has already exceeded [-] million US dollars, and this does not include the entire movie market in China!

As for Japan, the domestic box office reached 43 billion yen, which is still a lot worse than "Rurouni Kenshin", but Luo Quan thinks this is only because the subject matter is not attractive. There should be a relatively large increase.

As for "Rurouni Kenshin", after two days of continuous rise, the box office growth rate curve is still firm, and the curve has only a slight decline, which is normal.

However, after the weekend passes, the extent of the decline in this curve is estimated to increase.

At present, the film has won 200 billion box office, and there are related news released almost every hour. All walks of life in Japan are paying attention to this lawless "Rurouni Kenshin".

Just like director Wu Jin did to her at the beginning, after the movie made a lot of money at the box office, she gave all the leading actors and important supporting roles a small red envelope.

Although everyone is paid to act with dead wages, it has nothing to do with them whether the film is made or not.

However, Luo Quan has never been a stingy miser, and she has a relatively clear account of using a red envelope to make a good relationship.

After all, this movie has become popular, and for these actors, it is likely to be a springboard for their careers to take off. Maybe these actors will become popular next, and of course they will not let go of the opportunity to make friends now.

What's interesting is that after Luoquan distributed the red envelopes, some actors were still embarrassed to accept them, thinking that they had already received the wages agreed in the contract, and it seemed a bit greedy to take money.

Luo Quan also used this as an excuse in China, and said that if you really don't want it, you can donate it, and then everyone accepted the money.

After these things were done, Luo Quan was finally relieved, and then he just needed to sit and count the money.

According to estimates by relevant departments of Sony Corporation, the final box office of "Rurouni Kenshin" will be 390 billion yen.

But this is without considering "Titanic". Now that Dafu has such a high evaluation, there will definitely be a lot of box office brought over in the future. As a result, the estimated box office will drop to 350 billion yen.

Although 40 billion is missing, it is still a rather scary number.

At present, "Spirited Away", the holder of the highest box office record in Japan, only has a box office of more than 200 billion (some modifications have been made in the different world), and it is only a matter of time before "Rurouni Kenshin" wants to catch up.

At the same time, one of Luoquan's serial tasks also indicated that it had been completed when the box office exceeded one billion yuan.

The task rewards will appear immediately, a designated attribute improvement card; two time-limited star binding cards; a random skill.

They are all good things, especially this designated attribute improvement card, which is really a prop she has been looking forward to for a long time.

Now her attributes are:

Acting: S-

Singing skills: SS+
Creativity: ∞
Body: SS+
Force value: SSS
At the beginning, she only had four attributes: appearance, acting skills, singing skills, and creativity, but as she gradually completed the tasks, her attributes also increased to two types: body and force.

All attributes seem to be quite high, except for the column of creativity, the other five attributes can be improved.

The advantage of designated attribute cards over random attribute cards is that she can avoid adding embarrassing attributes that she no longer needs to improve, such as appearance or figure.

Now her appearance has been improved twice on the premise of SSS, and it has directly become an exclamation point that everyone loves. What is the further improvement?Is it directly...?It represents the beauty that people can't describe in words.

Luo Quan thought about it for a while, but he still couldn't figure out how beautiful he would be like that. Probably it should not be called the most beautiful in the world or the flower of the earth, but the flower of the solar system.

But it's not quite right, there are no intelligent creatures in the solar system except for the earthlings, and it is more correct to expand to the Milky Way.

But it doesn't make sense, she is already very good-looking now, if she is improved, she is really afraid that she will become the Daji in the myth, which will bring disaster to the country and the people.

As for the figure, it is almost the same reason, it is already enough, there is no need to improve it.

Now this scale has actually caused a lot of trouble in daily life. After sitting for a long time, her back hurts and she jumps around when exercising, so that she can't run or skip rope when exercising now.

And if it gets bigger, it will also affect the filming in the future. Other movies are fine, but how do you move when you make an action movie?How does the body maintain balance under such a large inertia?
To sum up, Luo Quan doesn't plan to change her looks and figure anymore, and she won't gamble when she gets a random attribute improvement card in the future. It's the best choice to freeze her appearance now.

The remaining three options are acting skills, singing skills, and force value. Luo Quan chose to add the attribute to acting skills, which was upgraded from S- to S+.

Her singing skills are now at the top level among pop singers, and there must be someone who can sing better than her, but they are basically two and a half times her age.

If she continues to improve, she will not be compared with pop singers, but with those who sing opera or bel canto. At present, she does not have this need and necessity.

As for the strength value, the system has said that this world is in the age of doom, even if it is raised to a higher level, it is still a mortal body, and it will not produce the slightest internal force or true energy.

Hitting ordinary people is definitely one punch, but it is still tiring to face wheel battles, and there are still not many ways to encounter rifles at long distances. It is better to improve marksmanship to preemptive strikes than to increase the value of force.

Fortunately, the country where Luo Quan has lived for a long time is relatively peaceful, and in most cases, guns are not encountered, so the force value is not in a hurry to increase.

Now she needs to make more and more films, superb acting skills are a must, the level of S- can only be said to be sufficient, but if it is not to become a shortcoming, it still needs to continue to improve.

Now that the acting skill has been upgraded to s+, the gap with other attributes has narrowed. If there is a designated attribute improvement card in the future, it will have to be added to the above.

After using up the attribute improvement cards, Luo Quan turned his attention to the random skill cards.

Only one is relatively small, but as long as it is a practical skill, it is not a loss.

In fact, most of Rina's skills in the mall can be acquired through learning, and the direct exchange is just to save her learning time, which is why she is known as an all-rounder.

The skills rewarded by system tasks are mostly special skills that cannot be acquired through learning, such as Iron Lung, Thick Skin, Beichen One-Sword Style and so on.

"I don't know what skills I can get this time." Luo Quan rubbed his hands together and opened the skill package.

"Acquire special skills: ventriloquist × 1"

Seeing this result, Luo Quan is directly the face of an old man in the subway.jpg.

What is this, ventriloquism?

Was it the ventriloquism she understood, or something else.

Speaking of ventriloquism, the word ventriloquism is misleading by people who are playing memes on the Internet. If ventriloquism is mentioned suddenly, who knows which one everyone is thinking.

Luo Quan looked at the introduction and felt relieved. This is a serious ventriloquist, that is, the skill of learning animal sounds or making other sounds.

emmmm... It can't be said that it is completely useless, but she can't remember where this skill can be used for the time being.

Will you not use a synthesizer when you make a soundtrack in the future?This is an idea of ​​Luo Quan, but if the accompaniment is all done with her own mouth, wouldn't recording a song make her mouth tired?

"Maybe I can use it for filming in the future..." Luo Quan sighed softly. Although the skill is useless, it is better than nothing. The biggest gain this time is the attribute improvement card.

Now she has completed one of the two tasks, and she plans to talk about the second task in the second half of the year.

In addition to the movie with my sister, there are two movies left, "The Queen Wearing Chanel" and "Lord of the Rings 2".

The role of the latter is pitifully small. It is said that the heroine is actually not as good as the princess of Rohan, but Luo Quan is also happy and relaxed.

After the completion of "Rurouni Kenshin", Luo Quan felt that the pressure suddenly dropped a lot. In the next time, she planned to take a good vacation for herself. The time is not long, just half a month.

When the holidays begin, of course live streaming is unavoidable.

Speaking of which, it’s been a long time since I’ve done a live broadcast to make a movie, and she’s owed an unknown number of episodes of the videos on Station B, which means that she’s posting frequently and interacting with fans every day, which keeps them from raising their arms. rebel.

On the second day of the holiday, the first thing Luo Quan did after waking up was to turn on the live broadcast, and then said: I'll brush my teeth first, and come back later.

After speaking, I went to the bathroom to wash up.

The barrage starts to scroll:
"My goddess also said this to me last night, but she never came back."

"Where are people?" Fans who came in a little later asked in succession when they saw that there was no one in front of the camera.

"Spiritual event! The anchor disappeared mysteriously just after the broadcast!"

"I brushed my teeth and washed my face, didn't you hear the sound of water?"

"Okay, the live broadcast is finally on, I want to watch my wife."

"Crazy, are all the women in the world your wife?"


(End of this chapter)

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