Chapter 492
Luo Quan's face after washing was still moist with mist, and it shone with a thin light under the morning sun, and his whole body was as tender as a hibiscus emerging from water.

In summer, the temperature rises and the skin is prone to dryness, so Luoquan always keeps a bottle of moisturizing water at home to prevent dead skin, and sprays it every once in a while to keep it supple and firm.

In the past, Luo Quan didn't usually use these things, but since her father bought insurance for her face, the insurance company took a lot of skin care products and maintenance procedures and put them in front of her, asking her to pay attention to her face. care.

In order to prevent the insurance company from coming to urge him to check his homework every day, Luo Quan took the trouble to wipe these bottles and cans on his face.

It was quite troublesome at the beginning. In the past, if you didn't take a shower, you could get it done in 5 minutes at most, but now at least it's very basic, and you have to take a shower separately!

However, after maintaining it for a few days, Luo Quan got used to it. After all, it was good for her. No matter how thick or tough her skin is, she still needs to take good care of it. After all, her face is so valuable now.

Sitting in front of the camera, Luo Quan took out a mosquito repellent toilet water and wiped it on his arms and neck.

Summer is here, and there are more mosquitoes. Although I only got bitten once and it didn't itch, the buzzing sound was really annoying. I don't know if the mosquito repellent will work.

"Which brand of skin care lotion is this? Does your skin feel better?"

In the barrage, many girl fans watched Luo Quan wipe it on his hands and asked curiously.

"Liushen, this is mosquito repellent water." Luo Quan laughed, "I do use skin care products, but they are all given by others, and I didn't pay special attention to the brand."

Luo Quan said that he took a few bottles of skin care products he was using from the bathroom to the camera: "These were given to me by the insurance company. The brands are Labrador, Estee Lauder, L'Oreal...they are often advertised. brand."

Luoquan didn't know much about skin care products, but these brands were quite famous, and they were considered top in the industry.

However, there are many categories in each brand, and the insurance company's delivery must be different from ordinary categories, but she doesn't have much research on these, so she didn't talk in depth.

"Tell me about the Titanic."

"Did the anchor watch it in Tokyo?"

"I heard it's a super good movie. Is it really as good as outsiders?"


"Titanic" has not been released in China yet, so fans are very curious about this movie, and they took this opportunity to ask.

"Good looking!" Seeing everyone's questions, Luo Quan said affirmatively without hesitation, "This is definitely one of the best films since the new century. Seeing greatness in the middle, I couldn't help but shed tears after watching it."

Upon hearing this, the fans became excited:

"You still cry?"

"To be reasonable, it seems like I haven't seen Luo Quan shed tears for so long since debuting."

"This one is too strong. When Weibo besieged her back then, I didn't see her crying and selling miserably."

"My martial arts practitioner, who bleeds, sweats and doesn't cry, and cries, is too bitch!"

"Ke Luoquan is just a bitch."

"Isn't it because I was moved by the movie and cried, and then wanted to fall in love?"


"Why is your focus always so strange?" Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "You haven't watched this movie yet, believe me, few people can stop crying after watching it, this movie is really touching .”

Some fans who have seen the movie also echoed:

"Indeed, this movie really touched my tears. I cried three or four times."

"This is definitely a great movie that can be included in film history."

"It's a pity that Luo Quan failed to play the heroine. It is said that director Carnathan wanted Luo Quan to play Ruth at the time, but Luo Quan refused, but Carrie Lian's performance is really good."

"Ah, this movie is so good, why didn't Luo Quan act in it?"

"It's right to miss a move. Even Luo Quan sometimes miscalculates. If he plays it, it won't be Carrieline who is blown up by the whole world."

"The ones who say this are probably fans who haven't seen the movie yet. (Dog head)"

"It would be fine if she played it, though I'd really like to see her play Ruth."

"I think you are ugly, but you want to be beautiful. (Funny)"

"how do I say this?"


Most of the fans haven't watched the movie yet, and Luo Quan is not embarrassed to answer these questions they asked:
"I'm sure I can't do it. Ruth and Jack, the lovers in the movie, are kissing, shaking cars, and revealing scenes. This won't pass the domestic review. How can I shoot it."

This remark immediately aroused enthusiastic responses from fans:

"Don't worry too much. Orthopedics is the favorite of the old people at station B. Don't you see how popular these dramas are."

"It's a pity that it was harmonized."

"This kind of disharmony in a certain sky, the whole station B will be finished early."

"Hehe, when station B was first established, I used it as a quick broadcast."

"Indeed, there are basically animation resources, and you can still watch barrage, which is simply out of the question."

"Mengxin expressed trembling, this is not a kindergarten car."


The topic got a bit off topic while chatting, and he drove the car directly. Luo Quan looked at the old events discussed in the barrage, his face flushed slightly.

It's really not good to talk about these things live, but everyone's words are relatively restrained, and they belong to the kind that can only be understood and cannot be explained.

"Okay, the anchor doesn't drive, so it's enough for everyone to chat, and exchanging websites is too much." Seeing the fans getting more and more excited, Luo Quan stopped the driving trip in time.

As a female anchor, these things will always be faced, but there is no need to keep it secret.

After all, more than 70.00% of the jokes of human beings are related to dirty jokes. This is an element that is integrated into life. From film and television, novels, games, where is it not ghs?

Besides, it's not like she hasn't done it herself, she did it when she took swimsuit photos.

It is said that the flag is forced to fulfill its promise, but it is not that it does not have the idea of ​​​​giving benefits to fans.

Of course, this was just a thought to comfort her after the flag was triggered, and it was not the first subjective thought, so she didn't sternly reject it in the end, it was a half-push and half-acceptance.

The main reason was that the media gave her a so-called pure personality at that time. For her who was naturally escaped and liked to play jokes, it was too difficult to maintain this thing, so she just took this opportunity to get rid of it.

Speaking of live broadcasting, Luo Quan didn't have any airs of a big star at all during the live broadcast, just like those hard-working female anchors, she could make any jokes, and the effect was not bad.

But there is a limit to everything. Right now, a certain space has come out, and the website URL will be posted directly later. This is a bit too much. Luo Quan must not let it go any longer. A few stars ended the topic.

And the questions about "Titanic" basically stop here. Most of the Luoquan live broadcast room is in China, and I haven't had a chance to watch it in the cinema. The number of people is not many.

The same is true for "Rurouni Kenshin". Compared with "Titanic", the former has no plans to release it in China.

The main reason is that the chronological background of the movie is relatively sensitive. Although Luo Quan deliberately weakened it, those who are interested can know the background of the story after a little research.

If it is released in China, the review will not be mentioned first, the key is easy to be tempted by others, so Luo Quan himself intends to release it in Japan only, and if he wants to watch it in China, he can only wait for pirated versions or video sites to import it.

After talking about the movie, the fans chatted about current domestic hotspots.

What is the hottest thing in June, it must be the annual college entrance examination.

This is an important turning point that determines the lives of most people after the opening of GG. All senior three students, regardless of their family background before the college entrance examination, can get a chance to change their lives through the college entrance examination.

There will definitely be such opportunities in the long road after the college entrance examination, but the college entrance examination is definitely the most effective and the one that can be mastered by oneself.

It may not be absolutely fair, because the educational resources are different in different regions, and the examination papers are also different, but there is no doubt that it is relatively fair. Wushuzi’s 12 years of exam-oriented education is just for two days.

Now at the end of June, the college entrance examination has long been over, and many students have already received their oral admission promises from Tsinghua University, but the number is a little too large. The Luoquan live broadcast room is full of this college entrance examination manor in various provinces. When talking about the college entrance examination, it is: boring, Tsinghua University and Beijing University have been begging me to go to school, and the admissions office does ideological work for my parents every day, which is so annoying.

Luo Quan just wanted to laugh at Versailles’s speech. Maybe he has such fans in the live broadcast room, but the number is definitely not so many. This shit is talking about his college entrance examination scores all over the screen. Luo Quan watched it for a long time, but didn’t see it. To a score of 700 points.

"Speaking of how much she took in the Luoquan college entrance examination, I wanted to check before, but there was no information on the Internet, only her graduation results from the sixth grade of primary school, with a perfect score of 200 in both language and mathematics."

"Cold knowledge, Luo Quan has never taken the high school and college entrance examinations, and went to Japan in the second term of the third year of junior high school."

"It's reasonable to say that those who can get admitted to Dongda University are not particularly good majors, but their grades will not be bad."

"I heard that the Japanese college entrance examination is about the same level as ours. Is it true?"

"Not entirely true, the Japanese college entrance examination is divided into two parts, the first part will be easier, and the second part will take the test after you choose a school, including interviews, and the difficulty will increase according to the level of the school.

The status of Tokyo University in Japan is the same as that of Tsinghua University, so the difficulty of this exam can be imagined. "

"So Luoquan is also a top student. I don't know how it compares to those top students in Hengshui."

"Those who learn are dead knowledge, useless."

"I really want Luo Quan to do this year's college entrance examination questions. I don't know how many points I can get."

"Good idea."


Somehow, the topic came to Luo Quan's least good at studying.

For her who dropped out of high school in her previous life, this level of education is almost illiterate in the new century.

Although her education is very good now, she hasn't studied mathematics, physics and chemistry seriously in two years. No matter how good she was at the beginning, how much can she remember now?
A piece of iron will rust if left unattended for a month, and your brain will not move for two years. How much knowledge can you expect to remember?

Although the amount of knowledge in her mind is definitely not illiterate, if she is asked to do the college entrance examination questions, the scene will be interesting.

Huaxia is often criticized by the West in terms of education. There are various reasons to prove the failure of Huaxia education.

But none of these can conceal the fact that Huaxia students are number one in the world in mathematics.

The knowledge of high school students is in the United States, which belongs to the content that university mathematics graduate students will learn, and the test questions of the college entrance examination, even if they are done by senior graduates of famous American universities, most of them cannot figure out why.

Of course, this has something to do with the way and description of the questions on both sides, but the difficulty of mathematics in the Huaxia college entrance examination belongs to the consensus of the whole world, and that thing is really not something that ordinary people can do.

Many American high school students have graduated, but they are only required to be able to figure out the four mixed operations, and more advanced ones can be solved by computers.

For Huaxia's high school students, mathematics has developed in an incomprehensible direction.

Derivatives, sets, trigonometric functions, geometric functions, number sequences, and probability are almost useless in life. Luo Quan feels a headache just seeing these terms.

The main reasons why she dropped out of school at the beginning, besides being poor, was that reading mathematics was like reading a bible, and the exams were all in Chinese, and she could also call out the letters and symbols written, but she became numb when she rubbed them together.

Letting her do these test questions now, to be honest, is a kind of torture for her.

But as an anchor, she must try her best to satisfy the audience what they want to watch. Some people dare to do anything for the effect of the show. It's not a big deal for her to do a college entrance examination question, but it is more brain-intensive.

Seeing that the bullet screens in the live broadcast room were all asking her to do college entrance examination questions, Luo Quan had no choice but to smile and said: "Okay, okay, then I will live broadcast today and do a college entrance examination question for everyone, but let's talk first, I have never said that I am a top student, so don't laugh at me no matter what score you get in the test."

The barrage began to complain:

"No energy! How can you be discouraged before the exam starts!"

"Since you say so, then choose something simpler, and use this year's Jiangnan roll."

"Are you the devil?"

"Luoquan has quite a lot of hair, and I'm afraid half of it will be caught after I finish the Jiangnan roll."

"It's better not to make it so difficult, just take the national test and compare it with most candidates."

"I feel that the result should be very unexpected."


"It will be very unexpected." Luo Quan looked at the barrage and searched for this year's college entrance examination questions on the web.

(End of this chapter)

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