Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 493 The answer blows in the wind

Chapter 493 The answer blows in the wind

Although the barrage was calling for her to make Jiangnan rolls, Luo Quan did not follow these suggestions.

Just kidding, the Jiangnan paper is the most difficult question in the college entrance examination. If she does it at her current level, wouldn't that be humiliating herself?

"Let's just take the national one exam, the Jiangnan exam is too difficult." Luo Quan had already downloaded the electronic version of this year's national college entrance exam online while speaking.

Before the college entrance examination, the test papers were state secrets, and when they were sent to schools, they were escorted by armed police with live ammunition.

"Do the Chinese first, but I won't write the composition, can I just default to full marks?" Luo Quan glanced at the composition proposition, and left a time bottle for people in 2035 to record the past years.

In fact, it is not difficult. It is a relatively easy proposition to write. She can definitely write it if she really wants to write it, but it takes too much time to write homework, and it is more troublesome than simply doing the questions.

"Good guy, I've got full marks for the essays, and this year's total is less than 50."

"To be reasonable, with Luo Quan's literary talent, it shouldn't be difficult to write a perfect composition."

"Not necessarily, literary talent and homework scores can sometimes not be equal."

"The full score is too exaggerated. Since you don't want to write it, let's give it 50 points."

There was a lot of discussion in the barrage, but in the end Luo Quan didn't get what she wanted, and she only got 50 points, which was neither high nor low.

Then, start answering questions.

Chinese and Mathematics English are slightly different, and there are more objective questions. For example, in the first half of the volume, the fill-in-the-blank questions such as finding faulty sentences, improper use of words, and interpretation are relatively simple from her current point of view. Look at the answer, did not make a mistake!
Then came the dictation of the poems in the classical Chinese part, the translation of two ancient Chinese texts, short sentences and searching for typos.

Luo Quan was still in full swing, scoring all perfect marks.

"It's awesome, all are correct, is this the strength of the top students of Dongda University?"

"It's not difficult for you at all. As expected, you have to use Jiangnan rolls to be challenging."

"It's reasonable. Chinese is the mother tongue. It would be outrageous for Chinese people not to get a high score in the exam."

"One thing to say and one thing to be sure. It doesn't matter if you get zero in the other subjects. You shouldn't fail in Chinese."

"Understood, my Chinese is 150, and the total score is 161. It seems that I am a good young man who is patriotic."

"You are a Wenqu star descending from the ancient world."


In just 10 minutes, Luo Quan completed most of the questions quickly and accurately, and then came to modern reading, which she was least good at.

Doing this thing is like playing werewolf killing. If the standard answer is not revealed, no one will know what the correct answer is.

No matter whose article these two modern essays are used for, when it is on the test paper, it has nothing to do with the original author. To answer the question, you must figure out the thoughts of the teacher who wrote the question, try to complicate the simple image, and use the second stab To describe it as an ape probably means that the mind needs to be transformed.

Luo Quan is a straight person, not very good at these twists and turns, she can think of the first and second floors, but it is more difficult for her to think of the fifth floor. Faced with these problems, she can only do her best.

As a result of her best efforts, she only scored 35 points for the modern reading of 24 points, which is considered average.

This kind of result is really a bit high and low. At first, everyone thought that Luo Quan could get all the subjective and objective questions with full marks, but in the end, he stumbled in the reading of modern literature.

"129 points, that's not too bad." Luo Quan looked at the final score, but was actually quite satisfied, "It's just that reading comprehension is not my strong point, and my thoughts and the author's thoughts can't get together what."

Such a speech by Versailles naturally caused collective complaints from the barrage:
"129 isn't just bad, it's pretty good."

"The number one student in liberal arts in each province generally scores around 130 in Chinese. Except for some students who are partial to subjects, this is already a Chinese score at the top level."

"It's just that I don't know whether it is a loss or a gain in terms of composition. I think Luo Quan has the ability to write with full marks."

"It's not so serious, the next few subjects are where the points will be drawn."


Just like what the barrage said, the remaining few subjects are the place to pull points.

Whether it is English, mathematics, or the geography and history of Luoquan's choice of liberal arts, almost all objective questions have standard answers, that is, there are slightly more subjective questions about politics, but as long as you answer the knowledge points in the book, and then say more good things, There's nothing wrong with getting a high score.

So after finishing the Chinese, Luo Quan went straight to the English test paper.

For many Huaxia students in this subject, jokingly speaking, if they fail in the exam, it means patriotism.

However, as the current international designated common language, it is still very important to learn English well. This is an indispensable skill if you want to go abroad.

However, it is not necessary to learn to speak exactly the same as the British and American natives, even the grammar and accent have to be so caressing.

The English accents of Japan and India are so outrageous, but it doesn't affect their communication with foreigners.

But Luo Quan's words on these issues don't count. If the big bosses in the Ministry of Education don't speak up, it's useless for her to complain.

As for the English test paper, others said it was a bit difficult, but in Luo Quan's view, it was not much different from trying to figure it out.

"The price of the shirt is nine pounds and fifteen pence..."

The foreplay, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, began to play, and Luo Quan hadn't done anything, but the high school seniors who had just graduated from the barrage began to feel emotional.

Throughout the whole year of senior three, this is the voice they remember most, because English is the last subject in almost all tests, and the college entrance examination is no exception.

Every time I take an English test, no matter how difficult the test questions are, this is the easiest subject.

Once you're done with it, you can rest.

While the barrage was still full of emotion, Luo Quan had already started answering the questions.

The accent of the auditory reciter is very correct and there is no difficulty at all.

As for the remaining dozens of multiple-choice questions, they are nothing more than paragraphs of sentences without dyslexia at all. Just pay attention to the grammatical traps and you will be able to win them.

It took Luoquan 35 minutes to finish the entire test paper, and the listening part lasted nearly 10 minutes, otherwise it could have been faster.

"Not counting 135 points for the composition, family members, it goes without saying how much I get for this composition, can I just arrange for a full score of 150?"

Luo Quan enlarged the score of 135 to half the screen, and said with a proud face.

"You are awesome, you have the final say."

"When will I have this level of English?"

"I don't know how many levels there are, level six or level eight?"

"Too underestimate Luo Quan's strength, it should be simultaneous interpretation."


There was a lot of praise in the barrage, and no one questioned that Luo Quan's English composition would not get full marks.

But just when everyone thought that Luoquan would continue to be strong, the next comprehensive essay exam directly surprised everyone.

Except for history, the other two Keluo Springs basically only did multiple-choice questions.

On the political topic, Luo Quan also wrote a long list of nasty words praising virtues, but the geography was almost unchanged.

In the end, the score was only 142, and there were many multiple-choice questions. According to Luo Quan's words when doing the questions, she was completely fooled, so many answers can only show that she was lucky.

There is no way, the geography knowledge in her mind is all Japanese geography knowledge, and she has never understood the Chinese ones. As for politics, although she claims to be a good-natured Miaohong, she has never learned any serious things. She writes good things but answers It's useless if it's wrong.

To be reasonable, being able to take the 142 test is entirely due to her European emperor blood. If her face is a little darker, it is very likely that she has just broken a hundred.

Seeing this score, the barrage also started to discuss:

"I thought it could be compared with the number one scholar in liberal arts, but this time it directly pulled my hips."

"I can't help it. I studied in Luoquan High School in Japan. I don't have the conditions to study politics, history and geography in China."

"92 points in a single subject in history, which is already very high."

"Based on Luo Quan's usual political awareness, it is not too much to directly give 100 to politics."

"Indeed, there are so many stars who have become popular abroad, but Luo Quan has nothing wrong with it."

"This politics is not that politics. (狗头)"

"Let's go to the end of some things, so as not to wait for some Muyang dogs to come to find their presence again."

"Seeing the tragedy of Wen Zong, I can already imagine what mathematics will look like next."

"You just have to go with your feelings for the multiple-choice questions, and leave the rest to the blood."


"Do you just look down on me like that?" Luo Quan saw the overwhelming number of fans asking her to choose all C in the barrage, "The method of choosing all C should have been eliminated long ago, and now I want to use a more scientific method-three shorts One long chooses the longest!"

As a result, when Luo Quan opened the math test paper with confidence, he found that all the answers were almost the same length.

In order to confuse the examinees, the question maker set almost all the answers very similar, and there is no obvious difference in form at all, but the data are different.

Luo Quan wanted to read the questions, to see if he could do it.

"What does this continuous derivation mean? It's not a derivative, why are all the answers are sets?"

"Where does this angle come from 70 degrees? No matter how I look at it, it is a right angle?"

"Who knows which quadrants this function will contain?"


While doing the questions, Luo Quan asked the bullet screen, and filled the blank space next to the electronic answer sheet with drafts with his right hand. Those who didn't know thought she was really thinking seriously.

In fact, she was in a daze from the first question, and she couldn't understand what was being said in the question at all. After half an hour of doing it, she even developed to the point where she didn't know what she was going to do.

"Oh, how stupid, can't this question be so simple?"

"Make an appointment, won't you find the answer after you make an appointment?"

"It's okay to open a square root and draw a negative number. Your math was taught by your physical education teacher, right?"

In the barrage, a group of dog-headed military advisers are guiding Luo Quan like a mathematician. This is the moment when their knowledge level is the closest to Luo Quan. Many people are full of superiority in their hearts at this moment, the kind of superiority crushed by IQ.

However, although the barrage provided many answers, Luo Quan looked at it for a while and found that there were all ABCD, so he still didn't say anything.

So she decided to obey her heart and follow her feelings!
Then, all twelve multiple-choice questions were wrong, perfectly avoiding all the correct answers.

Seeing the red crosses all over the screen, Luo Quan covered his face, feeling ashamed.

In fact, for the first three or four questions, Luo Quan still knew the correct answers, but he felt that taking a test of [-] points would be better than a direct test of zero points, and it was also for the effect of the program, so he deliberately filled in the wrong ones.

As for the latter topics, that is true at all.

"It's awesome, but if you choose all C, you won't be wrong."

"There is no one in this math, is it at the level of a junior high school student?"

"Is this the top student of Dongda University?"

"Mathematics is 0 points, the total score is 150 plus 129 plus 142, a total of 471, let's evaluate it."

"It's not bad, I can mix it up with a second copy of rubbish."

"This score is only suitable for us to enter the factory as a factory girl."

"No way, no way."

"It's indeed a bit low, but considering the image is so good, it's not a problem to just read a heavy book like Jingying and Shangyi."

"Is this what the teacher said about partial subjects?"

"I finally found a place where I can mock Luo Quan. (Funny)"


At this time, Luo Quan finally let go of his hand, and faced the voices in the barrage with an embarrassed smile.

The famous name in her life was ruined in mathematics. It's not that she didn't work hard, but mathematics can't be true.

Fortunately, she has never maintained her personality as a schoolmaster, so this time it is not considered a failure.

However, it's not her style to end the exam in such a shameful way, at least she has to do something to save her respect.

"There are so many gaps here, it can't be empty." Luo Quan said and dragged the mouse down to the answering area of ​​the question:

"I am really stunned by the math problem, and there is nothing I can do for a zero score.

But I didn't write any composition in Chinese or English just now, so let's write a poem in two languages ​​here.

Although the composition of the college entrance examination clarifies that the genre of the article is other than poetry, anyway, this time I am not a serious college entrance examination. "

After finishing speaking, she has already tapped on the keyboard quickly:

"Blowin'in the Wind"

How many roads must a man walk down
how far a man has to go
Before they call him a man?
To be called a man?

How many seas must a white dove sail
How many seas does a white dove fly over
Before she sleeps in the sand?
To rest on the beach?

How many times must the cannon balls fly
how many times does the cannonball fly

Before they\'re forever banned?
Can it be banned forever?

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,

Friend, the answer is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
The answer is blowing in the wind


This is a typical western modern poem, but it does not rhyme very well, but if you just look at the meaning of the lyrics, it is quite deep.

"Actually, it's not just a poem. More precisely, it's a song of lyrics. If everyone is interested, I can sing it to you later." Luo Quan typed out the entire text and said to fans with a smile.

The song "Drifting in the Wind" is not very impressive at first glance, but it was the Nobel Prize-winning work in the previous life, and it is also the only singer who won the award.

That singer, on the major music charts, is one of the greatest singers of the twentieth century, as well as the greatest folk and rock singer, with an unparalleled status.

It's just that the singing skills are really bad, and the lack of five notes is a compliment.

However, it is also this unique way of singing that makes his works extremely recognizable, as soon as he opens his mouth, he knows whose song it is.

I just don't know if this song is released now, if anyone can appreciate it.

Luo Quan still has some expectations for the big guys' aesthetics.

(End of this chapter)

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