Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 510 The Eve Of The Wedding

Chapter 510 The Eve Of The Wedding
"Luo Luo, get your posture right now." In a forest outside Gold City, Wen Xia pointed the camera at Luo Quan, urging her non-stop.

After the group of people came out, the family of four took a family portrait. After the incident, Eric and Luo Ni continued to take their wedding photos alone at a distance, and Wen Xia pulled Luo Quan to the other end to take a photo as well. A few photos to keep in mind.

Before coming here, Wen Xia had no idea that Luo Quan would also wear a wedding dress, and her eyes almost popped out when she saw it.

The saying that people rely on clothes is really suitable for Luo Quan, especially the wedding dress, Luo Quan has a special temperament after wearing it, sacred, pure, mature, and attractive?
Wen Xia couldn't tell, but she just wanted to take a picture of her appearance.

"Hey, I really convinced you." Luo Quan complained, but still made a few nice poses in front of the camera.

Although Wen Xia doesn't have much photography skills, she can't stand the model's good looks. All the photos she took are at the level of wallpaper.

Especially in one of them, Luo Quan holds flowers in his hands and puts it on his chest, his eyes are slightly closed as if he is meditating. In Wen Xia's view, this is simply a work of art.

"The world's most beautiful is the world's most beautiful. I can take such good-looking photos with such poor craftsmanship." Wen Xia flipped through the photos she had taken and sighed sincerely.

In the past, Wen Xia actually didn't admit it very much, but since she came back from the Maldives, she has completely convinced Luo Quan, and now she keeps her mouth shut: she deserves to be the most beautiful in the world.

"Have you eaten lemon? It sounds so sour." Luo Quan patted Wen Xia on the shoulder.

Wen Xia curled her lips and said, "Heh, which girl can not be sour towards you? You are simply the ultimate embodiment of human desires. Who wouldn't want to have a body and appearance on the same level as you?"

Luo Quan shrugged innocently: "If you want to complete this matter, it may be a hundred million points of difficulty."

"I'm too lazy to listen to you pretending to be 13." Wen Xia rolled her eyes at her friend, "Can you post this photo?"

"Whatever you want, anyway, I was going to send it out anyway." Luo Quan said with a smile: "After all, it's a pity not to send it to everyone."

Wen Xia nodded: "OK, I'll use the beauty software to PS first."

Hearing this, Luo Quan was not happy: "You are the biggest insult to my appearance, I haven't photoshopped any photos since my debut!"

Wen Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm going to add some filters to the environment to enhance the atmosphere. Luo Bao, you look so perfect, how can PS technology come in handy?"

Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "It's more or less the same."

After Wen Xia's photos were taken, Luo Quan went back to where his parents took the wedding photos.

At this moment, my dad was walking around in the woods with my mom in his arms, and several cameramen kept looking for angles to press the shutter. In the summer, everyone was sweating on their heads.

"Do you want to eat popsicles, sister?" Leon came over with an unknown brand of popsicles, and waved it in front of Luo Quan's eyes.

"It's kind of conscientious." Luo Quan was also sweating profusely at this moment, and just when he was thirsty, he took the popsicle and started sucking it.

Lyon expressed that he was very hurt: "You said this, when did I lose my conscience?"

Luo Quan squinted at him: "Who mocked me on Twitter a while ago?"

"Isn't that still a joke with you?" Leon laughed, when the phone rang suddenly, he glanced at the number, and frowned suddenly.

But after hesitating for a while, he still chose to connect:
"Are you there yet?"

"Taking wedding photos..."

"You don't have to be so sensitive, Aunt Luo is quite generous..."

"Okay then, I'll come right over."

After a few words, Leon hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Who is it?" Luo Quan heard some blunt words, and keenly felt that the other end of the phone should be a woman, and she had a close relationship with Dad.

Could it be another romantic debt owed by the other side, and now they directly hit the door while taking advantage of the wedding?
Leon looked at his sister and whispered, "Well, it's not convenient to talk here, why don't you come together?"

"Okay." It was about his mother's wedding, Luo Quan didn't want any surprises, so he immediately agreed to the invitation.

"Where are you two going?" Seifert asked curiously when he saw the siblings passing by.

"There are some things to deal with, and I'll be back later." Leon said without turning his head.

The two returned to the hotel the same way. On the way, Leon told the identity of the caller, and it turned out to be Leon's long-dead mother, Alexandra Hohenzollern.

"So your mother didn't die, but has been living in Switzerland?" Luo Quan was quite shocked by this matter.

"Things are actually more complicated." Leon felt a little hard to say, but in the end he told his sister the whole story.

To sum up, there is reincarnation in the way of heaven.

Eric and Alexandra's marriage was a family-arranged marriage according to European aristocratic standards. The two did not have any emotional basis, and the marriage was settled only because of the good relationship between the families.

At that time, Eric was floating outside for a long time, and after being taught a few times by the old man, he planned to calm down and end his life as a prodigal son, so he agreed to the marriage.

But Alexandra said that she knew about Eric's reputation a long time ago, and at first she disagreed with her life and death, but after meeting Eric a few times, she found that he was really handsome. He reluctantly agreed.

Then the two had a spectacular wedding at the Palace of Versailles, and a year later Alexandra gave birth to Lyon.

After marriage, Eric is indeed a different person from before marriage. He loves his wife very much and has cut off all the previous female friends.

But as the saying goes, you have to pay back sooner or later.

Not long after giving birth to Lyon, Alexandra fell in love with an Audley-poor painter in Paris.

After being discovered, Alexandra said that their marriage without love was a complete mistake. Now that she has obtained real love, this wrong marriage should also end.

Although Eric was indeed a jerk before, he did not feel sorry for Alexandra and did everything a husband should do.

It was precisely because of this that Eric felt sad, but he did not resent Alexandra and the poor Austrian painter, he only felt that this was his own retribution.

But for Albert and the Hohenzollern family, this is simply a huge scandal. If it is spread, it will become the laughing stock of the whole of Europe?

But these two people cannot be immersed in a pig cage, and modern society does not allow such lynching.

So the patriarch of the Hohenzollern family, Alexandra's grandfather, gave his granddaughter two choices.

Either break off the relationship with that poor painter, go back and confess to Eric, and live a good life.

Or sever ties with the Hohenzollern family, hide their names and go to live and fly with that poor painter.

For most noble ladies who were spoiled and spoiled since childhood, this is a difficult choice, but Alexandra resolutely chose the second path.

Just as she said, this is her true love.

In short, after such a choice was made, Hohenzollern directly announced that Alexandra had died of illness and held a funeral.

And for this funeral, no one from the Albert family was present except Eric and Leon.

Also because of this incident, the two families who had a good relationship almost turned against each other. The Hohenzollern patriarch did not know how much he paid the old man to ease the tense relationship.

This is the end of the story. Not many people know about Alexandra, and the two families have a tacit understanding not to mention this person at all. Leon himself only learned about this from his father three years ago.

For this mother who abandoned her husband and son for love, Leon's feelings at that time were very complicated.

There is hatred, anticipation, anxiety, and bewilderment.

But after meeting his mother, Leon was relieved.

More than ten years have passed, and my mother has her own family in Switzerland.

The poor painter was appreciated by the nobles, opened his own gallery, became a well-known painter, and earned a lot of money.

The two had three children, and the family of five was so happy that Leon didn't know what to say after meeting his mother.

For a while after that, he felt as if he was the mistake that his mother said when he left his father, the redundant one.

Fortunately, he quickly found his spiritual sustenance in rap music, and was later discovered by Seifert, becoming the hottest teenage idol in the world.

Then, Leon got to know Aunt Luo Ni and sister, and he also really experienced the feeling of family.

After hearing this tortuous and bizarre past, Luo Quan didn't know what to say for a while.

Speaking of which, my father was quite innocent in this matter. He changed his mind and became a model husband for more than a year, but was finally greened.

But considering all the shit that daddy has done in the past, there's nothing to complain about.

As for Leon's mother, Luo Quan didn't want to comment.

No matter how stupid the things that the old man did, it was before marriage, and he didn't step on two boats.

No matter how nicely Alexandra put it, true love and wrong marriages are, in the final analysis, derailments within marriage. If you really want to evaluate them, you should curse.

But now that so many years have passed, the two parties are relieved, and she doesn't need to hold on to it, as long as it doesn't affect her mother's wedding.

"By the way, what is your mother doing here?" Luo Quan finally asked this important question.

"I came here to give gifts, and I also want to apologize to my father in person." Leon replied, "Dad and Aunt Luo also knew about it, and they wanted to meet her at first, but she changed her mind temporarily and said she still didn't want to Nice meeting."

It must be better not to meet.Luo Quan nodded, agreeing with Alexandra's choice.

After arriving at the hotel, she went back to the room to change clothes, and then went to the door of a room on the fifth floor with Leon.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..." Leon knocked on the door, and it opened after a few seconds.

A beautiful Caucasian woman in her forties appeared in front of Luo Quan.

She is indeed a very beautiful beauty, and it is not only Eric Gene who can give birth to a handsome guy like Leon.

"You are?" Alexandra was slightly startled when she saw Luo Quan, and then she reacted: "You are Eric's daughter Luo Quan, right? You and your mother are both beautiful."

"Hello, Auntie." Luo Quan politely greeted the smiling face without reaching out his hand.

"Come in first." Alexandra opened the door and let the siblings enter the room.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind? You are here." After entering the room, Leon asked Alexandra.

"I thought about it for a while, and it's better not to disturb your father's life by showing up." Alexandra said with a light smile, "The main reason for coming this time is to meet you, so it's not considered a temporary change of mind."

"See me?" Leon frowned.

"I haven't had much contact with you in these years. I really shouldn't be a mother. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just want to meet you and apologize to you personally." Alexandra held Leon's hand, Said softly.

Luo Quan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, why is this similar to what she heard when she met her father?
He said silently in his heart: Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, then Luo Quan got up and walked to the inner room.

Five minutes later, Lyon knocked on the door and called out Luo Quan.

"I also prepared a gift for your mother this time. It was given to my husband by an antique dealer in the early years. It is a set of Chinese porcelain." Alexandra said and took it out of the suitcase. A box, opened to reveal three light blue teacups with lotus patterns:
"I don't know much about Huaxia porcelain, but the antique dealer who gave this porcelain said that this is Ru Kiln, which is very precious.

But my husband is not very good at maintaining such fragile things. I think it is better to give it to a Chinese like your mother than to let him hold this kind of treasure as a layman. "

Alexandra pushed the cup in front of Luo Quan: "I also heard that this cup is very precious, and I don't know if this gift is expensive or not. If you think it's perfunctory..."

"It's not just precious, it's precious!" When Luo Quan saw the three lotus cups, his eyes straightened.

The system immediately identified the authenticity, confirming that it is Ru kiln, and it is well preserved.

As a major business card of Huaxia abroad, porcelain has always been a treasure in the antique world at home and abroad, and Ru Kiln is the well-deserved number one in the thousand-year history of Huaxia!

Although the title of "Blue and White Porcelain" seems to be Singing Yuan Blue and White, the lyrics actually describe Ru Kiln.

Less than [-] pieces of this national treasure porcelain have been unearthed so far, and most of them are kept in museums
In addition to the Palace Museum and the National Museum, Ru kiln is a national treasure, and in private auction houses, it has easily sold a huge amount of hundreds of millions of yuan.

For a large provincial museum, if you can get a piece of Ru kiln porcelain, it will be a great joy for the whole museum to sleep for days and nights.

But now, three pieces of Ru kiln appeared directly in front of him. Luo Quan felt that Ang's mother was too generous here, or did he not understand the value of these antiques at all?
She felt that it was necessary for her to tell Aunt Alexandra about the true value of this Ru kiln.

(End of this chapter)

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