Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 511 When the wedding is going on

Chapter 511 When the wedding is going on

"Since it has been sent out, there is no need to talk about it anymore. This is a joint decision between Joseph and I. No matter how valuable it is, this is our wedding present to your mother." Alexandra closed the box and said In Luo Quan's hands: "Of course, if your mother is not satisfied and doesn't want it, it's another matter."

Luo Quan smiled awkwardly: "Then I'll take it first and hand it over to my mother later. Thank you, auntie, for your kindness."

Speaking of this, it would seem a bit hypocritical to go on and on.

"After the presents are delivered, I'll leave first." After Alexandra finished speaking, she stood up and packed her luggage to leave.

Luo Quan hurriedly asked to stay: "Ah, the wedding is only a few days away, so don't worry, Auntie."

Alexandra smiled: "I didn't think much about coming to this occasion, but if I really entered the wedding scene, everyone would be embarrassed.

For others, the eldest daughter of the Hohenzollern family has been dead for more than ten years, so what's the matter with suddenly appearing now? "

Hearing what Alexandra said, Luo Quan and Leon fell into silence.

"Then let Leon take you to the airport in Marseille." Luo Quan patted his brother and said.

Alexandra looked at Leon, who nodded, held his mother's suitcase in his hand, and opened the door.

After the mother and son left, Luo Quan sat on the bed and opened the gift box again.

Three Ru kiln lotus porcelain cups lay quietly inside. In addition to the engraving of lotus on the side of the cups, there is also a Chinese character on each of the three cups. The three cups are respectively engraved with Fu Lu Shou.

"It's a good fortune." Luo Quan couldn't help sighing, these three Ru Kiln lotus three-star cups are obviously a set, the value is higher than three pieces of Ru Kiln porcelain alone, and it is also more rare!
I searched on the Internet and found that there is no such complete set of Ru kiln porcelain in Huaxia, and its preciousness can no longer be measured by money.

Generally speaking, this kind of national treasure cannot be owned by private individuals, and a generous person like Luo Quan would probably hand it over to the state directly.

But this time it's definitely not her turn to make a decision, after all, this is the mother's wedding gift, she can't make the decision.

Moreover, it is not a national treasure with extraordinary significance like the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, so it is no problem even if it is kept as a collection.

If Luo Quan was the owner of these three cups, she would probably have made a decision against her ancestors, which was to keep them for her own collection.

Albert's company has such a large property, and it has already been assigned to the second uncle. Now that he collects some treasures to enrich his furniture, it will also prevent the future generations from falling into the family and have no room for recovery.

Although this kind of situation is rare, Chinese people have the habit of planning for a rainy day, and there is no harm in making extra preparations......

In the evening, Luo Quan brought the three cups to his mother and explained the origin.

My father was also there, he laughed and didn't say much.

"I have to say thank you later." Knowing the preciousness of this gift, Luo Ni said generously, "Also, how many days will you take this cup back home for safekeeping?"

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "I can't take this back home, the customs will immediately invite you to the bureau for tea after they find out."

Eric finally spoke: "Either you put your villa in England, or you can put it in the bank directly."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Luo Ni handed the box directly to her husband.

After finishing this matter, Luo Quan went back to the house and prepared to rest.

Originally planned to record a song today, but ended up taking wedding photos with her mother and Wen Xia for a day, making it look like she was getting married.

After taking a shower to dispel the fatigue all over, Luo Quan lay lazily on the bed and turned on his cell phone.

Wen Xia had already sent out the wedding photos, and Luo Quan himself copied a copy, and now he has time to send them to Station B. After sending out more than a dozen photos, Luo Quan attached a text below:

"My mother insisted on pulling me to take pictures. I can't refuse her old man who is so interested. After the photo is taken, let's show it to fans."

After half a minute, Luo Quan refreshed the page, and there were more than 1000 comments in the comment area:
"I've seen it on Wen Xia's Weibo a long time ago, but that's all. (dog head)"

"Sure enough, my wife looks the most beautiful in a wedding dress."

"I don't know what to say, just wish your mother and father a happy marriage for a hundred years and be happy!"

"It's a pity that Luo Quan's outfit is not for me."

"You still dare to think!"

"If you get [-] out of [-], I'll give you [-] points, and you can be as proud as you like."

"Is there any more, Modo Modo?"

"Wedding photos are also a kind of cosplay, right?"

"Please be sure to unlock more images in the future!"


This is very typical. Luoquan has long been familiar with large-scale Taobao users communicating about how to fill their stomachs.

After interacting with the comments with the most likes, Luo Quan went offline to rest.

Going to bed so early is partly because I want to beat the jet lag, and partly because I plan to get up early tomorrow so I can get down to business.

After tonight, there are only three days left before the wedding, so there is not enough time. If you don't hurry up, the quality of the produced music may not be satisfactory.

For the next three days, Luo Quan spent most of his time in the recording studio, and Wen Xia, Leon and others occasionally came in to see what she was tinkering with.

To be honest, it was the first time for everyone to see Luo Quan being so concerned about one thing. Wen Xia felt that the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala was not as good as this time.

While sighing, everyone was looking forward to what kind of song Luo Quan, who was so serious, would produce in the end.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Quan is very serious, obviously thinking hard to create one melody after another, but in fact, she has long been familiar with the melodies of these melodies, and she has been staying in the recording studio simply because of these few melodies. The first piece is too much work.

One person is a symphony orchestra, it sounds really awesome and beautiful, but how many people know the troubles behind it?
For a melody, she has to play it several times with more than a dozen instruments. If there is a flaw or something that makes her unsatisfied, she has to play it again.

In the final analysis, time was too tight, and there was no chance for her to find a symphony orchestra to help, so she had to do all the work by herself.

Fortunately, this time it was in a church or a monastery. The venue is relatively small and cannot accommodate too many people. If you want to change to a bigger place, her method will definitely work well.

But in any case, the work efficiency of Luoquan with Mach fully activated can only be described as shocking. Without staying up all night, it only took two days and one afternoon to get it done.

Three pieces of classical music, three pieces of pop music, a total of six songs have been recorded.

On the afternoon before the wedding, Luo Quan tried the sound effects in the monastery.

Originally, the priest of the monastery was not very happy to install so many speakers on the dome, but considering that Luoquan is so beautiful and filial, he agreed.

Of course, another main reason is that the classical music played by Luoquan is really beautiful and moving. The priest has presided over hundreds of weddings over the years, and this is the first time he heard such a tasteful song.

Things went quite smoothly, Luo Quan tried a few more times at night to make sure there was no problem, and went to sleep peacefully this time.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and it's time for the wedding.

The whole valley was very lively today. The whole family of the Albert family arrived at the scene. In addition to Luo Quan's father's brothers and sisters and his uncle's lineage, there were more than 30 people in total.

In addition, friends of Luo Quan's father, including Prince William, Fred's father, and Auburn, also brought their family members to the scene to send the most sincere congratulations to the couple.

Luo Quan, who is a bridesmaid, wore a blue dress today, appeared without makeup, and deliberately kept a distance from her mother most of the time, so as not to let the guests' eyes focus on the wrong place.

In China, bridesmaids have to do many things on the wedding day, such as receiving guests, asking for red envelopes, making things difficult for the groom, and even helping the bride run errands.

But today, she obviously doesn't need to worry about most of the above. There are more than 50 guests in total, not many, and Barry butlers and entertainers can receive them.

As for making things difficult for the groom... It seems that there is no such rule in foreign countries. In fact, Luo Quan has always disliked this wedding custom that I don't know when it started to rise.

It's okay for normal people. If you encounter the kind of people who like to make troubles in marriage, it will really make you angry. Fortunately, this kind of wedding will not happen at all.

The process of picking up the bride was also omitted. Early in the morning, Luo Ni and Eric put on makeup and changed their clothes, and went to the valley to record a video in the sea of ​​lavender flowers.

The photographer followed behind, accompanied by Luo Quan playing her recorded pop songs to set off the atmosphere.

These videos are to record the beautiful moments before the wedding, mainly short films, not very long, with a relaxed and happy rhythm, so Luo Quan also uses lively pop music as background accompaniment.

For this, she recorded three songs, namely "I love you" (the English version of "Love is Simple", originally sung by Tao Zhe), "Beautiful in white", and "Love you like the movies".

They are all ear-catching love songs that you will fall in love with once you listen to them. One song is sweeter than the other, making the already beautiful sea of ​​lavender flowers more warm and full of happiness.

The monastery in the distance is the "church" where the two held their wedding today. The guests are chatting and waiting in the open space outside the monastery. The gate of the monastery is open, and one of the classical music recorded by Luo Quan is playing inside. The Wedding" (Overture).

At the beginning, the guests were chatting happily, and they didn't notice that the music had started playing in the monastery, but soon, after the rapid and magnificent ensemble sounded, everyone stopped talking and looked curiously in the direction of the sound. go.

The ensemble was only the beginning of the prelude, followed by the slow playing of the violin with a lingering and melodious tone, which made the guests feel an indescribable joy under the warm summer sun.

Unknowingly, this wonderful music led them into the spiritual world of music interpretation. In the fantasy world constructed by this melody, everyone seemed to see a beautiful and moving scene:

Under the blue sky, the stars are twinkling, and a group of young men and women in medieval dresses are dancing happily in the luxuriously decorated hall.

Even though it was daytime, everyone unanimously thought of Midsummer Night and the scene of a feast with drums and lutes.

After the song was played, the guests suddenly came back to their senses, and then cheered and applauded the wonderful music.

"Don't think about it, it must have been written by Luo Quan, right?" Beside Charles, Prince William laughed and said, "My niece is very talented. She is both talented and beautiful. Whoever marries her would be really great Lucky."

If it was before, when Charles heard that his granddaughter was praised so much, he would be so excited that he might have a mate, an arranged marriage, and the like.

However, after Leon and Luo Quan took turns doing work, he had long since lost his thoughts on this aspect.

Besides, since my granddaughter is so outstanding, how could she be betrothed so casually?If you really want to marry, you have to let the best men in the world compete!
So hearing Prince William's obvious hint, Charles just smiled: "Luoquan is extremely talented, but it was her mother who raised her well. Our family didn't help her mother and daughter much before, and we have to do well in the future." Compensation."

This was said to Prince William, and also to the second son next to him.

But it's not clear if you can hear it or not.

However, Luo Quan's grandparents are quite satisfied with what the in-laws said. My daughter and granddaughter have suffered for so many years, and it is right to make up for it. With face.

On the big day, all the guests had smiles on their faces. After enjoying the song, the priest of the monastery also came out and invited all the guests to sit down. The wedding was about to begin.

On the other side, the filming of the short film has ended, Luo Ni has already gone to the makeup artist to touch up her makeup, Luo Quan also went there with her mother, and later she will hold her arm and walk into the monastery together.

Leon and Eric entered the church ahead of schedule. The son stood behind his father, and his father thanked his relatives and friends on the stage.

After everything that should be said was said, Leon stepped aside, leaving only Eric and the priest on the stage.

The guests in the audience also fell silent, waiting for the arrival of another protagonist.

After an unknown period of time, music sounded again in the monastery, which was a soothing and beautiful piano sound (wagner's wedding march, no one should have heard it?).



In this sacred music, Luo Ni, who was wearing a white bridal gown, was as beautiful as an angel, pure and gentle, shining brightly under the slanting sunlight outside the monastery.

Eric looked over and glanced at Wannian.

Apart from his wife, there is no other person in his eyes, even if her side is his own daughter.

Arm in arm, the two walked towards him slowly.

I don't know when it started, Eric's eyes were already filled with tears, and his heart was filled with happiness and joy, which was an emotion he didn't experience at all during his first wedding.

With a smile on her face, Luo Ni stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears from her husband's face, her eyes were full of doting.

(End of this chapter)

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