Chapter 512
Just like all love movies with a happy ending, Eric and Luo Ni approached the palace of marriage under the witness of their relatives and friends. Facing the question raised by the priest, they said "I do" without hesitation.

In the rain of flower petals, the two embraced and kissed each other. Everyone smiled and applauded, blessing the couple.

The wedding ceremony is completed, and the two have become a couple in the dual sense of name and law. For these two people, it is considered a fruitful accomplishment.

Next, it's time to start the honeymoon journey that belongs to the two of them.

Under the performance of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March", the couple left the monastery holding hands. Luo Quan stood behind and looked at the back of his parents, feeling a little emotional for a while.

"So, this is what marriage looks like." At the end, Luo Quan sighed softly.

"Why, has your mentality changed??" Seifert suddenly came up to him, winking and said: "Luo Angel, you can't be in love with the scene, and your heart is starting to sprout?"

"Oh, then you're overthinking it." Luo Quan glanced at Seifert and immediately denied the statement.

"Speaking of how you and Anna are going, is the method I taught you useful?" After Luo Quan denied it, he began to change the subject again.

"Actually, I had a showdown with Anna not long after." Seifert smiled proudly, "I didn't dare to bet that Anna would stay single forever, so I took the initiative to confess to her first, and told all the reasons. "

Luo Quan blinked: "Then, she showed surprise and then hugged you happily?"

"How is it possible?" Seifert said with a look of lingering fear, "She slapped me, and then poured a cup of coffee on me."

"I said I designed you before, I'm sorry, but this time you did it knowingly, but I won't blame you, because I really love you."

Luo Quan immediately felt goosebumps all over his body: "This is too greasy and bloody."

Seifert nodded: "Indeed, when I thought about it later, I also felt that this confession was too low. Anna probably couldn't take it anymore, so she just turned around and was about to leave."

"You let her go? It will be troublesome if you want to chase her back."

"How could it be possible to run away?" Seifert smiled, "I went up to grab her and tried my best to keep her, but I didn't kiss her forcefully like in the TV series.

Then Anna calmed down, and I spent the night expressing my feelings to her, and then, everything was on the right track. "

Speaking of this, Seifert couldn't help but smile on his face: "After that, I realized a truth, it's better not to hide things about feelings, and it may be more effective to speak frankly.

Originally, I planned to bring her to Aunt Luo's wedding this time, but she had a heavy study task, so I didn't come.

If you come here, seeing this scene and hearing your music, maybe the urge to get married will immediately arise in your heart. "

As he spoke, Seifert took out a box from his trouser pocket, stroked it regretfully, and said.

Luo Quan glanced at it, and knew without guessing that you must have a big diamond ring lying on it, probably for a marriage proposal:

"Have you all reached the point where you are talking about marriage?"

Seifert said with a smile: "Don't look at me as a fool, I am actually an affectionate and dedicated person. Every relationship is aimed at getting married, unlike Leon."

"It's not like me?" Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and Leon, who had greeted the guests, came over, just in time to hear his good friend talking about him behind his back.

"Seifert said he was very specific, unlike you." Luo Quan turned his head and glanced at his younger brother, "So you're still a philanderer? This is not a good thing."

"Fuck!" Leon felt very wronged, "I obviously don't have a serious girlfriend yet, okay?"

"It's not the best." Luo Quan taught his younger brother as an older sister, "As a rich man, it's up to him how he messes around, as long as he doesn't violate the law, others will at most condemn him on a moral level.

But as a star, there are some things that you can't do whatever you want. If you leave any clues, there is a risk of ruining your reputation. "

Leon said with a bitter face: "I know, Seifert has emphasized this matter to me every day.

Besides, I don't have the shadow of my father when he was young, so why worry about this aspect. "

Luo Quan folded his arms and said, "Oh, it's hard to talk about this."

Leon said with a serious face: "Don't worry, what I'm looking for is a girl who doesn't care about my appearance, that is, a soul mate!

Wait a few years for me to have a makeover and get rid of all the appearance parties who covet my beauty! "

For some reason, the image of a happy water gun appeared in Luo Quan's mind. If Leon became like that, it would indeed be a disaster for the appearance party.

But this is a good way to clean up your fans. Those who can bear it and stick to it must be true fans. The seriousness starts with appearance and is loyal to talent.

Speaking of which, she was quite curious about what would happen if she did the same thing herself?
Eating fat crazily, and finally became "plump" like Adele. I heard that this body type is more suitable for singing high notes, and it can be regarded as improving her singing skills.

Luo Quan imagined this scene, probably his fans would jump off the building in grief and indignation.

It's better for actresses to stop doing such nonsense in a whimsical way, the right way is to keep being beautiful, after all, this is her greatest capital.

"Have you released these songs?" After the small talk, Seifert started chatting about business.

He is a good friend of Luoquan Lyon, and also a senior executive of Universal Corporation. The quality of the six songs he heard at the wedding today is quite high, especially the three classical music. How excellent.

But he knows that as long as the song is online, these songs will probably appear as the accompaniment when Western-style weddings are held around the world in the future.

"I plan to release it for free." Luo Quan said bluntly. She saw the pain in Seifert's eyes and smiled:
"It's just a few songs, Universal is such a big business, it's still short of this income."

"If you don't accumulate steps, you can reach a thousand miles." Seifert took a breath, "This is an old Chinese saying."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and waved it: "Forget it, it's really not good to sell the copyright of this kind of song, but the company will still help promote it. What's more, the free traffic can also be realized."

Luo Quan and Leon looked at each other, shaking their heads and sighing.

After finishing the wedding scene, Luo Quan returned to the hotel and prepared to take a good rest. The workload has been relatively heavy these days, and the spirit has been in a state of tension, so it is time to relax.

There will be a banquet at noon and in the evening, and she will have a big meal. She is going to release the food restriction and reward herself.

The air tickets have been booked, and she and Wen Xia will return home tomorrow, while grandparents and Wen Xia's mother will stay here for a trip to experience the customs of foreign countries.

After returning to the hotel, Luo Quan changed the bridesmaid's clothes, and then lay down on the big soft bed.

After taking out the mobile phone for some operations, the six songs that Luo Quanliang played at their wedding today were posted on Twitter and Bilibili respectively:

"This is the song I recorded for the wedding, everyone, come and listen to it to be happy."

This practice of sharing happiness has quickly gained a lot of comments in China, such as "a happy marriage for a hundred years" and "wish you a happy life". with.

However, Luo Quan replied: "Because it's my parents' wedding and they are not artists, so I won't post this kind of more personal video. I took a lot of selfies myself. If everyone wants to see it, I will post it later. .”

After replying, Luo Quan quickly put on the bridesmaid's clothes and took a few selfies, and then posted them on Bilibili.

Although the bridesmaid dresses and bridesmaid dresses are also very good-looking, they are still not as stunning, and they don't have the smell of a married woman, so the fans' reaction is not as strong as when Luo Quan posted the photos of the bride dresses before.

But this is also normal, after all, maybe she is wearing a bridal gown just once, and the meaning must be unusual.

After the selfies were lost, everyone focused on Luo Quan's new songs and clicked to play them one by one.

This broadcast directly broadcast a domestic and foreign double hot search number one.

"How do you evaluate "Luo Ni's Wedding" and the two "Wedding Marches"?" The question on Zhihu topped the list, and the popularity exceeded 2000 million.

Questions about music rarely reached this level of popularity on Zhihu before, but Luo Quan single-handedly made music-related questions popular, making it to the top five on the hot list every now and then.

Gao Zan's answer to the question was that the number one Luo Chui "listen to the wind." He replied like this:

"As we all know, Luo Quan is already Dugu Qiubai in the pop music world. She has already proved her strength by winning more than a dozen Grammys. Even if she immediately announced that she would never write songs again, with her current achievements, she is still a A unique genius and legend in the history of pop music.

The United States calls her The Voice of America, and Japan even calls her a goddess, but I think she should not be limited to a certain country, because she belongs to the wealth of the whole world.

And now, she also begins to create for the sake of leaving wealth to the world.

Songs in any language have their limitations, but pure music does not, because this is the language of human beings, from which we can hear joys and sorrows, magnificent epics, and lingering love.

At only [-] years old, she has now entered the next stage of her life, gradually breaking away from the mundane world. I think she will be able to write songs like Beethoven and Mozart in the future! "

This article is so disgusting that Luo Quan himself can't help but want to sweat soybeans after reading it, saying that he can't tie Dodler.

The exaggeration is indeed too exaggerated, but it is not flattering. Many adjectives in it Luoquan are still worthy of it, but the latter one is a bit outrageous compared to Mozart and Beethoven.

Netizens also complained about this answer below:

"As expected of the number one Luo Chuan, this blowing is a bit out of bounds."

"Don't be so exaggerated, it's easy to trick Luo Quan."

"For all the singers and composers from the last century to the present, no one dares to say that they can compare with Mozart and Beethoven. Although Luo Quan is talented, he is not qualified."

"But one thing to say, Luo Quan has already had so many handed down works at such a young age, I don't think there is no possibility of this in the future, after all, the talent is here."

"Indeed, Luo Quan's talent cannot be blackened."

"The pieces she is composing now can already be compared with many musicians in the book."

"You can see some clues in the two wedding marches, and "The Wedding of Luoquan" is even more amazing. The magnificent symphony makes people want to dance together. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a masterpiece .”

"I will also use these songs when I get married in the future. There is nothing more suitable than them."


This is a domestic reaction. Compared with the relatively restrained domestic public opinion, the foreign media's exaggeration is too much.

Some media directly labeled her as "Girl Mozart".

It sounds weird, but it should have no other meaning, just to say that her musical talent is comparable to that of a young Mozart.

Luo Quan would never recognize this kind of praise, no matter whether it was domestic or foreign.

Compared with the fame gained after admitting, she is more afraid of the pressure she will face after admitting. Every song she releases in the future will be used as an argument, and the gain is definitely not worth the loss.

So it's up to the foreign media and the national media to praise it. Anyway, she can just look at it for herself, and when the rhythm is too much, she will come out and issue a statement to ease it.

But this time, Rhythm didn't give her this chance.

After the title of "Girl's Version of Mozart" came out, the official Twitter of Vienna's Golden Hall @ her and sent her an invitation to perform.

In addition, the Vienna Love Learning Association also sent an invitation to her, hoping that she could join the association and become a member.

First of all, the Golden Hall in Vienna can be said to be the highest hall of musicians in the past. Almost all well-known musicians are proud to play here, and only the top musicians can perform here.

But now, the threshold of the Golden Hall is much lower than before, and now those who are a little bit famous can go up to perform, and even spend money to go there.

It is understandable to do this in order to make money, but it also caused the gold content of the Golden Hall to drop a lot.

But other than that, there is no place that is more famous and influential than it, and this is an invitation from the Golden Hall, which is completely different from those musicians who spend money to go there.

As for this love study association, it is an association composed of musicians. It was established hundreds of years ago. The members of the association at the time of its establishment included Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Richard Strauss, Liszt... ...

Even if you don't study classical music very much, you will definitely have heard of these names.

In the music world, it is even more like a thunderous existence.

And now, the association has sent an invitation to Luo Quan.

This is equivalent to the fact that the classical music world has recognized Luo Quan's level, giving her the title of musician an official certification.

(End of this chapter)

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