Chapter 513
Many people can go to the Golden Hall, but not everyone can get the invitation of the Philharmonic Association. Being able to enter the association means an honor. Currently, there are only a handful of Huaxia members, and each of them is a master. musician.

And at the age of 20, no one else received an invitation to join the club except Luo Quan, so the level of prowess has naturally risen to another level.

Facing the overtures from Vienna, Luo Quan also replied under the relevant tweets:
"Thanks to the Philharmonic Association for recognizing me.

The Golden Hall in Vienna is a stage that many musicians are eager to stand on, and I am no exception. However, I have been busy with many things recently, so the plan to perform in the Golden Hall may have to be temporarily postponed.

Before that, you can do the membership thing first. "

Going to the Golden Hall to perform must not be perfunctory. If there is a big scene, people at home and abroad will probably not be satisfied. It is precisely because of this that Luo Quan does not want to perform.

It's too troublesome. She just finished her parents' wedding and is about to return to China to continue filming. How can she have so much time.

Besides, with her current influence and strength, she doesn't need to go to the Golden Hall to prove herself, there is no need for that.

Therefore, for the invitation to perform in the Golden Hall, Luo Quan directly resorted to the word "drag". This time it was delayed, and the Philharmonic Association would not come to ask her if she was free every day.

As for the invitation to join the club, Luo Quan will definitely not refuse. Fill out a form and pay a membership fee of tens of dollars, and you will be able to get an official certification as a "musician". Why not do it?

Not long after the reply here, the country immediately moved the death back to the country, and the comment area of ​​the B station column was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere:
"Haha, what I said before, it really didn't immediately agree to go to the show!"

"As a fighting dog among lazy dogs, Luo Quan has reached a new level of laziness."

"Millions of fans in China are begging her to hold a concert with birds. How can you motivate her with a golden hall? The diamond hall is not bad."

"Indeed, Luo Quan likes this kind of shiny gemstones. If I can give you a big diamond necklace after the performance, maybe I will agree."

"Don't touch the fish, Luo Bao, you've been dragging the movie for a week!"


As fans of Luoquan, they know their own salted fish very well. This idiom is almost tailor-made for her. If it is not a last resort, Luoquan will never will go.

So what can make Luo Quan diligent, it is actually very simple, that is related to her relatives and friends, as long as the people around her have needs, she will not refuse.

For example, this time when her parents held a wedding, they left the movie they just started shooting and went to France. They also took wedding photos and acted as a bridesmaid. In the end, they composed six special songs for the wedding, which shocked the Vienna Love Society to send her a letter. Here comes the membership invitation.

According to the Law of Conservation of Luoquan, she will definitely rest for a while after this busy work. It is estimated that she will not make any big moves except for filming in Hengdian in a short time.

The fact is indeed what the fans expected. After Luo Quan flew back to China, he directly set his work mailbox to reject, and then added a sentence to the status of station B and tweets: "Concentrate on making movies and refuse to accept all business."

This can be regarded as showing her attitude, although in the past, others sent emails to her to discuss business, and few of them succeeded.

But there are always some acquaintances who introduce her, and she can't refuse. Instead of being in a dilemma, it's better to kill the problem in the cradle.

After the mailbox was rejected, her mobile phone and computer were immediately cleaned up a lot.

After returning to China with Wen Xia, Luo Quan used a day to overcome the jet lag, and then immediately checked the shots that the assistant director had already shot.

It basically followed what she said, but the correct procedure does not mean that the result is correct. Some of these shots still failed to meet her expectations and needed to be overthrown and restarted.

But this can't be blamed on anyone, after all, the director is not around, and the assistant director alone cannot control the whole play.

As for the news of the film reshoot, it didn't make everyone in the crew have too many emotional ups and downs, because the assistant director greeted everyone in advance, saying that many of the shots taken this week were probably useless efforts.

But with a salary, it is absolutely impossible not to do anything. Everyone would rather do something wrong than do nothing.

This is what Luo Quan had emphasized to the assistant director at the beginning. Anyway, she has plenty of funds this time, so it's no big deal to shoot another week of filming.

After the director returned to the crew, he also re-gathered all the staff in the shortest possible time, arranged according to the rhythm when the movie started, and restarted shooting along the script.

The bridesmaid-director, Luo Quan completed the seamless connection in only half a day, everything is back on track, and the efficiency has improved a lot compared to a week ago.

If everything goes smoothly according to plan, then at most one month, the film can be completed.

But there was an unforeseen event, and the crew was forced to stop working not long after they got on the right track.

But this time it's not because of anyone's fault, it's simply because of bad weather.

July is hot, summer is scorching, the temperature this summer is hotter than last year, more than half of the indoor scenes were filmed, and it was time to prepare for outdoor scenes.

The temperature in the play is set in autumn and winter. In order to reflect fashion, both the protagonist and passers-by wear coats and sweaters.

On the streets in winter, this must be a beautiful landscape, but in summer, only those with a good brain will wear it like this.

In order to make a movie, there is nothing wrong with it. It is only natural for actors to endure hardships. Everyone in the crew is not delicate and weak. The director is so young and a girl is not tired yet, and a group of old men will not be too picky. quit.

But the thickness of the clothes is there, and people's willpower can overcome it, but the body is still not steel. When it reaches the critical point, it will suffer from heat stroke.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that this ghostly weather would only last for two or three days and then dissipate with a heavy rain, but the sun was still fierce on the third day, and it was unbearably hot before noon.

Looking at the news on the mobile phone, Jiangnan Province has issued a high temperature warning. The temperature in most areas has reached 36 degrees, and a few areas have even reached 39 degrees!
And this kind of weather will last for another five or six days. If they continue to act recklessly like this, something will happen.

"Everyone, stop what you're doing." Luo Quan picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, and everyone in the outdoor studio immediately looked over.

"Pack up the props, equipment, etc. and send them to the warehouse, and then everyone can call it a day and go home. Today's salary is paid on a daily basis. The weather is too hot, and everyone is sweating profusely, so how can we shoot."

Hearing this, everyone in the production team immediately cheered. It can be regarded as a holiday, and what is even happier is that they can earn a day's salary for nothing. Director Luo is still very generous.

The generous director Luo returned to the hotel with Su Yu and Wen Xia directly after finishing work.

The first thing to do when entering the room is to turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to 16 degrees, with a high wind speed!
"Phew, it's quite comfortable." Feeling the rapidly descending air in the room, Luo Quan's body finally relaxed.

At this time, the T-shirt on her body was already drenched with sweat, and the pattern on the front of the strap on her back was outlined by the T-shirt.

Girls are really suffering in summer. I don’t know how hot they will be if they wear an extra layer, because they dare not put it in neutral due to the existence of protrusions.

"I'm going to take a shower." Luo Quan walked into the bathroom of his own room after looking for clothes in the room.


Ten minutes later, Luo Quan came out. The door of Wen Xia and Su Yu's room was open, and there was the sound of water in the bathroom, probably taking a bath.

The room for three people is a large suite with three bedrooms, each bedroom has its own suite, and there is a living room in the middle, where everyone usually chats and plays.

During the high temperature vacation, there was no need to talk about any dramas. Luo Quan went directly to his room to turn on the computer and started the live broadcast mode.

The title of the live broadcast room: The weather is too hot, let's take a few days of high temperature vacation.

Fans flocked into the live broadcast room, and the first picture they saw was Luo Quan shouting popsicles. In the hot summer, it is comfortable to eat popsicles with the air conditioner blowing on them.

"The weather this year is so bad, it's even hotter than last year, and I've immediately issued a red alert." Luo Quan said inarticulately with a popsicle in his mouth.

"It's okay, the coordinates are Greenland, and it's still a bit cold."

"Ah, where are you doing your scientific research?"

"Greenland is indeed not hot. It is estimated that it has not been hot for thousands of years."

"People in Luobao Yuzhou are still afraid of heat? That's a stove."


Facing the barrage of doubts, Luo Quan explained: "Yuzhou just has a lot of high temperature days, the extreme temperature is really not as high as here, and the way of heat is also different.

Speaking of which, Yuzhou is not as hot as it was a few years ago. I don’t know if it’s because of the popularization of air-conditioning. Now when the temperature rises, everyone stays in the air-conditioned room. "

"Look at the title, Luo Bao is giving himself a holiday again."

"Classic vacation, try every means to find space for yourself to fish."

"However, it is indeed very hot here in the south of the Yangtze River, and the high temperature warning has been issued continuously."

"It's okay, you can take a holiday as you like this time, it won't be good if something goes wrong with the heat."


"It's not like I don't do anything, okay?" Facing the ridicule of the fans, Luo Quan also retorted, "No, I came to broadcast live for you as soon as I let the crew have a holiday. Diligent?"

Such an unconvincing explanation will naturally continue to be ridiculed by fans, but this can be regarded as a daily routine between the two. Fans usually make complaints about Luo Quan, and Luo Quan likes to be stubborn.

After the daily complaint session was over, Luo Quan opened the B station to search for the latest hot news, and was about to start the chat session.

After a glance, I happened to see the news of the World Cup group match.

After several months of preparation, the Huaxia World Cup officially opened. Originally, Luo Quan was going to be invited to sing the theme song for the opening ceremony, but at that time she hadn't come back from abroad, so she couldn't go.

However, her theme songs and promotional songs at the opening ceremony can be said to be brilliant, making fans all over the world excited and highly discussed.

After the opening ceremony, the group stage duel naturally kicked off.

As the host, Huaxia entered the World Cup group stage again after 16 years. For fans all over the country, it is quite exciting.

If it was the China National Football Team a few years ago, even if they entered the group stage this time, no one would have too many expectations. After all, the strength is there, and no matter how they play, the chance of creating a miracle is zero.

But this time, domestic fans still have expectations for the national football team. The players participating this time have changed a large number, many of them are new generations, and several of them are naturalized players from abroad. They have received advanced foreign training since they were young. Proposal, technology is pretty good.

Although this new force has not yet proved itself in international competitions, fans still have high expectations for it.

And Luo Quan's magic draw also made everyone more confident. After all, the three opponents drawn this time are already the three weakest in the World Cup.

Of course, Huaxia is recognized as the weakest one, and in the eyes of the other three teams, it is not much different from the point-giving baby.

There is no way, the outrageous record has made the national football team have no prestige in the world.

However, hip stretching seems to be a common practice in the football of major countries. In fact, it is not only China, but football in Russia and the United States is also not very good. Except for China, the other two major countries failed to enter the group stage this time.

Therefore, it is not a shame to fail to play well.

However, anyone in the same group can lose, but South Korea cannot lose.

As South Korea, the least sportsmanlike country in the world, whether it is in the Olympics or the World Cup, or even everything in life, it is quite disgusting.

Black-box operations, black whistle, and malicious fouls during games are all commonplace things, and news about applying for World Heritage Sites and taking other cultures as their own is not uncommon.

All in all, this is a country without history, but it is a shameless country that directly uses Chinese history to tamper with it at will all the time. It can be said that the two sides have long-standing grievances.

After the group stage, South Korea often taunted on the Internet, saying that this time they would slaughter Chinese football, and even thought about how to celebrate after the game.

In fact, South Korea has done similar things. There was a youth football match organized by Huaxia before. After the South Korean team won, they stepped on the trophy and took pictures under their feet, which was extremely humiliating.

This is extremely unsportsmanlike, but apart from condemning, Huaxia has no good way to do it. After all, the skills are not as good as others, and they are angry and helpless.

And this World Cup, the national football teams of the two countries are at the peak, and the grievances between the two countries have a long history, and the smell of gunpowder has been quite strong before the start of the game.

When Luo Quan turned on the news, it was just in time for the Huaxia vs. South Korea match to start.

How could she miss such a big event, and immediately clicked into the live broadcast to cheer for the national football team.

Usually the fans scold and scold, but when it comes to the game, who can not cheer for the academy of the national football team?

(End of this chapter)

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