Chapter 52
Naver is South Korea's Weibo and the largest search engine.

Like Huaxia, the current affairs hotspots discussed by Koreans today are also restricted to Korea.

Although the Ministry of External Affairs has repeatedly denied that there is such a ban, the facts are in front of us, and everyone understands what is going on.

As a citizen of the largest country in the dignified universe, Korean netizens were immediately angry when faced with such a ban, and the news of a large number of Chinese artists leaving the group and returning to China seemed to add firewood to the group's anger and make It burns more violently.

Fans seem to be betrayed, while netizens feel more ashamed.

As one of the few developed countries in Asia, Koreans always appear to be superior on the Internet. They feel that everything abroad cannot be compared with their own country. The sentence that everything originates from Korea is enough to explain this phenomenon.

Excessive pride is actually hidden behind excessive self-esteem.

As a developed country, although South Korea's economy ranks among the top in the world, its status is actually very average, and its own situation in East Asia is also very difficult.

To the north lies the diabolical and very grumpy neighbor Cao County, and to the north is the more grumpy Russia.

To the south is Japan, which has always had fierce competition and deteriorating relations. The latter's economic strength has consistently ranked among the top three in the world all year round, and its cultural industry is also the number one presence in Asia.

On the west side is China, the world's No. 1 most populous country with the largest GDP, and its every move can affect the entire pattern of East Asia.

What's even worse is that there are still US troops stationed in the country, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they rely on their breath to survive.

The most military, the most populous, and the most economical are all at the doorstep of one's own home. From ancient times to the present, only Mongolia can be compared. The latter's navy is invincible, and South Korea has finally become a country in the universe.

In fact, many Koreans living in this abnormal international environment have some abnormal psychology. Excessive pride and low self-esteem are their truest portrayal.

And what such people like to do most is to scold Fang Qiu on the Internet, have a sense of superiority to any country other than the United States, and spray them with their fingers if they don't agree.

Today's promulgation of the Korean restriction order has undoubtedly touched the fragile nerves of most Koreans. In addition to cursing on Naver, they also tried every means to "sanction" the Chinese people.

It is a pity that more than 90.00% of Chinese people do not access the Internet, and Koreans in mainland China cannot access the Internet. They are like headless chickens. Although they are full of anger, they can't find a place to vent for a while.

At this time, Luo Quan appeared.

Like Sony's Huaxia branch, the Korean branch also publicized the news that Luo Quan will release a new album, but it will be a little later.

At first, Korean netizens didn't have any drastic reaction, and they were even looking forward to it. After all, Luo Quan's song topped the YouTube charts every day, and his fans and popularity continued to rise. In addition, he appeared on TC candler again, and he was in the Korean circle. Quite a powder.

But when Luo Quan's nationality was revealed, Korean netizens who had accumulated countless anger finally found a place to vent:
"I just issued the Korean restriction order, and now I dare to come to Korea to promote it, and I don't want to face it?"

"Aren't all Chinese people like this? They say boycotting Korean products and boycotting Japanese products, and the mall runs faster than anyone else when there is a discount."

"I really don't know what happened, and my group was torn apart. I am angry when I see the word Huaxia now!"

"I remember this Chinese woman sings Japanese songs. It's not a good thing. How did Naver get her on the hot search?"

"We can't let this kind of woman become popular in South Korea. Huaxia wants to restrict us, and of course we have to boycott Huaxia people!"

"Yes, it's ridiculous to see a developing country dare to issue a restraining order against a developed country for the first time."

These comments are still reasonable. Although they hold a firm resistance to Luo Quan, they are still more polite, and the following comments are just scolding. These are pure patriotic trolls on the Internet, and any ugly and dirty words can be used. After spitting out, Luo Quan looked around and his face turned green.

The ambition of Sony executives to "counterattack" South Korea can be said to be completely in vain. A Korean restriction order has frustrated Luo Quan's new album promotion in China and South Korea at the same time. For now, the only solution is to shrink resources and fully prepare for the domestic market.

In any case, Japan is still Sony's largest basic disc, and Luo Quan's national popularity and reputation are also increasing day by day. As long as there are no accidents, it is not a problem to sell records.

But for Luo Quan, today must be a day worth remembering. Today, she achieved the record of being abused by Chinese, Japanese and Korean netizens.

It is not difficult for an artist to be hacked all over the Internet, but an artist like Luo Quan who has been hacked by the whole network in three countries within a month should be the only one in the new century!
"I should be making history, right?" Luo Quan put down his phone and smiled.

"What history was created?" Wen Xia was stunned, thinking that Luo Quan couldn't accept such a blow, and his spirit became confused.

"The whole network is hacked. Are there any stars like me who have been hacked by the whole network in three countries over the years?" Luo Quan said with a tactical backside: "What is an international star?"

Wen Xia said weakly: "What is there to show off about this kind of thing? The most urgent task is to find a way to restore the image!"

"There is no way out for the time being." Luo Quan shook his head, "unless the ban on Han is lifted immediately."

Hearing this, Wen Xia chose to shut up.

Luo Quan said with a wry smile: "It's not completely wrong, as long as my works come out, at least the voice of domestic boycott will be much smaller.

Don't they just think I'm not good enough and only do marketing every day?With works, these remarks will be self-defeating...... As for the Korean side, it doesn't matter! "

Wen Xia's face was full of sadness: "It's not that simple. You sing Japanese songs. It's too slow to get out of the circle in China."

Luo Quan cleaned up his expression and showed a smile: "Don't worry, I am very confident in my songs. As long as the new album is released, all the criticisms and doubts will disappear in an instant."

As she said that, Luo Quan suddenly got up and walked to the balcony. After opening the floor-to-ceiling windows, she leaned on the railing and looked into the distance. The lights and bright stars woven into Tokyo's dazzling and prosperous night scene.

In the sultry air, the strong wind that was rampant between the tall buildings whistled towards Luo Quan, and they were wrapped in a knife-like ice cold, cutting Luo Quan's tender face.

Although her figure was thin, she was not afraid to dodge in the face of such an impact, she just raised her head stubbornly, her face facing the sky.

As in a poem:
No matter how strong the wind is, I will stand still!
(End of this chapter)

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