Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 53 Attention

Chapter 53 Attention
Although Luo Quan has become a public enemy of the Internet in China and South Korea, his reputation is discredited.

However, the announcement of the new album continued, and I don't know if the Huaxia branch had broken the jar, so it directly increased its efforts, and even bought the hot search for several days to promote "Marriage Ceremony".

The praise of these hot searches for this album has been exaggerated to the point that even Luo Quan gets goosebumps when he sees it himself.

"The best Japanese album of the decade is coming!"

"Musical genius from the East!"

"The pioneer who led Asian pop music to the world!"

"Thinking about love, life, and society - a divine school with equal emphasis on popular elements and humanistic care!"

Perhaps knowing that no matter what he does, it is impossible to restore the word of mouth.

Although such an arrogant slogan quickly caused discussion and dissatisfaction among a large number of netizens, it also brought huge traffic to this album objectively. After all, black and red are also red.

Now the whole network is basically waiting for the release of "Rite of Coming of Age" with the mentality of watching a joke, but they want to see how good this so-called god can really be.

If the quality is about the same as the previous songs, that's fine. If it's a bit far behind, then Luo Quan may become the biggest joke in the Asian music scene this year.

The pressure naturally came to the producer. Haikou had already boasted. If he messed up in the end, not only Luo Quan would become a joke, but Sony Records, who was responsible for the announcement, would also become the laughing stock of his peers in the industry.

Although this incident is not their fault from the beginning, but the blame of making their own artists the enemy of the whole people must be carried, and other artists may think carefully before cooperating with them in the future.

In order to be busy with this matter, Director Shimura has not slept for a day or two.

In Japan, high-intensity overtime is the norm, but someone like him who doesn't sleep for dozens of hours can only describe his energy as abnormal.

If it wasn't for a group of subordinates who were afraid of his accident and persuaded him to go to sleep, Director Shicun would probably have continued to work.

As for Luo Quan, she wasn't panicking at all these days. After recording the album in two days, she spent the rest of the time shooting MVs outside.

It's better to say it's a welfare short film. Anyway, it's just wearing all kinds of good-looking clothes and putting on all kinds of embarrassing looks. After filming, it won't simply be put on the record.

These are exclusive benefits prepared by Sony, which can only be seen in the special edition. In addition, a random photo is included. A special edition is only sold for 5000 yen.

Now the online pre-sale has been opened, and the sales in Japan are not bad, with more than 2 copies on the first day, while China and South Korea are a bit gloomy, and the total is less than [-] copies.

Moreover, the Korean side received a large number of reports not long after it was put on the shelves, and was forced to take it off the shelves in less than half an hour for rectification.

As for the netizens in Huaxia, they are relatively rational, but there are more sarcastic voices. They feel that selling an album for several hundred RMB is completely treating fans as pigs, and whoever buys them will be fooled.

The famous bragging website Zhihu even arranged a hot search for Luo Quan.

Question: "Is this album by Luo Quan making fans who like her pay IQ tax?"

The highlighted answer is:
"Thank you.

Luo Quan's talent is actually there. His debut album is selling well all over Japan, and his reputation is overwhelming. The single "Faded" dominates the YouTube music area, and the number of hits has reached [-] million. These are achievements worthy of writing.

But no one, no matter how talented, can write so many good songs in such a short period of time.

These five songs are probably all the stock she had before her debut, and it is doubtful whether the ten songs on the new album were written by herself, and even if they were, the quality could not be half of the previous ones.

I personally think that this is the company behind her, taking advantage of Luo Quan's popularity in Japan now, so they want to release more records to earn some quick money. This is nothing new in the Japanese music scene. Many big singers have done this before. operation.

Such an overdraft of the popularity of a new star singer, in my opinion, this company is no different from the idiot who is fishing for dryness. If you give her time, she may not be able to write excellent songs, but the capital behind her obviously can't wait.

The tragedy of Shang Zhongyong is about to happen in front of her eyes, which is really regrettable. She could have had a better future.

As for whether it is an IQ tax, that is, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.As the so-called deceived, voluntarily, other people's fans are willing to be slaughtered as pigs and can't control others?

But I personally recommend that if you really want to buy or buy the special edition, there are high-definition mv and photos. After all, Luo Quan's beauty is obvious to all. I think this benefit is probably more affordable than the ten songs in this album. . "

The pertinent and rational evaluation, after shaking a few smarts, also reached the political correctness of the current ridicule of Luo Quan, and quickly gained tens of thousands of approvals and thousands of comments.

Luo Quan also saw this comment. How should I put it? It's really not good to be angry, because this is the normal view of an ordinary person, and there is not much bias, but also, there is not much imagination, thinking Rigid and mediocre.

He doesn't believe that Luo Quan can write any good songs in a short period of time, nor does he believe that Luo Quan can create any miracles. Like almost everyone, he has determined from the very beginning that "Rite of Coming of Age" will hit the streets, and Luo Quan will. paste.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why genius cannot be understood by ordinary people.

Luo Quan is not a genius, but in a sense, she is more perverted than a genius!
After being mocked and denied by the whole network for four days, Luo Quan, who was ready, began to fight back.

"The album "Marriage Ceremony" has been completed, and the trial version of the title song "First love" will be launched on the whole network platform at 8:12 pm on August [-]."

Luo Quan's Weibo post was posted at [-] pm, that is, three hours later, the trial version of the title song will be released.

This was a few days ahead of the original plan, and there was no rule of releasing a demo version before releasing the album.

However, Luo Quansi still has to respond in this way. She has been trying to downplay the influence of the domestic Internet on her these days, but she is not a saint, and no matter how big her heart is, she can't completely ignore it.

On the other hand, doing this is actually to reassure fans. She has been criticized every day in Huaxia in the past few days, and the voices of doubts about her in Japan have gradually gained momentum. Quan chose to give everyone a taste of sweetness first.

Unsurprisingly, the news of the upcoming release of the title song's demo version immediately attracted a huge amount of attention and comments, and no matter what happens tonight, the stage is already set.

Whether it is to hurt Zhongyong or to continue the legend of genius, we will see the difference in three hours.

(End of this chapter)

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