Chapter 6 Unpredictable Disaster
Hoshino Sakura's agent came over and persuaded: "Hoshino-san, you see that Lin Jun has bought you a cup of coffee again and apologized to you so sincerely, let's just forget about it."

Hoshino Sakura waved her hand: "I'm not angry anymore, it's just that I'm not in a good state now, and I'm afraid it will affect my work. Let's shoot the photo album until the afternoon. Everyone, let's go to the beach and play."

The manager straightened up and looked at the photographer, knowing that the aunt was still in a mood, but there was nothing she could do. Now she is one of the biggest cash cows in the company, and everything can only follow her.

But they only have the right to use this beach for two hours. If it is really delayed until the afternoon, the operators and tourists of the beach will have opinions.

Just when the manager was extremely embarrassed, Miki came over and said to the photographer, "Why don't you take a picture for us first, Miss Quan Shui has been waiting for a long time."

Saying that, Miki looked into the distance, Luo Quan, who was squatting on the beach watching two crabs fight, his tone was very careful.

The photographer didn't say anything, just looked at Sakura Hoshino's manager, and then at Sakura Hoshino herself.

"Huh? Are there any other artists taking a photo album today?" Hoshino Sakura sat up and looked curiously in the direction of Luo Quan, but she was too far away to see her face.

Miki nodded quickly and said: "Yes, Miss Quan Shui just signed a contract with the company this morning, and will release a record soon. I just heard that Hoshino-san was shooting a photo album in the seaside park, and the director of Shimura asked me to bring Miss Quan Shui here. .

Originally, I wanted to wait for you to finish filming and then we will shoot, but Hoshino-san is not in a state right now, so I thought..."

"Then let her come over, lest any of you say I'm playing a big role to bully the newcomer." Hoshino Sakura was very generous, and didn't mean to embarrass Luo Quan at all.

Miki was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately bowed to say thank you, then ran to the beach and called Luo Quan over. The photographers were all in their places, ready to start work.

However, just when Luo Quan walked to Hoshino Sakura to express his gratitude, an unexpected situation happened.

"Whoever shoots her today can't get along with me!" Hoshino Ying pointed at Luo Quan, her face full of frost, her words were full of hostility and threats.

Luo Quan's expression was very stunned. She remembered that she had never offended this big star.

"Hoshino-san, didn't you just agree? Why did you change your mind so quickly?" Miki was also a little caught off guard. Could it be that Hoshino Sakura didn't want to use the photography team for Luo Quan from beginning to end?

"I changed my mind, you just can't shoot her today, whoever doesn't believe it, try it!" Hoshino Sakura showed no mercy. He stared blankly at the spot.

The leader of the photography team said to Miki and Luo Quan with a look of embarrassment: "How about... let's forget it today, and let Director Shicun arrange for Miss Quan Shui to shoot again tomorrow, okay?"

"How can there be such a reason? Just say it straight if you don't let me take a picture, why bother to insult people?" Luo Quan looked a little angry, isn't this just bullying the newcomer based on his seniority? !
But in Japan's society where the relationship between superiors and subordinates is very strict, if Hoshino Sakura is determined to embarrass Luo Quan, Luo Quan has nothing to do.

Moreover, Hoshino Sakura is a genuine contract artist of Sony, and she just signed a record, the status of the two is not comparable at all.

Taking a look at everyone's embarrassed expressions, Luo Quan knew that she had to suffer the loss of being dumb today. The face was a small matter. If Hoshino Sakura affected the release of the album, the loss would be huge.

Luo Quan is not someone who can't take it up and can't let it go. He was about to go back to his home. The newcomer of the camera crew who got into trouble just now came over with a camera and said, "I'll shoot it for you."

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, including Luo Quan himself, who had never imagined that this employee had endured so much trouble by Hoshino Sakura just now.
Hoshino Sakura jumped up from the beach chair and stared at this bold newcomer with a pretty face and angrily: "Don't you want to continue working in the company? Believe it or not, I'll call Director Ishicun now and let him know. He fired you!"

"Whatever you want, I'm going to resign and go back to China after I finish this job anyway." The new employee said this, turned around and walked to the shooting location. Luo Quan and Miki looked at each other and followed.

Hoshino Sakura stomped her feet angrily in place, grabbed the shirt on the table and put it on her body, and left the beach angrily...

The new employee put the camera on the scaffold to adjust the focus. Luo Quan said aside: "Actually, you don't need to fight Hoshino Sakura for my business. Now you lose your job."

The new employee shook his head: "Don't blame yourself, I think Sakura Hoshino targeted you entirely because of my mistake, she just lost her temper in a different person, I don't want to implicate innocent people because of me.

Besides, I'm really fed up with the atmosphere and rules here, I don't have a master here, I have my own place! "

Luo Quan nodded and said curiously: "By the way, you said that you have to go back to China anyway... You are not Japanese?"

"I'm from China."

"It's such a coincidence that I'm from China too!" Luo Quan said in Mandarin.

Lin Zheyuan raised his head abruptly and said in surprise, "You are also from China?! I always thought you were an American. I'm still wondering why an American doesn't speak English or Japanese."

Luo Quan smiled and said, "My father is of mixed British and Japanese blood, and my mother is of Chinese descent. I should have looked a little more yellow, but I don't know what went wrong, and I have grown into what I am now."

"If your appearance is all wrong, then most girls can't wait to make mistakes." Lin Zheyuan praised without a trace, "By the way, my name is Lin Zheyuan, a wise and protective Zhe, a quiet and far-reaching far, Shang Hairen, you are studying at Shanghai University of the Arts, how about you?"

Otherwise, people who are engaged in art are different. When I introduce my own name, they are so eloquent, with idioms one after another. Compared with Luo Quan's, they are simply weak.

"My name is Luo Quan. The three o'clock water doesn't have the word cursive. The spring is the plain water. I'm from Yuzhou. I just got into Tokyo University this year."

Luo Quan felt a little embarrassed when he said that. This kind of introduction is too pale and powerless. He clearly wanted to speak out like Lin Zheyuan, but he couldn't say a single idiom when he said it. After all, he still suffered from lack of culture. , it seems that she has to strengthen her studies in this area in the future.

Lin Zheyuan was a little surprised when he heard that Luo Quan was studying at the University of Tokyo: "It turned out to be a top student at the University of Tokyo, disrespectful."

Luo Quan said modestly: "Don't say that, it's just good luck."

"What are you talking about?" Miki walked over with a four-wheeled vehicle full of women's clothing, and asked curiously when Luo Quan and Lin Zheyuan were chatting happily.

"Oh! Look at my head, I forgot to do the right thing!" Lin Zheyuan quickly put his head back in front of the camera, continued to adjust the focus and asked, "By the way, how are you going to shoot this time, is it a photo or an MV?"

Miki immediately replied: "Director Ishimura said to make a cover for the title song "Lemon" of this mini-album, and also to make a short video of walking on the beach as a material for publicity."

After adjusting the focus, Lin Zheyuan raised his head and asked, "What's the theme? By the way, can you let me listen to those three songs?"

"Because this is Miss Quan Shui's first time, the company plans to name this mini-album after her. It's called Quan Shui." Miki said while playing Luo Quan's song on her mobile phone.

"Since the mini album is called Spring Water, why did you come to the beach?" Lin Zheyuan asked with a question mark on his face.

Miki said embarrassedly, "I heard that you were at the beach, so I came here."

Lin Zheyuan didn't speak, just listened quietly to the "Lemon" that Luo Quan was singing on the mobile phone. After one song was played, the next song continued. After listening to three songs in a row, he still seemed a little unfinished.

At the end, Lin Zheyuan sighed sincerely: "This is many times better than that Hoshino Sakura's song!"

"Actually, I feel the same way." Miki covered his mouth with his hand and said in a low voice.

"Is it so nice?" Luo Quan laughed.

"It's really good, as long as it is released, it will be a big hit!" Lin Zheyuan did not hesitate to praise his words, and then said: "The album cover can be shot here, but the promotional video has to go to another place, Luo Quan, wait a moment, I Go get you props!"

(End of this chapter)

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