Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 7 Summer Homework

Chapter 7 Summer Homework
"Take this." Lin Zheyuan came back from a nearby fruit stand and handed a pale yellow lemon into Luo Quan's hand.

Luo Quan held the lemon with one hand, wondering, "How do you pose this pose? I don't know anything about it."

Lin Zheyuan thought for a while and said, "Hold it in the palm of your hand, then close your eyes and smile."

"Is that so?" Luo Quan held the lemon in both hands, lowered his head and closed his eyes, with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Zheyuan saw that Luo Quan's shoulders were too high, and corrected: "Don't be too stiff, don't be so nervous, just be more natural. You know, just standing there with your good looks, the photos you take are not bad."

Luo Quan smiled when he heard this, took a few deep breaths, and put his shoulders down.

"Okay, keep this look!" Lin Zheyuan took out his SLR camera, squatted in front of Luo Quan, and snapped the shutter from a bottom-up angle.

This angle is just enough to allow the bright sunlight to shine through the edge of Luo Quan's cheeks into the camera. Her blonde hair, smile, and the lemon on her hand, together with the sunlight, form a harmonious and wonderful picture, full of youth and beauty. Pure breath.

In addition, Lin Zheyuan also skillfully captured the white and bright light beams caused by the Tyndall effect by looking for angles, adding a bit of dreaminess and hazy beauty to the overall effect of the photo.

"Okay." Lin Zheyuan said with satisfaction, looking at the photos in the camera.

"Let's see!" Luo Quan took the camera from Lin Zheyuan's hand, and exclaimed after reading it, "The technology is very good, it's just like those net pictures!"

Lin Zheyuan showed a proud expression: "To be fair, most of those who take pictures on the Internet are not as professional as me... Well, hurry up and change your clothes, and then go to the place to shoot a video."

"Which clothes to change?" Miki gently dragged over the trolley full of costumes. There were swimwear, maid clothes, OL clothes, and Jk school uniforms on the car. Luo Quan was no stranger to these clothes.

"Just this one." Lin Zheyuan pushed all the clothes to the sides, leaving only a long dress with blue and white suspenders on a white background.

"Skirt..." Luo Quan frowned, and he was still somewhat resistant to this kind of clothes in his heart.

Seeing that Luo Quan seemed a little reluctant, Lin Zheyuan asked, "What's wrong?"

Luo Quan shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that I've never worn a skirt."

Lin Zheyuan smiled and said, "Sooner or later, you will have to try it. When you become famous later, you will have to wear an evening dress to sing at parties and award ceremonies."

I don't even wear it!Luo Quan swore secretly in his heart, then took the suspender dress off the hanger and walked to the dressing room by the sea.

After changing his clothes, Luo Quan got into Miki's car. Lin Zheyuan put the camera of the photography team in the trunk and also got into the car, sitting next to the driver Miki.

"Where are we going to shoot the short film?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Lin Zheyuan replied, "Go to Xixiang Mountain."

"Xixiang Mountain..." Luo Quan didn't have a deep impression of this mountain in his mind. Compared with Mount Fuji, this mountain does not seem to be famous. The only commendable point is that the former residence of Xixiang Longsheng is here. On this mountain, Xixiang Mountain is also named after it.

Lin Zheyuan said: "There are not many mountains where you can find streams in this season, and there are many tourists when Mount Fuji is too far away.

Indeed, as Lin Zheyuan said, Xixiang Mountain is very close, and it only takes 10 minutes to drive from Sanmu. Although the size of this place can be regarded as a scenic spot, there are no people at all when entering.

There is a not too wide concrete road at the bottom of the mountain. This road leads directly to the top of the mountain. On the way up the mountain, Lin Zheyuan kept sticking his head out of the car window as if listening to something.

Suddenly, he shouted: "Stop!"

Miki immediately parked the car on the side of the road.

"There should be a stream nearby, and the short film was shot there." Lin Zheyuan took out the camera in the trunk after getting out of the car, while Miki and Luo Quan were heading deep into the bushes, and they also heard the sound from inside. The sound of running water.

Because there are no tourists, the green plants in Xixiang Mountain have not been damaged in any way, and the shrubs are very dense. Although Luo Quan moved slowly and carefully with his skirt on, there were still a lot of white spots on his arms and calves. print.

And Miki was even worse. He had quite a few cuts on his shirt who opened the way in front of him, which was basically considered a waste.

Fortunately, the road was not long, and the three quickly emerged from the bushes, and the murmur of the stream became clear in an instant.

In front of the three of them is a stream that is about very deep and more than two meters wide. It emerges from two boulders covered with moss, and the water is clear and transparent.

The bottom of the stream is covered with rounded pebbles. At first glance, it seems that there are several small fish swimming in it. In fact, it is no more than the red stripes on the back of the pebbles.

"It's here, just take off your shoes and run and jump in there. Remember to keep smiling." Lin Zheyuan, like a commander, gave orders to Luo Quan.

Luo Quan wondered: "Laughing again? Will the expression be too simple?"

Lin Zheyuan explained with a smile: "Smile is the most beautiful and infectious language of human beings. It can express your inner feelings concisely and clearly, and bring warmth to everyone."

"Okay, you're a professional, I'll listen to you." Luo Quan took off his sneakers and walked into the stream barefoot.

The stream gushing from the underground spring has a coldness that makes the whole person tremble, but after getting used to its temperature, it will feel extremely cool.

Under the command of Lin Zheyuan, Luo Quan began to run in the stream.

The stream that had just submerged Luo Quan's ankles would be splashed with a series of splashes every time she lifted her legs and fell. When Luo Quan ran out about ten meters, Lin Zheyuan let her run the same way again. Come back and keep running towards the camera.

These are the main shots of the short film. Next, Lin Zheyuan also asked Luo Quan to shoot some of the first part, such as holding up the clear stream and sprinkle it into the air.

In Lin Zheyuan's eyes, such a picture must be full of beauty, but Luo Quan's whole body became a jerk after doing these actions, and his whole body was basically soaked by the stream.

There was no dressing room nearby, so Luo Quan could only wring out the water on his skirt and endure it.Fortunately, it's summer now, so Luo Quan doesn't have to worry too much about catching a cold.

The three returned to the car, and Lin Zheyuan said to Luo Quan: "The cover and short film have been filmed, I will take it back and make it, and I can hand it over to Director Shicun tomorrow."

Luo Quan said sincerely: "Then please."

Lin Zheyuan scratched his head, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "But I have an unkind request, I don't know if you can agree."

"You just say it."

Lin Zheyuan said embarrassedly: "On the one hand, I came to Tokyo this time to study during the summer vacation, to get a good qualification, and on the other hand, I also wanted to collect knowledge and did my summer homework by the way. I feel very good about your photos and videos. Not bad, can I take it back for summer homework?"

Luo Quan smiled heartily: "What do I think it is? You do me such a big favor. You can use these photos and videos. You don't need to be so polite."

Lin Zheyuan said happily, "Thank you so much. When your album is officially released, I will definitely let all my classmates come to support you!"

After Miki sent Luo Quan to the residence, Luo Quan originally wanted to go home and change clothes and invite the two of them to have a meal, but both of them refused, on the grounds that the working hours were tight and there was no time.

Luo Quan, whose invitation was rejected, was about to go upstairs, when the landlord who had been waiting for a long time came over and stopped her.

"Luo Quan, you seem to be very busy recently." The landlord's expression was serious, and her eyes became more solemn when she saw that she was dressed in a completely different dress from going out in the morning.

"I'm a little busy." Luo Quan nodded, then took out his mobile phone and said, "Mr. Landlord, I have already collected the rent, and I will transfer the money to you immediately."

In less than half a minute, Luo Quan transferred the [-] yen rent in arrears to the landlord's bank card, but although the landlord smiled, he smiled reluctantly: "Luo Quan, in fact, you don't need this rent. Anxious, how do you say you are also a top student at the University of Tokyo, there are many ways to make money, there is no need to mix with those HD people."

"People from HD?" Luo Quan blinked in surprise.

The landlord nodded and said, "The one who picked you up tonight."

Luo Quan explained: "Oh, that is a staff member of Sony Records. I wrote a few songs to be released. Today he picked me up to shoot the album cover."

"It turned out to be like this." The landlord suddenly realized that he had lived such an old age.At this moment, the old face also felt a little hot.It turned out that he had misunderstood everything.

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"Nothing!" The landlord quickly waved his hand and said, "That... I wish you a great record sale!"

Luo Quan turned upstairs and waved lazily with his back to the landlord: "Arigado~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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