Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 616 "Azeroth"

Chapter 616 "Azeroth"

December 12th, New York time, is destined to be a day that will be remembered by the history of world games.

At this time in China, it is the hot Double Twelve online shopping festival.

On Double Eleven a month ago, Huaxia Online Shopping hit an unprecedented 2000 billion turnover, shocking the world.

Although Double Twelve is not as big as Double Eleven, it is one of the few days in a year with relatively large discounts, so no matter whether you want something or not, people will always go to Taobao and Jingdong to have a look, and maybe they suddenly have an idea What?
At the same time, Luo Quan released the first and second episodes of the 3D animation "Azeroth" on Netflix.

This animation is made with Unreal Engine, and its picture quality surpasses most 3D animations on the market, but what is more eye-catching is its plot.

The story takes place on a planet called Azeroth. At the beginning, the Titans created the world, and the four ancient gods rebelled and then were sealed. The scene is spectacular and the background is grand. Just a simple world view is already dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, the protagonist of the story-the night elf wizard Illidan Stormrage appeared.

Compared with his elder brother, he has a handsome appearance and a pair of amber eyes, which are quite rare in the shadow elves and are considered to be a good omen to become a big man.

Compared with his brother who is proficient in natural spells and druids, Illidan prefers arcane magic and has achieved quite high achievements.

However, such a proud son of heaven, like the male second in many third-rate love novels, has a tragic emotional experience.

He is deeply in love with his childhood sweetheart, Priestess of the Moon - Tyrande Whisperwind, but this beautiful and intellectual beauty of the night has a crush on Illidan's brother - Malfurion Stormrage.

A very typical love triangle, and although Illidan is the protagonist of the story, he is obviously not the protagonist of this relationship.

As a licking dog, he is qualified, but Tyrande is completely unmoved, only Malfurion has eyes.

As the saying goes, when you are frustrated in love, you are proud in the workplace.

Illidan is extremely talented in magic, possessing powerful force at a young age, and in an attack, he protected the night elf lord Ravencrest who was almost killed by a demon, and was successfully promoted to the personal mage of the great lord.

However, the night elves didn't know at this time that this powerful demon was actually just one of the many demons of the Burning Legion, and this terrifying legion was planning to invade Azeroth.

This is the entire plot of episodes 10 and [-] of the animation. Although it only takes four to [-] minutes in total, the protagonists are well-defined, and the modeling is quite good.

Especially Tyrande Whisperwind, who is even more elf than the elves in Lord of the Rings.

Moreover, the purple skin color is more in line with the xp of certain groups. All in all, it is beautiful, so it is no wonder that my uncle misses it.

The audience is actually very concerned.

In addition to the characters, the wonderful story is equally fascinating.

Druids, arcanes, elves, demons and other classic Western fantasy characters, after reorganization, burst out with a completely different feeling from all previous works.

"A seminal work in the wizarding world of the West!"

This is the comment given by Time Magazine, and the vast majority of viewers agree. Compared with Lord of the Rings, "Azeroth" has a stronger flavor of magic.

The first episode of the TV series is free, and the next six episodes are all paid. Although only one paid episode has been released so far, the payment rate has reached an astonishing 90.00%. Watched the second episode.

The number of viewers for the first episode was 430 million.

This retention rate can no longer be described as outrageous, but in the true sense, especially for works that are not mainstream like 3D cartoons.

The current score of "Azeroth" on Netflix is ​​9.9, which belongs to the state of taking off at the beginning.

Luo Quan once again created a universe. Compared with Resident Evil, the Azeroth universe undoubtedly has a wider audience. The theme of sword and magic is an evergreen and undefeated popular theme among young people. As long as the quality is online, there will be absolutely no shortage audience.

Of course, with an audience, there will certainly be no shortage of controversies about the plot.

There are basically no problems in other parts of "Azeroth", the setting is novel and mature, the narration and the dialogue of the characters are as smooth as if there is a million-word world history as a reference for the script.

However, only the emotional drama made quite a few groups feel uncomfortable.

Why is Illidan so handsome, he obviously has a protagonist's face, but he is licking a dog.

And Malfurion looks like an uncle who grew up eating seaweed, but can be licked by a goddess.

This is completely unreasonable!
Illidan's fans are complaining about him, and Malfurion also has fans. This wise and equally talented Archdruid is also very popular.

Most importantly, the goddess also likes him, so his popularity is actually not low.

Now the relationship between the two brothers is fairly harmonious in the plot, but in reality, fans on both sides have started rounds of heated arguments.

And Luo Quan, who knew the direction of the plot, just chuckled, and now it's just arguing, and it is estimated that he will have to scold directly in the future.

The two brothers have always been in a relationship of love and killing each other in the plot. Unfortunately, Illidan went too far and went astray at a single thought. Even if he repented, it was too late after all.

And this is just one of the most representative of the many villains in World of Warcraft.

But in comparison, she prefers another one.

He is the prince of the human kingdom. When he was born, the whole forest called his name, and he was also known as the dutiful son later on.

The scene where this character appears can be said to be one of the climaxes in the plot of World of Warcraft.

And because this plot is so exciting, Luo Quan even warmed up to it in the first season.

The way to warm up is to use a song as the theme song of "Azeroth".

This song is a piece of heavy metal music called "The Dawn".

After the song was released, it directly landed at the top of the Billboard Hot Songs chart.

The beginning of the song is a slightly bleak melodious piano sound, followed by extremely explosive heavy metal guitar music and extremely exciting drum beats.

This is an out-and-out battle song, suitable to appear in most burning video mixes.

For fans of "Azeroth", this song "The dawn" is quite satisfactory.

Although there are no lyrics, the overall sound is full of indescribable tragedy, impassioned but with endless regrets.

It can't be said to be a divine comedy, but it makes people have endless aftertaste.

For Huaxia drama fans, there are still some doubts.

The translated name of the song given by Luo Quan is "Prelude to the Dead", but the villains in the first season seem to be demons, so why not call it Prelude to the Devil?

Regarding the doubts of the fans, Luo Quan did not explain, but just let them look forward to it.

As for all the answers, we have to wait until the World of Warcraft game comes out before we can really reveal it.

All in all, after the broadcast of Warcraft cartoons, they have been very popular, and excellent stories will be popular no matter where they go.

Next, as long as it operates well and avoids the key thunderbolts that Blizzard once did, it will not be a problem to make World of Warcraft the world's number one mmorpg.

She has also played a lot of similar games in this world in the past few days. Whether it is a new release or a few classic ones, none of them can be compared with World of Warcraft.

Comparing the two, the advantage is obvious to me!
However, although the plan has been carried out very smoothly, more people are needed to help complete it if it is to be completely thrown away.

At present, the company has 500 people, and it is enough to have done stand-alone games, but if you want to make a large-scale role-playing online game, especially a masterpiece with ultra-high-quality graphics produced by a next-generation engine such as Unreal Engine, this is far from enough. not enough.

Therefore, before the release of "Azeroth", Luo Quan had arranged for Li Jiang to continue the recruitment plan.

It costs money to recruit people, which is equivalent to the money earned from this cartoon just passed through Luo Quan's pocket, and then sent out again in a blink of an eye.

But she is not short of money now. On the one hand, the two films she made before have been removed from the shelves one after another, and she has already made a lot of money after the box office settlement.

On the other hand, the much-anticipated "Frozen" is finally about to premiere.

As if to celebrate the advent of this ice and snow fairy tale, New York has a heavy snowfall.

However, the cold weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of moviegoers, because it was the weekend, and many parents brought their children to watch together.

Since it is a fairy tale, the plot must be family-friendly, and the leading actors are some of the hottest stars at the moment. It would be great to have a show on weekends for entertainment.

As for director Luo Quan, he returned to the hospital early after hosting the premiere.

If it is not necessary, she will hardly leave her mother's ward now.

As the delivery approached, the family members were nervous, and Luo Ni was actually also very nervous.

Although she gave birth to Luoquan, it was almost 20 years ago.

Speaking of which, Eric was by her side when she was born. At that time, several pregnant women in the hospital were very envious of her, saying that she had found such a handsome foreign husband, but they didn’t know that she really had a good relationship with Eric. It took so many years.

I remember that when Luo Quan was born, he didn't seem to suffer too much.

When Luo Quan was still in her womb, he was very obedient, and he didn't make much noise at ordinary times, and he was rarely woken up by her when he was sleeping at night.

Later, when the baby grew up to be an adult, she hardly ever worried about it. It could be included as a model among the children next door who touched China's top ten figures.

And Luoxi is really a little ancestor, and his liveliness is several grades higher than that of his sister.

It's so powerful before it's born, but when it grows up, it's still going to be great?
This girl doesn't seem to be a worry-free master.

"Daughter, what are you going to do in the future? Are you going to be a star forever?"

In the past two years, the time spent with her daughter has become much less. Now the mother and son sit together, and Luo Ni often talks about life with Luo Quan.

The main thing is the daughter's life, and that's what a mother cares about the most.

"Probably." Luo Quan nodded: "Being a celebrity is pretty good, there are many people who like me, and I feel very fulfilled."

"However, I see that there are quite a few people scolding you. There are often people like this on Weibo." Luo Ni looked at her daughter's face carefully, and suddenly found that her daughter had become more and more feminine at some point. .

Although my daughter was very beautiful in the past, there was always a little immaturity between her brows, and occasionally she spoke milkyly.

In the past two years as a star, I have matured a lot and become better-looking.

"It's mediocre not to be envied by others. Most of these people scold me because they are jealous of me. There is no need to pay attention to it." Luo Quan smiled easily, expressing that he didn't care about these bad comments at all.

"By the way, do you really not think about relationship issues?" After going around for a long time, Luo Ni talked about this issue again.

"Mom, didn't I tell you that I don't have such an idea." Luo Quan looked at his mother helplessly.

"I'm actually quite worried." Luo Ni's tone was a little low, "Although your father is doing very well now, you also know what happened in the past ten years, and it is definitely impossible to say that there are no complaints.

What I'm afraid of is that if you fear or reject the entire male group because of your father's relationship, that would be really bad. "

Luo Quan recalled that time in his head, and he didn't seem to feel any resentment or complaint.

"Luo Quan" has been very sensible since he was a child. Although he lacks fatherly love, he is more dependent on his mother.

And the mother always tries hard to take care of her with double love, so "Luo Quan" actually didn't have too many negative emotions towards his father since he was a child.

So what if there is no father? After so many years, single parenting never means missing, it mainly depends on the mentality and environment.

And such a family can make children feel the preciousness of their loved ones.

Facing his mother's worry, Luo Quan held her hand and said softly: "Mom, I never made such a choice because of my father, I just simply didn't have such a thought.

Just think of me as a Txl who doesn't want to find a partner, okay? "

"If you're really Les, that's fine. Anyway, you can have a companion when you get old. If you're really lonely for a lifetime, then the end will be too bleak."

Hearing this, Luo Quan smiled helplessly. For a long time, my mother was worried because of her grandfather's experience.

My mother's grandfather was divorced from his grandmother, and in his later years he suffered from Alzheimer's and had a strange temper, which made the whole family very angry.

In the end, he died miserably on the bed.

The mother probably also witnessed all this, so she has a shadow in her heart, and she is very obsessed with finding a partner.

In fact, it's not unreasonable, a single tree can't make a forest, but Luo Quan feels that she doesn't need it.

After talking and talking to my mother for a few words, this topic finally came to an end.

At the same time, the results of the first round of box office of "Frozen" have also come out.

Not counting the theaters that have not finished playing, it has now exceeded 1000 million US dollars.

This box office result is already an excellent result in the entire 2018, second only to "Titanic"!

On Twitter, the movie "Frozen" has gradually become popular.

The most mentioned is the fairy sisterhood between Queen Aisha and Princess Anna.

(End of this chapter)

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