Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 617 Children's Chapter in Winter

Chapter 617 A Winter Fairy Tale

"The most exciting special effects blockbuster in 2018!"

No one expected that "Frozen", which is considered to be young, would receive such evaluation after its release.

The director and starring Luo Quan has already said that this is a fairy tale, and the appearance of the two sisters makes everyone preconceived that this is an idol drama with handsome men and beautiful women.

Originally, this would be a love movie that licks the screen, but after watching it, I realized that it was not the case at all.

Indeed, there is love in this fairy tale, but the real theme is the sisterhood between Elsa and Anna, which is a deeper and more passionate family relationship than love.

On this basis, "Frozen" presents the best visual effects of this year for all audiences.

The scene where Queen Aisha accepts her own magic while escaping from the castle and builds a palace in the ice and snow is definitely a god-level bridge.

Especially in conjunction with the title song "Let it go" of the new album released before, the audio-visual experience has reached a nearly perfect shocking experience.

When this scene appeared in the cinema, the audience felt goosebumps all over their bodies, their hairs stood up under the trembling, and there was indescribable excitement and joy.

The first batch of viewers who watched the movie have already started to brag about it online.

"Oh my God, why do Elsa and Anna match so well? I really admire this pair."

"Because they are all sisters inside and outside the play."

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that special effects can be so unconstrained. It feels completely different from the special effects of super British movies."

"Superheroes reach the limit of physical performance, while Frozen is like becoming a real magician, manipulating ice and snow as they like."

"To be honest, seeing Elsa make the ice castle rise up there really shocked me."

"That's right there! Especially the expression on Luo Quan's face after singing, it's really like a queen, so cool and flamboyant!"

"I just said that Luo Quan is really suitable for this type of role, both charming and charming."

"I really want to be the queen's dog, but her pet seems to be a snowman."

"By the way, the snowman played by Leon is too cute. He and the hero can be said to be the most funny in the whole play."

"Is there a male lead in this play? (Funny)"

"Indeed, although Anna has met two lovers one after another, I feel that the sum of them can't compare with the relationship with my sister."

"Luo Quan told us that fairy tales are not only about love stories, you don't necessarily need a prince to save a princess, the queen is also possible."

"I decided to do a second brush. The appearance of the two goddesses in it is so beautiful, it's just outrageous."


Judging from the enthusiastic words of praise from netizens, "Frozen" really touched their hearts.

Since the popularity of the Marvel Super British movies, almost all foreign special effects blockbusters are based on science fiction, superman, or the invasion of alien creatures.

Like "Frozen", it is really rare to use special effects only to create a magnificent and wonderful world and scenery.

A few years ago, "Avatar" was the same. It opened the curtain of 3D movies. Before "Titanic" came out, it was also the highest box office movie.

The current world box office of Dachuan is 42 billion U.S. dollars, which can be said to be unprecedented, and it is unknown whether there will be anyone behind.

Because "Frozen" was released in less than six hours, the global box office exceeded [-] million US dollars.

Of course, there are Luo Quan and Lyon's star effects in it, and there are a lot of fans cheering for the first time.

But the rapid word-of-mouth is the direct reason for its hot box office. Rotten Tomatoes' high rating of 90.00% freshness is one of the manifestations. Looking around on Twitter, it is full of praise in various ways.

And the wonderful clips that have been released one after another really make people unable to take their eyes away after just one glance.

There are no dark and dark plots, no scenes that are not suitable for children, and no bad value orientation.

This is a family movie suitable for all ages, suitable for almost all groups.

"A fairy tale in winter" has become the biggest slogan of "Frozen", and there are slogans everywhere on several networks encouraging netizens to go to the movies with their families to watch this movie.

Some are hired sailors, but more are tap water.

It has been a long time since Hollywood has such a high-quality, fresh and refined movie, and the frequent appearance of superheroes saving the world really makes people feel a little tired.

In the first half of the year, a "Titanic" made a lot of tears with an alluring love, and at the end of the year, "Frozen" brought warmth to movie fans with the pure and beautiful feelings of sisters.

2018 is destined to be an extraordinary year in film history, with quite a few excellent films emerging.

Not only "The Silence of the Lambs", it may be the film with the best female acting skills in film history.

There are also masterpieces like "Titanic" that can compete for the best love movie in movie history.

The movie box office also broke this year, and at present, it seems that the second place in the movie history created by "Avengers 3" may be taken away by "Frozen".

The box office of Avengers III is 21 billion, and "Frozen" has now completed one-tenth of it, and it only took less than seven hours.

This momentum has made film practitioners all over the world shout: This is really crazy.

And the director Luo Quan who created this crazy scene just woke up from a sweet dream.

It was just after two o'clock last night, and the ringing of the mobile phone has not stopped, and they are all sending messages to congratulate.

Universal is the most excited, because they have taken a lot of share, this time at least a few hundred million in income.

Because the phone was too noisy, Luo Quan simply set the volume to mute before falling asleep, so he got up a little later.

Turn on the phone, 99 unread messages have been added, there are congratulations from friends who open it, and pushes from the software.

Many of the tweets are related to "Frozen", which should be the hottest topic today.

Open Weibo, "Queen Elsa's best son" dominates the top search.

There are many GIFs in the movie, basically the part where she builds the castle by hand.

"This stomping just stepped on my heart, Mom, I feel like I'm in love."

"Is there a tutorial for Queen Aisha's makeup? I think it can be used in daily life. Is there any Ming women?"

"By the way, what color is this lipstick?"

"My favorite is this purple eye shadow, which is really charming."

"I beg Luo Quan to come up with a beauty tutorial!"

"Let's have a book written in blood!"

"plus 1"


It can be seen from the Weibo comment area that most of them are girls, and they seem to be very interested in her makeup.

This was a wake-up call for Luo Quan. She has always satisfied the demands of her male fans, but she doesn't seem to pay special attention to the demands of her female fans, and she feels a little biased.

Obviously she has a lot of female fans, and they have always loved her very much.

It's no wonder that female boxers on Weibo like to punch her. Such an approach is really inappropriate.

So Luo Quan didn't even have time to wash his face, so he posted a post on Station B and Weibo:
"The live broadcast will be live in 3 minutes, and I will give Jimei a Queen Elsa beauty tutorial, including teaching and packaging sessions, and there is no threshold."

As soon as the news came out, there was no movement at Station B, and Weibo was boiling first.

It is said that Douban and Weibo are the two camps of Luoquan Heizi, but they are also the largest gathering places of Luoquan female fans.

Although Luo Quan is not usually active on Weibo, but because it is so popular, you can see her trending searches on the news every day.

It is equivalent to the fact that although there are no sisters in Jianghu, there are legends of sisters everywhere.

This time, Luo Quan specially sent a Weibo message to greet female fans, which really got everyone interested.

The world's most beautiful makeup tutorial, which is not something you can see all the time.

Although Luo Quan's talent conditions are not the same as those of the general public, her makeup may not look good for ordinary people, but she can always learn something.

At the very least, the lipstick number can at least be known.

If you can learn it, it can be regarded as an improvement for your appearance.

And in the live broadcast room of station B, Luo Quan also just turned on the camera, and changed the title of the live broadcast room to "Boys do not enter, girls please enter."

"Seeing Luoquan's live broadcast, I came in with a snap. It was very fast."

"Why are only girls allowed to enter? Is it discriminating against boys? I immediately started shaking with anger."

"Speaking of which, is this going to be some kind of private lecture? If so, I'll put on the earphones."

"I thought you were going to leave."

"How can you back down in this situation, bastard!"

"Inexplicably, it ignited."

"Don't think about it, Luo Quan is teaching beauty makeup to female fans, and the dynamics are all written, is there no one watching?"

"It's nothing to be happy about, there's nothing to do with boys."

"I'm a boy, and I think it's quite useful."

"You're wrong."

"Surprised to meet the boss of women's clothing!"


Before the female fans came in, the male fans started to dance wildly. Luo Quan yawned slightly as he watched the barrage, and opened a box of milk. This is her breakfast today.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the popularity reached more than 900 million, and the barrage of girls gradually increased.

"The boys in the live broadcast room are watching the taste, I will start teaching next, don't scare the female compatriots." Luo Quan put down the milk, and said after a nap.

"Is this the punching?"

"I'm a good guy."

"Who in the world can stop Luo Quan's fist?"


Luo Quan smiled slightly at the boy's ridicule, and ignored it, but got to the point:
"Today "Frozen" was released, and the box office received a good reputation. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their support.

In addition, I saw a lot of female fans asking for a tutorial on Queen Elsa's makeup in the comment area just now. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, as the chief makeup artist of the crew, I decided to open a tutorial in the live broadcast room.

It's not a tutorial, it's just sharing a few tips or something. "

Luo Quan said, and took out a cosmetic box from the drawer. This was bought by my mother when she traveled to France. It is said that it is quite rare. She really thinks it is good after using it, so she has always used it.

"I also just woke up in the morning here, and I simply washed my face just now, and didn't wipe anything, so I can teach everyone." Luo Quan said, putting his face in front of the camera.


"My wife's skin is so juicy."

"The Chinese male in the bullet screen is so sweet, it turns out I am too, so it's okay."

"The anchor's skin is so enviable to me, pure makeup is whiter than many celebrities who put on foundation."

"By the way, is the anchor's vanity case Chanel's? I feel a bit unsupportable."


Seeing the question, Luo Quan explained: "This is not Chanel's cosmetics, I don't know the price, but it shouldn't be too outrageous.

In addition, cosmetics that are not close to each other can also draw beautiful makeup, as long as the color levels are matched properly. "

Luo Quan said that he first applied a layer of foundation on his face: "The one I applied is the one on Taobao that costs more than 100 yuan each. It should be affordable, and the effect is not much different from those thousands of dollars.
As for the propaganda that it does not hurt the skin, I am here to tell you that as long as it is cosmetics, it will cause damage to the skin, but as long as you don’t use the kind that is particularly inferior, the harm will not have much impact. "

After applying the foundation, Luo Quan raised his face to the camera.

It doesn't seem to have changed much, the skin is still dazzlingly white, painting is equal to not painting.

This is a physical talent that others cannot learn, so there is nothing to talk about.

"The next step is the dry goods, everyone study hard." Luo Quan said as he picked out the four color eye shadow bottles, and then turned out a white plastic plate, which looked like he was about to paint an oil painting.

"Queen Elsa's purple eye shadow is the key to this makeup, and it is also the most difficult part to adjust.

I believe that you can't get this color after trying many colors, because I got it after mixing four colors. "

As Luo Quan said, he applied the four eye shadows on the plate one by one, but did not stir them.

"Attention everyone, the eye shadows cannot be simply mixed, they need to be arranged in a certain order, so that it can have a sense of hierarchy and get the color we want."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he applied primer around the eye sockets, and then applied the prepared mixed eye shadow on the eye sockets.

One minute later, Luo Quan put down her hand, and her eyes were already surrounded by a purple eye shadow that was as dreamy as stars, beautiful, hazy and deep.

"Wow... so beautiful!"

"I'll go, is there such a powerful one?"

"It feels like a different person, and this eyeshadow is too pretty."

"It's this color, I really learned it this time!"

"Why are you standing there, hurry up and take notes!"

"As expected of Luo Quan, he is proficient in everything related to beauty."


The girl's amazing voice in the bullet screen was even more amazing than the boy's, obviously happy to see Liexin.

Girls love beauty, how can you be unhappy to see Luo Quan sharing such a beauty trick?
Luo Quan blinked and said: "Jimei, the color numbers I use are basically the common color numbers on the market. I also send the specific brands to the screen here. Everyone can take a screenshot and buy them back.

As long as you follow the tutorial I just experimented with, anyone can become like a queen. "

(End of this chapter)

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