Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 618 Birth

Chapter 618 Birth
In addition to eye shadow, Luo Quan also shared several practical makeup tutorials, such as fresh makeup, peach blossom makeup, and smoky makeup.

Each makeup look has some minor adjustments from the current common methods, but after the modification, it seems to be more comfortable to look at than the original one.

This kind of know-how belongs to the individual, and Luo Quan imparted this know-how to everyone, and did not treat the fans as outsiders.

In addition, she also explained in detail the makeup that is suitable for various face shapes and the places that need to be concealed. There are more dry goods than others who spend money on beauty courses.

The live broadcast lasted for more than an hour. When it first started, it only had a few million hits. By the end, it had already broken through 3000 million. Many of the bullet screens were new accounts, obviously drained from Weibo.

After the course, Luoquan was on the hot search again, and this time it was worshiped by all the girls in the comment area.

A few of them have already put in their homework for today. Although there is still a gap between Luo Quan's craftsmanship, the appearance they show is indeed very beautiful.

This also made all the girls who love beauty even more passionate, and they went to station B to search for Luoquan's live broadcast today.

But no one thought that the most affected by this incident was a makeup brand called "Tiansheng Aimei", which was the brand recommended by Luo Quan during the live broadcast.

Just because of a sentence recommended by Luo Quan, the sales volume increased by 10,000+ in one day.

Luoquan is using it, so there is no need for the majority of female compatriots to pursue those high-end cosmetics that cost thousands of yuan each.

Luo Quan didn't expect this kind of delivery effect, she just thought it was easy to use, so she raised her mouth.

If you really want to bring goods, she has told the media before that she likes to use Dabao sod honey, but she has never heard of a similar situation.

It can only be said that the effect of the live broadcast this time is really good, which has caused the majority of female compatriots to follow suit and consume.

"It's really conscientious for Luo Quan to bring the goods!"

Soon, this matter appeared on the top of the hot search, and the comment area was full of praise for her.

Obviously, I felt good after I bought it and used it. I thought it was a treasure trove of cosmetics, so I went online to praise it.

The fact is true, Luo Quan usually has a big heart, and it is impossible to make fun of his face, so there is no quality problem in the products he uses.

It's just that this brand doesn't like marketing and ordering like its friends, so it develops silently and relatively low-key.

Being able to make a big splash this time is also a reward for the quality of its conscience in the past few years.

The only pity is that this brand did not get the endorsement of Luoquan.

If we can cooperate, it will take off for this brand.

However, the effect of this live broadcast is no less than an endorsement, and it is even free, so it is not a loss.

Unexpected progress has been made in the delivery industry, and Luo Quan soon got curious from some netizens, asking her if she plans to enter the delivery industry.

Live streaming is a very popular industry right now. Many celebrities, Internet celebrities, and amateurs are involved in it and make a lot of money.

Two of the industry leaders have both achieved sales of [-] billion a day with goods. When the data came out, it was true, which shocked netizens.

100 billion a day, I am afraid that even the capitals of Asia cannot earn so much.

However, after analyzing it, I realized that this is the sales generated in the live broadcast room, not the money earned by the host who brought the goods, but even if the commission is only [-]%, it is already quite amazing.

In the eyes of the general public, it is quite depreciating behavior for celebrities to bring goods, but there are still so many big-name celebrities who are willing to "dedicate themselves" to the live broadcast room to cheer for the merchants, which proves that there is really a lot of w in this line of work.

Therefore, even if Luo Quan really announces that she wants to bring goods, no one will be surprised. Even because of her huge popularity, many manufacturers will probably take money to let her show their products in the live broadcast room.

For her who often live broadcasts, doing this line of work actually has a very big advantage, but she herself is not particularly interested in this method, because if she wants to recommend something, she must use it herself.

What does she use now?
The clothes are all Chanel, the cosmetics are recommended, and I don’t eat much snacks, and drink nothing more than milk and slimming tea.

But those two items were specially offered by the royal family, and she recommended them to ordinary people, and there was no place to buy them. Even if they did this, they would be said to be showing off their wealth in disguise.

In this way, she felt that she was quite simple.

But the simplicity of Chanel doesn't feel right.

To sum it up, the product she uses the most that can be brought in is probably Rejoice Orange Shampoo.

Many boys approached Luoquan and asked about the fresh fragrance. They thought it was Luoquan's body fragrance, but it was actually the smell of this shampoo.

In fact, the so-called body fragrance of most girls is actually the smell of shampoo or body wash.

Luo Quan thinks this brand is very easy to use and tastes good, so he has been using it for several years.

Look at her lush blonde hair that is as smooth as silk, and it is indeed quite convincing.

However, this thing mainly depends on physical fitness. After all, some people start to lose their hair before they turn [-], and it has nothing to do with the shampoo they use.

So in conclusion, there is still nothing to bring.

This is just a small episode derived from the hot screening of "Frozen", which is a manifestation of the popularity.

After five days of word-of-mouth dissemination, the box office of "Frozen" finally ushered in its peak after rising for so many days, and the cumulative box office also reached 11 billion US dollars.

The entire film industry is paying attention to this miracle at the box office. Compared with "Titanic", which also exploded at the box office, "Frozen" is actually even more outrageous.

Because the former has been marketed as a masterpiece of the century before it was even released, and the investment, production, director, actors, and distribution are all top-notch lineups. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a monster that gathers half of Hollywood's resources.

With such a size, it is not an anecdote to win such a box office, but it is a big joke if it hits the street.

And "Frozen" has a taste of being a dog from the beginning of its marketing. The director famously said that this is a fairy tale.

What is a fairy tale?Things that children watch, the old-fashioned prince falling in love with the princess, is the most low-profile dog-blood romance movie in Hollywood.

Even though the cast of the movie is quite interesting, none of them expected to achieve such a result after it was released.

This probably has something to do with the anti-routine. Fairy tales don’t talk about love but family, handsome men and beautiful women don’t talk about love, but sisters, and idol movies are not made, but in the end they make a blockbuster with super special effects.

Various anti-routine settings finally brought a brand new experience to movie fans, which distinguished it from almost all previous fairy tale movies.

This is the secret of Luo Quan's success. She is full of inspiration and can always come up with new tricks for everyone. It can only be said that the brains of geniuses are different from ordinary people.

What she can think of and implement easily may be a flash of inspiration that others can't get without racking their brains.

Sometimes I have to admit that God or God is really unfair.

Some people are born with good looks, some people are born with good brains, and some people are born with artistic bacteria.

As for Luoquan, who purchased VIP luxury services before he was born, all the elements were collected at once.

It belongs to the divine show of good fortune, which gathers the love of heaven and earth for a lifetime, and is a rare flower that is rarely seen in a hundred years.

Wonderful here is not a derogatory term, but a real compliment.

Of course, Luo Quan never responded to such comments.

Because she knew that what happened to her was probably even more bizarre than the public imagined.

There is never a pie in the sky, but sometimes the system does fall in the sky.

The end of 2018 is approaching, and "Frozen" has drawn a complete sentence for this year's film industry.

There are really many excellent works emerging this year, and the Oscar ceremony in early March next year will definitely be very exciting, and many people are already looking forward to it...

Desiree Women's Hospital, New York, late at night.

The torrential rain outside was wrapped in blizzard, which slammed into the ground fiercely, and the icy cold wind slammed against the windows, making a slight knocking sound.

Luo Quan, Eric, Leon and other family members stood outside the delivery room, waiting anxiously.

Today is December 31st, Luo Ni's amniotic fluid broke just after her due date.

At noon, Luo Ni had lunch and thought about getting out of bed for a walk, but Luo Quan saw that her mother's sheets were wet.

It is normal for the mother to wet the bed occasionally.

However, the amount was obviously wrong, so Luo Quan immediately called the doctor and nurse, and after an examination, he found that the amniotic fluid had broken.

However, breaking the amniotic fluid does not mean that you will give birth immediately, and you may have to wait a day or two.

But to be on the safe side, the hospital still checked Luo Ni first.

It was indeed about to give birth, and then the whole family embraced and sent Luo Ni to the delivery room.

The next thing is to be operated by the doctor. In addition, the father will go in to cheer for the mother when it is time to give birth. Some families will record this moment, but Eric is not in the mood now.

This waited until night, and finally the nurse came out of the delivery room to inform the mother that she was about to give birth and let the father go in.

Eric got up in a jiffy, changed his clothes and disinfected them.

There can't be too many people going in, so Luo Quan and Leon stayed outside.

Mia rushed over after hearing the news, comforting Luo Quan who was a little nervous,
"My mother was also 41 when my brother was born. She was also an older woman, and she was also in this hospital. It went well." Mia whispered and patted Luo Quan's shoulder lightly.

"I hope." Luo Quan squeezed out a smile, looking at the red light on the outer door of the delivery room.

It is said that the pain of pregnant women during childbirth is at level 12. It is hard to imagine what kind of feeling this is.

But thinking that his mother had to go through it twice, Luo Quan felt worried, it was really not easy, and his mother was still unwilling to undergo a caesarean section, and insisted on passing by.

Originally, I wanted to play with my phone for a while to divert my attention, but when I flicked the screen blankly, I found that I couldn't see anything, and I couldn't concentrate at all.

Luo Quan simply turned off the phone, put his hands on his chin, and stared blankly.

Listening to the torrential rain and lightning outside, the electronic clock in the corridor chimed the time.

Luo Quan was startled by the sudden voice, looked up and found that it was already 2019, and the new year was here.

Ten minutes later, the door of the delivery room opened, and the nurse came out and said, "The mother has given birth to the baby, and everything is going well. The family members can go in after disinfection."


The big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and Luo Quan, who was pale, regained his blood color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The few hours just now were definitely the most stressful and tormenting moment in her life. Giving birth to a child is really tormenting, and I don't know if it will cause a shadow in her heart.

But no matter what, the safety of the mother and daughter is the greatest comfort, and it doesn't matter if she suffers a little.

The three disinfected and changed their clothes and wore masks and walked into the delivery room. Guided by the nurse, they saw their mother and sister.

The mother's face was a little pale, and she obviously shed a lot of sweat, and a lot of her hair was sticking to her temples, and she didn't know how much she had suffered just now.

But the smile on his face was really bright.

"Where's Dad?" The siblings asked curiously when they came in and didn't see Dad.

"He was so nervous that he almost didn't come up, and he was on oxygen." Luo Ni talked about this with a disgusted and funny look.

Originally, I asked Eric to come in to accompany her, and I could grab his arm to relieve the pain, but the birth hadn't started yet, this useless guy staggered back and sat on the ground, and put a bandage, hemostat, etc. overturned.

The doctor went over and found that the nerves were too tense, and the anxiety attack caused him to feel weak all over.

Luo Ni was in excruciating pain at the time, and she laughed bitterly when she saw this clown, but she still gritted her teeth and endured it, the father fell first.

But after laughing, I felt a little distressed. I heard from my daughter that Eric had to go to the corridor to smoke every night, and he always had a sad face.

Only when facing her would she smile as if nothing had happened, but finally couldn't hold back on the day of giving birth.

But fortunately, once the day is over, all sources of anxiety will be resolved.

Anxiety attacks came and went quickly. Eric, who was helped down, rested for a while, and soon returned to Luo Ni's side.

At this time, Luo Ni was already half-born, and she was so painful that she stretched out her hand and grabbed the soft flesh in the waist of her husband who had just recovered, and then turned it around like twisting a gas stove.

This strength seemed to vent all the grievances he and his daughter had suffered in the past ten years, so he definitely didn't hold back.

Eric was twisted like this, and the pain was so painful that he almost went into shock and passed out.

Fortunately, men have a higher tolerance for pain, and this level is far less than the 12-level pain during childbirth.

In order to please his wife, he gritted his teeth and survived.

After the baby was delivered, Eric only had time to look at it a few times before inhaling oxygen again and applying some medicine to his darkened lower back by the way.

After listening to Luo Ni's narration, several people in the ward laughed.

And Luoxi, who was wrapped up, also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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