Chapter 619

"Whoa - whoa - whoa!"

The joy of my sister's safe birth didn't last long before the hardships came.

Luo Quan knew that newborns would cry, and they cried loudly, but she did not expect it to be so loud.

This heart-piercing long note was almost the same as when she sang "Eternal Love", and it hurt people's eardrums.

She is the Queen of Soprano, and the baby in front of her is just less than twelve hours old.

Is this also a good embryo for singing?

Luo Quan didn't know, but now she was bewildered by Luo Xi's penetrating cries.

"Wow, is the baby so active?" Eric returned to the ward after receiving oxygen, leaned over to the bed and took Luo Xi from his wife.

"Haha, let Dad give you a good hug." Eric shook his little daughter gently in his arms.

Seeing a new face, Luoxi stopped crying for a while and blinked her eyes as if she was smiling.

But in the next second, Luoxi's mouth was flattened, and he started to cry again.

Just as Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, his eardrums began to tremble again.

"It was the same when you were a child. You cried louder than your sister. At that time, your father apologized to the neighbors every day." Seeing her daughter like this, Luo Ni laughed and began to scold her.

"I remember you used to say that I was very obedient and easy to worry about?" Luo Quan frowned and smiled awkwardly.

Luo Ni curled her lips: "That's after you were one year old, and the noise was not the same when you were just born, besides, which baby in the world doesn't cry?

This is just the beginning, and it will be troublesome when I go home from the hospital. "

Speaking of this, Luo Ni thought of the time when Luo Quan was just born.

Just as she said, there is no baby in the world who does not cry and make trouble. It is normal to cry suddenly in the middle of the night, and sometimes it cannot be coaxed well.

After coaxing, you may have to come several times in a few hours.

Therefore, it is common for many parents to suffer from insomnia or neurasthenia when they first bring up their babies, so quarreling and shaking are not rare.

Luo Ni and Eric didn't have much quarrel, but that period was really tormenting.

Fortunately, it will last for about half a year to a year, and it will be much better after the baby adapts to the environment and develops habits.

Of course, there is definitely no good way now, so I can only hold on.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Luo Ni is also very tired now, and rested after drinking some hot porridge.

Luo Xi's first meal had already been fed before, so in order to avoid disturbing Luo Ni, Eric carried his little daughter to the next ward.

Luo Quan and Leon also followed, turned off the phone flash and took a photo of the baby first.

"Luo Quan, do you want to hug my sister?" Eric comforted the younger daughter, then turned to ask the elder daughter.

"I don't know how to hug." Luo Quan refused, but his body was actually quite happy, and his hands were already raised.

"Like me, support your buttocks with one hand and the back of your head with the other, pay attention to bend your arms." Eric said while slowly handing Luoxi into Luoquan's hands.

Just in case, Luo Quan exchanged for advanced baby-care specialization in the mall, and his movements became a lot more skillful immediately.

"Ah--" Seeing a new face again, Luo Xi stared at her shiny eyes and let out a joyful voice.

"It's so ugly." This is the first sentence Luo Quan said when facing his sister.

The newborn Luoxi's face was wrinkled and uncoordinated, she looked like a monkey, she didn't look like the most beautiful sister in the world.

"You were different when you were born. You were uglier than your younger sister." Sure enough, the older one was forgotten after having the younger one. As soon as Luo Quan complained, Eric began to educate his daughter.

Leon also stretched his head to look over, and after taking a look, he said, "Was I also this ugly when I was born?"

Eric smiled helplessly: "It hasn't grown yet, why worry, everyone looks like this when they are just born."

As if being ruthlessly complained by her sister and brother, Luo Xi who just laughed a few times burst into tears again.

"Ah... I'm sorry Luoxi, it's my sister's fault, we Luoxi are the most beautiful, and we will definitely be prettier than anyone else in the future." Luo Quan quickly apologized, and then even shook her head.

Leon stared at the side, thinking that his elder sister is quite talented in raising children, and she is self-taught.

Not to mention, being coaxed by Luo Quan like this, Luo Xi really stopped after wowing a few times.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Quan hurriedly returned his sister to his father.

It is already past three o'clock in the night, but the hospital is not closed, it is always bright.

After tossing for a day, it finally stopped.

Although it was getting late, Eric, Leon and his son were both night owls, so they were in good spirits.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Mia went home and came back tomorrow morning.

Luo Quan asked the nurse to arrange a ward and spent the night directly on the bed.

Unexpectedly, the New Year's Eve party was held in the hospital.

It was already ten o'clock when I woke up the next day. When I came to my mother's ward, I found her hugging her sister to coax her.

"Where's dad?" Luo Quan didn't see anyone.

"The doctor said that he had a panic attack with anxiety disorder, and he should see the doctor to see if he needs to prescribe some medicine." Luo Ni replied.

Panic attack Luo Quan knows that a symptom of anxiety disorder is manifested as a feeling of dying, but in fact it is just a neurological problem, and the body is not a big deal.

However, because the lesion cannot be found, it is not very easy to treat.

Prenatal anxiety like my father's is indeed not uncommon. Now that my mother and sister are safe, it will be no problem to take some medicine to adjust their mentality.

There is a special place for breakfast in the hospital. Luo Quan bought a sandwich and milk, and looked at his phone while eating.

In the first post in the morning, she posted a photo of her sister on station B, with the following text:

"Sister was born safely, welcome to this world."

A photo became the first hotspot on the Huaxia 2019 network.

"Sister Luo Quan is born!"

The hot searches on Weibo B station both reached the top, and the comment area was full of blessings.

The congratulations from Wen Xia, Junzi, Yun'er and others were all pinned to the top of the comment area. Other than that, they were blessings from some celebrities, which were topped by fans.

Although Luo Quan didn't have much friendship with most of the people here, or even met each other a few times, it was obvious that they wanted to establish friendship with Luo Quan.

Now in the entertainment industry, Luo Quan is no longer just a singer or actor.

As a director and screenwriter, she has sold so many movies, which is equivalent to mastering the ability to create stars, and she is also an influential star on a global scale.

Such a cutting-edge director is definitely something that most stars are eager to make friends with.

Taking advantage of this opportunity is also to show goodwill. After all, a while ago, Luo Quan revealed that there is a big Chinese production that is about to start filming. Maybe it just happened to be spotted by just looking at it?

Regarding the blessings from domestic stars, Luo Quan doesn't care if they are sincere or what, in short, the intentions are good, and she also thanked them one by one.

While she was typing, Luoxi started crying again, still so energetic, and her voice was still ridiculously loud.

At this time, Luoxi's skin has fully grown. Although the five sense organs can't see anything, the eyes are really bright and watery, and the skin is as clear as crystal.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as powder carved jade.

It was so loud that her ears hurt.

"I just fed the baby, why are you crying again?" Luo Ni also muttered, feeling puzzled.

But the newborn can't speak, and can only express it by crying when it feels uncomfortable.

There are many reasons why newborns feel uncomfortable, such as being too tight and uncomfortable, being too light and uncomfortable, eating too full and not being full.

In short, there are many reasons, and I can't guess it for sure.

Luo Quan first checked whether there was any air leakage in the bedding, and then looked at his face, there was nothing serious about it.

Just want to cry, there is no good way.

Then the mother and daughter took turns hugging Luoxi to coax them, and it lasted for a while before they stopped.

"It's too tiring to give birth to a baby, and it's ten months pregnant and the pain is twelfth grade, and it doesn't stop after the birth." Luo Quan used his arms as a cradle, trying to make his sister feel as comfortable as possible.

But the mouth is complaining.

Luo Ni was quite optimistic, and said with a smile: "Then what can we do, everyone comes here like this, and besides, the world is not a paradise, so they must have come here crying."

Luo Quan sighed: "If I want a baby in the future, I would rather adopt one."

Luo Ni frowned: "You girl can really think of such a thing, how can an adopted one be better than a biological one?"

"That's not what I meant. I didn't say that I must bring a baby." Luo Quan quickly explained.

Luo Ni sneered: "Why, you still want to be widowed and lonely for the rest of your life, be careful that no one will see you to death when you get old, and then you will be paralyzed and stupid, and there will be no one to change diapers even if you pee in your crotch."

"Why is it so miserable?" Luo Quan almost laughed, "Besides, it's still decades, there's plenty of time."

"Hmph, your dad and I have already done what we should do anyway, and you and your younger brother are considered to be successful in their careers now. We don't say much about how to go in the future, as long as we know how to handle it."

As Luo Ni said, she took the youngest daughter from the elder daughter's arms: "My next task is to raise Luoxi well. If she likes to study, she will go to Tsinghua University in the future. If she likes to play, then let her Grandpa built an amusement park."

Luo Quan couldn't help complaining: "How can you be so spoiled and build an amusement park? How much money does an amusement park cost?"

"My daughter must be rich." Luo Ni said with a natural expression, "I have suffered for half my life, so I can't let my daughter suffer even more."

"Then me, I'll eat with you too."

"You are so successful now, and you are a musician and what kind of family."

Luo Quan was speechless: "Mom, you are really partial."

So helpless, the newborn younger sister snatched away all the favors that belonged to Luo Quan.

In the past, she was the only daughter, the most beloved one in the family.

But now, the status has changed, the younger sister has become the favorite, and she seems to be a bit redundant.

Of course, she is not yet jealous of her younger sister, it's just that the change in family status is not very adaptable.

Meanwhile, another ward.

Eric communicated with his son seriously: "When I go back, I don't want to hear any rap things appearing at home, whether it's yours or your friends, all AK and Uzi will disappear for me!"

Leon looked puzzled: "What I do is positive energy rap."

Eric waved his hand: "Come on, you think I haven't heard of your freestyle in underground competitions, do you?

That cursing mouth is worse than a shrew on the street, and he doesn't look like a college student who has been exposed to higher education. What if my sister heard this? "

"Then she doesn't understand either." Leon retorted softly.

"Do you understand what it means to be influenced by your ears and eyes?" Eric stared like copper bells, "When you are young, it is the easiest time to shape the three views. If you are exposed to these things now, you will inevitably become interested in them later.

I don't want Judy to have dreadlocks and hip-hop in the future, and I don't want her to go fooling around on the streets.

All I want is for her to be like a normal girl, interested in normal things, like your sister's pop music, and even better if it's classical music. "

Lyon continued to retort: ​​"You are blatantly discriminating against the unique culture of ethnic minorities, and the politics are quite incorrect."

"Don't do this to me, my lord, I am also an orthodox jazz in England, you American political correctness can't get me.

It doesn't matter if we usually talk about it. Whoever uses this to harm my daughter, then I don't care so much. "

"Understood, I'll correct it immediately when I get back." Leon saw that his father showed signs of speaking, so he didn't dare to talk back, so he immediately chose to obey.

In addition, I changed my mobile phone ringtone in the first place.

His cell phone ringtone is a piece of freestyle when he won the New York underground rap competition, a very...very dirty, but also very witty rap.

Because it is more exciting, it is respected by the industry as [-] sprays per second, which is a personal medal.

But now I definitely don’t dare to use this anymore. If my father hears his [-] punches per second, my father who has learned boxing will probably let him know what is called [-] punches per second.

The arrival of Luo Xi not only affected Luo Quan, but also had some impact on Lyon's status.

It's just that in terms of misery, Lyon is even worse, still in the family position.

Of course, the family does not speak two languages, and Leon is quite in favor of creating a healthy and harmonious environment for his younger sister.

For this newborn little angel, he is looking forward to the process of growing up with her.

As long as it is a good choice for her, she can do it.

Besides, reducing the number of times rap occurs at home is not a big problem, and it is not even an excessive request.

It's just that Dad's way of negotiating is quite excessive, as if he would commit violence if he didn't cooperate.

Obviously, his father had never been willing to beat him since he was a child, but it was the other way around when he became an adult, and he always said that he would hit him with a heavy hammer, which really made Leon suffer.

However, for the family, these hardships are not actually bitterness, it is okay to call it sweet.

Because Luoxi's arrival was a great joy to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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