Chapter 620 Returning to China
After four days of observation in the hospital, Luo Ni was discharged and returned home with her little daughter Luo Xi in her arms.

But when I went home, I also hired a few nurses at a high price, and took them back with me.

When I didn't have the conditions before, I definitely didn't need to be so pampered, and I could take care of it by myself.

But since he has money now, he must act like a rich person, otherwise what would the money be used for?
With the help of several professional nurses, the work of taking care of Luoxi became much easier, and Xiao Luoxi became much quieter.

However, it is still noisy when sleeping at night. The main reason is that the baby's sleep cycle is relatively short, and it will cry when it wakes up.

Luo Ni and Eric are also unwilling to sleep in separate rooms with Luo Xi, so they are a bit tormented.

Fortunately, the two of them don't go to work during the day, and they have nursing care to take care of Luoxi, so they can take the opportunity to catch up on sleep.

The sound insulation effect of the villa is also very good. Luoquan didn't hear much of his sister crying at night, and he was in a good state of mind.

A week has passed like this, and Luoxi is familiar with the environment at home, and her tolerance for environmental changes has also improved, and she no longer cries as much as when she was just born.

Luo Ni also recovered quickly and was in a good mood. She didn't seem to suffer from postpartum depression.

Although from the traditional point of view of China, Luo Ni is still in confinement at present, if it is not taken care of well, it will be the root of the disease for a lifetime.

But there is no need to pay special attention, as long as you follow the doctor's instructions, there will be no major problems.

At this time, Luo Quan also bought a ticket to return home.

After staying in the United States for three months, most of the time was spent at home to pay for my mother.

Now that the mother and daughter are safe, she is relieved.

There's a lot to do in the new year, and the next time I'm back in the US should be summer.

When Leon helped her carry the luggage when she was leaving, her parents didn't show any special expressions of reluctance. After all, each of them has a career, and it's normal to separate more and get together less.

On the other hand, probably because of Luoxi, most of the attention was on the youngest daughter.

It was another half-day flight, and when Luo Quan arrived, it happened to be the morning of the [-]th Beijing time.

Overseas New Year's Eve activities are very powerful. In the early hours of the 31st, New York is full of people taking to the streets to revel, and Times Square is full of dense crowds of people.

But later, because the sound of the motorcycle engine starting was mistaken for gunshots, the carnival turned into a riot. Many people were trampled and injured, and it was on the hot search the next day.

In comparison, although Huaxia also celebrates New Year's Day, young people also go out to party.

However, the government has strict control over large-scale gatherings. If there is no report, the organizers will be detained. Therefore, there are not many such large-scale carnival activities on the New Year's Eve night, and they are relatively orderly, without any trouble.

Besides, Huaxia has not yet reached the time for the real Chinese New Year, and it is not as happy as it is now.

But speaking of it, in the past few years, the atmosphere of Chinese New Year in Huaxia is not as strong as it was more than ten years ago.

Not only is the quality of the Spring Festival Gala continuing to decline, it is also related to the prohibition of setting off fireworks.

Is the Spring Festival without firecrackers and fireworks still called the Spring Festival?
I guess everyone has the answer to this question.

The rehearsals for the Spring Festival Gala have also started, but when he was campaigning for the program, Luo Quan couldn't get away from the United States, so he missed it. This year, he can only be an audience in front of the screen.

Fortunately, it's easier this way, and you don't have to go to the rehearsal with high mental tension.

During that time last year, to be honest, it really made her feel very uncomfortable. She lost a lot of hair, but she already had a lot of hair, so no one noticed it.

The first thing after returning to China is to go to the company to inspect and guide the work.

The series of "Azeroth" has come out to the fifth episode.

At the end of the last episode, after his eldest brother left, Illidan boldly confessed to Tyrande, but was ruthlessly rejected.

Frustrated in love, Illidan turned into grief and anger, and released all his anger on the Burning Legion.

However, because the enemy was too strong and his command was too reckless, resulting in heavy casualties among his mages, he was dismissed from his position.

Under the double blow, Illidan thought that this would not save Azeroth and the night elves, so he decided to surrender to the Burning Legion.

The new fifth episode picks up where the previous episode left off.

Illidan's surrender made the Lord of the Burning Legion finally appear, he is the fallen titan Sargeras.

Satisfied with Illidan's surrender, the mightiest of the Titans granted him fel power from the other side of the Dark Portal but also destroyed his eyes.

Illidan, who has obtained fel energy, has greatly increased his strength, but at the same time he has clearly seen the power of the Burning Legion, which also made him start to plan how to completely destroy the Burning Legion and save Azeroth.

At this point, the plot has ushered in a small climax.

Especially when Illidan transformed into a demon hunter, because of the bursting special effects, Illidan's new look is so handsome that it exploded, and it directly became the second most searched on Twitter, with more than 50 related tweets.

For Twitter, which has always been the home of entertainment or international politics, it is very rare for a virtual character to have such a large following.

The last virtual character to have this level of popularity was Tifa Lockhart, who, coincidentally, is also a character owned by Blizzard Studios.

Many fans of Two Chefs appealed on Twitter to let Blizzard make an action game with Illidan as the main character. With so many fans around the world, it will definitely be a hit.

For such an idea, Luo Quan tweeted that the game is indeed already in progress.

All the games were overjoyed, thinking that another next-generation masterpiece was coming.

But they didn't expect that Luo Quan only spoke half of what he said.

The game is indeed being made, but the protagonist of the game is not Illidan, but every player who plays the game.

No one would have imagined what kind of great work they would get next.

The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. Recently, Blizzard Studios is making animations and developing new games at the same time. Everyone works hard. After Luo Quan came to inspect this time, he also told everyone about welfare.

The first is the expansion of the company's office building.

Now the Blizzard studio has expanded to more than 790 people. Because the company has a limited area, quite a few of them work from home.

Luo Quan came here this time mainly because he wanted to rent another floor.

The second is the matter of food. I heard Li Jiang's reaction a while ago, saying that the big guys usually eat takeaway, which is not good for the body in the long run.

The problem is easy to solve, just outsource a catering team directly, and then convert part of the rented second floor into a kitchen.

Boss Luo emphasized to Manager Li that the employee's diet is the company's top priority, and only when they are full can they have energy to do their work well.

Boss Luo also pointed out that in addition to nutrition, the canteen must not ignore the taste. The menu must be changed frequently to ensure that the dishes are delicious and delicious.

In the end, Boss Luo said in an encouraging tone: "With everyone's unremitting efforts, Blizzard Studios will eventually become the best game studio on Earth."

After several promises were made, the enthusiastic employees shouted that the boss was wise.

Then Luo Quan asked if there were any other requests. While she was in the company now, she could speak freely, although not all of them could be fulfilled.

The boss said so, and the employees were honest and blunt. Dozens of them stood up immediately, holding pens and paper, and wanted her autograph.

She is not only the boss, but also an international superstar. There are many young people in the staff, and naturally many of them are fans.

She hadn't done the signing for a long time, but this time she didn't reject the enthusiasm of the fans and employees, and signed them one by one on A4 paper or notebooks.

After finishing everything, Luo Quan left the company under the enthusiastic eyes of the employees.

"It's sweaty." After leaving the building, Luo Quan tugged at his vest which was already wet with sweat.

This was the first time she had spoken to the employees as a company leader, and it made her very nervous.

However, the process went smoothly, and the employees responded very well, and the company atmosphere was quite harmonious.

In fact, it's normal, after all, Blizzard Studio's treatment is one of the best in the industry, and her boss is capable and beautiful, so it's strange if the atmosphere is not good.

To be honest, Luo Quan himself never imagined that one day he would become the boss of such a big company, and it seemed that he was only one step away from being a domineering president.

But the domineering president is in a suit and leather shoes, and he has to comb his hair back.

She is a woman, and this outfit feels a little out of place.

In my impression, the general look of a female president seems to be eyes, Ol, black silk suspenders......

"Huh~~" Luo Quan couldn't help shivering, feeling that this look was too outrageous.

Although she is wearing swimsuits, she still has some psychological barriers to these special looks.

Probably because the classic shapes of some Japanese movies are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, such a domineering president is actually a product of YY in the novel.

In reality, not many of these bosses walk around in suits all day long.

Most of them are wearing casual clothes, and the richer they are, the more ordinary they look.

Of course, it just looks ordinary. If you really want to understand the price, in fact, ordinary people still can't afford it.

After leaving the company, Luo Quan went back to Tan Gong's home.

Ai Wei, Su Yu and Lan Xuan have been living here, but these three are the kind who don't work hard.I don't know much about housework, so I have to hire a cleaning company for cleaning.

Luo Quan didn't inform anyone when he came back this time. When the door opened, he happened to see Su Yu doing yoga on the floor.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now at first glance, it turns out that she is quite predictable. The yoga clothes outline a rather round curve.

In the words of the older generation: This girl looks like a good child.

"Where are you doing yoga?" Luo Quan came in with a suitcase and greeted him softly.

"Oh, boss!" Hearing the voice, Su Yu knew it was the boss who came back without even looking back.

However, the body also lost its balance and fell forward.

"I didn't realize you have such a good figure, and your yoga is pretty standard." Luo Quan joked with a smile.

Su Yu blushed slightly and explained: "I used to learn folk dance, so my body coordination is not bad, but after I became an actor, I didn't practice much. I just used yoga to maintain my shape."

At this time, Ai Wei, who was cooking in the kitchen, also poked her head out, and when she saw Luo Quan, her eyes turned into crescent bays with a smile.

Ai Wei has been studying and performing in Europe a while ago, and she just came back not long ago, and I heard that she has gained a lot.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan glanced curiously.

"Lunch, instant noodles." Ivy replied in the kitchen.

Luo Quan frowned: "Why do you only eat this at noon, why not order takeaway."

Su Yu chuckled: "Her one is not ordinary. It is a luxurious version of instant noodles with chicken legs, shrimps, fish board, beef, vegetables, and ham. It is nutritious."

"Yes, boss, do you think I'm the kind of person who will make do with it?" Ivy said, holding out a large bowl of instant noodles, tomato and egg soup base, and various ingredients.

For this pot of meat, a certain chef has been making seasoning packets for a year.

Luo Quan smiled: "You still know how to play, eating instant noodles will give you the momentum of a full banquet."

"I can't help it. If I had such good craftsmanship as you, boss, why would I need to do so much work on instant noodles?" Ivy looked very helpless, and the first bite she took when she sat down was the big chicken leg.

At this time, Lan Xuan also came down from upstairs, but he looked a little haggard.

"What's the matter, are you sick?" Luo Quan walked up and asked with concern.

"I caught a cold." Lan Xuan squeezed out a smile, "Last night I felt a little uncomfortable, but I got better after taking the medicine."

Luo Quan sighed: "It's cold in winter, so don't go out for a run. You guys are not low now. It's someone else who runs around instead. You just sit at home and wait for the announcement to come to your door."

"Boss, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not." Ivy sighed, hesitated.

At this time, both Lan Xuan and Su Yu's expressions were a little unnatural.

"Do you have something to hide from me?" Luo Quan looked at Lan Xuan, it seemed that there was something hidden, and he told me what was going on. "

"Just a few days ago, I recorded a reality show variety show on Blue Ocean Satellite TV. Su Yu was a flying guest, and he insisted on playing games in the swimming pool in winter.

Although it was heated water, it was cold.

Su Yu got cramps not long after going down, Lan Xuan immediately jumped down to save others when he saw something was wrong, Su Yu was fine, and Lan Xuan caught a cold. "Lan Xuan was the one who picked up the two of them back then, and he knew what happened very well, so he poured beans out of a bamboo tube.

"Why did you hide this matter? It's not your fault?" Luo Quan's face has become very ugly, but it's not because of Lan Xuan and Su Yu, but because of this outrageous program group.

Going into the water to shoot variety shows in the winter, this is the plan that Nima came up with, don't take the artist's body seriously, right?

"Why didn't I see any news on the Internet? It stands to reason that this is considered a recording accident." Luo Quan was a little annoyed, "Which program group is it? Tell me, and I'll ask you guys for an explanation."

Su Yu looked at Luo Quan timidly: "The director said this is the effect of the program..."

She was mainly afraid that the boss would offend others because of this, so she dared not tell her.

"Program effect?" Luo Quan sneered, "I'll let him see what a program effect is today."

(End of this chapter)

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