Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 621 Alignment

Chapter 621 Alignment
I haven't used Weibo for a long time, and I didn't expect to open it many times.

The last time was to teach beauty makeup to female fans on Weibo, this time it was to ask Su Yu for an explanation.

"Without ten years of cerebral thrombosis, I can't think of activities such as going into the water to play games in winter. If I drown, I don't want to save people, so I'll do the show first, right?
I am here to talk directly to the director and planner of the program team of Blue Ocean Satellite TV's "Chasing It", may I ask if your brains are filled with tofu dregs or toilet cleaners, so that you come up with such a hellish job?
My family, Su Yu, has a good temper, so I didn't immediately pursue your program team's lack of protection, but you shamelessly said that it was the effect of the program.

If you want the effect of the show so much, why don't you go up by yourself?I think the wonderful journey of mentally handicapped directors and mentally handicapped planners is more interesting.

I want to spray you with elegance, but the brain circuits of the two god-destroyers are so stupid that they are just right, and what's even more outrageous is that they are stupid without knowing it, and they are exposed everywhere.

So much so that I don't know how to describe this behavior at all.

Thousands of words merged into two words, idiot.

But there is one thing to say, even if you are an idiot, you are still a fighting idiot among idiots! "

Since Luo Quan's debut, it was the first time she posted such a long article on Weibo to curse people.

Moreover, this was the first time she had used rude words, so it could be seen that she was really so angry that she was delirious.

However, this is not a particularly dirty swear word, the quality is quite high, not to mention every word, but it is definitely beating around the bush with a straight-forward spray.

In particular, Luo Quan's name-calling and surname trolling contains much more power than ordinary netizens trolling people.

After this article was published, the entry of "Luo Quan swearing at Luo Quan" immediately exploded on Weibo, and the number of comments exceeded [-] in the blink of an eye.

"My god, it's the first time I've seen people spraying so hard in Luoquan."

"One thing to say, one thing, it's a bit too much, if you don't look up and see you down, you should save some face."

"Is your ancestor's surname Maria? So tolerant."

"Let's see for yourself. Luo Quan said that Su Yu drowned and the program crew is still indifferent. If this is not scolded, who will be scolded?"

"I don't know the truth, so I don't want to comment, but Luo Quan's spray is really good, please give me a thumbs up."

"I used to think that Luo Quan was quite quiet, but I didn't expect him to be so ruthless when he started a fight."

"Quiet? After you ask the strong men who fell in her hands, think about whether she is quiet or not."


Because they didn't know exactly what happened, the comment section did not support him overwhelmingly. Most people were mainly surprised why Yu Luoquan reacted so strongly. She was not so excited when she was attacked by the navy.

Only Luo Quan knows about this problem. If I remember correctly in my previous life, it was a sports variety show on this satellite TV, and people were killed because of its intensity.

Luo Quan didn't know that Su Yu had accepted this variety show before, if he had known earlier, it would be impossible for her to participate no matter what.

Sure enough, he drowned when he went to shoot the first episode, and even made Lan Xuan sick.

Just like that, the official blog of the program group didn't even have a statement, thinking that their own satellite TV has a high ratings and don't treat ordinary stars as human beings, right?
Luo Quan is not afraid of this, no matter how tall you are, spray it first and then talk.

One stone can be said to stir up a thousand waves, and Luo Quan's fierce rhetoric was directly photographed on the face of the program crew.

Moreover, this is not only the face of the "Chasing" program group, but also the face of Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

There are very few celebrities who will tear themselves apart with a satellite TV, and there are even fewer who directly gossip like Luo Quan.

When the fans were watching the excitement, they were more worried that Luo Quan would offend Blue Ocean Satellite TV too hard this time, and there would be some trouble.

Sure enough, the program team of "Chasing" soon gave a response:

"The program group has always attached great importance to the safety of artists, because it is a high-intensity sports variety show, so professional security and medical personnel are always on the sidelines, and everyone can come to check at any time.

In addition, the swimming pool is indoors, and the water has been heated in advance, so as to ensure that the artists do not feel too uncomfortable.

However, the purpose of variety show planning is to allow artists to challenge their limits. Artists also greeted each other before participating, so I don't think we have any faults. "

This self-report directly picked up the responsibility and set off Luo Quan as a vexatious shrew.

But Luo Quan didn't start filming without any preparation, she only spoke after watching Lan Xuan's live video.

Now that the program team said this, they directly posted the video and attached a text: "Then you professionals probably have corns on their heads, such an obvious recording accident can be washed away, and idiots are not enough to describe you guys. Well, it should be called a beast."

In the video, Su Yu is heaving and falling in the swimming pool. It can be seen that his expression is quite uncomfortable, and the water in the swimming pool keeps submerging her head.

At this time, Lan Xuan was already saying: I feel like I'm drowning, can I stop and shoot again?

"Probably not, let's watch it later." This is the director's voice.

After a few seconds, Lan Xuan, who sensed something was wrong, didn't care so much, put down his phone and rushed into the swimming pool.

After grabbing Su Yu and dragging her ashore, no so-called professionals appeared, only a group of celebrities who recorded the show together pulled them up.

At this time, Su Yu also admitted in front of the camera that his feet cramped after entering the water, and he choked on a lot of water.

The video ends here, and it is already obvious which is right and which is wrong.

Under the angry scolding of netizens, the program team of "Chasing" deleted the blog at the speed of light and reposted an apology statement.

But the words are still evasive, never mentioning that this is due to negligence, just saying that Su Yu's unforeseen situation was not foreseen in time, and the rescue was not timely enough.

Subsequently, a large number of public relations trolls on the Internet began to clean up the ground again:

"Even if the program team made a mistake, point it out and correct it, and just apologize, it didn't cause any major problems anyway.

On the contrary, Luo Quan made a fuss over a molehill and his quality was extremely poor, which caused an uproar all over the Internet. "

Immediately afterwards, Blue Ocean Satellite TV also posted two Weibo articles, reposting the GQT article. The first article cleared up the network environment and improved the quality of netizens.

The second article prohibits bad artists from returning to the industry.

This is completely connoting Luo Quan, calling her insincere and a bad artist.

This made Luo Quan laugh out loud, you have to match up, right?

Just let the people who eat melons wait for 3 minutes, and Luo Quan's response came out.

"My cat and I miss your mom a lot.

Haha, I lied to you

I don't have a cat, and you don't have a mother. "

A blue gamma logo is attached below. It goes without saying who this logo refers to. It can be said to be clear at a glance.

After this response came out, the onlookers directly moved all the turtles—(turtles) couldn't hold back anymore.

This spray is almost level, not only scolded back, but the other side can't refute.

Because this icon or this satellite TV really doesn't have a mother, after all, did Luo Quan name someone by name this time?

But in the eyes of netizens, Luo Quan seems to be scolded by everyone this time.

However, Luo Quan was the first person who dared to directly criticize Blue Ocean Satellite TV as having no mother.

Now it is no longer a question of seeking justice for a certain person, but a battle of face between Luoquan and Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

The incident is so big that the number of Weibo views alone is quite [-] million. It is not an exaggeration to say that tens of millions of people besieged and shaken. Such a big show came at the beginning of the year, and everyone was quite satisfied with eating melons.

Both sides are prominent figures in their respective fields, and it is impossible to give in easily. If there is no accident, it is estimated that the fight will continue in the future.

Sure enough, Blue Ocean Satellite TV soon unilaterally announced that Su Yu did not meet the TV station's requirements for artists, and not only had to withdraw from the recording of "Chasing It" as a resident guest.

The previous three episodes of "Let's Run" were also coded.

Although it didn't say what exactly Su Yu didn't meet the requirements, but anyway, he didn't meet the requirements, so he was not allowed to appear on the Blue Ocean Satellite TV site.

As a top satellite TV, such efforts can be said to be quite large.

And for an actor, it will also cause considerable trouble, at least the exposure of TV variety shows.At least a quarter of the channels will be lost.

From here on, Luo Quan and Blue Ocean Satellite TV completely tore their skins apart and became enemies.

It can't be said that it is life and death, but it is absolutely impossible to apologize to each other to turn this matter over.

However, Luo Quan's response was slower than netizens imagined, and it took more than 40 minutes.

Everyone originally thought that Luo Quan had given up and didn't plan to fight anymore. After all, she was single and weak, and she might not be able to fight against an industry leader like Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

But I didn't expect that Luo Quan would give Blue Sea Satellite TV a big one this time.

"I have unilaterally blocked Blue Ocean TV here, and all my audio resources will no longer be authorized. All previous copyright fees will be refunded according to the remaining time limit. I also ask Blue Ocean Satellite TV to immediately delete all program clips that appear in my audio resources.

Let me count here, mainly including "Blue and White Porcelain", "Nocturne", and "Flammable and Explosive" which were sung at the 2019 New Year's Eve party.

2018 New Year's Eve Concert: "My Heart Will Go On", "LIsten"

The fourth season of "Song of China": some
Season [-] "Song of China": some
The third season "Let's Run": "Canon", "To Alice", "Wedding March", etc., as well as some electronic music I wrote for my brother.

In addition, there are some pure music in "Big vs. Big".

…………………… "

This list is like a list of dish names, almost including all the popular variety shows of Blue Ocean TV.

Among them, "Song of China" and "Let's Run" are the top echelons in the national variety show.

Because of the top level, high-quality songs are used, and Luoquan is the focus of attention.

This time the copyright was withdrawn, which was a drastic move. Not only did it give a strong response, but it also showed its own strength very arrogantly.

Ordinary netizens themselves did not expect that so many of the melodious BGMs in these popular variety shows are the works of Luo Quan, and they are all produced by one person, and one can be the master.

Not to mention the copyright of these songs, she took it back as soon as she said it would be accepted.

The main reason is that because Luo Quan cherishes feathers more, the contracts signed with others all state in advance that if she encounters a situation, she can refund and take back the copyright.

It was originally aimed at those foreign companies that might humiliate H, but because she was too lazy to write another one, all the licensing contracts were a template, and they all had this clause.

As a result, the humiliation was not encountered, but was first used on one of my own people.

Qian Luoquan, who received the refund, had already contacted Blue Ocean Satellite TV and called back directly, leaving no room for maneuver.

Blue Ocean Satellite TV is also stubborn, saying that it will delete it as soon as possible.

Luo Quan didn't save any face for it, and posted again: "I'll give you 24 hours, if you see my song again at this time tomorrow, I'll see you in court."


The highly praised comments in the Weibo comment area are often so concise.

"If you're really awesome, being able to compete with Blue Ocean Satellite TV to this point is already considered a victory."

"Only Luo Quan can do this. There hasn't been a single black spot since his debut. Even if Blue Ocean Satellite TV wants to take revenge, there is probably no way."

"Revenge? Let's think about what to do next for those stars who cover Luoquan songs. Without the "Famous Song", the traffic will plummet."

"Lanhai Satellite TV probably didn't expect there to be so many Luo Quan's songs, and they all appeared in the highlight moments of popular variety shows. The impact of this deletion is really great."

"I feel that Luo Quan is still a little impulsive, there is no need to be so impulsive."

"Luo Quan responded again, saying that I simply didn't want to give the song to too many people for misuse, and it wasn't at all emotional, but just to seek justice for Su Yu and Lan Xuan."

"Do you believe this? I believe it anyway."


Not many people believe this kind of words. The woman said that I am not angry, but I am really not angry.

That's what the duplicity said, it's nothing more than Luo Quan being a good boy when he got a bargain.

But after all, she is the one who is reasonable, and apart from being a bit merciless in scolding, there is nothing wrong with her operation.

After all, the copyright of the song is in her hands, and it is not a matter of whether to use it or not.

In addition, this can be regarded as a reminder to other TV stations who have used Luoquange, it is best not to make her unhappy.

She doesn't care about the money, but she only needs to say one word, and the popular variety shows on your TV stations will obediently be taken off the shelves and deleted by me. The initiative is in her hands.

So far, Luoquan can be said to have won a complete victory.

Although Blue Ocean Satellite TV never apologized to Su Yu from the beginning to the end, Luo Quan's series of actions definitely made her angry.

On Weibo, many of Su Yu's female fans also sighed: It's great to have a boss who protects the calf like Luo Quan.

Because of this, Su Yu was also searched several times, and his attention increased a lot.

It was supposed to be over here.

However, the subsequent operation of the "Chasing" program group made it and the Blue Ocean Satellite TV behind it completely nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of China TV.

(End of this chapter)

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