Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 622 Accident

Chapter 622 Accident
"Ai Yang's life is in danger!"

At 02:30 in the middle of the night, there were trending searches starting with the word "explosion" on Weibo.

Even though many young people now like to stay up late, most people have already fallen asleep at this point.

But even so, there is still such enthusiasm, mainly because the sudden bad news is too shocking.

Ai Yang is a first-line male artist in China. He has been selected as one of the top [-] most handsome faces in the world. Although he is almost forty, he has always acted like a young man full of energy on the big screen.

In addition, he has excellent acting skills and is very handsome and manly, so he has quite a lot of fans.

But what his fans didn't expect was that his idol was on the trending list in this way.

According to the few words from the audience at the scene, it can be known that Ai Yang had a problem when filming the variety show, and stopped breathing while running.

Fortunately, the doctors and nurses of the program group went to the rescue immediately, and then they were sent to the hospital immediately.

Later, the doctor on duty at the hospital broke the news, saying that the patient was in a very bad condition when he was sent, and that half of his foot had already passed the gate of hell, and he would be admitted after a while.

After being sent to the emergency room, what happened next is not yet known.

However, if you read the news carefully, you can see that the program group that had problems is the variety show "Chasing" that Luo Quan had a quarrel with during the day.

But this program group seems to be spending money to suppress the popularity, and the news mentioning their names was deleted not long after.

Including these relatively obscure revelations have also been targeted.

However, it was impossible to suppress such a big matter, and soon it completely detonated the entire network, even more violent than Luoquan's line-up with Blue Ocean Satellite TV during the day.

The words "Ai Yang's life is dying" appeared on almost all social networking platforms.

In the middle of the night, the amount of discussion was still overwhelming.

After all, Luoquan was seeking justice for Su Yu during the day, and Su Yu himself didn't have any major problems, and it wasn't that shocking.

As for Ai Yang, he was literally dying, and the seriousness of the two should not be confused.

In short, although Blue Ocean Satellite TV is desperately trying to suppress the popularity, under the hundreds of millions of discussions, the relevant news still dominates the top ten Weibo searches.

The next morning when Luo Quan found out about this, she never had the habit of staying up late at night, she always went to bed very early.

When I opened Weibo and saw the news of Blue Ocean Satellite TV apologizing, I thought that this group of people had found out their conscience, but when I moved my eyes down, I realized that it was not.

"Ai Yang suffered sudden cardiac death!"

"I don't know about Ai Yang's situation yet."

"I pray for Ai Yang, and hope that he can turn the crisis into safety."

"Ai Yang may experience brain death."

"Damn Blue Ocean Satellite TV!"

"Is this a variety show that people can film?"

"Luo Quan scolded lightly."

The top ten are all related hot searches, and you can basically understand the general idea after a quick glance.

At two o'clock in the morning, Ai Yang, a flying guest who was recording a variety show in "Chasing", suffered sudden cardiac death due to too much exercise. Although defibrillation and artificial respiration were performed in time, there was still no optimistic news after being sent to the hospital Pass it out.

In the morning, the mobile phone videos of the audience and fans at the shooting site were also released.

When Ai Yang fell to the ground, the director still didn't yell cut immediately, probably because he thought the program effect was coming.

Fortunately, the audience soon became anxious and shouted for the doctor.

It can only be said that fortunately Luo Quan had a big fight with the program crew during the day. In order to cope with the inspections of netizens, the director temporarily arranged several professional doctors and emergency equipment.

It was originally intended to show the fans a cutscene.

Unexpectedly, it really worked. If the program team hadn't invited a doctor, Ai Yang probably would have confessed.

However, when such a situation occurred, Blue Ocean Satellite TV did not think of apologizing at the first time, but asked the on-site welcome to delete the video, and then suppressed the popularity of related news on the Internet.

This practice of digging one's own grave is naturally sprayed bloody by the majority of netizens.

Luo Quan considered his image yesterday, so although he was ruthless, he was still relatively civilized.

But this time the netizens were out of anger, and the words they scolded were so stinky, they directly centered on mom and spread to all relatives and friends.

However, it is also understandable that the netizens are excited. After all, Blue Ocean Satellite TV and the "Chasing" program group really have nothing to do.

Some people say that it is not good to call a doctor.

That would be too funny, because it could be said that this doctor was sprayed out by Luo Quan.

Without Luo Quan's director and planner of "Chasing" on the Internet, it is estimated that the doctors in the program group are still a bunch of idlers who can't do anything.

If Ai Yang survived, he should really thank Luo Quan in the future.

As for Blue Ocean Satellite TV, under the pressure of huge public opinion, they finally issued an extremely sincere letter of apology.

This time there is no blame, mainly because there is no blame to blame, you can't say that Ai Yang's physique is not good, can you?
Ai Yang is a big man of 1.8 meters, a strong man who exercises in the gym every day, and his body is definitely much better than ordinary people.

In addition to apologizing, Blue Ocean Satellite TV also expressed that it would pay attention to Ai Yang's condition and try its best to provide help.

However, the publication of this letter of apology did not improve the situation of Satellite TV. Instead, it allowed netizens to find an outlet for their emotions, and all the abuse was concentrated in one place.

Soon, the outrageously planned videos of "Let's Chase" were exposed one by one.

In order to pursue the artist's limit, the program group set up a lot of difficult levels.

For example, speed climbing a [-]-meter building, rock climbing, [-]-meter butterfly stroke, and so on.

There are many professional athletes among the contestants, and even retired Olympic champions.

But even so, they were all exhausted and almost exhausted.

The "game" part of the accident this time was a timed long-distance run around the amusement park.

Two days in the morning, with the cold of a few degrees, I ran long-distance running in the program system that was not too warm.

Even triathlons don't do this, so it would be strange if nothing happened.

There is nothing to say, and the netizens directly sent a plaque to Blue Ocean Satellite TV saying "Human life is ignored".

After being scolded for more than ten hours, Blue Ocean Satellite TV finally received good news.

After intense rescue efforts, Ai Yang was finally out of danger.

Because the first aid was obtained in a timely manner, there were no sequelae.

However, it is certain that the vitality will be seriously injured, and it is probably impossible to imagine exercising like before in a year or two.

There may be no problem with the body, but the shadow in the heart will be difficult to overcome.

The news that Ai Yang turned from danger to safety also made the netizens who were worried about him breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this does not mean that Blue Ocean Satellite TV will be free from criticism, and the shattered word-of-mouth cannot be recovered. This can be seen from the nearly halved ratings that day.

In the afternoon, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast.

The first sentence at the beginning of the broadcast: "Yesterday, some people said that I was hypocritical and delicate. Now you can see that the planning of this program is full of brains, and this kind of thing is completely tormenting people.

Some people use Japanese variety shows as an example. They use self-destructive images to make fun of them. Although it is indeed disgusting, few of them are life-threatening.

Either way, I don't recommend it. "

"Someone at Station B gave you a nickname, Undefeated God of War."

"Yes, I also said that you never fight against the wind."

A fan joked in the barrage.

She also knows the nickname Undefeated God of War. It was a video made by an up host in the Tucao area last night, saying that she has never lost a match against anyone since her debut.

Either the opponent was defeated by Luo Quan head-on, or his black material was exposed and then fell.

It's really outrageous not to lose once. I feel that Luo Quan is like the son of destiny, with a B of luck.

Of course, looking at this kind of thing ideally, Luo Quan's luck has always been overwhelming.

From a practical point of view, it also shows that she really has no black material, and every time she makes trouble, she is indeed on the opposite side.

One thing to say, there are really not many girls like her who are genuine and not unreasonable. The key is that she is so beautiful, she simply cherishes animals.

Uh... Maybe it's not an accurate description, but it's just a compliment to her.

After reading up's praise, Luo Quan thought it was weird, but it was quite useful.

Facts have also proved that many unrighteous deeds will lead to self-death, and one good deed every day will accumulate great virtue.

Although Luo Quan can't talk about doing good deeds every day, he has been donating money for so long. Although he didn't provide on-the-spot support like many celebrities, the money donated is not a small amount.

This intention is there, so she thinks it is normal to have the current reputation.

As for not fighting against the wind, it is entirely because she is reasonable.

Now that the turmoil that belongs to her is suspended, after the live broadcast is turned on, the ugly crowd will naturally recede.

She taunted some sunspots, and no one would blame her this time.

But Blue Ocean Satellite TV is not so comfortable.

Because of the plummeting ratings and the explosion of word-of-mouth, netizens all over the Internet are boycotting, and many celebrities are also posting complaints about the outrageous treatment they received on Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

For a while, it felt like the wall was falling and everyone was pushing.

And capital is often the most sensitive and efficient one.

Considering that Blue Ocean Satellite TV's current reputation is so hip, for the sake of its own brand image, it directly terminated the contract.

The first wave of contract terminations was variety show commercials. The commercials on TV have not been so fast, but if it continues like this, it probably won't be too long.

Of course, a TV station of this size would not completely close down because of a recording accident. Even if it did, the country would not be able to sit idly by.

But from top to bottom, Blue Ocean Satellite TV probably won't be able to pass a year of peace of mind.

GQT also posted an article asking what went wrong with Blue Ocean Satellite TV's operations. The words were harsher, and it is estimated that the higher-ups couldn't stand it anymore.

In a few days, the management of Blue Ocean Satellite TV should undergo a major shake-up.

In this series of upsurges of public opinion, it seems that there is no real winner.

Luo Quan refunded the money to Su Yu to seek justice, but it was also considered killing three thousand enemies and self-defeating eighty.

He gained the upper hand in face, but in fact, he didn't gain any benefits.

Su Yu was a little better and got a lot of sympathy from netizens.

As for Ai Yang, his life was saved, but after such a big incident, it is hard to say whether his future career can continue to develop as usual.

As for Blue Ocean Satellite TV, it was completely shattered and belonged to the biggest loser.

In fact, this incident is a revelation to the entire Huaxia entertainment industry.

For netizens, it revealed a fact.

That is the big shop bullying customers and the National Taiwan University bullying people.

Blue Ocean Satellite TV is definitely not the only TV station that dares to manipulate public opinion in this way and fool ordinary people into fools.

There must be no less black material in the other big stations than it, but because no one like Luo Quan came out to scold, and there was no big problem like Ai Yang.

So it looks harmonious, but in fact, what kind of corruption is inside, only these people know in their own hearts.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Luo Quan.

In the past, she had a lofty desire to change the general environment. Later, when she saw the status quo of the Internet, she thought to herself, what's the use of changing it? Don't everyone like it.

It's better to spend more time and make more money. The more you earn, the more you donate to poor mountainous areas, which is a double benefit.

Now she is doing her own business with peace of mind, as long as no one comes to provoke her or the people around her, it doesn't matter to her how bad you are, anyway, paper can't cover fire, and sooner or later there will be a day of revealing .

This kind of thinking is a bit selfish, but in fact it is beyond reproach. Not everyone has the mentality of a saint who can help the world.

Luo Quan never felt that she was a saint, nor did she have the ability to help the world.

She is of course willing to speak up for the injustice, and even offend all stakeholders.

But it's unrealistic for her to take the initiative to investigate and expose. These are the affairs of the police, and she doesn't need to join in the fun.

A day later, Ai Yang was transferred from the intensive care observation room to the general ward, and countless journalists who couldn't wait rushed to the hospital to get more detailed information.

In fact, in the past few days, the Internet has already picked up the incident quite clearly. It was the director who killed himself and made the artists exercise vigorously in the middle of the night.

Ai Yang is tall, and long-distance running puts a lot of pressure on the heart, so this happened.

In fact, this has nothing to do with physical fitness. Anyone can appear in this situation.

The program team must bear the main responsibility, and Ai Yang's luck is also slightly worse.

And when the reporters asked Ai Yang how to evaluate Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

Ai Yang seemed a little embarrassed.

Obviously the shape of the mouth is like wanting to be a mother but not stopping. After all, there are so many reporters here, so they are really scolding. It is probably the same result as Luo Quan.

Although he is not bad in popularity, after all, there are not so many works broadcast on Blue Sea Channel, and there is no big problem with people now, so there is no need to offend people.

Of course, compensation is a must. If Blue Ocean Satellite TV wants to settle down, it will probably have to pay a lot of money.

In addition, there must be an apology that should be given.

On Luoquan's side, he didn't miss the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, and directly posted on Weibo again: "Now the truth is out, there is indeed a problem with the program group, the design is not good.

So, can you apologize to Su Yu too? "

It's a pity that Blue Ocean Satellite TV still chose to die hard at Luoquan, and there was no response.

Belonging is a road that goes dark.

(End of this chapter)

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