Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 623 New Work

Chapter 623 New Work
A tree without bark is bound to die.

Without morals, anything is possible.

It's all about this, Blue Ocean Satellite TV's apology to Luo Quan is meaningless, the withdrawn copyright can't be bought back, and the bad reputation won't improve.

Simply, it was cold-processed directly.

Of course, treating Luo Quan's speech coldly does not mean doing nothing.

Those BGMs on variety shows still need to be dealt with. In most cases, other stars are warned by lawyers, and they may not win the lawsuit.

Luo Quan is serious, and this kind of copyright dispute in black and white is a verdict.

"A large number of variety shows on Blue Ocean TV have been edited!"

The next morning, the news appeared on the hot search.

The people who have been following the dispute between Luoquan and Blue Ocean Satellite TV have been unable to find these variety shows since last night, and they appeared again the next morning, but in many places there is no sound or no picture at all.

This shows that although Blue Ocean TV has a hard mouth and refuses to apologize, its body is still very honest, and it still stays up all night to catch up on editing.

It also caused a wave of ridicule.

Of course, for Blue Sea Satellite TV, Luoquan's side is not a big deal.

On the other hand, because of Ai Yang, the reputation of Satellite TV has suffered a devastating blow, advertising sponsorships have been canceled one after another, and many stars have even announced the suspension of recording in variety shows.

He said he was feeling unwell, but no one knew that he simply wanted to hide from the limelight and didn't intend to stand with Blue Ocean Satellite TV through thick and thin.

But it's normal, although many of the celebrities here became popular in the variety shows of Blue Ocean TV.

But not everyone is willing to share weal and woe with a satellite TV. If they are willing to come out and say a few words for you, and persuade netizens to be forgiving and forgiving, it is enough justice.

The key to this matter actually lies in Ai Yang.

After being discharged from the hospital, he himself did not say anything on social media.

Although Blue Ocean Satellite TV paid the money, it was just to keep Ai Yang from pursuing responsibility.

If you want him to come out to eliminate the anger of the public, this amount of money is not enough.

After all, my life was almost taken away by Blue Sea Satellite TV, even if it's too much for a lion to open his mouth now.

Blue Ocean Satellite TV also didn't want to procrastinate, and before Ai Yang could offer a price, they brought the camera crew to the door for a wave of filming in the name of condolences.

In the camera, Ai Yang warmly received the deputy director of Blue Ocean Satellite TV and the deputy director of the "Chasing" program group.

The assistant director sincerely apologized to Ai Yang and told about the negligence of the program team, hoping that Ai Yang would not take it to heart.

This is the picture in the camera, what happened outside the camera is unknown.

It is estimated that quite a lot of resources were promised, because after the video was broadcast, Ai Yang posted on Weibo immediately:

"There was an accident during the recording of the program this time. Apart from the fact that I did a lot of exercise, on the other hand, I overestimated my physical strength and kept being the leader under the competitive spirit.

If it wasn't so hard, there shouldn't be any problems.

Fortunately, the first aid measures of the program group were in place, and I was able to survive. The doctors assigned by the program group contributed a lot. Here I want to thank Dr. Li, you are my savior.

In addition, in this incident, the program team and satellite TV were very concerned and sincere to me. They also promised that they would not make such mistakes again in the future, and would use more scientific and reasonable planning to create better works to present to everyone.

Therefore, I also hope that netizens can give them a chance to reform themselves, with less abuse and more supervision, so that Blue Ocean Satellite TV will become better and better under our witness. "

The article airborne is the most popular search, and with Ai Yang's current traffic, it's hard to say whether he bought it or not.

But this public relations article is definitely the best of the year. It has considered all aspects, said soft words, and expressed a clear attitude. It is simply a model article in a public relations article.

Ai Yang did not whitewash Blue Ocean Satellite TV, but took part of the responsibility as a victim, and then acted with reason and affection, calling on netizens to stop attacking Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

Combined with the highly praised cooperative comments below, it can be said to have a pretty good cleansing effect.

However, the only person not mentioned in the article is Luo Quan.

This is also a point that some netizens are relatively dissatisfied with.

Of course, it wasn't dissatisfaction with Ai Yang, but dissatisfaction with Blue Ocean Satellite TV's approach to Luo Quan.

It was all an accident during the recording, why did Su Yu not move at all, just because Su Yu was not sent to the hospital?
But there is no other way, after all, the two sides have nothing to do with each other now, even if they don't apologize, there is nothing they can do with Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

As for Ai Yang's choice, there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, he is an artist, so he must think about his career. Blue Ocean Satellite TV is willing to exchange so many resources, and he has no reason to refuse.

Now that the person concerned is not being held accountable, the netizens will not be motivated to continue to spray it, so the upsurge of public opinion that lasted for three days has finally subsided.

Luo Quan took a look at the situation, and gave up the idea of ​​posting yin and yang on Weibo again.

Since it doesn't matter, then I will take my Yangguan Road and you will take your single-plank bridge from now on.

She continued to hold on to it, which made her look like a small belly.

That was the end of the matter, and the unwell stars quickly recovered and returned to recording.

Many of the endorsements who ran away just made an announcement, and the contract was basically still there. It was nothing more than another announcement announcing their return.

Nothing seems to have changed.

But at least the show "Let's Chase" is completely obsolete, because no star is willing to continue recording.

In the third episode, two stars had accidents, and one almost died. The accident rate was so high that no one would dare to record it.

What's more, being scolded by Luo Quan, the reputation of the show is also bad, and the number of broadcasts plummeted by 70.00%, and the remaining [-] are all scolding them.

It doesn't make any sense to record it any longer, so I just cut it off.

According to sources in Taiwan, Blue Ocean Satellite TV is planning a new variety show, and Ai Yang is a resident guest, which can be regarded as the first return.

In the evening, Luoquan broadcasted live, put on a clown mask, and sat on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, without saying a word.

"What a black cotton pantyhose with long legs, I'll lick them!"

"What kind of performance art session is it today?"

"Suggest that you're a clown."

"Haha, everyone is a clown."

"After all, after exchanging interests, we suddenly reconciled. We have been rushing for so many days."

"It's just a meal, and besides, it's not revenge for killing your father. (Funny)"


Everyone in the barrage is connoting. Although they didn't name them, they all know who they are talking about.

After posing for a while, Luo Quan also took off the clown's mask: "Don't talk about the past, I have a new look today, what do you think after seeing it?"

"Not so good, I want to see you cos professional OL l female."

"This clown mask is so ugly, are you planning to shoot the clown's return?"

"I think Luo Quan can make horror films, it's a professional counterpart."

"Dr. Hannie (red sweating)... My Dr. Hannie (drooling)... I want to be eaten by you."

"Where did the pervert come from, dare to rob me of my wife?"

"Double Eleven is over, why are there still so many Taobao members?"


After watching the barrage, Luo Quan said with a smile: "This is the look of a movie I'm going to shoot in the future. I'll give you a warm-up in advance. I'll play the female clown, and then I'll show you another acting show." feast."

"I recognize Luo Quan's acting skills, at the level of an Oscar queen."

"In two more months, the first Chinese Oscar queen will be born."

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet, don't worry."

"This one is not afraid of milk, Luo Quan's strength is there, and the [-]-minute performance can compete for the best film history."

"Didn't you say that there will be another clown coming soon? It feels like another acting award."

"Then I'm really looking forward to it, but I still hope that Luo Quan will give full play to its advantages and benefit fans more."

"lsp, but I agree."


"Oh, you've been thinking about this all day long, right?" Luo Quan glanced at the camera with contempt, and the rejection in his tone was obvious.

But I think that in the original movie, the protagonist does have a plot with his upper body naked and his back to the camera.

The thin body of the protagonist is used there, which creates a considerable visual impact, and is not suitable for being taken.

Luo Quan thought about it before, and felt that there was no need to delete it.

Anyway, only the back is exposed, and the front can't be photographed, so it doesn't matter much.

Therefore, the benefits that these fans are looking forward to may actually be seen, provided that the domestic department does not delete this place.

Of course, none of this can be said now, and it would not be a surprise to say it.

So in the face of fans' requests and questions, Luo Quan clearly denied it.

After the live broadcast, a question and answer about her appeared on Zhihu.

"Is the conflict between Luoquan and Blue Ocean Satellite TV over?"

Highlight answer:

"Of course not, it's just a superficial truce.

First of all, I declare that I am an iron fan of Luoquan, and I love her deeply and unswervingly.

However, no matter whether she is seen through the fan filter or not, she is not a big belly person, and it can even be said that she must be punished, and she is really a difficult woman to raise.

Since her debut, people who have conflicts with Luo Quan have basically suffered bad luck. She has never thought about such things as being forgiving and forgiving. If she doesn't make you completely unable to turn over, she is already showing mercy .

Although Blue Ocean Satellite TV's reputation has plummeted, the pressure of good public opinion is gone, and there is still a possibility of recovery by making a few more good programs in the future.

But Luo Quan made Satellite TV so embarrassed this time, it's impossible to pretend that it didn't happen. As long as there is a chance, he will definitely retaliate.

Of course, the same is true for Luoquan's side.

It's just that Luo Quan hasn't given anyone a chance yet, and her career as an artist is as perfect as her looks and works.

In other words, the virtue of an artist is her works, which are too good-looking. It is really difficult to knock her down from this aspect. "

After this answer came out, it received tens of thousands of likes.

It seems that he quite agrees with his so-called: Luoquan has a small belly, and he must pay for every grievance.

Except Luo Quan himself.

She also often goes to Zhihu, how can she pretend that she didn't see this kind of comment, and comment directly below:

"Am I as stingy as you say? It's completely nonsense, it's a slander against me!"

Obviously, this is a joking tone, but it is also an excuse for myself. After all, no one would be happy to see others say that they are stingy.

Although Luo Quan felt in his heart that she did have a little bit of it.

But even if it is true, it cannot be said, and it is still told to so many people.

Of course, everyone is actually looking at it as a joke.

After all, no one would really think that Luo Quan is a mean woman whose spirit is smaller than the tip of a needle.

Besides, even if it is, it doesn't matter, after all, she is so beautiful, and she can be forgiven for having such a small flaw.

Appearance is justice, which is the creed of many people.

Speaking of appearance, the world's largest appearance selection event ended in the early hours of the morning.

With an undisputed attitude, Luo Quan won the most beautiful face in the world in 2018 and achieved three consecutive championships.

Since the selection of the most beautiful face in the world began, it is the first time that she has won three consecutive championships. It is not too much to say that she is the most beautiful in history.

And the No.2 of the ranking was won by Carrie Lian, who is the second hottest this year, and it is also expected by everyone.

No.3 is the newcomer Angela. Her outstanding performance in "Frozen" made her pull a lot of votes in the final stage of the selection, jumping from sixth to third.

Although it is higher than everyone imagined, but now that Angela's popularity is so high, there are not many voices of doubt or opposition.

After all, as Luo Quan's younger sister, Angela's appearance is absolutely top-notch.

And she is only eighteen this year, so she still has a lot of room for development.

Luo Quan is from seventeen to nineteen, the longer the more beautiful.

Angela will definitely not be too far behind, and the future is definitely promising.

As for Luo Xi, who has the same father and mother as Luo Quan, netizens are also looking forward to it. Some good people even put Luo Xi's head on Luo Quan's head, which is even higher than the world's most beautiful, that is, the zeroth.

Many people believe that Luoxi will be more beautiful than Luoquan in the future.

However, it takes too long to wait to see the results. It will take at least six or seven years to see a rough idea.

And Luoquan, who won the world's most beautiful three consecutive championships here, was also the top trending search on Weibo for congratulations.

Luo Quan didn't think there would be such a big fight, and only after knowing about it did he know that TCC and Weibo had cooperated.

Now on Weibo, there is a permanent beauty ranking list.

(End of this chapter)

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