Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 624 Preparation Phase

Chapter 624 Preparation Phase
TCC has started to expand its business a long time ago. The first business is entertainment newspapers, but it has not been popular.

Recently, they have changed their strategy, that is, by relying on large social platforms such as Twitter and Weibo, they tell fans to hit the rankings.

However, it is still in the experimental stage, and Weibo is the first experimental field.

TCC and Weibo teamed up to create such a Chinese beauty ranking list.

The rankings for 2018's looks have been completed. China's top ten include Luo Quan, Su Yu, and Wen Xia. The current ranking on Weibo is for 2019.

When the most beautiful in the world is selected at the end of the year, the results on this list will account for a considerable proportion of the votes.

Taking advantage of Luoquan being voted the most beautiful in the world again, TCC issued a congratulatory message, and Weibo also helped arrange a trending search.

Under the combined effect of both sides, the popularity of Chinese stars' appearance became popular.

The name of the list is more clever, it is called the beauty list.

It looks like arranging the appearance of artists, but it's talking about popularity.

So if there are some older first-line artists who are not ranked well, it will not offend people.

Fans ranking their own idols is regarded as Weibo's traditional performing arts. It can be said that they are proficient in playing this set. The interface is so fancy that it looks quite influential.

In fact, it does have some influence. Is this list available at home and abroad? Many people pay attention to it. After all, who doesn’t like handsome men and beautiful women?

As the winner of the world's most beautiful three times, Luo Quan naturally became the number one on this China's list.

It doesn't even need fans to help make the rankings. The people who eat melons follow their true thoughts, one person, one vote, and Luo Quan rushes to the first place, faster than riding a rocket.

At this time, no one questioned that Luo Quan did not conform to the aesthetics of Chinese people, or that she was not a traditional oriental beauty.

As far as this appearance is concerned, it has nothing to do with nationality and race, it is just good-looking, and it belongs to the type that makes the body secrete dopamine (a hormone that makes people feel happy) just by looking at it.

This kind of beauty that makes people feel comfortable becomes the number one, which is definitely what everyone expects. It is not something that can be denied because it does not meet some people's aesthetics.

Besides, it's not that Luo Quan can't show the beauty of the East.

A while ago, I just took a set of portraits of Huadan, painted with oil paint, and put on Cifeng Que. No one would praise her for being a very handsome lady.

Especially the shy and coquettish eyes between the gestures of the hands and feet, which vividly reflected the graceful and weak temperament of the Chinese women.

In this era when traditional culture has been severely impacted by Western culture, girls like Luo Quan with ancient beauties are really not very common.

Of course, it can also be said that she has good acting skills. After all, when she usually broadcasts live, she can't see this kind of temperament at all, and she looks carefree like a tomboy.

But as long as you recognize the truth, you can give people this special feeling.

Others don't have the ability to build it seriously if they think about it.

After becoming the most beautiful in the world again this time, a group of fans ran to the comment area to ask Luo Quan for benefits confidently.

Luo Quan also wanted to laugh and let everyone praise her and pat Rainbow Fart.

It turned out that they were all for welfare, which made her a little puzzled.

Shouldn't she be given benefits?
Luo Quan posted this question in the feed, and was immediately ruthlessly refuted by netizens:

"Knowing that you like shiny jewelry, our fans crowdfunded [-] yuan to give you a [-]-carat diamond necklace, which is absolutely brilliant!
In exchange, can you have a black silk photo? "

1 yuan and [-] carats. I'm afraid it's not even a man-made diamond. It's probably the cheap rhinestone.

This is too childish, right?
For such remarks, Luo Quan refused without thinking.

Of course, it's not a matter of whether it's cheap or not, even if she was given a real diamond of [-] carats, she wouldn't make such an exchange.

Women love money and get it in a proper way.

So although the enthusiasm of the fans is quite high, Luo Quan can only pour cold water on them.

Luo Quan played for a few days after returning to China, and Wen Xia, who finished the New Year's Day tour, also brought Junzi and Yuner over to find her.

The few girls hadn't seen each other for a long time, and there were endless conversations and conversations, and the whole family suddenly became more lively.

Except for Lan Xuan, everyone in the room is now a well-known female artist in China, and basically has more than [-] million fans. If there is a live broadcast, the popularity will explode.

"Junzi, that Ye Kai didn't come to harass you again, did he?"

Luo Quan asked about Chunzi's situation, and the latter shook his head: "I haven't been here again. It is said that I found another female star and was secretly photographed, but both parties killed me and didn't recognize her."

"Look, this is the virtue of a rich man. They are all typical hipsters." Lan Xuan said disdainfully.

As a manager, especially Su Yu's manager, I have seen too many similar things.

When Su Yu was not popular before, she would receive calls from rich people almost every day who wanted to take care of her, which was extremely annoying.

It's not just the rich, in fact, everyone in this circle has this virtue.

There are a lot of men and women who don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but no one wants to speak out.

"Anyway, it's fine if I don't look for you again. If you encounter a similar situation in the future, just tell me and I will help you solve it." Luo Quan said this not only to Chunzi, but also to other artists in the company.

As an entertainment company full of beauties, it is estimated that similar situations will be encountered many times in the future, and some of them may not be able to be provoked by Junko and the others.

But it doesn't matter, as long as her boss can afford it, after all, as a boss, this is what she does.

When the girls heard Luo Quan's words, their eyes were filled with emotion.

A boss who does not follow the rules of the artist at all, and is always considerate and upholding the artist, is simply a cherished animal in this circle.

If Luo Quan knew what was going on in their hearts, each of them would be brain-dead.

Want to be unspoken by her?Where does such a good thing come from.

"By the way, do you two have a schedule for this month or two?" Luo Quan asked while looking at Wen Xia and Su Yu.

"I took on a movie and a TV series, both of which are big-name directors, and it's not easy to make plays, so I don't have a lot of time." Su Yu shook his head, "But if it's a cameo, I can still squeeze out some time here."

"That's okay, I just want you to play a cameo role, it won't take too much time." Luo Quan gestured ok, then looked at Wen Xia again.

"I'm too free, I have plenty of time." Wen Xia spread her hands, expressing that there is no problem at all.

"Why, have you become an old bacon so soon?" Luo Quan joked with a sarcasm on his face.

"You're an outdated old bacon!" Wen Xia gently pinched Luo Quan's soft paw on his waist, "It's just that the human design is undergoing transformation, and some fans have been lost, and then the marketing accounts on the Internet say I'm cold. angry.

I'll simply take a break and see what other tricks they can come up with. "

Luo Quan understood Wen Xia's meaning: "So you plan to develop silently, and then surprise everyone, right?"

"No, it's just a simple laziness, and I want to rest." Wen Xia said with a smile and looked at Luo Quan, "Why, you are only allowed to fish all day, and I am not allowed to give myself a vacation?"

Luo Quan said angrily: "Who took the fish? You don't know how hard I have worked in the second half of the year. I haven't broken many works, okay?"

She used to be lazy, but whoever said she was lazy in the past few months would be too heartless. It's a movie and an album. Which celebrity is as prolific as her?
"Okay, I know you've changed your gender." Wen Xia smiled helplessly, "But sometimes I'm quite envious of you, even if it's Lai's live broadcast, you can keep your popularity. I run around here every day to perform variety shows, and I still lose fans. .”

Luo Quan smiled and said: "It's normal, after all, you haven't completed the transformation from an idol to an actor, and if you don't have any works, you can only follow your fantasies.

Now that the country has issued a ban, idol auditions are no longer allowed, and there is no market for you as an idol mentor. Losing fans is a very reasonable thing.

As long as there are new works that can be sold later, your life will rise again and even reach a higher level. "

Wen Xia chuckled: "It's not that easy, idols are a career that eats youth..."

"I have an opportunity here. I will start shooting a new movie soon. The heroine in it is very suitable for you. Do you want to come?" Luo Quan said with a smirk.

Wen Xia looked at her friend curiously: "What kind of movie, what role should I play?"

"You are playing a brothel girl who has a very deep emotional entanglement with a man and a man and a second man. It is a test of acting skills, and the relationship needs to be in place..."

Before Luo Quan finished speaking, Wen Xia threw her to the ground, grabbing her itchy flesh with both hands.

"Okay, Luo Luo, let me act as a prostitute, right?" Wen Xia said fiercely, and poked Luo Quan's waist with two fingers on one side of both hands.

A strange electrical stimulation started from the side of the waist, spread along the back to the whole body, and then there was an uncontrollable smile.

Luo Quan was brought to tears by the sudden sneak attack.

Obviously, this part of the waist has been deliberately practiced, and it is often scratched to reduce the sensitivity, and there is no special feeling. Why do people still laugh when they touch it?

She couldn't figure it out, and now she didn't have the energy to figure it out.

After some fuss, Wen Xia got off Luo Quan's body. The latter's face was flushed, and he was lying on the sofa, breathing heavily, and his chest was surging.

"Listen to me, that's what her role is like, and she won't really arrange that kind of scene for you.

If this movie is to be released in China, the scale still needs to be grasped. You are not afraid of being banned, but I am afraid of being banned. " Luo Quan explained while panting.

Obviously, Wen Xia confused this role with a movie that was not released in China.

What is the name of the movie Ring? After the movie was released abroad, the heroine was banned, and it was not unblocked until recent years. It was really miserable.

This is what Wen Xia is worried about.

Of course, there are also some excuses, just to play tricks on Luo Quan's thoughts.

After all, she is probably the only one in the world who dares to do this, and she doesn't have to worry about being attacked by an iron fist.

Wen Xia nodded lightly: "If that's the case, that's okay. It doesn't matter if the pure character is a prostitute, but don't arrange any sex scenes for me."

Luo Quan stared at him: "Are you a professional actor, you got me here by playing big names, right?"

Wen Xia chuckled: "Anyone is qualified to say this, but you are not.

When will you perform a passionate scene on the big screen for everyone, like your brother and Carrie Lian, first dedicate yourself to the art of film and then talk about career or not. "

As soon as these words came out, Luo Quan fell silent.

After a while, he said: "If you don't act, you don't act, anyway, the country can't review it, and doing those things is a waste of money for blind people.

But don't blame me for not warning you beforehand.

This movie is a test of the actors' lines and acting skills. The few actors known so far are either veterans or capable.

If you act as a female lead, if you get blocked by then, you will be ridiculed by the fans. "

Wen Xia said proudly: "Stop looking down on people. You have been abroad for half a year. You don't know how fast my acting skills have improved. I was at the top of the school exam, okay?"

"Academics are all talking on paper, and you won't know if they are serious until you arrive at the scene." Luo Quan waved his hand, expressing his disbelief at all.

What level is her friend, can she still not know?
It's not that I haven't seen at least the TV series she acted in, at most it can be regarded as a passing level.

Talented, but untapped.

"I'm not allowed to get enlightened all of a sudden, right?" Wen Xia also guessed what Luo Quan was thinking, unconvinced, took out her phone and showed her a video.

This is her non-physical performance of her final exam, playing a woman whose joy turns into sorrow.

From the hearty laughter at the beginning to the sobbing at the end, one shot to the end, and the emotional changes are quite natural, and the expressions are also very layered. It is a pretty good performance and is very recognizable.

"Oh, not bad." After reading it, Luo Quan gave a positive evaluation.

It was indeed good, and from her point of view.

What does she look like now?
Anthony Hopkins possessed vision!

What an actor of this level says is good, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is quite good.

It seems that Wen Xia is indeed talented, and it has been developed for her in the past six months.

"Just good?" Wen Xia frowned, it seemed that she didn't hear the answer she wanted.

Luo Quan raised his chin: "You have to look at the situation. It's not bad, but it came out of the mouth of the Oscar-winning actress. Do you know how high the gold content is?"

Wen Xia was taken aback: "I didn't hear that you won the Best Actress?"

"There are still two months left, when the time is up, it's still in my pocket?" Luo Quan chuckled, expressing that he is bound to win the actress.

Wen Xia curled her lips: "Just set the flag, you are so confident in what you haven't got yet, and it will be too embarrassing if you don't get it by then."

"No ability." Luo Quan was so determined that even Trump came out.

Wen Xia didn't refute, mainly because there was no reason to refute, because Luo Quan had such strength.

(End of this chapter)

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