Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 625 Daily Records

Chapter 625 Daily Records
Although this time I came back to China to make a movie, but after all, the preparation time was relatively long, and G Electric did not send instructions.

Therefore, Luo Quan's task is relatively easy at present, mainly to find a few actors she likes to play the hero and heroine.

It is worth mentioning that one of the protagonist's staff, she is the director Jiang Wen who contacted actively.

This talented director who made "Let the Bullets Fly" actually made his debut as a film and television actor earlier, and his acting skills are quite superb, and he even won the Best Actor Award.

Let him play Duan Xiaolou, the effect is definitely not bad.

Director Jiang Wen also readily agreed to Luo Quan's invitation, but after reading the script, he said that he wanted to challenge "Concubine Yu", that is, the role of Cheng Dieyi.

Luo Quan imagined that such a nearly 1.8-meter-high man was wearing dandelion makeup on the stage and singing Farewell My Concubine.

This scene was simply too weird, and it had no aesthetic feeling at all, so Luo Quan immediately dismissed it.

The original words are: "Director Jiang, it's a pity that you have such a good body and don't play the Overlord, especially with your voice. Play who?"

It was half praise and half persuasion, which made director Jiang Wen give up this idea.

Unlike others, Director Jiang has high qualifications and a strong background in China's film and television industry. She is not an ordinary role that can be manipulated by her, so she should not be rigid in her words and actions, but must pay attention to her skills.

Speaking of old status, there is also a big-name actor in the play.

It was arranged by the higher-ups. Originally, they were afraid that Luo Quan would not have enough connections in the Huaxia circle and would not be able to hire a good actor, so they specially invited this person to help the poor with technology.

If Luo Quan played in person, her acting skills would not be able to support the movie.

However, her looks don't quite fit her in domestic movies, and that sense of disobedience cannot be eliminated by acting skills.

Therefore, we still have to find other actors.

And the one sent from above, called He You, won Cannes Best Actor, devoted himself to acting for decades, became a comedian, and also acted in dramas. Movies with him are quite guaranteed in quality.

What's interesting is that He You and director Jiang Wen have also worked together before, even in "Let the Bullets Fly", they can be regarded as old acquaintances.

After solving a few main characters, the remaining tricks can't be perfunctory, but with G Electric in charge, she doesn't need to worry about it.

To be honest, this is the first time for her to take on this kind of multi-party coordination task, and not being able to fully control it may indeed have some bad consequences.

Of course, nothing has happened yet, and it may be smooth sailing without any surprises.

If it's the latter case, it's naturally the last.

However, from a rational point of view, it is obviously unrealistic that there will be no problems at all. Anyway, she is already prepared.

After the actor was found, Luo Quan basically stayed at Tan Gong's house for the past few days, didn't go out much, and started his house girl life again.

But a house is a house, but it doesn't mean that you don't exercise.

After all, the area of ​​the house is large, and running around the wall in the living room on the first floor is more than 100 meters. Running a few laps every day is definitely effective.

But Luo Quan's current figure does not support her to use running as a form of exercise.

So she chose something more peaceful, such as lying flat on a yoga board.

Yes, lying flat.

A few days ago, the lazy exerciser she bought online arrived. Wearing it on her waist and pressing the fat burning mode can replace the human body for exercise.

According to the news, although the amount of exercise is still not as good as traditional sports such as running and skipping.

But the advantage lies in the convenience, and it is very targeted for shaping the vest line.

After looking at the comment area, there are more positive reviews, thinking that it is not expensive anyway, so I bought it and tried it.

After trying it, I found that it is really good, and I can sweat while lying down.

However, Luo Quan did not return to the lazy dog ​​mode. He lay down for at least 10 minutes every day, which was regarded as a warm-up. After warming up, he began to do yoga.

It is not realistic to rely on machines alone to maintain a good figure. Life lies in exercise.

"Are you busy again?"

In the living room on the first floor, Wen Xia saw Luo Quan posing on the yoga board again.

Every bulge and sag of that graceful and graceful figure has a beautiful and moving arc, which makes people's hearts turbulent.

To be honest, Wen Xia is really envious of Luo Quan having such a good figure that can be called explosive, which is a realm she can't reach no matter how hard she practices.

Genetic advantage?This was the only explanation Wen Xia could think of.

"If you're not looking for a boyfriend, who will show you such a good figure?" Wen Xia muttered to herself with her chin propped up.

"If you put this on Weibo, you can't be attacked by female fists?" Luo Quan stretched his arms and waist, and smiled at Wen Xia: "A good figure is for boyfriends to see? Already."

Wen Xia curled her lips: "Is that for yourself?"

"It must be for male fans, otherwise, why do you think I have so many good-looking fans?"

Wen Xia smiled: "Good guy, you're pretty straight-forward, aren't you?"

"Just discussing the matter." Luo Quan exhaled and gradually stretched his body.

Although yoga does not move much, it requires a lot of physical strength to maintain a movement because of the extremely high requirements on the swing angle of the limbs.

So a jog does not burn as much calories as a yoga session.

The premise is that the movements must be as standard as Luo Quan.

Sitting cross-legged on the yoga board, Luo Quan wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel, and looked at Wen Xia: "I heard that a celebrity recently had an affair with you on the Internet, saying that you two are in love, is it true?"

"Fake, you're so smart that you can't see that it's a deliberate hype by the media?" Wen Xia flatly denied it.

"I said why did you lose your fans? The transformation is fake. It's true that you were affected by this scandal, right?" Luo Quan put down the towel and looked into Wen Xia's eyes.

"Why, do you think I'm lying to you?" Wen Xia blinked her big eyes, and said with a smile, "Transformation is indeed the reason for losing points, but I didn't say it was the only reason."

"So the scandal is true?"

Wen Xia shook her head: "Fake, I was a tomboy when I debuted, and I can't fall in love with anyone."

"Then how did this news become as true as it was?" Now it was Luo Quan's turn to be puzzled.

"Because this person has a good relationship with the media, and his popularity is very high in China now, since he can create topics, why did he refuse.

Besides, when the hype appeared, I clarified and denied it immediately, but the fans didn't believe there was any way, and there were still many people on the Internet who insisted on me and that person forming a CP. "After Wen Xia finished speaking, her expression was also very helpless.

Luo Quan has actually encountered this situation of being kidnapped by public opinion.

However, her situation is in Japan, where the public uses her and Jing Gongmasa as a group cp, and the momentum is extremely large.

To put it simply, most people hope that the two can succeed. Although Luo Quan's fighting power is beyond the charts, he has no power to resist this kind of offensive, so he can only flee.

Wen Xia can't escape, everything she has is basically in Huaxia.

And looking at the meaning, the team behind her seems to have the intention of taking advantage of the slope to get off the donkey.

Wen Xia herself is quite resistant, but she can't make the decision completely. After all, it's just a scandal and hype, and it's not a negative impact of any crime. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"By the way, your contract expires this summer, right?" Luo Quan remembered this matter.

After Wen Xia returned to China, the contract with Penguin was signed for three years in the summer of 16.

Now the three-year period is approaching... Then Wen Xia is about to regain her freedom.

"Are you interested in coming to our company?" This was Luo Quan's first invitation to Wen Xia.

If it was in the summer of 16, when Luo Quan said this, Wen Xia must have just taken her as a joke.

At that time, Luo Quan had just released his first album, which was not a small achievement, but it was not a great success either.

But now, Luo Quan made this request again.

Not to mention her, all the stars in the world will probably seriously consider it.

If you are content with the status quo, your career will not have too many ups and downs. It won't be much better, but it won't be much worse either.

But if he hangs out with her, then he will be recorded in the annals of history.

Faced with such a temptation, Wen Xia's performance is:

"Then if I go, you won't squeeze me, will you? After all, you have been my defeat so many times before."

"Hehe, am I such a petty person?" Luo Quan raised his head coldly, definitely Wen Xia really underestimated her.

"Let's talk about it after my contract expires." Wen Xia nodded and sighed again: "It's really hard to get along with Penguin, although the resources are top-notch, but many things have to be arranged by the company, and there is no free time.

Since the restrictions on drafts for minors, half of my motivation in life has been lost, and the remaining half is for acting. I wanted to study and polish it, but the company kept letting me take on the role..."

"It also includes this hype." Luo Quan added for Wen Xia.

"I still can't do things like putting down my bowl and scolding my mother, after all, I did get some benefits, and I didn't really object to the company.

It's just that I don't like this way of blogging in my heart. "

"I don't like being upright." Luo Quan smiled, "Anyway, if you come to our company, I won't force you to do what you don't want to do, but the resource density is not as much as it was in Penguin."

"I know this. I'm not bad now. As long as I improve my acting skills, the resources will come to you on their own initiative." Wen Xia's tone was very confident.

"That's true." Luo Quan gave her a thumbs up, "It seems that you can see clearly."

"Damn it, are you trying to coax me into being a fool?" Wen Xia felt that something was wrong with her friend's words, she stretched out her hand like a claw, apparently to punish Bo Luoquan again, and let her know who is in the dominant position.

However, Luo Quan had been on guard for a long time, and rolled three times like a carpet, escaping from Wen Xia's clutches.

With a distance, it is impossible for Wen Xia to succeed with Luo Quan's skill.

But because of the shadow in her heart, she didn't dare to fight back.

If Wen Xia pokes her, it will be troublesome.

The two circled around the coffee table and staged a scene of Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin. They tossed and tossed for more than two minutes, and then both of them were so tired that they put their hands on their hips before they stopped.

"This is much more exercise or something." Wen Xia said and stopped.

She was born in singing and dancing, and her physical strength is not bad, but after so many laps, she was still so tired that she was out of breath.

And Luo Quan was not much better, after all, he had just exercised for a round before.

"What are you two doing so out of breath?" Su Yu came down from upstairs when he heard the movement.

"It's okay, I did some exercise." Luo Quan sat down on the sofa and poured himself a glass of Coke.

"I don't know if my aunt has been here these days?" Wen Xia snatched Luo Quan's drink, muttering like an old woman.

"I'm too lazy to be killed by Coke." Luo Quan was taken aback, "Besides, it's not ice."

"Drink more plain water during this period." Wen Xia opened the Coke and drank it by herself, "This is a junk drink, it contains hormones, and it's not good for your body."

After finishing speaking, she burped.

"Speaking of which, you are really good. You can run like this when your aunt comes."

"Damn!" Luo Quan's expression changed suddenly, "I'd forget if you didn't tell me!"

After speaking, he ran upstairs with his legs crossed.

Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan who left in embarrassment, still smiling happily.

The outside world says she is a tomboy, but who knows, Luo Quan is more like her in private, and it is true that she is not concerned about the details.

Five minutes later, Luo Quan changed into a pair of pants. Fortunately, the previous pair of yoga pants was darker in color and not damaged.

This is the trouble of women, there are always a few days every month.

But she is relatively good, at least her stomach doesn't hurt when the time comes.

It is said that when the aunt comes, the girl will have a very painful stomach and feel very uncomfortable.

But she really didn't experience it much, and the few times it was not so obvious, she drank some hot water and endured it.

"Boss, do you want me to boil brown sugar water for you, and prepare some painkillers?"

The whole room was full of women. Seeing what Luo Quan was doing just now, he must know what was going on.

It was also because there were many women in the family that Su Yu bought a lot of pain relief medicine, as well as things like keeping warm.

"No need, I never drink these things." Luo Quan waved his hand, "However, let's have a lighter meal at noon, green vegetable porridge with lean meat, and less salt."

There are not many girls in the house who can cook, and Su Yu happens to be one of them.

The craftsmanship is definitely not as good as Luo Quan's, but it's not bad, so let her show it off this time.

So, at noon, the other girls had no taboos, and only Luo Quan ate the small stove and the bland lean meat porridge.

If it's to lose weight, she doesn't want to lose weight one day, and it doesn't hurt to eat a meal.

But when the aunt came, she really didn't dare to mess around, she should rest or rest.

Although people's physique cannot be generalized, and she does not say that she is the same as Superman, but it is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

But in the face of this kind of problem, everyone is equal, and there is no way.

Unless you practice immortality, you can pluck the five grains and kill the red dragon when you reach a certain level, and there will be no such troubles.

It's a pity that without this condition, it cannot be repaired.

(End of this chapter)

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